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ARCHITECTURE (NOTE : This mark should only be used
by the Central and Main Campus only)
City of Balanga 2100 Bataan

Course Information:

Program : Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Computer Engineering

Course Code : ICTE0521

Course Title : Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Engineering Students

Course Description : The course deals with the concepts of computer-aided drafting (CAD); introduction to the CAD environment; terminologies; and the
general operating procedures and techniques in entering and executing basic CAD commands.

Course Credits : 1 Unit / 3 Hours Laboratory per Week / 18 Weeks

Pre-requisite : None

Co-Requisite : None

Schedule : 08:30AM – 11:30AM Wednesday ---BSECE -1A

08:30AM – 11:30AM Friday ---BSECE -1B

Term & Academic Year : 1st Semester, AY 2020-2021

University Vision : A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and
inclusive programs and services by 2030
(Nangungunang pamantasan sa Pilipinas na kinikilala sa maagap nap ag aambag sa Pagpapanatiling Pag-unlad sa pamamagitan ng mga
karampatan at pinagsamang program at serbisyo at sa taong 2030)

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University Mission : To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing relevant innovative and transformative
knowledge, research, extension and production programs and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource
capabilities and institutional mechanisms.
(Makalinang ng mga magsipagtapos na nakikipagtagisan at sa mga mamamayang pinalakas sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng program at
serbisyong pangkaalaman, pananaliksik, ekstensyon at produksyon na may katuturan, makabago at transpormatibo gamit ang progresibong
pagpapahusay ng mga kawani at institusyunoal na mekanismo.)

University Quality Policy: Bataan Peninsula State University commits itself to providing only the best to its stakeholders by Building a culture of quality in all core
functions of the University; Providing responsive, relevant, innovative and transformative academic, research, extension and
production programs and services to all its stakeholders; Sustaining the University’s nationally and internationally recognized
standards through adherence to statutory and regulatory requirements and continual improvement of its quality management system;
and Upholding transparency in governance through participatory policy-making and development-planning.

Program Outcomes : (This largely depends on the program. There are program outcomes which are common to all programs in all types of HEIs, common to all programs
in the discipline, specific to the program and specialization and specific to the type of HE

PO-001 - Participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects. (CMO 46, series of 2012)
PO-002 - Acquire the competencies to support “national, regional and local development plans. (RA 7722)
PO-003 - Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems
PO-004 - Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
PO-005 - Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards
PO-006 - Function on multidisciplinary teams
PO-007 - Identify, formulate, and solve electronics engineering problems
PO-008 - Apply professional and ethical responsibility
PO-009 - Communicate effectively;
PO-010 - Identify the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
PO-011 - Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
PO-012 - Apply knowledge of contemporary issues
PO-013 - Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
PO-014 - Apply knowledge of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments
PO-015 - Understand at least one specialized field of Electronics Engineering practice

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Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to : 001 002
PO-003 PO-004 PO-005 PO-006 PO-007 PO-008 PO-009 PO-010 PO-011 PO-012 PO-013
014 015

Identify the important tools used to create technical

CO-001 O I L P
drawings in CAD

CO-002 Create electronic drawings (e-drawing) using CAD O I L P

Apply different CAD tools in the preparation of

CO-003 O I L P
engineering drawings and plans

Correlating Course Outcome and Program Outcome

(Lecture/Theory-Based Courses) (Health-Related/Shop/Laboratory Courses)
L Learned in the course I Introduce the skills in the course
P Practiced in the course P Practice skills in the course with supervision
O Not yet learned or practiced but there's an opportunity to exist D Demonstrate skills in the course without supervision

Course Outline and Learning Plan:

Course Learning Outcomes Methodology Resources

Topic Textbook / Assessment
Week Outcome (Teaching-Learning (Instructional Time Frame
Knowledge Skills Attitude (Content) References (Tools and Tasks)
Code Activities) Resources)
upon the
completion of 1.1 Overview of the 30 Minutes
 Power Point
Week 1 the course and University  Lectures (Lecture)
discuss the Mission and
University’s Vision
mission and
the course  Power Point 30 Minutes
Week 1 syllabus as a 2.1 Course Syllabus  Lectures Presentations (Lecture)
learning 2.2 Classroom  Learning Contract
contract. Policies

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Enumerate and Academic Code of
comply with the Conduct
policies and
AutoCAD 2004 2D  Learning Modules
Training Manual  Reference Books  Discussion/ 2 Hours
Introduction to  Lectures
Week 1 CO-001 by Kristen S.  Power Point Recitation (Lecture)
the course. 3.1 Definitions;
Kurland Presentations  Essay
3.2 Fundamental  Video Presentation
knowledge and
practices on
CAD softwares.
Awareness to Appreciate the AutoCAD 2004 2D  Learning Modules
4.1 Basic CAD 3 Hours
basic and key importance of Training Manual  Lectures  Reference Books
Week 2 CO-001 terminologies  Discussion (Lecture)
CAD being familiar by Kristen S.  Power Point
terminologies with CAD terms and definitions; Kurland Presentations
4.2 Familiarization
with useful CAD
 Learning Modules
AutoCAD 2004 2D
Basic set-ups 5.1 Workspace  Reference Books 6 Hours
Week Training Manual  Discussion
CO-001 for better setup;  Lectures  Power Point (Lecture)
3&4 by Kristen S.  Quiz
output 5.2 Display settings; Presentations
5.3 Basic  Video Presentation

Implementation 6.1 Principle of CAD AutoCAD 2004 2D  Learning Modules

Identify basic 6 Hours
Week of basic CAD commands and Training Manual  Reference Books
CO-001 commands and  Lectures  Discussion (Lecture)
5&6 commands and shortcuts by Kristen S.  Power Point
shortcuts 6.2 Cartesian Kurland Presentations
Helpful DRAW  Learning Modules
6 Hours
Week commands for COMMANDS AutoCAD 2004 2D  Reference Books  Discussion
CO-001  Lectures (Lecture)
7&8 efficient Training Manual  Power Point  Quiz
outputs 7.1 Introduction to by Kristen S. Presentations

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drawing via Kurland

Week 9 MIDTERM EXAMINATION (EXAM) Midterm’s week

USE OF CAD (Part 1)
 Learning Modules
Learning how to AutoCAD 2013 1 Hour
8.1 Draw  Reference Books
Week CO-002 make proper Tutorials by (Lecture)
Commands and  Lectures  Power Point  Discussion
10 & 11 CO-003 erasures and Kristen S. Kurland 5 Hours
Drawing Aids Presentations
editing (Laboratory)
8.2 Erase and  Video Presentation
Selection Sets /
 Learning Modules
Identify the uses USE OF CAD (Part 2) 1 Hour
AutoCAD 2013  Reference Books
Week CO-002 of tools via  Lectures  Discussion (Lecture)
Tutorials by  Power Point
12 CO-003 commands and 9.1 Snapping  Quiz 2 Hours
Kristen S. Kurland Presentations
shortcuts 9.2 Layering (Laboratory)
 Video Presentation
9.3 Dimensioning
Ability to ISOMETRIC  Learning Modules
Week produce DRAWINGS  Discussion 1 Hour
AutoCAD 2013  Reference Books
13, 14, CO-002 geometric and  Plate (Lecture)
. Tutorials by  Lectures  Power Point
15 & 16 CO-003 isometric 10.1 Projecting  Drawing 11 Hours
Kristen S. Kurland Presentations
drawings using isometric and Exercises (Laboratory)
 Video Presentation
CAD geometric
 Learning Modules  Discussion
Proper way on Appreciate the 1 Hour
AutoCAD 2013  Reference Books  Plate
Week 17 CO-002 presenting importance of line 11.1 Plot Styles (Lecture)
11.2 Line Weights Tutorials by  Lectures  Power Point  Application of
CO-003 hard copy weights and plot 2 Hours
11.3 Inserting images Kristen S. Kurland Presentations topic to actual
drawings styles on CAD (Laboratory)
on CAD  Video Presentation practice
11.4 Plotting

Readings and References (Textbooks):

1. AutoCAD 2004 2D Training Manual by Kristen S. Kurland

2. AutoCAD 2013 Tutorials by Kristen S. Kurland

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Course Output (Performance Indicators)

Course Outcomes Course Major Output

Due Date
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to : (Major Task Assessment Tool)

Essay Week 1
CO-001 Identify the important tools used to create technical drawings in CAD
Quizzes Week 4 & 8

CO-002 Create electronic drawings (e-drawing) using CAD Plates Week 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17

Apply different CAD tools in the preparation of engineering drawings and

CO-003 Quiz Week 12

Final Requirement (Final Task Assessment) Major Laboratory Work Finals Week

Grading System

Class Standing Percentage Midterm Final

Class Participation 10% Class Standing - 70% Class Standing - 70%
Quizzes / Essays 30% Midterm Plate - 30% Finals Plate - 30%
Laboratory Works / Plates 60% Final Rating
TOTAL 100% Midterm Grade (50%) + Final Grade (50%) = Final Rating

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Course Policies and Standards:

Attendance Policy:

1. Regular school attendance is important to student’s academic achievement therefore students are expected to attend and be on time for all occasions for which
they are registered.
2. Absence due to illness may be excused; a certificate from his attending physician or parent should be submitted by the student to the Dean of the College who
shall issue an excuse slip if the absence is found reasonable. Being excused does not exclude students from the work covered during the absences.
3. For three consecutive absences or five accumulative absences, the student will be required to submit a letter to the Guidance Office who shall issue a permit for
the admission of the student to class.
4. Students whose absences are due to participation in intercollegiate functions and other co-curricular activities arranged by the college will be excused from
class attendance but not from the responsibility for the work that they may miss during their absence for approved functions.
5. Student who has been absent for seven (7) or more days in a grading period without excused letter approved by the Dean of the College will be dropped from
the roll.
6. Time lost for late enrollment shall be considered as time lost by absence. A student who is late shall be admitted to class but with corresponding deduction in
the grade for attendance

Make-up Policy:

1. It is the responsibility of each student to recover material when he/she is absent. Absences due to illness or family emergency will be excused with a signed not
from a parent. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up any tests because of an excused absence the day they return to school (5 days if a medical certificate
is enclosed). There will be NO make-up tests for excused absences submitted after 5 days.

Valid Homework and exercises/assignments/plates

1. All homework, exercises and plates must be submitted on time. Late submission with valid reasons will get corresponding deductions. Late submission
without valid reasons will not be accepted.
2. Written report should follow a prescribed format.

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Classroom Regulations

1. Respect other people’s opinion and property.

2. Come to class on time.
3. Bring required materials everyday unless directed otherwise.
4. Observe entrance and exit policy (advance reading).
5. Keep books, classrooms and homework on good conditions.
6. Observe classroom cleanliness and orderliness.
7. Do your own work
8. Submit the tasks on time.
9. Cheating, copying or sharing assignments will not be tolerated. Reprimands will be based on Student Manual.
10. Attendance will be monitored regularly.
11. Wearing of school uniform is required.
12. It is a matter of courtesy and being considerate to everyone. Reprimands will be based on Student Manual.
13. In case of inability of the class and the instructor or the instructor alone to attend a scheduled class due to typhoon, holidays, or other school activities,,
students are required to study the instructional materials prepared by the instructor to lessen adjustments in the time frame of the syllabus.

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Prepared and Submitted by:

Faculty : Ar. Jusette S. Rabacio

Email Address :

Reviewed by: (Cluster Member)

Ar. John Paul Austria Ar. Fleet Wood Macasil Ar. Royce Joy L. Gonzales
Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member

Endorsed by: Approved:

Engr. Faye Baret Engr. Nelson s. Andres, MEng

Program Head, Electronics and Computer Engineering Dean, College of Engineering & Architecture

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Matrix for Learning Module Development based on the Course Outline and Learning Plan

Time Frame
Key Learning References / Assessment
Week Learning Module Course Packets Learning Activities Delivery Mode (No. of hours
Competency Resources (Tools and Tasks)
Course Packet 01 – Lecture Series 01:
Introduction to Computer- Activity Sheet 1: Introduction to CAD Assessment 01-
Week 1 Aided-Drawing Intro to CAD and CAD (power point & video Flexible Learning Essay 2 Hours
software presentation)

Lecture Series 02:

Activity Sheet 2:
Week 2 CAD Terminologies Assessment 02 –
Familiarizing with Flexible Learning 3 Hours
(power point) Quiz
terminologies on CAD
Course Packet 02 –
KLC 01 - Terminologies & Navigation Lecture Series 03:
Learning Module 01 –
Week Identify the Activity Sheet 3: Navigating CAD
Introduction and Assessment 03 –
3&4 important tools Understanding and (power point & video Flexible Learning 6 Hours
Fundamentals of Quiz
used to create navigating CAD presentation)
technical drawings
in CAD Lecture Series 04:
Commands &
Week Activity Sheet 4:
Shortcuts on CAD Assessment 04 –
5&6 Learning commands Flexible Learning 6 Hours
(power point & video Quiz
and key shortcuts
Course Packet 03 – presentation)
Commands & Shortcuts
Activity Sheet 5: Lecture Series 05:
Week Getting started with Draw Commands Assessment 05 –
Flexible Learning 6 Hours
7&8 drawing commands on (power point) Quiz
KLC-03 Course Packet 04 –
Lecture Series 06:
Apply different Comprehensive Use of CAD
Comprehensive Use
Week CAD tools in the Learning Module 02 – (2 Parts) Activity Sheet 6:
of CAD (Part 1) Assessment 06 –
10, 11 preparation of Application of Drawing commands Flexible Learning 9 Hours
(power point & video Quiz
& 12 engineering knowledge on CAD and Drawing Aids
drawings and plans tools

Week KLC-02 Learning Module 03 – Course Packet 05 – Activity Sheet 7: Lecture Series 07: Assessment 07 –
Flexible Learning 12 Hours
13, 14, Create electronic Executing knowledge Geometric and Isometric Projecting isometric and Geometric and Plates & Drawing

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15 & 16 drawings (e- through actual practice Drawings geometric drawings on Isometric Drawings Exercises
drawing) using CAD (power point & video
CAD presentation)

Course Packet 6– Plotting

Apply different Activity Sheet 08: Lecture Series 08:
Learning Module 02 –
CAD tools in the Understanding Plot Plotting Assessment 08 –
Week 17 Application of
preparation of Styles, Line Weights, (power point & video Flexible Learning Laboratory 3 Hours
knowledge on
engineering Inputting Images and presentation) Exercises
CAD tools
drawings and plans Plotting

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