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Assignment No 4.

1. Explain the need of the cloud servers with its types in detail.
A cloud server is a hosted, and typically virtual, compute server that is accessed by users over
a network. Cloud servers are intended to provide the same functions, support the same
operating systems (OSes) and applications, and offer performance characteristics similar to
traditional physical servers that run in a local data centre. Cloud servers are often referred to
as virtual servers, virtual private servers or virtual platforms.

Cloud server types

Public cloud servers: The most common expression of a cloud server is a virtual
machine (VM) -- or compute "instance" -- that a public cloud provider hosts on its own
infrastructure, and delivers to users across the internet using a web-based interface or
console. This model is broadly known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Common
examples of cloud servers include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances, Azure instances
and Google Compute Engine instances.

Private cloud servers: A cloud server may also be a compute instance within an on-
premises private cloud. In this case, an enterprise delivers the cloud server to internal users
across a local area network, and, in some cases, also to external users across the internet. The
primary difference between a hosted public cloud server and a private cloud server is that the
latter exists within an organization's own infrastructure, where a public cloud server is owned
and operated outside of the organization.

Dedicated cloud servers: In addition to virtual cloud servers, cloud providers can also supply
physical cloud servers, also known as bare-metal servers, which essentially dedicate a cloud
provider's physical server to a user. These dedicated cloud servers – also called dedicated
instances -- are typically used when an organization must deploy a custom virtualization
layer, or mitigate the performance and security concerns that often accompany a Multi-tenant
cloud server.

2. Explain the scenarios where we can use the consolidated servers using cloud.
Server consolidation is the process of migrating network services and applications from
multiple computers to a singular computer. This consolidation can include multiple physical
computers to multiple virtual computers on one host computer.
You can consolidate computers for several reasons:
• Minimizing power consumption
• Simplifying administration duties
• Reducing overall cost
• Increase hardware resource utilization.
1. Explain the applications of HDFS Architecture.

Application of Hadoop Distributed File System Architecture:

• Financial services companies use analytics to assess risk, build investment models, and
create trading algorithms; Hadoop has been used to help build and run those applications.

• Retailers use it to help analyze structured and unstructured data to better understand and
serve their customers.

• In the asset-intensive energy industry Hadoop-powered analytics are used for predictive
maintenance, with input from Internet of Things (IoT) devices feeding data into big data

• Telecommunications companies can adapt all the aforementioned use cases. For example,
they can use Hadoop-powered analytics to execute predictive maintenance on their
infrastructure. Big data analytics can also plan efficient network paths and recommend
optimal locations for new cell towers or other network expansion. To support customer-
facing operations telcos can analyze customer behaviour and billing statements to inform
new service offerings.

• There are numerous public sector programs, ranging from anticipating and preventing
disease outbreaks to crunching numbers to catch tax cheats.

1. Explain
the strategic
process of
E business

diagrammatic representation.
Analyze the company’s external & Internal environments:
In the traditional strategic planning model, managers identify their company’s strengths and
weaknesses, as well as the obstacles and opportunities in their business environment. They
are then ready to make strategic decisions that seek to balance their company’s competencies
with the business opportunities around them. This step is equally crucial for e-business

Planning strategies & Objectives of organization:

The selection of an e-business strategy requires solid knowledge of how e-business can create
economic value for the firm. Successful SMEs know how to identify the scope of their
activities and determine which products, clients and geographic markets they should target.
They also know how to set clear and measurable goals.

Implementation & Control of plans:

After defining the targeted client base and geographic markets for new or traditional
products, SME managers should plan the implementation of their e-business and decide what
type of technological solution and supply chain to adopt.

Most strategic planning methodologies are based on:

• Situation; where a company is right now and how did it get there;
• Target; where does a company want to be;
• Path; how can it get there.

2. Explain the RPC and RMI

concept with example.
RPC stands for Remote Procedure
Call which supports procedural
programming. Tt’s almost like IPC
mechanism wherever the software permits
the processes to manage shared
information Associated with an
environment wherever completely different
processes area unit death penalty on separate systems and essentially need message-based
communication.Remote file and database access was one of the earliest uses of RPC.

Example: The Sun Network File System, for instance, is implemented using the Sun XDR
RPC system. At CERN, the Valet-Plus VME-based test system uses RPC running over
ethernet to access files on minicomputers and mainframes.(Remote File Access)

RMI stands for Remote Method Invocation, is a similar to PRC but it supports object-

oriented programming which is the java’s feature. A thread is allowable to decision the
strategy on a foreign object. In RMI, objects are passed as a parameter rather than ordinary

Example: For creating the remote interface, extend the Remote interface and declare the
RemoteException with all the methods of the remote interface..(Remote Interface)

3. Give suitable example to describe the virtual communities.

A virtual community is known as any group of people who use Internet technologies to
communicate with each other. Depending on whether one takes a social perspective or a
technology perspective, online communities tend to be named by the activity and people they
serve or the technology that supports them. For example the same community might be called
a 'breast cancer patient support community' and a Teacher board community. Moreover,
virtual communities are defined as collectivities of people who share a common experience,
interest, or conviction; who experience a positive regard for other members; and who
contribute to member welfare and collective welfare.

• Forums, online chat rooms, specialized information communities, email groups. These are
made up of people who either discuss or share about a common topic/theme. They may also
act as a place to ask experts in a specific field for help.

• The people in virtual worlds share the common interest of the world itself. These worlds
are often massively multiplayer games like "World of Warcraft.”

• Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are the most common social networking hubs, and they all
allow people to form smaller communities based on other interests. Other communities in
this category, such as Pinterest and YouTube, focused on media sharing.

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