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LONG TERM PLAN: 2020-2021

Year Group/Subject: ICT Starters Next Steps Stage 1 Grade 4


Targeted Skills Activities Materials/Resources Assessment

Term Week Unit (Refer to CEFR Levels for
CAIE Stages)
Learners are introduced to
1 1 (24- Exploring Introduction Spreadsheets spreadsheet software. They
Book : Next Steps
28/08) spreadsheets learn to enter data, text and
Stage 1
Calculations formulas
into cells. They can copy data,
replicate formulas and
understand that spreadsheets
carry out calculations
automatically. They can use
spreadsheet software to create
graphs or charts. They begin to
understand the power
of spreadsheets for modelling
situations, and how data and
formulas can be modified to
test predictions, or to work
out what happens when
something is changed.

Learners should be able to enter text
2 Skill 1
Activity 1.1 Book : Next Steps Stage 1 and data into spreadsheet software to
(1-4/09) “What is a create a working spreadsheet. This can
Activity 1.2
be a copy of a spreadsheet supplied by
you, to which learners are asked to add
Enter labels and numbers items.
into a spreadsheet

Activity 2.1 Learners should be able

3 (7- Exploring Skill 2
to enter simple formulas
11/09) spreadsheets Activity 2.2 Book : Next Steps
like =A1+A2. They
Entering data into a Stage 1
should be able to use
the SUM function to
www.cambridgeint total a range of cells.

They should be able to

4 (14- Exploring Enter and copy simple
18/09) spreadsheets formulas Activity 2.3 Book : Next Steps copy a formula to another
Actvity 2.4 Stage 1 location. The assessment
may prescribe which
formulas to put where.

5 (21- Exploring Enter and copy simple Activity 2.4 This should involve creating
25/09) spreadsheets formulas the SUM function and not
Activty 2.5 Book : Next Steps just using AutoSum from
Stage 1 the toolbar


· Activity 3.1 Printout(s) of Learners can select a given

6 (28/09- Exploring Skill 3
2/10) spreadsheets completed range of data and use it to
Actvity 3.2
Using simple formulas spreadsheet with create an appropriate
graph and formulas graph.
with numbers

Actvity 3.3 Learners give the graph a

7 (5-9/10) Exploring Create a graph
meaningful title, but the
spreadsheets Activity 3.4 Book : Next
axes may not be labelled or
Steps Stage 1
Activity 3.5 referenced correctly.

·Activity 4.1 Learners are given some data to

8 (12- Exploring Skill 4
change in their spreadsheet
16/10) spreadsheets Activity 4.2 Book : Next Steps
Using simple formulas (which will affect both data and
Activity 4.3 Stage 1
with cells formulas).

Activity 4.4 Learners manage to change the

9 (19- Exploring Modify data
data and make appropriate
23/10) spreadsheets Activity 4.5 Book : Next Steps
checks to make sure that their
Stage 1
Activity 4.6 spreadsheet still works.

From Skill 1 to
10 (26- Exploring Midterm Exam
Skill 2
30/10) spreadsheets


Midterm Holidays
·Activity 5.1 Printout of the Learners need to demonstrate
11 Exploring Skill 5
learner’s answer to an understanding of the effect
spreadsheets Activity 5.2
(9-13/11) Using a function (SUM) the modelled of changing data and should be
scenario and the able to answer questions to
modified spreadsheet modelled scenarios, such as: ‘If
the cost goes up by … would
there still be a profit?’

12 Exploring Use a spreadsheet to · Activity 5.3 Book : Next Steps LO4 is about the learner
spreadsheets answer a modelled Stage 1 being able to make the
(16-20/11) scenario (‘what if’)
changes, while LO5 is about
www.cambridgeint the learner’s understanding
***AutoSum of the implications of those
changes, e.g. using the ability
to change or modify a
spreadsheet to answer

· Activity 6.1 Book : Next Steps

13 Exploring Skill 6
spreadsheets Stage 1
Activity 6.2
Copying (or replicating ) a

Activity 6.3 Book : Next Steps

14 Exploring Method 1 Actvity 6.4 Stage 1
spreadsheets www.cambridgeinter
(30/11- Method 2 Activity 6.5
Targeted Activities
Term Week Unit Skills

· Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Using all the knowledge you have
2 15 Exploring
learn from the skills in this
spreadsheets www.cambridgeinternational.o
(7-11/12) module, you can start final project
Final Exam From Skill 1 – Skill 6 rg


(14-18//12) FINAL EXAMS week (1st Term)


(21/12 - 8/01) sCHOOL HOLIDAYS

17 Exploring Skill 7 Activity 7.1 Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Learners can use a spreadsheet
spreadsheets to create a graph, for example a
(11-15/01) Creating a Activity 7.2 www.cambridgeinternational.or bar chart or a pie chart.
graph g
You can select the cells you want
to use to create a graph, including
the titles.
Activity 8.1 Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Learners can use spreadsheets to
18 Exploring Skill 8
Activity 8.2 model scenarios.
spreadsheets www.cambridgeinternational.o
(18-22/01) Modifying rg
Activity 8.3
data and
“what if”

Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Imagine you own a chocolate

19 Exploring ***Sceanario Activity 1, www.cambridgeinternation shop. You want to work out
spreadsheets how much it costs you to
(25-29/01) “Chocolate Activity 2 make your chocolates, how
shop” many of your chocolates you
Activity 3 sell and how much you sell
them for. You will then work
Activity 4 out how much money you
make. You are going to use a
Activity 5 spreadsheets to help you.

Activity 6 Book : Next Steps Stage 1 To change the width of the

20 Exploring “Chocolate
Activity 7 columns, drag the line between
spreadsheets shop” www.cambridgeinternational.o
(1-5/02) the column letters
Activity 8 rg

Activity 9
Activity 10
Activity 11

Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Learners can change the way a

21 Exploring Challenge 1
spreadsheet looks by changing the
spreadsheets Activity 1 www.cambridgeinternational.o
(8-12/02) -Average font style, size and colour of the
22 Exploring Challenge 2 · Activity 2 Book : Next Steps Stage 1 It is important to only use these in
spreadsheets a few places.
(15-19/02) -Min www.cambridgeinternational.o





Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Using all the knowledge you have
24 Exploring Final Project
learn from the skills in this
spreadsheets Activity 1-8 www.cambridgeinternational.o
(01/03-05/03) “School trip module, you can start final project



08/03 FINAL EXAMS week (2nd Term)



(15-19/03) FINAL EXAMS week (2nd Term)


School Holidays

Learners can enter numeric

27 Exploring Skill 1 and text data into a database
Activity 1.1 Printout of additional
databases with a predetermined
(29/03-02/04) What is a Activity 1.2 records, with errors
structure, making no more
database? Activity 2.1 identified by the teacher than three errors in entering
Activity 2.2 five additional records.
Skill 2
Activity 2.3

Learners can identify at least

28 Exploring Skill 3 two different field types in the
Activity 3.1
databases database.
(05-9/04) Data types Activity 3.2 Book : Next Steps Stage 1
07/04 Skill 4
Activity 4.1 org
Official Activity 4.2
Navigating a

Book : Next Steps Stage 1 In order for this to be feasible,

29 Exploring Skill 5 in a database of 20 records,
Activity 5.1 www.cambridgeinternational.
databases the result of such a search
(12-16/04) Add a new Activity 5.2 org
should be no more than three
records for a question of the
type ‘Which characters have
Skill 6
Activity 6.1 height greater than x
Activity 6.2 metres?’
Writing a
query with the Activity 6.3
Activity 6.4
Activity 6.5
Activity 6.6

Activity 7.1 Book : Next Steps Stage 1

30 Exploring Skill 7
Activity 7.2 www.cambridgeinternational. Learners answer a real-life
(19-23/04) Using <and>in Activity 7.3 org question from their
searches Activity 7.4 databases by turning their
questions into suitable
Activity 7.5
database search criteria.
Activity 7.6
Activity 7.7

31 Exploring Skill 8 Book : Next Steps Stage 1

Activity 8.1
(26-30/04) AND queries Activity 8.2 www.cambridgeinternational.or
Activity 8.3 g
Skill 9
Activity 8.4
OR queries
Activity 9.1
Activity 9.2
Activity 9.3
Activity 9.4
Activity 9.5

Scenario Activity .1 Book : Next Steps Stage 1 Learners can collect data about
32 Exploring Activity .2 www.cambridgeinternational.or some books and store them in a
databases “Favourite Activity .3 g database.
(04-08/05) books” Activity .4
Activity .5

Official ***Challenge Activity 1

Activity 2



Book : Next Steps Stage 1 FLearners should give a

33 Exploring Skill 10 written description of the
Activity 10.1-10.7 www.cambridgeinternational.
databases results of sorting and
(17-21/05) Includes org
searching data in response to
a question. The answer is
Activity 11.1-11.5 likely to be one or two
Skill 11
sentences, plus a short list
giving relevant values, if
Skill 12
Activity 12.1-12.3
Rephrasing a
question as a
query and

Book : Next Steps Stage 1

34 Exploring Final project
Activity 1 – 6 www.cambridgeinternational. A groups of creatures has
(24-28/05) “New org just been discovered living
creatures” on a deserted island.
Using all the knowledge you
have learn from the skills in
this module, you can start
final project


(01-11/06) FINAL EXAMS week (3rd Term)

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