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Practice Paper – I

Section A: Answer Question 1(compulsory) and 5 other questions excluding Q1. Section B and Section C:
Answer any two either from Section B or Section C. All working including rough work should be done on the
same sheet and adjacent to the rest of the answer. The intended marks for the questions are given in the
brackets ( ).

Section A
(Attempt all questions)
Q.1. Answer the following questions:

(a) (3)

(b) The curve represents a hyperbola. Find the range form. (3)

(c) (3)

(d) (3)

(e) (3)

(f) (3)

(g) Find the regression coefficients and the means of x and y from the following
lines : 7x  5y = 20; 7x  4y = 30 (3)

(h) A pair of die are rolled. Find the probability to get the sum as a multiple of
3 if both the die show the same number. (3)

(i) (3)

(j) (3)

Q.2. (a) Without expanding as far as possible, prove :

(b) Find for Hence solve : x + 2y + z = 2, x + 2y + 2z = 1,

2x + y + z = 1. (5)

Q.3. (a) Give a Boolean expression for

Simplify it using laws of Boolean Algebra and draw the simplified circuit. (5)

(b) (5)

Q.4. (a) Find the equation to the hyperbola whose foci are (6, 4) and (4, 4) and
eccentricity is 2. (5)

(b) Verify Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem for : in [0, 4]. (5)

Q.5. (a) (5)

(b) Three sides of a trapezium are equal, each being 10 cm. Find the area of the
trapezium when it is maximum. (5)

Q.6. (a) (5)

(b) Evaluate the area bound by the curve y = x(4  x), the x-axis and the lines
x = 0 and x = 5. (5)

Q.7. (a) Find Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient for : (5)
Marks in Maths 27 29 16 17 8 9 10 11 24 17 19
Marks in Biology 12 10 20 23 29 26 17 16 20 18 19
(b) Given is the data : (x, y) = 0.9
A.M. Var.
x 20 25
y 25 100
Find : (i) regression lines; (ii) x at y = 40; (iii) y at x = 30.5 (5)

Q.8. (a) From a pack of well shuffled 52 cards, ten cards are drawn at random. Find
the probability that : (i) both are face cards, (ii) both are red, (iii) one is black
and the other is an ace. (5)

(b) Consider the table :

Red Green Blue
Bag 1 2 3 2
Bag 2 3 2 2
A coil is tossed. If head turns up then bag 1 is chosen and a ball is drawn. If
tales turns up then bag 2 is chosen and a ball is drawn. If a coil is tossed and
a bag is chosen and a ball is drawn, find the probability that the ball is non-
green. (5)

Q.9. (a) (5)

(b) (5)

Section B (Attempt any two)

Q.10. (a) State and prove the projection rule for any ABC. (5)

(b) Find the value of  for which the four points with position vectors and are
coplanar. (5)

Q.11. (a) Find the vector equation of the line passing through the point (2, 3, 2) and
parallel to the line \S\up9(() Also find the distance between the two lines. (5)

(b) Find the equation of the plane through the points (2, 2, 1), (1, 2, 3) and
parallel to the line joining the points (2, 1, 3), (1, 5, 8). (5)

Q.12. (a) On an average, out of 10, 2 telephone lines are busy. If five numbers are
chosen randomly, find the probability distribution for the lines to be busy. (5)

(b) An insurance company insured 3000 scooters, 4000 cars and 5000 trucks.
The probability for them to meet with an accident are 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04 for
a scooter, car and a truck respectively. If one of the vehicles meets with an
accident, find the probability that it is a (i) car, (ii) truck. (5)

Section C (Attempt any two)

Q.13. (a) The banker’s gain on a certain bill due 6 months hence is Rs.10. If the rate of
interest is 10% p.a., find the face value of the bill. (5)

(b) The cost function of a commodity is Find : (i) range for which AC falls; (ii)
units produced for AC = MC. (5)

Q.14. (a) A house is bought by paying Rs.10,00,000 down. The rest is assured to be
paid in an installment of Rs.29,000 monthly at an interest of 12% p.a.
compounded monthly. Find the cost of the house if the payment is made at
the beginning of each month. (5)

(b) A gardener has a supply of fertilizer of type 1 which consists of 10% of

nitrogen and 6% of phosphoric acid and type 2 which consists of 5% of
nitrogen and 1% of phosphoric acid. After soil testing it is found that the
soil reads at least 14 kg of nitrogen and phosphoric acid for his crop. The
cost of type 1 fertilizer is Rs.60/kg and of type 2 is Rs.40/kg. How many of
each must be used for incurring minimum cost? (5)

Q.15. (a) Find the index number using price relatives for : (5)
Commodity A B C D E
Price in 2000 27 74 80 92 29
Price in 2004 29 79 82 96 30

(b) Construct a 5-year moving average for : (5)

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Sales 3 5 4 2 3 7 8 9 6 11 10


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