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Global cities

Economic power

- New York city may have the largest stock market

- Tokyo had the greatest number of headquarters
- While Shang Hai may have smaller stock market than New York and Tokyo but the play a critical
role in world economic supply chain for they became as the manufacturing center of the world.

Economic opportunities

- More businesses more opportunities for the skilled workers.

- Global cities will give livelihood to the community around her
- Silicon Valley, located in the South San Francisco Bay Area of California, is a global center of
technological innovation. Named for the main material in computer microprocessors, Silicon
Valley is home to dozens of major technology, software, and internet companies.
- We will talk about the problem here later

Economic competitiveness

- When we say economic competitiveness, it is the ability of a business or country to compete to

international markets (Jollibee)
- Striving for the competitiveness is striving for rising prosperity
- Global cities are center of economic competitiveness because of the different international
products that are located in one place.
- The EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) has added some criteria to rank the countries like…
- These are “basic requirements” which comprise institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic
environment and health and primary education.

Center of Authorities

- Global cities are also center of authorities

- Washington DC may not as wealthy as New York but it is the location of the American state
power. Major landmarks are also located there such as white house, Lincoln park etc.

Political Influence

- Cities that have major international organization may also be considered as centers of political
- For example the headquarters of UN is in New York City , The European Union is in Russels,
Belgium, and the headquarter of ASEAN is located in Jakarta, Indonesia

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