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Focus on Alternative and
Complementary Therapies
Volume 18(3) September 2013 118–125
© 2013 Royal Pharmaceutical Society
DOI 10.1111/fct.12034
ISSN 1465-3753

Role of propolis in dentistry: review of the literature

Divesh Sardana, KR InduShekar, Sheetal Manchanda, Bhavna Gupta Saraf,

Neha Sheoran

Background Propolis (also called bee glue) is a resinous substance derived from bees. It has long been used in medicine
for its beneficial properties, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and local anaesthetic effects. In dentistry,
propolis has been used for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases, as an interim transport medium for
avulsed teeth, and in endodontics, orthodontics and periodontics.
Objective To highlight the role of propolis in dentistry.
Methods A PubMed search was made using the keywords propolis, bee glue, antimicrobial, dental and herbs without
any limits on the date of publication. No specific inclusion or exclusion criteria were applied as the purpose of the review
was to make it as comprehensive as possible.
Discussion The role of propolis is discussed in various branches of dentistry, including: preventive dentistry, dental
traumatology, endodontics, periodontology, orthodontics and oral oncology.
Conclusion Although most research published in the dental literature on propolis is based on in-vitro studies or animal
studies, extrapolating the results of these present studies to clinical practice may be too early as these results may not be
necessarily replicated in human trials. In future, propolis may find a definitive role in one or more applications in dentistry;
however, clinical trials are necessary to isolate the individual components responsible for its beneficial effects and to study

Antimicrobial • bee glue • dental • interim-transport media • propolis

Introduction Egyptians have long known about the medical prop-

erties of propolis, however the use of propolis in
Propolis (also called bee glue) is a resinous substance dentistry is relatively new; but considering the effects
derived from honey bees (Apis mellifera), and has long of propolis on infection, inflammation and carcino-
been used in medicine for its beneficial properties. genesis, it may have more potential uses in the treat-
The term ‘propolis’ is a Greek word meaning ‘in front ment as well as the prevention of oral disease.
of the city’ (‘pro’ – in front and ‘polis’ – city), which Propolis is mainly composed of plant resins and
emphasises the protective role of propolis in bee exudates that are gathered by bees. Some wax, bee
colonies. The medical literature is vast regarding the secretions and pollen are added later by the bees to
potential benefits of propolis and its constituents, give the final complex product, viz propolis. The
with a range of effects reported to date including colour of the propolis may vary from yellowish-green
anti-inflammatory,1 antioxidant,2,3 anti-ulcer,4 anti- to dark brown depending on its source and age. Like
tumour,5 antidiabetic,6,7 cardio-protective8 and local- other waxes, it is hard and brittle when cold but
anaesthetic effects.9 The Greeks, Arabs, Romans and becomes soft and sticky when warmed.

Review 119

Several hundred compounds have been character- Table 1 Propolis and its role in dentistry
ised in different propolis types; however, the main
Composition (may vary Flavonoids
chemical constituents of propolis are flavonoids,
depending on Phenolic and aromatic
various phenolic and aromatic compounds, amino the source) compounds
acids, minerals and vitamins A, E and B complex. Amino acids
These constituents appear in various concentrations Minerals
depending on geographical location and botanical Vitamins
origin. Howsoever the exact composition of propolis Physical characteristics Colour: yellowish-green to dark
from different botanical origins may vary, the biologi- brown depending on source
cal effects are similar. This may be because of similar and age
active ingredients in different types of propolis. Hard and brittle when cold
Soft and sticky when warmed
The purpose of this review is to highlight the role
Health-enhancing Anti-inflammatory
of propolis in dentistry and to discuss any future
benefits Antioxidant
perspectives of this new ‘Api-herbal drug’. Anti-ulcer
Methods Antifungal
Although propolis has been used in dentistry for Antiviral
various indications, evidence from RCTs and control-
led clinical trials are lacking. Hence, no specific cri- Dental uses Anti-caries agent
teria were applied a priori as to what articles would be Interim transport media for
selected for this review. The purpose was to make this avulsed teeth
review as comprehensive as possible, although only Anti-plaque agent
articles indexed in PubMed were considered for inclu- Anti-calculus agent
sion. A PubMed search was made using the keywords Intra-canal medicament
propolis, bee glue, antimicrobial, dental and herbs Intra-canal irrigant
without any limits on the date of publication. Pulp capping agent
Adjunct to radiotherapy
Reduction of dentinal
Treatment of stomatitis
Propolis has been widely used in dentistry; the earli- Anti-herpetic
est reference to its use was probably a medical book Antifungal
named ‘The Carbadini’ published in the 13th century, Repair of oral wounds
where its beneficial role had been suggested in tooth
decay. Since then, possibly due to its wide antimicro-
bial activity (including antibacterial, antifungal and propolis depends on its composition and, thus, the
antiviral activity), propolis has been used for the region of collection of the propolis sample.19,20
treatment and prevention of dental caries and peri- Although propolis demonstrates in vitro inhibitory
odontal diseases, as an interim transport medium for activity against streptococcus and lactobacillus, long-
avulsed teeth, and for dental hypersensitivity and term clinical studies showing changes in decayed,
denture and apthous stomatitis (Table 1). missing, filled teeth (DMFT) and decayed, missing,
filled surfaces (DMFS) are lacking. The exact dosage
Preventive dentistry and concentration of propolis that should be used
As an anti-caries agent also needs to be conclusively determined. Propolis
Apart from the numerous approaches already avail- has already been tested as an adjuvant to vaccines21
able for the prevention of dental caries (e.g. fluorides, and hence, may have a future role in caries vaccina-
dietary counselling, povidone-iodine, probiotics, tion or as adjuvant therapy to other anti-caries
caries vaccine), which affect one or more steps in the agents [e.g. fluorides, povidone-iodine, casein
caries process, propolis is a useful addition to this list phosphopeptide – amorphous calcium phosphate
as it inhibits water-insoluble glucan synthesis and (CPP-ACP)].
affects acid production and the acid tolerance of
micro-organisms.10 Two mechanisms of action have Dental trauma
been associated with the anti-caries11 and anti- Interim-transport media for avulsed teeth
plaque12 properties of propolis: the first is the anti- Dental avulsion is a consequence of injury that
microbial activity against cariogenic bacteria;13,14 the results in the complete displacement of a tooth from
second is the inhibition of glucosyltransferase its alveolar socket and damaging the adjacent
enzyme activity.15–18 However; the cariostatic effect of hard and soft periodontal tissues. Various interim
120 Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies September 2013 18(3)

transport media for avulsed teeth have been used to effect on both the rate of amorphous calcium
preserve the vitality of periodontal ligament (PDL) phosphate transformation to hydroxyapatite and the
cells; propolis is one of them. Propolis has been induction time)37 and anti-plaque agent. However,
found to be an effective storage media for periods of propolis may have a limited role when compared to
6 h and above.22,23 However, the results do not appear chlorhexidine (CHX) as an anti-plaque agent.38
very promising for shorter periods of storage.
Propolis increases the metabolic activity and pro- Endodontics
liferation of PDL cells and decreases apoptosis, sug- Intra-canal medicament
gesting it has a beneficial role on the viability and Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] has remained a stand-
physiological health of periodontal ligament cells.24 ard treatment against which intra-canal medica-
Propolis has also been shown to inhibit external ments (ICMs) are compared.39,40 However, Ca(OH)2
root resorption similar to 2% acidulated-phosphate has some disadvantages, like its longer time require-
sodium fluoride solution,25 although in another ments for action41 and its inability to eliminate a
study propolis caused time-dependent replacement whole spectrum of micro-organisms.42 Propolis has
resorption similar to teeth maintained in saliva and reportedly a greater inhibitory effect on Enterococcus
dry conditions.23 Lastly, propolis inhibits osteoclas- faecalis compared to Ca(OH)2, tri-antibiotic mixture,
togenesis and osteoclast activation in tissue culture ethanol and saline.43–45 However, in these studies the
and may prove useful in future as a medicament to methodologies differed in regard to antimicrobial
reduce resorption associated with traumatic injuries testing, duration of the study, strain of E. faecalis and
to the teeth.26 the concentration of propolis used. Although propo-
Various concentrations of propolis (either alone or lis had better inhibitory activity against E. faecalis,
in combinations)27–29 with varied time periods have CHX and povidone iodine were found to be better
been studied to determine its effectiveness in main- than propolis and Ca(OH)2.46 However, in another
taining PDL cell viability utilising different meth- study, Ca(OH)2 paste containing propolis extract
ods.30,31 Although found to be effective, the exact was found to be better than Ca(OH)2 alone against
concentration is yet to be conclusively determined. polymicrobial cultures.47
Moreover, its ease of availability remains a question Apart from the antimicrobial action of intra-canal
when compared to other easily available and effective medicaments, another issue to be considered is the
media such as milk, coconut water and oral rehydra- peri-apical response of the ICM. Long-term studies on
tion solution. Based on the data available for propolis peri-apical response of propolis are lacking, however,
as an interim transport medium, it may be concluded when compared with corticosteroid–antibiotic paste,
that propolis is an acceptable long-term storage it caused less peri-apical inflammation over a period
medium for avulsed teeth. However, long-term of 28 days in dogs’ teeth.48 As an ICM, both propolis
human trials are necessary to term it the ‘best’ storage and Ca(OH)2 have similar physical properties,49
medium for avulsed teeth. although propolis has been reported to be 10 times
less cytotoxic to fibroblasts of the periodontal liga-
Periodontology ment and dental pulp.50
A large number of mouth rinses have been used for
their ability to disrupt the formation of plaque. In a
double-blind cross-over study, propolis was found to Intra-canal irrigant
be significantly more efficacious than placebo in Propolis may be used as an intra-canal irrigant and
reducing the plaque index and the concentration of has been found to be effective in reducing endotox-
insoluble polysachharide.12 Reduction of insoluble ins and inhibiting E. faecalis, Streptococcus aureus,
polysaccharide by propolis may not only reduce the Candida albicans and E. coli.51–53
bulk of plaque but also affect the cariogenic potential
of plaque.32 In rat models, propolis when adminis- Pulp-capping agent/pulpotomy
tered systemically reduced alveolar bone loss when Propolis has been used as a pulp-capping agent in
assessed by morphologic and histologic parameters.33 permanent teeth54 and as a pulpotomy agent in
Sub-gingival irrigation with propolis extract as an primary teeth.55,56 It was found that teeth capped
adjuvant to periodontal treatment was found to be with propolis form a hard tissue barrier. The probable
more effective than conventional treatment accord- components of propolis responsible for the forma-
ing to both microbiological and clinical para- tion of the hard tissue barrier are the flavonoids,
meters34,35 and, hence, may be recommended in cases which have been shown to cause less inflammation
of gingivitis and periodontitis. Propolis has also been and harder tissue formation than non-flavonoid
studied for its effectiveness in reducing malodour components.57 Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory
production and found to be ineffective,36 but it still properties by virtue of their suppression of immune
may find a future role in toothpastes and mouth cell activation, macrophage-derived nitric oxide and
rinses as an anti-calculus agent (due to its inhibitory cytokine production and neutrophil activation. Also,
Review 121

flavonoids may inhibit bacterial growth in the pulp the oral cavity. The anti-HSV effect of propolis was
chamber thereby reducing the host response to bac- tested in an in-vitro and in-vivo study71 and propolis
terial antigens.58 was found to have an inhibitory effect on viral infec-
tion probably owing to the prevention of virus
Orthodontics absorption into the host cells and/or inhibition of an
Propolis solution was shown to have a positive effect internal step(s) during the viral replication cycle,
on bone formation during treatment with a device to thus preventing the appearance and development of
expand the palatine suture. An increased quantity of symptoms in vivo. In another study, Brazilian propolis
osteoblasts and quicker bone remodelling was found showed not only direct anti-HSV-1 activity but also
in preparations from rats that received propolis immunological activity against intradermal HSV-1
during the treatment.59 infection in mice.72

Oral oncology Repair of oral wounds

The radio-sensitising capacity of propolis was evalu- Propolis in aqueous alcohol solution exerted a small
ated in human head and neck squamous cell carci- analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and also aided
noma (HNSCC) cells and propolis was found to repair of intra-buccal surgical wounds after sulculo-
enhance radio-sensitivity in one of the three HNSCC plasty by modified Kazanjian technique.73 Topical
lines and also reduced cell growth and clonogenic application of propolis hydro-alcoholic solution
survival.60 Hydro-alcoholic extract of green propolis was found to accelerate epithelial repair after tooth
had a protective role against chemically induced extraction but had no effect on socket wound
lingual carcinogenesis in rats61 and may be used as a healing.74
preventive agent or as adjunctive treatment for oral
cancers. Propolis may also have a role in reducing or
delaying radiation-induced mucositis.62 Role in dental materials
Arslan et al.75 evaluated the effect of five cavity disin-
Miscellaneous fection agents: chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite,
Dentin hypersensitivity propolis, ozone, and erbium chromium: yttrium-
Dentin hypersensitivity has been defined as a short, scandium-gallium garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser on bond
sharp pain arising from exposed dentin in response strengths of silorane-based resin composite. However,
to stimuli, typically thermal, evaporative, tactile, no significant difference in mean bond strength was
osmotic or chemical, which cannot be ascribed to observed between the groups. Troca et al.76 evaluated
any other form of dental pathology.63 Numerous the effect of adding green propolis on the mechanical
materials have been used to reduce dentin hypersen- properties of glass ionomer cements (GICs). Water
sitivity; propolis is one of them.64 When compared sorption values of the experimental GICs were
with CPP-ACP F and sodium fluoride, topical appli- increased compared to pure GIC; other mechanical
cation of propolis was found to be most effective in properties like diametral tensile strength and solubil-
reducing hypersensitivity over a period of 90 days.65 ity were also affected, although the change in prop-
The probable mechanism for the reduction in erties were dependent on the GIC material (i.e.
hypersensitivity may be the occlusion of dentinal manufacturer). Silva et al.77 evaluated the effect of
tubules.66,67 nystatin, flucanazole and propolis on the roughness,
free energy and Knoop hardness number of poly-
Stomatitis methyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin (both heat
Systemic intake of propolis (500 mg/day) was found cured and microwave cured). There was a significant
to be effective in reducing the number of disease increase in surface roughness and surface hardness of
outbreaks and improving the QoL of patients suffer- PMMA samples treated with propolis compared to
ing from recurrent aphthous stomatitis.68 antifungal agents. The increase in surface hardness in
the propolis-treated group was probably due to the
Antifungal deposition of propolis over the roughened area,
Candidiasis is a fungal infection commonly found in which may have formed a barrier to C. albicans.
denture wearers and immune-compromised patients.
Propolis has been found to inhibit C. albicans isolated
from HIV-seropositive individuals when compared to
nystatin in an in-vitro study,69 and also in denture Propolis is considered to be a safe medicine; however,
wearers, thus supporting its antifungal activity.70 like other honey-bee products, it may be responsible
for causing allergic reactions.78–80 As such, propolis
Antiviral should be avoided by asthmatic patients, patients
Propolis may have a future role in the prophylaxis or allergic to bee stings and patients allergic to honey
treatment of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections of products. Patch testing should be done to rule out
122 Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies September 2013 18(3)

allergy to propolis before prescribing it to a patient. 10 Duarte S, Rosalen PL, Hayacibara MF et al. The influ-
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components of propolis responsible for causing aller- films and caries development in rats. Arch Oral Biol
gic reactions. 2006; 51: 15–22.
11 Hayacibara MF, Koo H, Rosalen PL et al. In vitro and in
Conclusion vivo effects of isolated fractions of Brazilian propolis
on caries development. J Ethnopharmacol 2005; 101:
Although most of the dental literature published on
propolis is based on in-vitro studies or animal studies,
12 Koo H, Cury JA, Rosalen PL et al. Effect of a mouthrinse
extrapolating the results of these present studies to
clinical practice may be too early as these results may containing selected propolis on 3-day dental plaque
not be necessarily replicated in human trials. In accumulation and polysaccharide formation. Caries Res
future, propolis may find a definitive role in one or 2002; 36: 445–8.
more applications in dentistry; however, clinical trials 13 Bertolini PF, Biondi Filho O, Pomilio A et al. Antimi-
are necessary to isolate the individual components crobial capacity of Aloe vera and propolis dentifrice
responsible for its beneficial effects and to study them. against Streptococcus mutans strains in toothbrushes: an
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optimal concentration, time of application, method 14 Malhotra N, Rao SP, Acharya S, Vasudev B. Compara-
of preparation and effects on the oral cavity. Lastly, tive in vitro evaluation of efficacy of mouthrinses
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considered before prescribing the product to patients. albicans. Oral Health Prev Dent 2011; 9: 261–8.
15 Ikeno K, Ikeno T, Miyazawa C. Effects of propolis
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Review 125

Bhavna Gupta Saraf, BDS, MDS, Associate Professor,

Divesh Sardana, BDS, MDS, Senior Lecturer, Department
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sudha
of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sudha Rustagi
Rustagi College of Dental Sciences and Research, Faridabad
College of Dental Sciences and Research, Faridabad
121002, India.
121002, India.
Neha Sheoran, BDS, MDS, Senior Lecturer, Department of
KR InduShekar, BDS, MDS, Professor and Head, Depart-
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sudha Rustagi College
ment of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sudha Rustagi
of Dental Sciences and Research, Faridabad 121002, India.
College of Dental Sciences and Research, Faridabad
121002, India.
Sheetal Manchanda, BDS, Private Practitioner, NexGen
Dental Solutions, Gurgaon 122002, India.

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