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SUBmiT1ED o : Dy. SR Reddy, Asa. Rrofessor Dep Of

lining En89 NITK

SUBm ITTED Karthik Menon

(-Sem B.1esh)

0ATE 7/10 /202o

COSE Quay Desian \olUdem . 5hrS Total)

TAL guraL
Quary Dlg 10o hout denign -uay
7 muint planning Auyaseto uerig hu
aftivare miremin
The tukal ustuo ahaired all
aepuby mini plvring, ataetiig
wibh gdsoy , asgezeky d
dn dota auailahle
iatz d deugn pit base

7hu couso Lompkuoio ulloeurg raus Aetio

yorbirg yoeg taphy 4 tonin, dhaeung antillid magy
an h
ivai uati a Dm (Qgutal Tokein Mooll),

Dehining guasaylrrss, And firalcalculakin o r
Dedy woad _ard luoatuglurt alorg tth frioh
tash stoqt a u duostin uty i procao

HLOLirud o akn p. Thun, h istuae io Hod s

ahewa hio

ThL awaL alarb uih an introuekor e athiate intrpr
A riy amaurt
pke gjualh krewlusge to ulpcint
The paubago auailopll twill
dtand uhch mrng
hoo Jun ought. The Tiolbak goton ygn
allaus J abrurg cuakesn uwhuh mno Ay a uasl
ailat s SURmC). The toa pruidd falliig in
ach cedaio bill hølo, trtor i tunga auheh sint
t h lock modul uw
ramalsy uih pir disgn
hu s4ftuan juill nes a t l b oun
leluo Lgns
ally phovicld. A mu ren th
Tm akay fiatines uely
canL auailatlt
Main Body
horot stp uarky dung nualuu ygoetng
beaghaap wán
au b uwan alsng uwt
rainn hu paat, guslegiob
Centawro by hand

nbumaly bine aLs ing
Nouwacdayo, Dm oigotal Toeain Mocils oblaurd a
atllu maguty a l aanlbl doing bio tn much leaott
ime mag
Thio eography
nuo epegrsphy uetsr J l nd t o ryesitd
n a ,

re u gort , hu agftasake uill porot u fil


mpsetant inpormatén aleut u fl y hughighbd
uod cslsu. hio tan J mrsvdd uld.
ncl thio to der, uu dick
Ab ib de a 30 u i . Theouelond'
whch autsmadiay
'run' button cliika psryaig
deagraohy de lu Loadel. hio
may tak
tan be u u d ya mausl a
a whli.

Th net adp nnuelso Nating

ach h
cntouA Lro drber ene angl celi su.
morio a

By elickuig
duckuig , uet i u b i typ
uusthi Tyoeggoy
Nert, w ud to puatt a old rit for sr
4rucijie pkau.
de as
y kuatig maok ard thsn alud
Jy a

bhun vtahd, iyhich
r plant a o a Lounday. Th unepamt i
u vud
y ehickiig sn
Cenbrol daldlia 'ancl w Th tuprame manag Luull
thn iait Juern
thn uuframi minu and msul inds
hi DTm. A ual i
alusayo allayud to CeLati nus
uufxam ao and whin uguro.
Nos, i w sant he allld imagy
hpned can
be drapud oi
poatid uut he Traain
tut elp thactual
tp inoku rnung nginieenga
u dyerung quary lmutotng whuh i ichl o
1The and dog pit
qpot foe hu guary piuhd er puoudud ly A
trplsatt aguncy s am. Thu lind i asd s nau
u oit deo ret ge Juyerd Jtuguud ngho
t n t yly uatig a nusstuirg calle 'Umil u tbun
otuat a plan lwatsh s0 anel obegp thi n u Agpy
l l un click s n this
plant dnol dualt a atug at t h
L t lscabsn bn tu
Now that hau ida u lukm
au an
bu dyast,
ge un sor pit doign. A jood quaky draipn otavs fe
h oufou. le de thio ly thosang dn aio
bio aia whu we tan hau an DoThe Aounat pont
n a nanly hily o a h io a d no an a t yosint zs
thu dpsik. Thio leuwet poirt Jucemo he biirt.Jhu
Joruuet psintio dubrmin1d dy lossrig at bu atung
l thun tal thio inlorratir dy ahekirg en i t duoign
urcten Thu nu u a t an u callhd uay. u
fill n
n fill ui bu rsomatin about bheRm u i l h u m
bught and bu olyot amuts uhch a duciold
Laaud n diuden sdsand and olgal ataluily ioaug.
Thu pusgam B aelusare un alulao suhall elgat wg
and hu amp a r g . ln uch a uay, u cilit A
Auat and tou Loch alyrs drd tua a pit
n uwh aa way
auh uay we ruaa a q u a y uilhat dse muuh
h nuat otijp io te ou urly wolum and uwosh alaulstn
By ing
ang foulore and an ulljstcal sbapt dunsin
el, u a disjn thu ou hocy e cuk bking
dsgpruda h yma ahody
tr odiu dundvorn
nlenta u vnlum
uruiy hu teyng rapdy uul' anMquany al f
e o n tohrmal nchual porlhor y u ily mg
xnled Thu Jeuraindr pml y hu yuainy
Ot uvedw andusaoti uhuuh t Jusl
udunpsd ssthn
quaky vasd dam)
uolure io
The vohure to alaulaAd do follou - W hid bu lyngyhy,
uuvupnmo ubedy hulous UA
og haphy nd vulhui th pil hirilsulibu
uocdy, nuliyp wupeasmto emal. l hauu abis
lu aland Jat diatlut thu rupod mo ronnly
ul hun bhopu
doat hotes urcltm and yply coalulnh
UBlum'yoton It uato um vuial mibor % nlulnh
hio uolumi. Fem thu tolal othm, uu subtuocd
volmi o gt uaalUolurnt
Fanahing tpuchuo au hun Yyolisd nMoy
Cor clugion
Thu coutot ncludio wilh tha aba
unat and
paub. P{i dndyir
plano Jor ohat bvrnJuolumt,
veL uat hi ut lan
and Jorg sm. 1hu minu
dumpo po uull no lie af thu dhorgn w
on lu Astimahd mrt, anntualprpclut
I mdualtn, thio u gau SUus and auipl usay

dtaigharg a muare and an nroduction io

mint planring liue uat
pof alloudt uad
miring ngtnuung and a
pu6 baai
atuel o aaand
thun knourldge uy
o dual n wunlising goun pl uang
loPsC FLuid
Fuis Flo
Floud Through Poraus media (Uoemy)

O 4 hours Video + 1-5 haurs daunloa dable re sourtes 65hrs

The era luel lous brsugh poruo muela aorho pon b
topico gsuwnirg
pico gouwnirg aus o flud n a kock. Thu l r
fluid ih ock
kok ilo ua
rpetarna the mirn
putrolun nd gatiwrral iduobris . Havtrg a etagh
undndardig i o ulpo during e waplictatoo otag
Thi taura abub y Laplaintig hi baklis Neck
hich ahet lid les, h aguatoio luid low Jor
Aalth Crpluuul and
nwrpiillleus, plewred ly
flau t prailused reeivsoie and inally vdo uinh
Oanaint and unadael, stak las ui bds kortutak und
arruna Lrdto. Th cor aleus ao s
anura undtand
tbu baouco paio mua leso, albg wibh
golaning the lous. 7hu p s t onelueds wih emu
npertan b4pluinder
iale pokouo rdeá lou h
muring nduoty

The etucly perouo mdá Jleu hulpo o in b ettode
pluid n th Alaliyca,
Coyplrg thio iub muusanal
labelsy and e ha an
undiralardig Y h s a pero
muduun thargeo wiilh Jluid lau The lsunat
lugero as
wnplasnicd uith Jeek pkgpuntio Th mot Jmpedant sruo
of r u n a - pereik "0, ypvmualuly k ' nd

fmatn mprwailuldtyf'.
In addihin ts b e bollorg pugaivlio Pay an

mpodar rel in undvratanding h bydrs -dynamiially

hourgpepoty ud i a aßkuo meduim

Cayoillasy Puoaur P', umtalily» aaltrkaténo,
Auryoci tinatsn
hTh riuly
pereeukg and umialhty a tuso
y imslan
phyurtuis ahich tan Je fourd bi luid los
peroit ztn slhoaipidl irs rultslk p
plkgphyauio ao intvgranular pooily, miie peteily
ractre potasrty and intrpartil patoidy
The priray psreauly Bcl pat uhuch Leiakb
pun conpl et Aarpl drafeckrd ly

fautro A anpl upsn gulting Lpeaed to Lzisral

fouters may undexge Jrakageladn nbernal
uspAL Apaco ing omuo. hio
so RnaLun
rsn plasy pArOry
rbarath recko hau me
choml reEily p l k
pproay are
ugg poNak
orocily io
dfred ao ratio weud gpau steal
Hok Rpot e

abs Vsoid

Porgdlg can e
miaaud t lab en
latt buouph,
dijdal ek samplts. Ihe pova datsnnehdJusm
lah tte de net
gut ineluedsd t K hebui
h urt phapurty diacuard io Amaalulty 'k?.
T io duid ao e nlildy f A Hek b alleu luict
t pas ough th po Uolume rach bi uullbot

The dfiriho betie underotsod dy ting h

Doreyb uguatio fes paouo mdia {low

AP+P sind
L /o6

whwu pvmialuliky Ya APouo muelun

Daid 8 de 1Qasgy whn a aug paal Jlud

P oceidy flouo a t a tal7 lm S sn an arta

1cn uredo be prusaiwu grodiinb ef / atnm/cm
R Utnialilt - baioidy ; 9- flos xath (ens),
P- Broatwe qradart, 1 -urgbh Cem)
Davty = 1 86x lo 2m

a 2-0 aluoie pUmialuliey vziaks wathun Aseh

Jath vvtialy n whh luid an lous u
upuward moumrt callee wwcual pumialul Kv
anel heujordaly whur
Jlusdo mau lalzeay K,'
Th apoumpatusro hru un aru-
No we00ous Ku=o
2 Dastgic iotwO K=K4
Antiobegnit i Kv# KH:

I additn hro, folloorrig fatoro f a u

pmalilidy a sck
)Tarkasal prgadio l k pou/gptauizaiy, ahgae gkai,
iD rao
slyoage Klunknbwrg et'
Quanlidy, 28rdirg and dypo f clayo
Type and prantage peisay
) duvrluUrdun puualiet
vRinctue luiol
Vi) Hgh lecily low hets
Ao vzprchd , te
kuelutno uiby Juductso
in gtaun ei, oo wll ao nduain uwrlsolin
Fr bu gao
alypoge , hi tuu pmualuldy bL hock
matu o A ogovvt hauirg a sralnk uolie uskun
duguiclo a n lh Jlauing phaato, ugarcllao ib ioesedio
aalunung d nan uactity u i h Jesck n d lamrat
Mous endtsro
ulhun gooto ari de Jlourg phario, th Latinalzd
Quminlldy arparo o p gkuakr ban u e prmaludd,
a eck. Thio o
allud ga alyage
The courae g6to sn s alk alusat hous abur prgaudus
t pomalil , lut a LHe smpsutsn
In a
mutio phao alyatim (oil, gao, watir) lach shaat
CLito wwith th sthur. Ao uch, n srod1r s
undurstand hi Jluid flos r hao
dhunt phooo and cnaider an baard
indrau baasd
denaidy uli thn ud to dmint h1 ulfecti
pUmLalidty Aaasd an
pumualilly anh
(oil- uyabs, watr il, ail-gao d)
Th coura thun ditao the sthut actoro auch ao auypol
un Mudia
tnaun and casillary puusauk

Tha nuat part ddaio

ha hu phunsmva tindy
tindy stah

Ales ( t rdyondnt)
Th atiody atatt leusso uet undtralisel y uddesing
dllernd levs
luriuat flous,
roelal Jlou dnd ghvinl Lous

Luinar lout si defnud ao th udhal lous uhun
th Jlou patho rl pakall! and luicl Jlouuo a
a aingl diructió

For kadal flous, fa wll to diulld n the mdd

uatrsie ard purued to plesductoi
un hyebuscarlers uil le fen al drictar

Wually uin
tn aphueuial e y , a wull vilh a lunted
Rerdorabd urbrwal an isult h io flos ruak
bi wnlllerce.
The CoweoL hun alho alout u prgcueuis orpisoid
Huid and viuempaill ludo, Ard uhý y ake
Lalld AS
h leu uqumio hich au o d ake

Shady sah Hous d -o

Pouude stody atah lou; 9P =t s tant

Un- ataboy olak flas, de = f(<,t):
ha runt part ltailo u aguatiorio jluisl Jlous
whuih hae un duwed voing Dakcys laus 10
gaien -betoru -

Linear FloLo Tnompressibde flud

whou the disutien flo o

Jased uaon t e puavta qradint

Booud psn
Baco numbur laysno, tan fuvetbue
a k hL les ganmty as
unax flow in paralul and alkuto

iD Radial les in paralll and auLio

Linear Floin Paralel

Th pmiabulih beLmio an aueog plumaluil4
whuih can e subtdubed snto h i gjiatiss aleu.
R whuu k- layu pUmaluly
huiht ach Jayt
but lous vebme lq doio nst
Lineay Flo in
Li ,whe L io lungkh tnh laytt
rio caot, Priowa drep a t e s neh layur
iRadial Flou in Series
Th umuabilly lavwoge)


Radial Flow in Parallel-

Semuas elore, tbou a kadad drgo in puesal

l n lo re/
h u re- Racluus f a Jiausit, t - w l Hoeluio

Purnaiul waed in pttbslum ingnking , gutumal

wrllo ut.

Lineav Flaw Sor Sliatly ompeessible Auids:

In odu te etain hoe phusatono, we maki ua
csrpruoaildeey facsr c.
Fuld formala is

-0.001n27 kA n(Ite R-Pa)

ard hi adial
1ref xe °re-P
Sumilarly th uata kadul las Jor a
slijrty op fleud
9 qre e
0-00708 kh
ucin r e / r l+cP-PDA

k the ceunase
Nos,o a compsusaddt luid gao

gu o anstir orrrula e Je wasd

Hu u mak uar e srryprisalulety

ulu hau 9s O 1924 RA CRP

whw T
rpratu andsther tno a e bu u m i
In d e te
to alstain he vall 2, u n ial a
Cempruilulky chart prueunt nbvmedyranie huatdalleo
Th coval thun olauio r hlhd kaero, uhch
Can u srpionud folleuo
nTn dyppurg
dygaig uanseio tue leukg forco Lid, t h
phuaaiurt drgo Jn i diiucti 'high e lee ancd
wttnly dounwakd gaiutaterial pra

Dalue at
any psirt calll luid psetrtal 9:
Fer eg. we hau P - e Aa and +p Az2
co127) Coa -0) fer
02-luid huod ata guu hukt .
The touwL thun eneludso ta tgico uluvant t munung
ulatid Aildo iuth lo inoctaro
Fremn sil arnd gao prpecauie, flow i
a actuo
a l for undestarcling uslusiekdichoo
mining , hulao n
undurabmding duwating plaro a
wwl ao eal Bid mthant ntractir and in hyde
muhanical atabilty rocho
Flous rough
Elos heugh raturally acueurg racto a n lu ALgnhm
hugh lecauat larg lou Capacityacture Rumalily
enyanionto Haw rsugh ech attuii channil
Flos an
Flou uharactrioid ly Buckungtam Lguakén -

2 L
whurew - puactus wdh ,hf,2f facture huhé dnd
ngth uapichinly f -e facts
whw Op= newE hEx VT, T- Tortus
Thu low
Th haily dypundunt n ahaat actuko,
whuh or tuue ypt mainy
) Retangular
Tha eactwe hapt nn uculbrmuiuduia CB analyais
arg digtal umage agltuaro. lpo-gMaphic mag
plications T mining Rrd Other Releted Idushniesr

Athough h i
thouph Autisn did net piat in tu covaL, thi uthee
ha addud it øn hio aun voluttan
The plicatono a
or Lal alomo_whics
9Exbrackhen CBm HLAluOLo
Cannstlu tatracted ly cenuwrdwral mdhsclo
D Elas y
iD Elav mthant uitus a cenl JaaBsoir for mubhant

ni)Hot dey reck mning (gesthural nwgy labeacber)
NOuating n undsgueunad mn

9Hyde- michaninl medlior rdirgrnd

abructue ataluliy
Buyend bo , porsuo mida flouso hau mag oleaturo
not lishd hou.

Te snclude, he cwke pruckd atudinb iuth a gosol
ndralanclirg duaasporguo mudia Jlouws aleng
uith oryurg CBnditisr
alerg t h hual lif Lnarpbo pekoLuo meclia
loso alleved 0 MoL uap nd htundratanediry
l e hreugh cko si an ohdereol mar
Th malbis a d in bh gurol hak lun tabn pem
dnbrraberaly ugpuetd otukuo
loPrc Ouerview O iil
Engineering n SccL
DURATTON 3 hours + hour Cdoubt sesalon ):4houS

Th wlunar ,hdd ly Prdmauedhu ollegt aoastiats uih
the tivl ngtrting dyoatturt at ScuL on16 July 2020
ga a r y xuiu t he yolo and fenitins
t dyoartr ibin Sc. Th unirar lpud
b attrelus rualit the irasvrbaru q cuil rgnuring
hi collinin, ard wndirotmd d panbta drly rsho
Th epsakue u n t on ao olain hou hu dpantnid hao
werk i hu foleuing akiao, namly, uinl duulgorat,
hmaing and amuiitio , pab aumply and uwatnpeadmu
ao iull 40 aluay audrngo .Meu Mphaaio uno guun
avebe tadmnt and houoi facilda,, du ssar
uing dsni an i m udly. hi wnbirar ndd uis
portn ahsiaing srhndis tn
k ail
panbrunk at Sa, follsed ly a oloult alsaisn

The wulurae
uyno y nledvung 190ub bi atguo
Luil nguuwing n a mr. A
guntal dstuiptas b
playud dy Suud ngrukirg didyd, atuh a
Lvobtuetuplant pypkal, urdiy i u
do luul oaguL Cabl"notructon io dirtnd
Thu oakve ban goto, o
uyplan Mort abot
Cpuctofolssed by Jual lh lranyplo ice
Pody Mine. Deselopment
Tn ScuL, u ciul dyastmunb sotno t t maat g t h
enatuctin elatd jolo, atomting unh min duulgerru
Apantorn the indad
dulyesnurZn undrgrsino mno
uuh ao shalt aviking, plant hectian thiy alos
cp a pmallu ak
tnztuglho such
pouut callt svhiado it.
TAL psult
plorts nd Oads uths bu mning ania hen
al Jun iorabuchd ly th1 ciuil
Reguler maintaurana lio daily io nduakun in b
psc planto Road. a truekid-at y Moagen
for damngio heliuo du alos conotuctd ly he dyailth

ConStmuetion For Cwi lian Rurpos es

SCL suid dypantmunb wao alae mgsraibl for bi
tonbuuulis oidneal heuato n d t i rmainds
h hvaidintial Conpleano
Th wbunar otaeed nthi, akua ly ohovcaaing ek
latit raidintal
Auuldiig tonotakd, alorg withUin
inon smutally rutndl amuitis auch a olar uvatir
hato whcs wntulek toward he 174 kU aslar poo
Lwwwrdl bing gurvatd
Thu odmurntrabiu uildngo hualh tntbits haut all bus
ernabructd ly hu ScCL ciil palnnb
Th ausoge
auwage uotnnb ploneo ti he uoududal celsnc
hau aloo lun conottuebd ly hum
nge nd WagBe Water eatmenti
r Aighly zalpd abesl aea uidhin u -unlwrar
A u a g e and wwad wzt rntnnt lan
Tha plarnto hau kulprd onotrue and tiat uvaatawaár
herl uL, Laknurg Lvil doeitmind a let
Th uabve guali'y mendtud
foe out aakamire pkus
Tobruabnut ramely, pH, dblal augpindal slilo
Chumial s4gun dumand (ao) and eil ov
Theo guaal.
fo both mini dcharg gmanduatr ansol
emng altfau unal
7 uwage buatment planko a Junctorung utbin
auns ueughat Sc
Thio wotur o aloe sltannd rom a salik LalkeSir
teugh a 43-5km lsg pjalit prem a
Nuay k
olwogu tuatmunt plant lauo th aludg a
Puatmunt ao ranul Aon nualay
Th innn wertng24 t t s plantatsro
plart u k t duysnd ru
Alypr e be uubiraand wwL net diocuaud
T acldbin, uunt manegumnb u a wate uth
kh lyectu ptiniyatsn uanIL wove Ryatmo
udua itakt s a ruguxire,é, ollekoy
and rLculabn digrsoal
luvzb ut

Tvans poratiop And

Raillay Sdirg
Th siuil dupartmurt tointhatge Lrttuultzy in io
demainso ull The med
angaseati ksm
Ldal muno o te poer plart io ly Inodian adisa
djpbin n wagR
2 bom , STPP and s a aiding tan alks bu dilijed
psunt plart
Th saidsay
railusny siding pggeue b take ron t

diatiet oati. Mect e ack b a dun laid

doun ly hi ciwil diparrrt ,and bi rmaiicde ot

siding avuo ao
uanges ot geL matiiah dounl
Thu pavtmunt alos cnobuuchad an hbankmut allnu
plantnbo) alorg he rack.

Ao lanlu
alule e
auna hu r a booly, til urat csas
Conclucl uith uriageou vapBL wSR
bu ciuil
dicorbrint alorg uih srgsing Csnaruetiso
hi apakur bun srcludeod
ahswn dy aayirg hat ahat wsa
wnojuat ead sunvus y roA

ly h dyparrint. he nheer ueekina

dLahsuten oo aueald ao E Luao ut aceel.
The uinal u u s wa hat auh
pgusmtat lu brs
Thi uno allouucd ly a
ugeteiio deubt atsain

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