Kashmir Black Day: A Day To Protest Muslim Genocide in IOK

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Kashmir black day: A day to protest

Muslim genocide in IOK

Pakistan has left no stone unturned in raising its voice for the emancipation
of occupied Kashmir from the clutches of India's atrocities on almost all
international forums, writes Waseem Shabbir.
Waseem Shabbir
October 25, 2020

Kashmir black day is observed every year on 27th October in Pakistan and
Kashmir in commemoration of the matchless sacrifices made by freedom fighters
of occupied Kashmir against inhumane and illegal occupation by India. Literally,
the Indian government, on 27 October 1947, illegally occupied Jammu and
Kashmir; therefore, observing this day is meant to condemn and denounce that
illegitimate and despotic usurpation of Kashmir by India.

Read more: Demographic change: The constant Kashmiri fear

On this day, rallies are organized across Pakistan, to extend solidarity with
Kashmiri brothers and sisters to stand up with them in these difficult times.
Kashmir issue is raised in front of the world by highlighting innumerable
atrocities of Indian troops and upholding the Kashmiris’ right to self-
determination, on this very day.

Pakistan’s efforts to resolve Kashmir conflict

Pakistan has left no stone unturned in raising its voice for the emancipation of
occupied Kashmir from the clutches of India’s atrocities on almost all
international forums. Recently, Pakistan has too expedited its diplomatic efforts
to convince international community to draw their special attention towards
the issue of Kashmir.

Read more: FO slams India for state terrorism in occupied Kashmir

In this regard, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, tried hard
to convene ministerial meeting of OIC members in order to reach a durable
solution to the Kashmir issue. PM Imran Khan, on the seventy fifth session of UN
General Assembly, highlighted the Kashmir issue in his speech on a priority basis,
demanding the world leaders to take Kashmir issue in their due consideration.
Whether it is a meeting of SCO or that of SAARC, Kashmir issue doesn’t go

How it started

The major  cause behind Kashmir conflict which triggered this crisis was the
wrongful signing of a document named “Instrument of accession” by Hari Sing of
the princely state of Kashmir on 26 October 1946, in which he agreed to accede to
Indian dominion.

Severe humanitarian violations have assumed a form of dreadful picture in

occupied Kashmir.

Read more: Kashmiris must be party to any solution to Kashmir, Moeed Yusuf

tells India

Apart from that, Maharaja’s immoral and deceitful accession to Indian dominion
was later accepted by the then viceroy Lord Mountbatten. More to their
hypocrisy, this princely state of Kashmir was intentionally left undecided, with
false promises of holding a referendum  on it to decide its future accession either
to Pakistan or India by the British government at the time of  the partition on
August 1947, but unluckily no such promise was fulfilled by them and they left
Kashmir to smolder.

Kashmir under Modi’s India

Moreover, in an attempt to convert Muslim population into a minority, Modi led

BJP government, on 5th-August-2019, had unlawfully and illegitimately annexed
the disputed state of Kashmir to India by allegedly abrogating Article 370 and
35A, the former of which grants occupied people of Kashmir an autonomous
status to form their own government in order to run internal affairs of the state
and the latter serves them as shield that restrains and restricts the people from
India to buy land and properties and setting up their businesses within the area of
occupied  Kashmir. This constitutional deception by Indian government has once
again rekindled the issue of Kashmir which is equivalent to rubbing salt on the
wounds of thousands of Kashmiris.

Deplorably, UN, the world’s largest organization, has utterly failed in settling the
Kashmir dispute

The insurgency in Kashmir is still active even in the wake of Covid-19. Every new
day, the increasingly aggravated situation in held Kashmir is catching more
attention of the world, making it a global issue. Severe humanitarian violations
have assumed a form of dreadful picture in occupied Kashmir. The tightening
blockade of Kashmir and heavy curfew for last 15 months has made lives of 9
million Muslims miserable.

Read more: Virus lockdown returns in Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Presumably, 14 thousand people have been arrested amidst this inhumane

besiege. Likewise, number of Hurriyat leaders including Syed Ali Gilani continue
to remain under house detention.

Hundreds of people are routinely subjected to torture and baton charge by Indian
deployed troops

Reports depict that Indian troops have martyred 214 and injured 1390 people
during continuous siege for last fifteen months in addition to approximately
95647 life casualties that have been recorded from 1989 till date. The troops
injured 10,240 by pellet guns and have blinded over five dozen, while the eyesight
of 385 people was damaged.
Read more: Indian military admits it brutally killed at least three Kashmiris in
staged gunfight

Moreover, 3400 people are reported to have been disappeared since the eruption
of insurgency in Kashmir. It has been reported that more than 900 Kashmiri
women have become a victim of gang-rapes by Indian forces till date. Modi’s
government is adamantly sustaining the annexation of held Kashmir, continuing
the curfew, persecuting Kashmiris and granting no relief to the oppressed people
even during Covid-19.

Furthermore, scarcity of food and medicine has badly worsened the lives of
people in Kashmir. Hundreds of people are routinely subjected to torture and
baton charge by Indian deployed troops. People are restricted from going to
mosques. Children, aging from two to three are dying due to shortage of milk.
Patients are not being properly taken care of nor  are they being provided with
good medical treatment in hospitals. Constant closure and shutdown of Kashmir
has disrupted food supply; thus, compelling people to starve to death. Mobile and
net services are suspended from the first day the curfew was imposed along with
stiff censorship on print and electronic media, which has disconnected
approximately 90,000 people from the world.

International organizations must play their part 

Deplorably, UN, the world’s largest organization, has utterly failed in settling the
Kashmir dispute, proving itself to be a toothless body that has turned its blind
eyes from genocide of Muslims in Kashmir; thus not fulfilling its objective for
which it was formed. Similarly, OIC another big bloc of 57 Muslim countries,
whose previous records have never been pleasant to tackle the problems of
Muslim ummah, has turned a deaf ear to the atrocities being inflicted on Muslims
by Indian forces in Kashmir. Likewise, “SAARC” a south Asian based organization
comprising of eight member states is too not accredited for not playing a
significant role towards the resolution of Kashmir dispute.

Read more: Turkey’s unwavering support source of strength for Kashmiris: PM


To summarize, first, ICJ “International Court of Justice” must play its unbiased
role to resolve the Kashmir case under its legal and lawful judgements. Second,
Security Council; one of the most important organs of UN, should also play its
due part in putting occupied Kashmiris’ right of self-determination into practice
under Security Council Resolution 47 adopted on 21 April 1948. Third, UN should
send its peace keeping missions to Kashmir to halt human rights violations
amidst this insurgency in held Kashmir; it will considerably restore durable peace
and prosperity there. Last but not the least, Amnesty International must draw its
full attention towards the Indian war crimes in held Kashmir.

Waseem Shabbir is a Gujranwala based political analyst and a freelance

columnist. He can be reached at waseemshabbir78@gmail.com. The views
expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the
editorial policy of Global Village Space.

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