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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the list.

take some exercise feel sick have an operation make an appointment get better see a doctor

1. I hope you ..........................soon. 2. Hello, I'd like to ................................ With Dr. Hill.

3. He's ................................................... 4. I think you need to ..............................................

5. That dog needs to ............................................... 6. I .........................................................!

2. Complete the advice with the missing words.

I get really tired when Ihave to run.
1. You ............................ take more excercise. 4. You should ............................ eat so much.
2. You ................... better see a doctor. 5. You had ............................. be careful.
3. You ....................... to lose some weight. 6. You ought ........................... join a gym.

3. Write one piece of advice for each of these people.

1. 'I can't do my homework.' ..........................................................................................
2. 'I'm bored.' ..........................................................................................
3. 'I haven't got any money.' ..........................................................................................
4. 'I'm new at school and I don't know anyone.' ..........................................................................................

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjetives and adverbs. Add any other necessary words
1. The weater tomorrow won't be ................................... (cold) as today.
2. This is the ...................................... (good) pizza I've ever eaten.
3. Do you think this is ............................... (difficult) than the other test?
4. This book's OK, but isn't the ...........................(interesting) one I've ever read.
5. She learns things .............................(easy) than I do
6. I'm very good at tennis, but I'm .................................. (bad) as Janice!
7. Hurry up! Can't you walk ............................ (quick) than that?
8. Do you speak as ...............................(loud) your sister?

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