Alphamale Book Blue

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The BLUE Tab

Alpha Men
This guide tells how the alpha male acts, attracts, interacts, and impacts
the women in his life and how to get you laid.

Table of Contents
Attractive Women Do Not Like Short, Fat, Bald Guys
Body Language and Alpha
Body Language that is known to Turn Women Off
Chief Secret Behind Striking Body Language
Secrets Revealed about Being Handsome
Alpha Men Exude Trust
Create Fated Encounters
Have You Ever Had Sex On the First Date?
Don’t Be Nervous Around Women
Shut Her Mouth
Boyfriend Techniques
Conversation with Attractive Women
Get Treated the Way You Want, from any Woman
Get her to like you

I Am Man Yes I Am

Welcome All Men.

Some alpha argue that many men today have fallen for the “Brilliant
Approach” while others believe the true communicator is from a hereditary
“it-factor”. Others like myself believe that if any man is given tried and
tested knowledge which that man will not question in practice or question
the authority of its tried method will succeed.

In other words, duplication of a known winning formula is a good day

to bet. The alpha mindset is not for everyone but you should always open
your mind to proven knowledge and then decide for yourself if you should
use it or not.

Hello, my name is Kings and I was elected to squash the rumors, plow
the fields and give insight on getting women to sleep with you. Simply, an
alpha male can attract women with the snap of his fingers if he so chooses.
He can do this because he understands that giving women a complete
package in a short amount of time is vital for his success.

The idea is that a man should simply implement these theories in

practical life and prove me wrong. However to those in the know, this book
may guide or alter the way you perceive life, dating, and women.

If you choose to use the information in this book you will get rejected
and you will get the rolling of the eyes and flipping of their hair but you
must remember what you really get is knowledge and knowledge is power. If
you follow the path we present to you on a silver platter you may start to
wonder how to keep women at bay once you start using these charming and
seductive lessons in attraction.

Many believe being alpha allows a man to find the best girlfriend or
wife possible if that is his goal. The knowledge in this guide may give you
just what you need to put you over the top in life or in your job role. The
alpha man is always looking for ways to improve his chances of success and
understands his libido is an important part of his being.

So go ahead and read further so you too can get noticed by women,
get wanted by women, and more importantly feel good about yourself while
building your confidence in life. It is high time and I know you are ready to
raise some asses, I mean, we are happy you decided to #takethetab

September 2014


How to get a girlfriend even
though you are short, fat or bald.
If you do not know how to get a girlfriend and keep her on your jock, then
read on.

Let’s clear this up now. First thing so we can focus on more important
factors that really matter in the eyes of women. If you want to get a girl to
have sex with you, but you have hang-ups about your height, being ugly,
your pot belly or your hair or your…. then you definitely need to get on our
mailing list today. You may be an average looking guy with a high-pitched
voice or have looks that only your mother or family would adore, but I
promise if you follow The Blue Tab you will have a better understanding of
yourself and how an Alpha male acts, attracts, interacts, and impacts the
women in his life.

Men should always stand tall without fears or phobias about their
height or their stature, their nose, their small penis or anything else your
imagination can imagine is not adequate. Back in the day, a rule of thumb
for Alpha was to get some muscles, especially short Alpha. Today, if you
aren’t exercising you are missing out on all the glory. If you exercise
regularly this will not only help with your physical appearance, but also
skyrocket your confidence. Through the muscles you can get the feeling of
strong inner attitude along with a new level of energy that girls want to
touch. Men who are muscular and have well defined bodies are going to
have far more success with women, than the regular guy using the same
techniques yet the average guy who has a plan and uses proven techniques
to get girls should be plenty satisfied. The boost of confidence with a
composed and toned posture because of regular exercise are bound to result
in positive body language.

We have found it is more important to know how to impress a girl.

Our studies show most small men to be normally fit and routinely
have their own unique style that matches their personality. So keep in mind
that what you believe to be your flaws truly only gets in your way of
attracting women. It is amazing to think your beliefs and taught actions are
not allowing you to get laid whenever you want but this is fact. If you
believe that your ugly looking face is getting in the way of getting a woman
to bed with you, then you are wrong, but it is actually the belief you have
about your face that interferes with your inner sense of confidence. Hence
your lack of confidence is what actually makes women avoid you.

Short men can be extremely physical because they tend to work out
more while being able to do more reps because of their short arms and legs.
Many men enjoy lifting weights and understand the benefits of
cardiovascular exercise daily.

Women are really not going to care about your height, when you rip
off your shirt to a toned body. Many alpha men state that a pit-bull can
dominate the bigger dogs for many reasons. If you have a hang up on being
short this could be a focal point for you. There is no need for you to become
a jerk and get over-confident, but a certain level of attitude is required and
sometimes being the jerk is really exciting. Girls like excitement.

If you have not heard of Al Pacino and Napoleon, then let me remind
you that both of these men were short, exciting and yet they ruled countries
and hearts for years. Normally, short guys are awesome with the ladies
anyway and are able to perform the same activities as tall men without the
hassles of engineering and gravity. Some Alpha believe short males may
have a bit of an advantage with ladies solely based upon their stature. Our
research shows that women love short guys and consider them to be more
friendly partners. The women who have positive rapport with short men also
end up fucking most of them. There are many short guys or ugly looking men
who have been able to have success and attention from women. So no

matter how much you hate your height, or the way you look. It really only
matters to you.

Short men have many choices to boost confidence for their public
appearances. A smart option is to invest in a nice pair of boots not only
because it adds a couple of inches to their height but also because it helps
them to achieve more confidence. It is an amazing feeling when you put on
a new pair of boots. Somehow, you get more power and you feel as if you
are ready to kick the world’s ass. Vertical striped shirts can also do wonders
for short men and tight clothes are suggested as they make you look taller
and reveal what lies beneath those shirts. This makes you look slender and
of course, much taller and more confident on the inside when you look in
the mirror and the outside when all eyes are on you.

Let’s discuss how any negative can be turned to gold with the right
approach and if you are able to master the technique of doing this, anything
is possible. Man can turn a small flaw like a high pitched voice into a big
trademark through comical acts, humor, YouTube videos, radio or the
plethora of options available today through technology. I know you have
heard it before but it could change your life if used at the right time and in
the right place. You must always be ready to perform and as well, these
unique talents only make you more attractive to women.

A concept called reframing can be used to develop your confidence. The

concept is basically related with every negative belief that you have. All of
these negative beliefs can be turned to positive if you can somehow open
your mind and approach the situation brilliantly. You may want to research
“reframing” online for more detailed information but in general here is how
it works.

 Instead of feeling that you hate your voice you should think of ways
to use your unique voice to get your own trademark that can set you

apart from a lot of other people or find that phrase or line that just
rolls perfectly off your lips and always makes the girls laugh.

 If you have a face, which is pockmarked from acne then you should
not pity yourself as almost every star on television has some sort of
mark they are known for. Do you have a birthmark or some other
abrasion, tattoo, freckles, moles, even warts? Although people may
look, nobody really cares but you. I have found the younger the man
the more stuck on vanity he is although many men in the past twenty
years have turned metrosexual as a whole. Do not let this be you or
pick up the smart habits, not the ones that waste your time. Think
your imagination controls your thoughts?

 Those who believe they are too short should stop sulking and think of
ways through which they can actually look taller. These include
methods like using vertical stripes, no pleaded pants, wearing boots
and hats. The Alpha male is comfortable in his skin and out of his
clothes. You are just another human male body with most likely a
short dick and a brain. Which trait do you think will get her in bed

As you ponder over these questions, if you think that most women expect
and want a handsome male to approach them then you are absolutely right.
So maybe instead, the not so handsome male in the eyes of himself can
catch them off guard and unexpectedly. Go to her and display a sincere
smile and quick deep eye gaze. She would not be expecting you to hit on her
or she may have not even taken notice of you until now. One thing is
certain, she will admire your confident behavior.

Some men who have been coached with the alpha male strategies are
now able to limit their belief in concern with their voices, the way they
look, genetics and other related factors knowing that they are part of being

a male human. Any form of negative belief is going to sabotage your chances
of success with women and in life.

Be positive and be gracious you are alive and remember that it is

documented known fact that through trial and tests women are attracted to
a man with high confidence. So you should focus on becoming confident by
getting comfortable with yourself and never again putting yourself down or
believing you are not good enough for this world or the many women in it.
A smart plan is to turn your flaws from weaknesses into traits which would
set you apart from regular guys and allow you a unique hidden advantage
amongst your peers.

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, low confidence is proven to be

more destructive with laying girls than your receding hairline or the scar
from being in a fire when you were three years old.

In conclusion, physical factors are not the only concern with women
so there is no need for you to panic if you have the hang ups of believing
you are short or believe you are ugly. You can look attractive by simply
changing a few habits along with your body language to get surrounded by
hot women and in almost all cases you are worried about something that is
holding you back from greatness and I promise you, it’s not worth it. As an
Alpha male I will assure that you are not alone in your worry and upset of
what you believe to be your physical flaws. She believes she is flawed as
well and in most cases no matter how hot you think she is, she probably
believes her body is more flawed than yours. Not being confident about the
way you look is a waste of time and your energy. Use that energy for
exercise. If alpha does not like something, he changes it and if he cannot
change it, he does not think about it often or at all.

You should type or write your negative beliefs about your body that
cannot be changed. Once the negative list is completed write positive,
uplifting traits about yourself and how you can make those so-called flaws

into attractions. Use reframing and get the confidence and ego you need to
attract girls naturally. Never forget that men are the Kings of earth no
matter what insecurities they have or have had.

Body Language and Alpha?

Did you know that body language can be singled out as one of the most
important attributes in your life as a social being? Yea, she knows almost
immediately if you are one not to judge because nobody likes to be judged.

If you are a man and have a difficult time getting women to notice
you it is probably because you have habitually learned negative body
language that is not open for communication. Alpha men focus on “being”
and give body language a lot of emphasis and thought. Even though being a
man is not entirely about getting girls, body language is a big factor and
both are inter-related.

Your body language reflects a lot of qualities about you, and

remember that this may be the only way women are going to judge you if
you do not get to interact with them. If people know it or not, almost every
person on earth tries to maintain positive body language in public places.

Don’t be scared of taking up space, you need lots of room. Body

language and facial expressions are complimentary, and hence when you
walk into a bar, church, ball game, or grocery store you need to have your
toolbox open and ready so you can get what you want.

Tools and tactics are vital for consistent success and these are
researched and normally planned details which help land more of the things
you want in life. The alpha knows as fact that body language is a major
piece of human communication and getting laid. Even though it is basically a
non-verbal form of communication, it has the potential to display your
internal emotional state according to our life long research and we are
positive it works.

For example, fidgeting too much on a date would show that you are a
nervous wreck as well as show your lack of confidence in getting laid. She is
thinking within minutes if you may be the one to rock her world and you
knock the water glass over on the table in the first few minutes of its arrival
you are going to be getting another hand job from yourself that night unless
you make sure it lands on her clothes because that will be the best chance
you have to get her out of her out of them.

While she is changing you should practice. Make sure that you sit
comfortably, keep your legs and shoulders relaxed and pretend as if you
own the place and are a regular at the establishment. Quit looking around
so much unless you are marking territory. Always try to keep your hands and
arms open, relaxed and stable. You should keep them about eighteen inches
apart and keep the palms facing each other. Let your fingers curve slightly
upward to create a feeling of relaxation.

Practice this in your mind, view every little detail then go and
practice in the live world with real people. This appears simplistic but is

Normally when alpha men walk into a room, heads turn. You have
seen it before in your life if you pay attention.

If you slouch your shoulders, have no or minimal eye contact and

smile to much you can quickly turn an entire room off. You know it’s bad
when ugly women won’t even say “Hello”.

Are you excited to be put in the friend zone or even worse the pity
zone? Bid farewell to the times when you would pass in front of a girl three
times just to get her to notice you. Now you can just focus on the number of
girls you want, who will be constantly passing you, bending over in front of
you, smiling at you, staring at you hoping to get your attention.

Some researched factors that make alpha men attractive to women
include keeping the facial muscles relaxed most of the time; almost
expressionless with bursts of a smile or smirk. Choose your bursts wisely. So
don’t tense your jaw, or frown or wrinkle your face a lot when you are with
women. Your shoulders should be relaxed and not slumped or slouched, or
even raised too much. Your eyes are the vision to your soul and you should
treat them as such. Don’t eyeball girls and start licking your lips while
rubbing your hands together until before you have had sex with them.
Rather stay relaxed and stare into their eyes while thinking positive
affirmations while moving your plan forward.

Guys, while on the prowl you need to focus on body language

constantly because women find body language and confidence key to their
choice in pro creation. So exercise appealing body language instead of
external grooming all the time. However, if you are not exercising your
mind and your body daily you MUST start NOW. I cannot emphasize how
important lifting weights and cardio exercise are to your health and allowing
you to get the hottest babes. Almost all alpha I know believe exercise is a
strong factor in getting what you want out of life in all aspects. If you are
not exercising daily right now, I strongly recommend you start so that you
can literally change your life. We have a program we recommend and will
share with you the details of it soon.
Thank You for being part of our House which is our email list.

Did you know a woman can become mesmerized by your voice? Men
should focus on improving their voice tone in certain circumstance? At one
time I tried different voice tones around different girls to see which worked
best. I know this sounds crazy, but the best voice wins the microphone. If
you sound whiny when you talk you have much work to do here. Try and
attain a commanding voice because women like a man who can protect
them in time of need and I am told by many women it reminds them of their
father. Imagine that. Make sure you don’t sound too loud or panicky and

there should be composure and ease in your tone. Don’t strain your voice or
speak too fast, it will just make you seem like a needy beta male. Are you a
beta male? Do you keep the upper hand with women or are you whippy boy?

When you talk to girls, do not stand face to face, open front unless
you are her boss or having sex with her. Always have an angle in everything
you do in life. Angles allow success! Alpha males are aware about handling
non-verbal communication and making use of other seductive body
techniques while forcing action in our favor.

For example, if you are trying to seduce a woman, your body

language is a weapon of mass destruction. You would tear down buildings,
fly to the moon or even do the dishes for her in this moment of seduction.
When you are at the middle ground with a girl in conversation and you are
staring into each other’s eyes you can hypnotize her brain by looking at her
left eye, then her right and then her mouth. Switch up every few seconds
and if you continue the pattern she may mimic you. If this happens, ask her,
do you want to kiss me? She will.

You must make things happen, nothing happens without action. Take
the kiss if you must, she will like your confidence. If you are a man then you
should make attempts to understand and implement the basics of body
language and never give up on what works with women and remember, your
eyes can say everything, without saying anything.

It is still rare to find women who approach men in the pursuit of

happiness however with smart body language you can increase your odds.
There is no better confidence builder than being approached by a hot girl or
two or three of them. Study body language for life.

Body Language That Is
Known to Turn Women Off
So you may enjoy sitting like a dork but she probably will not even give you
another thought, except for smirking at you with pity. If you really want to
know how to attract girls, then you need to know more about avoiding the
simple mistakes almost every man makes on a daily basis when trying to get

Your hands become an important part of non-verbal communication and this

is why they can also become just another reason to destroy the attraction
you are working to build. Remember, wrong hand movements could
communicate masturbation for you again.

One of the biggest mistakes made is displaying anxiety with your hands
and usually this can be seen from the following behavior.

 Turning hands into fists- You are certainly not trying to punch her or
scare her. Alpha use fists for goons and gifts; not hot girls
 Shredding off napkins- Certainly not a craft class in session here
 Sitting on your hands- the girl would think that you are trying to
scratch your butt or something, so don’t ever do that.
 Holding something very tightly- The only thing that you should be
holding is her. Touch her arm or hand gently when talking; frequently
 Fiddle your fingers or thumbs- guys, even kindergarten kids behave
more appropriately.
 Sitting on your hands to stop them from shaking
 Trying to hold your hands weirdly like in a movie or something
 Putting fingers in your mouth- not normal even for grown beta men

 Many women do not like men that cross their legs as women do
although I find it extremely comfortable.
 Don’t eat or talk with your mouth open or smack your food, no
elbows on the table
 Staring at women to deeply, for too long, or like she’s dinner- Women
hate this more than anything
 Grabbing your jock every five minutes
 Try not to be aloof by using big exaggerated motion, girls get
confused sometimes

Always convey that you are calm and in control even if you aren’t
because there is nothing more that attracts a woman besides your Audi S8 in
the parking lot. If you want to attract hot girls, then guys, you really need
to play it cool. Really, almost all women look the same if you strip them of
their clothes and stand them on their heads. So get at ease and reflect the
true qualities of man by not displaying these postures. Rid yourself of habits
that women find repulsive while you are around them or in prowl mode.
Quit staring at her tits and make sure that you pat them on the ass only
when they deserve it. Women should be rewarded for their actions, not
their looks or stupidity.

Chief Secret Behind

Striking Body Language
Have you ever watched the A-list movie stars and celebrities closely
in real life? A great lesson is to watch them walk, talk and act in public. You
would notice a common pattern if you did. So if you want to get celebrity
like stature from women then you need to have open, communicative and
seductive body language like the stars.

Most celebrity and high profile males who are surrounded with the
most beautiful women, have an aura of confidence about them. There is
something different about the way they move, sit, talk and even smile. This

happens because they know, have learned from experience and have been
taught how important body language is to their life and career.

Have you ever seen the entertainers or stars appear nervous or

fidgety when it matters? Even with the most embarrassing questions thrown
at them, you would rarely see them frown, appear slouching or scratching
their face inappropriately. A smile is always retained on their faces and
their body language is composed and steady. Actually, most actors state
even they are nervous at many events or social gatherings. They are just
like you; human.

Body language techniques have been hidden for many years and have
been used by the high status guys since the beginning of politics. After
reading this you will start to see these differences in the alpha and beta
males as you journey through your life. There will most likely be the boss
and the worker.

If you practice though you can get the CEO from your work to notice
you. Have you ever wanted to date your boss, do you like older women or
MILF’s or cougars?

A key to body language is to relax your body and breathe through

your abdomen instead of your chest and throat. If you are breathing from
your chest up then you would be showing symptoms of someone who is
panicky and would certainly not be capable of handling a date, let alone
fucking her well.

When on the prowl stay away from all nonverbal behaviors, which
display symptoms of anxiety or worry. These include-

 Raising the shoulders continuously in the “I don’t know” motion

 Making faces that result in wrinkles on your forehead
 Fidgeting with your hands and feet, or cracking your fingers

 Tightening the muscles of the face
 Picking or biting your nails
 Big changes in mood
 Drinking too much alcohol/drugs

Let your muscles be at ease and reduce movements and jerks. An

alpha would be composed even in the busiest or most hectic of days. There
would be no panic on his face and his body language would be composed,
without jerks and sudden movements; normally he is fluid.

Alpha men usually move unhurriedly and act like they are in control
of time itself. Some believe speed in motion is a turn on for women but
most men usually have more nervous energy and make jerky and non-fluid
movements that waste time and energy.

Relax the eyes and eyelids because blinking too much is also a
negative body language trait. You should try and avoid the eyes being wide
open. This would clearly show that you are nervous as your eyes are also
probably wandering around the room. Think of things that sooth you and let
your eyelids relax and be stable. The skill to be able to relax is a most vital
factor in body language and thus deserves consistent practice on your

Have you been around one of your friends when they were nervous or
worried? The emotion of worry can steal some of the hottest girls from you
and thus your focus should be on positive body language instead of worrying
about if she will like your or not.

Let go of these worrisome ideas and feel relaxed and happy to be in

her presence. Worried people could also be either looking down at the
ground or sitting with their arms crossed, foot tapping or they would be
fidgeting with voices cracking and eyes popping from their skulls. They use
words like yea and uh-huh. Ok actually that’s what beta males say. Don’t

you get repelled by such portrayal of behavior? The alpha men never says
uh-huh unless it’s being done sarcastically or to move something in a
direction of their choice.

The rule of thumb is that you should not allow yourself to feel
worried ever. These worries are not going to help you solve any problem and
hence you should stop getting bothered with these matters and focus on
getting laid since that is why you are here. Worries normally fix themselves
with time unless the worry is money and in that case speed and action work

If you hear someone calling out to you, turn your head slowly and in a
poised manner instead of jumping out of your chair or turning suddenly. If
you get out of your chair quickly or start showing any sudden behavior then
you may scare your date which is now wondering why you are so jumpy
when someone shouts your name.

Simply, body language is almost instinctually appealing to the human

race and can get women soaking wet over you when you can pull it off.
Remember that you cannot create this energy although some have it
naturally in life.

Secrets Revealed about

Being Handsome
We round up a group of women and then poked and prodded them for
answers. If they were over 18 and a woman we used them. With the answers
these ladies have provided, an attempt has been made to find out what
women consider to be immediate deal breakers with guys or what
circumstance would be a deal breaker from the moment of introduction. If
you want to avoid being on the list, then read on. The below were
immediate deal breakers with women on first contact.

Teeth- One of the major factors that women find repulsive is the teeth of
men. So if you think that oral hygiene is not a consideration then think
again. A sweet smile can light up a room and move hearts but what is a
smile without good looking teeth. Go ahead and make the appointment with
a dentist to have those rotten and broken pieces mended. You should brush
and floss regularly and use very little toothpaste. Hydrogen peroxide has
been a better product for me and I recommend its use to everyone.

Hands- Even if your hands are only meant to hold their hands during initial
dates, women like groomed ones. Women notice hands immediately and can
tell if your hands are clean enough for her attention. All blue collared
workers can keep trimmed nails, and keep their hands clean with the
products we have on the market today. A moisturizer at night can work
wonders to ease the roughness and this will not make you lose the tough guy
position. It actually makes you look smart in a woman’s eye. I catch women
looking at my nails all the time. Have her rub some lotion on your dry hands
to heat things up quickly.

Clothes- I am never amazed anymore. What you wear is going to be a vital

factor. Styles are changing at a rapid pace and it is hard to keep up. Wear
more red if single. Wear more blue if you are taken. Unless you are in the
USA, tennis shoes are meant for sports and work boots are meant for work.
Alpha done right makes the tough guy look handsome.

Queens of The Pink Tab states, “Men should be neat without being
anal. They should not look sloppy but should not look so put together that
they appear obsessive-compulsive. I believe most women prefer well-
dressed men, with polished shoes; not sloppy.

There are some guys who can pull of some strange looks that work.
Find your style and match it with your target demographic and when in
doubt, try and dress up in smart clothes, which complement the occasion.
Be comfortable in what you wear. While there is no need for you to be

fashion guru, when you have found your style it should be based on you as
an individual not what everyone thinks you should be. That is how to attract

Clothes, teeth and hands is common sense. Who would have guessed?

Look at your hands right now. Would a girl want your fingers in her mouth or
near her face?

Look at your clothes. Would she like your skull and crossbones tank top?

OK, now go look at your teeth in the mirror. Do you have bad breath? When
were your teeth cleaned last? Do you floss regularly?

This is the basics guys. You can do it. Never skip the basics.

Alpha Men Exude Trust

The dating advice you are about to read is powerful, do not underestimate
its wisdom but remember without a women’s trust, you will struggle.

All men are well-equipped in gaining a woman’s trust but remember that
this is not only about getting her to trust you but you also need to maintain
this trust until you get what you want. Alpha men love fun but normally not
at the cost of hurt feelings or causing heartbreak to someone. So be gentle
and do not break too many hearts with the powerful knowledge I am
privileged to provide you from years of experiences.

When you are out with women you can get their trust by stating something

 I really have this ugly mole on my chest and I feel so conscious about it.
 I get nervous when I am on my first date.

 I hate going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned.
 I have never really enjoyed driving fast, but I bet I could with you.

These phrases may appear a poor idea to your male partners but women
love honesty and they fall like trees on the mill. Minor imperfections don’t
matter to them and they are willing to accept men who know how to take
errors in their stride and be honest with others and themselves. Opening
your guard is a fantastic way to gain trust with women quickly and once she
trusts you, she will unlock her legs.

I will reveal a little-known secret of human persuasion that many alpha men
use. This secret can induce woman to feel total trust for you while they
contemplate if they are going to sleep with you on the first date. It’s hard
for any woman to trust a guy, let alone on the first date but if she is willing
to do so then she is not only attracted to you but she also trusts you.

There are certain factors that you should remember and this equation of
trust and attraction has a dynamic role in your future relationships with
women but you must remember that trust without attraction would usually
result in your date ending with her stating, “You are a great friend and I
love you”.

This means that you are never going to get sex from this particular girl. The
other aspect here is attraction without trust and usually women think
sleeping on a first date are characteristics of loose women, or a ho which
they are not in my view. (What does her issues of sex have to do with me?)

For example, you are on a date and it is about 10 PM and you have used
some great body language with this gorgeous girl since 6PM. The two of you
share good rapport and you have done your best to push the interaction
forward with smart body language, touching her while you chat and making
sure she is comfortable. You absolutely know she is also interested and
obviously attracted to you.

Alpha men assume attraction, unless they are proven otherwise.

Tonight, you have created fate because so far for 4 hours you have a plan
that utilized a cool but functional outfit; preferably something red. You
then added attractive body language throughout the evening, using the
opening up strategy to get her on your side quickly. Touched her arms,
shoulder and hands 300% more than you thought you should do it and in
another hour or so you just may hear that she had never done something so
wild on a first date.

The art of gaining a women’s trust are some of the best-kept secrets of
human persuasion but when a person tells you something against their own
self-interest, you would also trust them. This is a fundamental trait of
human psychology.

Practice this over and over until it is fluent and perfect in delivery.

Create Fated Encounters

For alpha men, fate is self-created and knowing how to start a conversation
with a girl is mandatory.

Do not underestimate your ability to create the perfect encounter by

placing yourself in the right place at the right time but there is no way
alpha men would wait at the supermarket for days hoping that she will show
up again. So get over it guys, fate may favor you once, but the rest of the
days you need to manage your time accordingly.

You can read all about ways through which guys can attract a girl or how to
attract girls, but if you don’t implement these techniques, then fate has
nothing to offer you.

Indeed, it is nice to get women in bed, without any effort, but how much do
you think that actually happens? So you get one drunken girl to bed… Score!
You really need to get over that pitiful image of yours, and make your fate
super-hot girls wanting you to get them alone. Implement changes and
create feelings within women so they feel a deep connection with you
quickly and then work on making them feel that you two have known each
other for years instead of a few hours.

Alpha technique allows you to make an everyday encounter seem like it had
been designated by faith. I stress, have a plan and be ready to use it at a
moment’s notice.

Let’s just imagine each woman has a fantasy, which has captured her mind
from the time since she was a little girl. These thoughts can be triggered by
movies, music, books, stuffed animals or anything else that may provoke the
feeling of something larger than life where fate brings together the
protagonist and the man of her dreams. These can be related to fairy tales
where she envisions kissing a prince, or even some crappy movie about
rescuing her from men with bad teeth and hands. In movies, the girl will
meet the man of her dreams two years later and they would probably work
together or live in the same apartment building. And they date other people
and like each other secretly, and then finally fate brings them together.

Many women usually imagine that one fine day, the sun will shine brighter
than before and the birds will chirp the tweets of love in a magical and
soulful sound of music while the guitar from the Heavens play in the
background like Jimi Hendrix, “Bleeding Heart”. You feel me. This happens
on sidewalks a lot in the busy city, but usually you bump into a cart or spoil
someone’s hot dog. Finding girls this way… Nah. No chance. So, fate is going
to keep you apart in the busy city, from not one but all women.

If you continue to believe in these tales you deserve the fate that occurs but
if there just happens to be that one chance it does happen in your lifetime

you must be prepared; you must have plan, you must be ready to act. Alpha
men do not believe in giving fate the chance to allow another meeting. Fate
will bring you together once, but it is up to you to act on your intuition and
make it last longer than once if you so choose.

Unless you cannot think intelligently, there is no way that you would notice
that fate already gave you so many chances that are now dust in the wind.
Throughout my adult years a smart man taught me that if you bump into
anyone on the sidewalk you should apologize quickly but if she is gorgeous,
apologize immediately and ask them to join you for a bottled water or go
completely unordinary. If you wait for your next chance, when you see her
again in three years you will be looking at pictures of her three year old
child. The Alpha role can allow quick success with girls and will force you to
avoid the months of waiting, sighing and pondering. What a waste of time it
is to ponder over spilt milk.

Anyway, in real life, the alpha male scores over the fate-oriented male like
any football team over the Dallas Cowboys the past years. There is no need
for alpha to wait for the girl of his dreams or line up outside their homes
wasting time. Alpha men make their chances and create their opportunities.
There is really no need for you to wait for months to ask a woman out or to
fuck her. If you disagree, I bet you struggle with trust issues or find it hard
to get other people to trust you.

One way to quickly speed up the seduction process is to find a way to make
women feel deeply connected with you. This technique can work by using
the right words or instance. When you are in conversation with her. Do what
I call, surveillance. Try to bring up all the places she has been or may have
been or better yet, let her tell you.

Suppose she shops at a particular grocery store, then you should also
mention that you were there at the same time or you shop their sometimes
too. Then add punch lines like, “How could I have missed such a gorgeous

lady”. Or “I bet I was in the frozen food aisle freezing. I hate it there but I
really like those microwavable frozen vegetable packs.”

If you also know some of these places, then talk about how cool those
places are. Find common ground quickly and also mention that you can’t
believe the coincidence that you two could have been there at the same
time. Another tactic is once you know her hangouts or where she walks or
drives you can then suggest that you may have actually walked or drove past
each other on many instances. Lines like ‘how strange that fate got us
together’ make sense here.

Let the conversation progress and continue on about many other

coincidences you may have had. Discuss the things that you two might have
done together, had you known each other. Tell her what you would like to
do with her; and quit staring at her tits. These conversations will make her
feel closer to you and now that you have planted the seed, watch her grow
closer to your waiting arm to go around her shoulders. For some reason as
girls think about all these conversations, she may consider that fate meant
for you to be together. And at a deeper psychic level, she would conclude
that you are the man that she had been waiting for all her life.

Yea, I know crazy. Never underestimate “You” getting what you want. Just
make sure to create your fate and never wait, for your time will soon pass
and you will still be without a date.

Envision what you want to happen in your mind with as many details as
possible before it actually happens. Practice makes you better at any given
task and for some reason our research states visualization is a strong

Have You Ever Had Sex
On the First Date?
Do you wish you had a guide on how to get women to have sex on the first
date? I can help you develop a persona in this blog post.

So if you want to know how to attract a girl at work, from the bar, or even
Go Mart, where ever she may be you don’t have to wait for weeks to get
attractive women in bed.

You may have dated literally thousands of women and slept with many in
the past decade, but you can never understand why a woman will not have
sex with you on the first date. The torture of going out with so many girls
and still not being able to get anyone to bed quickly is very common with
most men. Usually nobody can figure out why women don’t want to have sex
on the first date.

Even women who are attracted to you like bees on a honeycomb will make
you wait or even worse tease you with it since they can sense your

Well, you are going to love what I am about to tell you.

There are some techniques that alpha has devised to help you get a
head with any woman on your first date. These are some Alpha techniques
through which you can actually get her so impressed on the first date that
there would be no need for you to wait to get laid. These are some
suggestions through which you can actually dramatically increase the odds
of getting sex on a first date.

1. Non-traditional date

An innovative method here is to meet in a non-traditional way or make
for a different kind of date. Women associate a date with a fancy dinner at
a restaurant or going to a movie but if you do any of these things then you
would also be on the waiting list like her hundreds of other first dates.
Remember that you need to be on her WOW list. So try to do something
different, which should be surprising for her and not to shocking. Don’t pay
too much attention to the fact that you should always pay for her. This is
what her other dates had also done, so if she is insisting let her pay but
don’t show yourself as a cheapskate. If she buys, it means your chances for
success of sex on this date just increased about 33%. Remember that she
will not sleep with you on your looks alone but she will pay based upon your
looks. So create an ambience where you really don’t have to make the move
of sleeping with her on the first date, but let her make one if she chooses. If
you really want to fuck her good then you should have your plan already in

2. Keep a stable and fresh mind

A most important factor for getting great sex on the first date is to keep
a stable and fresh mind. The smart man keeps cool but has everything
planned out to have sex on the first date if that is his goal. So be relaxed
and let yourself get into a sexual state. You may also try watching porn just
before the date, however you should not masturbate to completion.

Sometimes I will masturbate without completion for a few days before I go

on the prowl. This equals explosion for her and me.

Also keep in mind that for a woman to feel sexually aroused, she has to be
relaxed. Hence it’s vital that you feel the same way yourself. Studies have
shown that if both partners feel the same way in rapport they are easily
able to match emotional states as well. So relax and enjoy the date, but
don’t let your sexual desires go away. Instead focus on keeping her

interested with some neutral subjects until you see signs of her reaching the
same stage as you.

The signs of a woman's deepening sexual attraction may include:

 If your date is sitting with her inner thigh exposed

 She is constantly fidgeting with her clothes and has unfastened a
 Tries to engage in "triangle gazing” with focus shifting from one
eye, to the other and ending on your lips
 If she is stealing glimpses at your body
 She keeps putting on lip gloss in front of you telling you how good
it tastes
 She puts her foot on top of yours
 Continued touching of your bicep and forearm
 She doesn’t want to drink anymore and it is still early
 She says she has to go to the bathroom and immediately comes
back and shows you more attention than she was before

3. Get to your apartment or hers to be alone

Now that you both know that you are not able to restrain yourself, you
need to act. You should not be so open as to say, “Let’s go back and have
sex!” because alpha would never verbalize this phrase knowing it would
completely ruin her mood and your chance of success. Well, at least not on
the first date.

If you make this mistake you will sleep alone. So set up an innocent
excuse, where the two of you can go to your place. For instance, “I have
chocolate covered strawberries at my place.”, or “Want to go listen to some
of my favorite music?” or even “I take some really cool photographs, would
you like to look at them?” These are innocent reasons which even she knows
are actually “not so innocent”, but states the message indirectly. It actually
makes her avoid the alarm bell of “I am being a slut.” or “I can’t have sex
on the first date”.

As you two are alone in your apartment, you just have to go for it but it
may take her an hour to get comfortable I your place so be patient. Don’t
make sudden desperate moves and try to take things slowly as you dance or
watch television.

I will give you one other tactic I use over and over again. It almost
always works. I call it:

Shut Her Mouth

For some reason, when you get girls alone sometimes they will not

shut up. They keep talking over the music or talking over the movie, they

just will not quit talking. When this happens, I smile knowing sex is very

soon. When a girl will not quit talking you jokingly ask her if she always

talks this much when alone with a hot guy. Ask her if she is nervous? In most

cases she will answer and then keep talking. And then you say, “I am going

to have to put something in your mouth so I can hear the movie, music or

whatever is on.” She will laugh, blush or open her legs right then. She may

fight for a moment by saying something like, “I dare you to try.” That is the

green light to put something in her mouth to shut her up.

Boyfriend Technique
Have you ever watched other couples when they first start an intimate
relationship? Especially in the beginning when both the men and women are
completely comfortable touching and grabbing one another. There is a
physical attraction and with a certain level of comfort and trust between
them, they are fucking like rabbits. This relationship will involve brush
sleeping or cuddling throughout the night or at naptime. In the end, all
women want a boyfriend which is why the techniques below are so

The boyfriend technique works well because it makes her comfortable

enough to be receptive towards sex and not make you wait. As if you are her
boyfriend, it is her duty to get you off. This is a tried and tested method of
getting under a woman's radar and it works.

Imagine that you are at a Florida beach bar with me and you have a 22-
year old brunette, five foot spinner on vacation from up north in mid-
conversation. She has a tight butt and is hanging out of her bikini at the top.
Her friend was cute as well, so I took her to the other end of the bar to
work my own magick while you could work yours.

Below is an example of what you could do:

In mid-conversation you ask the five foot spinner to stay still and close her
eyes. You lightly brush something away from her inner eye that really isn’t
there. Don’t say anything unless it becomes awkward with silence. Almost
always she will say something like, “What was that? Or Did you get it”

If she smiles and looks at your body in any way you are good. She will
normally turn from you quickly though. You continue to use seductive male
body language and keep up conversation with banter.

You can move from her or stay with her but:

Within thirty minutes get her focused on you and ask her to close her eyes
again. With your finger brush right under her lower lip. Don’t say anything
and let her say something first this time. If her eyes start to triangulate with
yours, Say, “Do you want to kiss me?” Then interrupt her and say, “Its ok, I
want to kiss you too. Then kiss her and make your move for sex.

The placement of your touches and the amount of time between them
remind women of being in a relationship; something they most will want if
you hang around long enough and may be exactly what you are looking for
as well.

The benefits of this technique include sub-communication which is the fact

that the two of you are comfortable around each other and that you both
have let the shield or guard down that many people keep up all day, every

It also involves you touching her face so as you are bringing your face closer
to hers as well as breaking her invisible barrier of personal space. Once her
personal space has been breached, this means progress towards a make out
session, which could lead to sex.

When you touch the lower lip of your date, make sure that you are touching
an erogenous zone. Most women have erogenous zones on their lower lip as
this placement has a high focus of nerve endings that get excited by the
light touch of your finger.

Conversation with
Attractive Women
Alpha men know how to get out of the friend zone and are aces at public
speaking, communicating well, both verbally and through body language as
well as understand the power of duplication One of the common mistakes
most beta guys make is that when they open a conversation with a girl, they
always await a response from her.

So they ask questions and are normally trying too hard to make her
interested in them or trying too hard to make her laugh. The result is that
guys start talking in a weird gibberish type manner which leads the
conversation in a direction that it was certainly not meant to go. How was
your day or what do you study are certainly not conversations that would
make her interested in you.

Trust me, if you like her and she likes you there will be plenty of time for
this type of chatter but right now you need to set the mood for getting her
more interested in you so she can start as fast as possible to trust you.

If you are trying to get her approval or interest in every little thing,
then she will probably not want to talk to you long. Remember that when
two people talk, one person has to react more, and in this situation you
should not be the one that reacts. The person who tries to get approval will
be the one more interested.

In the end, the girl would probably struggle to make more small talk
and keep the conversation going. If this happens it is detrimental that you
retain this high value so that you are a challenge for her. Remember, if she
knows that you're trying to win her approval too and there is no challenge,
then she normally would lose interest.

Just like her dog, try your hardest to maintain alpha status and be in
control of the situation. You should remain more relaxed than she is at all
times. When you are in conversation make sure to not make her feel over-
confident, but keep her challenged to retain interest in you.

Simply, guys are usually not sure about advancing the interaction
forward even though the motivation is to get laid. Most guys want to go in
the direction of sex, however the night ends with the usual ‘had a great
time meeting you’ or ‘call me’. Don’t let this be you!

Reminders on how to impress a girl

Do not come into a position of neediness with girls and thus you need
to have some attitude towards any one particular woman you like but also
remember some women like needy men, those men make great dogs.

Another vital factor is to give up on seeking approvals from women.

You choose your women, they do not choose you. Think of life as a planned
game and do what you want and be who you are. No better advice can be
given on how to impress a girl or to be a man in life.

Have you ever had an experience where women linger before sex so
they actually really have you by the blue balls? Yeah, but alpha men don’t
linger long. They either get to the girl’s apartment or take them to theirs
and the night ends with anything but such clichés.

If you are a man then you are a King on earth and you should act like
one. Don’t be any women’s dog, rather make her your pussy cat that comes
running when you shake the treat bag.

When women use alpha techniques for women and you can continue
to keep the upper hand is when you are an alpha king. Do not think for a
moment that many women today are studying and practicing how to drain
your wallet and your ego.

The alpha male is a dominant force in the world we live in. He is a
verbal and non-verbal communications expert that understands how
important relationships can be and are in our lives today. He is in complete
control of himself and others. Man is a dominant force in the world we live
in and all men are kings.

Ok, everyone always wants to know what girl I have been with that
rocked my world and I must say the one that I think about immediately was
a twenty something five foot plumper with gigantic boobs who took
everything I could dish out. She was amazing and got up and left

Get treated the way you

want, from any woman
You should be aware of the typical dating scenario where you ask a woman
for a date and after the first date you get a peck on the cheek. You were
not expecting much more because this is what always happens you think.
You go through your memories and validate your thoughts. You are willing to
go back home knowing you got to hang out with a lovely lady that had a
really nice smile, big pretty eyes and even paid the tip. You masturbate that
night thinking of her since you can still smell her perfume or was it her

The next day when you awake you send her a text first thing telling her
what a great time you had with her last night and would love to do it again
soon. She does not text you back until later that afternoon with the
response, “K”, even though all morning you have been scrambling and trying
to think of what you can do for her so that she will like you better.

A few days later you get her out on the town for food, you give her all your
attention, you keep the conversation going, and finally that night you get a

mouth kiss. At the end of your third date you hold hands or hopefully grab
her ass as you give her what you believe to be a tongue-tied kiss. You go
home and masturbate again.

This time after you masturbate you think about how much money you have
spent the past week on the meals, the drinks and the gas. You begin to add
up how much time you have invested in this one girl and are still not able to
get what you want. You start to think she was rude to you after the kiss
tonight. Like she didn’t like or want you grabbing her ass and you can’t
figure out why she acted that way. So the next morning when you wake up
you buy her some pretty little flowers that arrive at her workplace later in
the day.

So where is the problem, and why will she not have sex with you?

Since you were born you have lived in a punishment, reward system and
through habitual learned doctrine all human beings act in a way to be
rewarded. People tend to avoid behaviors that cause a punishment as you
can imagine. This is also one of the major reasons that guys often have
trouble getting laid.

A beta man will normally reward bad behavior. Even though this woman will
lead him on and state it clearly that there won't be sex that night, the beta
will keep giving her rewards by cuddling up, giving her chocolate or running
to the store to get her cigarettes.

Alpha men prefer to punish the bad behavior by reciprocating less

interest in cuddling up with them or even holding hands. You should not
underestimate the power of getting up from the couch and actually heading
out the door. Most girls don’t expect it and this action can really make them
excited. This happens because they expect you to keep rewarding them like
every other guy.

On the other side of the coin, did she do something which deserves a
reward? Maybe she agreed to go to bed with you on the first date and gave
you a mind blowing time. If yes, then you also need to do something
exceptional for her. Try to reward her with something that she enjoys,
something from her past likes. You can also take her on a date to a fancy
restaurant because alpha men would normally not take her to such an
establishment unless she was being rewarded. Another possibility would be
to buy her a new outfit. Women love it when you spend money on them.

So what you want to do is frame the behavior of women you date in

reference with a punishment and rewards system; like a child in school. If
they treat you with interest and appreciation, then you should also return
the same. Remember that any relationship is based on mutual consent and
interest, so if you don’t get what you want, there is really no need for you
to reciprocate.

Alpha men understand human motivation and you should study it as well. It
is the underlying reason humans do anything in life. The diagram below
works from the bottom to the top in in human motivation needs.

Let me ask if you have ever seen or been one of the many lame beta guys
who are carrying around pink shopping bags, barely able to scratch your jock
while she states that you have one other store to visit with her; she says she
has a coupon. Or do you feel that some women actually treat their
boyfriend or husband terribly and pampers her dog over him. If you do, then
you would certainly not want to be on the list where women can treat you
in any way that they want because if you did they will turn you into their
dog and treat you like a man.

I promise you most women desire to have a dog and every human has
motivation to get what they want. Human motivation is the driving force
that causes the change from desire to trying to achieve it in real life. Some
men I talk to rather enjoy this scenario of sleeping with the dog(s) she
treats better than them stating it allows them to become very lazy and
decisionless which just makes their lives easier while other men say they
like being in a submissive role with girls. Alpha mindset believe love is about
mutual respect and the truth. Simply put, Men are Kings and Women are
Queens although we can play the role if needed to get what we want short

Have you ever wondered why a relationship starts off hot and heavy, lots of
sex and spontaneous fun then, it just seems to disappear like your energy,
your exercise routine and your eating habits. Why do you believe women are
attracted to guys initially, but eventually start to treat them like dirt,
holding sex from them and playing games of drama?

Many alpha men believe it is that man’s own fault, his own purgatory. You
must understand that no woman will respect, trust or give you attention, if
you keep following her or give her more attention than what she gives you.

Maybe you have dealt with the issue below.

Here is a dilemma many men may have dealt with, you know a hot
women but usually older and ridden hard in life at work or a local bar who is
constantly telling you the perverted nice things that she wants to do to you,
only if she didn't have a boyfriend or wasn’t married. Straight up, it is best
to dump her quickly and withdraw your attention because if she is not loyal
to her boyfriend or husband then she will also not be loyal to you. Back in
the day it was an alpha law that if she had a ring, there was no fling. I have
been told that today this rule is broken over and over by the best of us.
Myself, I never say never but if she is legally married and she tells upfront or
I find out, I am gone. I believe some roads are better untraveled.

More on how to impress a girl

and how to attract women.
In my opinion one of the best methods to gain a girls trust is to make
her feel that she has earned you through hard work.

You should be in a place of high value to the target girl and this
mindset is required by all women to love and appreciate you more. Alpha
men like to place a high value on themselves and make smart choices in
relationships and in life but you want to make her feel as if even the
prettiest girl in the world is not deserving enough to get you and as well
does not get any airs about herself.

Don’t make her lose attraction towards you by wooing her too much
or seeming over interested in her life or her body, or her hair, or her legs or
her ass or, you get the point. A goal to attain for the prowl or the date
should be to get women attracted to you, but you want to try and never
challenge them in your interactions or conversations yet you should be a
challenge for her but not unattainable. Get a higher value on yourself and
let her earn your attention.

Next step, surround yourself with girls.

Another way to get her attention is to always be around an
abundance of other women. Sit with them at work, be around them and
become comfortable with them. Most girls have lots of friends that are guys
simply because there is less drama. Be one of those guys and doing so will
solve any man getting laid issues because every time a woman believes
other girls find you attractive, for some reason she starts feeling the same
kind of attraction for you.

This phenomenon is stronger than seeing a lone attractive guy. It

appears the sense of competition and challenge are valid reasons for women
to want you more. So by acquiring a better social network of women to hang
out with you will up your chances of getting laid in life. I must admit I have
watched this backfire.

Today, many women are lazy and can think to themselves, “If he
already has so many girls why he would want me?” These types of thoughts
destroy your chances if that particular girl is your choice. She will give up.

Another major problem today is options. Humans have so many

options including, video games, porn, television, music, professional
sports…must I go on. This is not just her battle, it is yours. The many options
in our lives are changing the entire game. If somehow you can delete some
of her options this may provide a better chance for you to get laid. What is
ironic although she doesn’t know it is that alpha men choose her not the
other way around?

A key to remember is that the more women you are around the better
you will get at your craft. Like sales it can be a numbers game and most
importantly it gives you an incredible view of finding the woman of your
dreams, a girlfriend, wife or a one night stand.
Check this story. Was it a dream?

I was going to an outside beach bar solo just after lunchtime in the
middle of the week and there was a gorgeous blue sky and it was really
humid and hot. Florida weather you perspire in but there were a few bikinis
out. I was on the prowl this day so I was prepared for anything and was
actually looking for it. Girls are normally in pairs or more always, especially
in the day, so you must understand this fate. If either of the girls feel
threated in any way you are out. So in some cases you have to manage two
girls to bed one and if you are really prepared and lucky you can bed them

The bar was not busy at all due to the time of year but after spring
break there are always lurkers or late comers. I thought this may be a good
day to get off, so off I went to get sun and sand. Once I was underneath the
roof of the bar on the beach, I immediately noticed a smoking hot, long
dirty blonde lady that stood almost six foot tall. She was wearing a white
bikini with tassels hanging from the top where real D’s hung. On her bikini
bottom the tassels moved and shook as she walked and moved around. I
knew she was high maintenance but I find those girls who wear the color
white are always horny so I approached the bar near them and both looked

A smart rule is to play nonchalant so I did and then I turned and made
eye contact with the girl in the white bikini. I said, “Do you know where I
can get some water? I’m really thirsty.”

She and her friend busted out laughing as the bar tender approached
on Q and asked what I wanted to drink. I ordered a shot of Goldschlager and
a bottle of water. (Do you see what just happened?) The two of them
immediately slid up the bar towards me and the girl in white introduced
herself to me. Her name was Vitra or something. She spoke good English
with an accent and told me she was Russian. She started to touch my arms
while she was talking to me but I kept cool and noticed she had already had

a few drinks or something. Her friend was an American cutie with big brown
eyes and a fat ass.

I drank my shot and played it cool. Knowing the Russian girl mindset,
I played it real cool and did not try to boast any type of Americans are
better or we all need to get along bull crap.

What I did ask her was, “Is your mom OK. Do you miss her?” and she
looked at me with the biggest eyes of surprise and grabbed me tightly. This
is a good sign guys. She said, “I miss her so much. I can’t quit thinking about

This catchphrase is brilliant and works almost like magic on girls who
are far away from home. It’s easy knowing how to approach women but just
in case, I had a backup if my catch phrase did not work.

We chatted about her mom a few minutes and I slowly brought the
conversation into hobbies. At this time I believed the white bikini trusted
me and she was showing me some of the signs you may have read in another
post of ours.

Finally, I noticed her friend kept staring at the bulge in my swim

trunks that I was actually trying to get while chatting with Vitra. I tried to
position myself so that only her friend would be the one who noticed and to
my surprise, not actually, the brown-eyed girl reached out and grabbed it
and then started to laugh. Both of them chatted quickly and they told me
they had a hotel room just on the other side of the bar. Once there, they
both gave me the attention I was looking for.

You can live this life if you choose. It’s not difficult once you know
how to do it.


Guys are usually not sure about advancing the interaction forward
even though the motivation is to get laid. Most guys want to go in the
direction of sex, however the night ends with the usual ‘had a great time
meeting you’ or ‘call me’. Don’t let this be you!

Do not come into a position of neediness with girls and thus you need
to have some attitude towards any one particular woman you like but also
remember some women like needy men, those men make great dogs.

Another vital factor is to give up on seeking approvals from women.

You choose your women, they do not choose you. Think of life as a planned
game and do what you want and be who you are.

Have you ever had an experience where women linger before sex so
they actually really have you by the balls? Yeah, but Alpha males don’t
linger long. They either get to the girl’s apartment or take them to theirs
and the night ends with anything but such clichés.

If you are a man then you are a King on earth and you should act like
one. Not like a dog.

When women use alpha techniques for women and you can continue
to keep the upper hand is when you are an alpha king.

The Alpha male is a dominant force in the world we live in. He is a

verbal and non-verbal communications expert that understands how

important relationships can be and are in our lives today. He is in complete
control of himself and others.

Everyone always wants to know what girl I have been with that
rocked my world and I must say the one that I think about immediately was
a twenty something five foot plumper with gigantic boobs who took
everything I could dish out. She was amazing.

This guide is just the tip of an iceberg. Make sure to follow, share and like
us so we can provide you an experience never seen before. #takethetab

FACEBOOK -Best Place To Reach Kings


I personally believe the information you have read is powerful and I
know it works because I have used all of the techniques and information I
have stated within. Every single man in the world should invest in such
material to enhance his knowledge in communications with women and
Honestly, I believe the alpha knowledge I have received and retained
in my life is more important than any college coursework I ever completed
and I have a four year degree. No matter what the price, this type of
information is priceless and if used correctly will save you time, money and
will convenience your life tenfold.

Get Laid.
Your Other Assignment: Go to any social media platform and
use the hashtag

#iammanyesiam or #thebluetab

Tell the world what you think about being a man or anything else you want.
As well, you can just stop by to say Hello.

We always need more testimonials. If you are able provide us one anywhere
on social media we appreciate it.

Amen to all Brothers.




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