ENG 201 Assignment bc190408508

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ENG 201 Assignment# 1

bc 190408508

Q No 1. MCQs:


C: Line Graph


A: Flow Chart


D: Schedule Chart


B: Organizational Chart


C: Diagram

Q NO 2:


To the controller of examination:

From: University lecturer
Date: 7-06-2020
Subject: suggestions about final examination

The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced instructive frameworks around the world, prompting the close

terminations of schools, colleges and universities. Most governments around the globe have incidentally
shut instructive foundations trying to contain the spread of COVID-19. Around 1.725 billion students are
as of now influenced because of school terminations in light of the pandemic.

On account of social separating every instructive organization has been halted. In this circumstance
understudies are confronting scholarly difficulties. To advance them in next evaluation assessments are
very significant. By and large, assessments are utilized to settle on choices about an individual
understudy's advancement through the instruction framework, including the allotment of instructive
chances. For tests to be reasonable for all understudies, they ought to be normalized factors, for
example, the substance and arrangement of the assessment papers and assignments, the organization
conditions, access to assets and any Supporting materials and examination of results ought to be the
equivalent (or proportional) for all understudies. Alongside legitimacy and unwavering quality,
reasonableness is critical to keep up, as high-stakes choices are Made about understudies' fates
dependent on their outcomes. In this manner, bodies, for example, assessment
Committees, sheets, and services of training should deliver a few stages to lead

assessment in this pandemic circumstance.

Here, as a college speaker I have a few proposals.

By giving on the web classes we can cover understudy's instructive courses

1. Through online organization imprints ought to be partitioned in to various segment, for example, as...




2. College can make programming for understudies to proceed with their instructive exercises.

3. Each subject's educator should associate with their understudies to help them in their investigations
by online classes.

After online assessment process, understudies ought to be elevated to next evaluation as indicated by
their Results. This thing can forestall them to squander their instructive procedure.

Inside quickly advancing conditions and a dubious span of disturbance, it is important to

arrive at clear methodology which is the correct one, and almost certainly, coming months will uncover

various methodologies are most appropriate to explicit assessment frameworks.

Comprehension ought to be created on occasion when understudies and their folks are concerned

truly about their fates and about their lives. A beam of expectation can be found in Korea, where

COVID-19 is by all accounts preferable contained over in many nations, and where understudies are

proceeding to read and get ready for college placement tests in November 2020. Ideally in

coming many months, as social separating strategies and responsive wellbeing frameworks make

progress against the wellbeing crisis, understudies the world over can continue agonizing over

step by step instructions to excel on their tests – in whichever configuration and conveyance mode.

Till than online assessment framework is the most ideal approach to proceed with their instructive

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