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Hello Class! This is your teacher Mrs. Dutko on our first classroom podcast.

Today I’m going to

give you a little preview of a book that we are going to read in class together this Monday called
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstien.

Have you ever noticed all the beautiful trees around us and all the wonderful things that trees
provide for us? They can give us food when we’re hungry and shade when it’s hot out and so
much more!

I want you all to go outside with your parents this weekend and find your favorite tree. Really
take a good look at the tree and think about all parts of the tree. From the leaves all the way on
the top to the roots that are deep under the ground.

Think about everything that trees can do for you. When we read The Giving Tree on Monday,
you might be surprised just how much a tree can do for me and for you!

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