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Lesson Plan in Grade III

I. Objectives:
Within 50 minute period, the Grade III pupils should be able to:
a. Identify action words;
b. Construct sentences using common verbs and
c. Determine the use of verbs.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Verbs
Reference: Learning And Intensifying English Today 3
Materials: pictures, flash cards, word chart, puzzle
Value focus: Cooperation

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
A. Preliminary activities:
In the name of the father and of the son
Leader please lead the prayer. and of the holy spirit amen.

Good afternoon class! Yes Ms.!

Let’s sing a song first.

Do you know the song “Look At Me?”

Okay let’s sing it altogether Good afternoon Ms.

(after singing the action song) Thank you Ms.

You may now take your seats

I have here list of words, you’re going to identify its root

Encircle the root word of the following words

helpless playing
rewind truthful
friendly misspell
preview rewrite
unusual affordable

Do you still remember our last lesson? Yes Ms.
What it is all about? Affixes ms.
(ask pupil to answer)
Very good! Suffix and prefix are called affixes
Who else?
Very good!
1. Motivation
Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Yes Ms.!

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Sponge bob Ms.
Yes, _____?
Hello kitty Ms.
How about you _____?
Superman teacher!
I also have here my favorite cartoon character:
Do you want to meet them?

Their name is Phineas and Ferb. Yes Ms.

That’s good! We know them ms!

Would you want to hear a story about them?

The story is entitled “ The Outer Space Adventure Of

Phineas And Ferb” Yes Ms.

Are you excited?

One day, while they were sitting at their yard Phineas and
Ferb had a strange idea, they plan a big rocket which they Yes Ms.
will be using to go to moon. When they finally got to the
moon their excitement brought them to jump vigorously.
Phineas and Ferb had a great time playing in outer space.
They sing a lullaby, they dance energetically and they also
run all over the different regions of the moon. The two
boys had a wonderful experience playing together. That’s
why Phineas and Ferb felt tired. At that point, they
decided to back to their house and take a rest.

A. Lesson proper

1. Presentation:
Did you understand the story? Yes Ms.

Who are the characters of the story? Phineas and ferb

Where did they go? To the moon.

What did they do there? They play there.

Very good!
2. Discussion
Let’s go back to the story.

What do Phineas and ferb does first in the moon, when They jump vigorously!
they arrived?

Very good!

After that, what are the activities they do all over the

Yes, _____? They sing Ms.

Very good!

What else? They dance Ms.

Very good!

And lastly? They run Ms.

Very good!

What are the activities they do? Jumping


What do you mean by those words?

Very good! It shows action.

What do you call the words that shows action?

Very well children. Action words Ms.

Now, who can give me an example of an action word?

Yes, ____?
Very good!

What else? Cooking

Very good!

Another example, Acting

Yes, ____?
Very good! Crying


3. Activity

Okay let’s go now to your activity.

But before anything else, what are the standards that we
should remember when we are having an activity?
What else. Cooperate with your group
Don’t make noise
And? Do not play
Share your ideas.
Very good!

We will divide the class into four and each group should
have a leader and a reporter.

Okay let’s count off from one to four.

Let’s start with Alyssa.
(After the groupings) Yes Ms.

Are you ready?

Okay so here is the instruction.
Each group will be given different sets of work. Make
sure to read the instruction before you do your work. Yes Ms.
Very well.

I will only give you 10 minutes to complete your work so

use your time wisely. Yes Ms.

Let me have the leaders to be here in front.

(distribution of envelope)

Okay, leader read the instruction for Group 1 Search the action words in the word hunt.
Encircle and write the words you had
Did you understand the direction group 1? found.
Very good!
Yes Ms.
s t u d y i n g m s
d r w h j s c q p w
z a x a u g l f v e
m k n v m r e x r e
b i e c p j r c o p
g s o w i n g r n i
d r a h n n c i r n
n a y r g l g c i g


Group 2 leader read your given instruction. Match the picture in column A to the
correct description in column B.
Any question group 2? None Ms.


Ronnie is painting.

Simon is writing a letter

to his cousin.

The singer is singing a

sad song.

The girl is smiling at me.

The man is leaving.

Okay let’s proceed to group 3.

Understand group 3? Underline the action word found in the

1. Kim is braiding Nena’s hair. Yes Ms.
2. We had fun watching the fireworks.
3. Crecil is yelling at me.
4. Jurie is closing the windows.
5. Ella is screaming loudly when he saw James Reid.

And last but not the least group 4.

Any question group 4? Encircle the correct verb in the parenthesis

to complete the sentence.
None Ms.
1. Father is (planting, eating) rice every rainy days.
2. Mang Isko is (rowing, driving) the paddle of the
3. Amy is (giving ,waving) her hands everytime she
4. We love (eating, drinking) pizza together.
5. I need a pencil in (reading, writing) a letter.

Okay children, paste your work on the board.

Reporter of group 1, are you ready?

Let’s check the work of group 1. Yes Ms.

Did they found all the action words in the puzzle? (after the presentation)

Very good, let’s give them an angel clap!

Let’s proceed to the group 2

Okay lets check the work of group 2.

(after the presentation)
Very good!
Let’s give them a fireworks clap!

Now, let’s have the group 3

Any correction for group 3?
(after the presentation)
Very good group 3 None Ms.
Let’s give them a wow clap!
And the last but not the least
Group 4.
Let’s check the work of group 4.
(after the presentation)
Very well group 4
Let’s give group 4 the YES clap!

Very good children, you’ve done your task in time.

Thank you Ms.

4. Analysis:
So what did you observe with the pictures, sentences and
the word you found in the puzzle?
It shows action.

So this words are action words!

5. Abstraction:
What do you call words that shows action?
Very good. Action words.

So what is an action word?

Very good! Verb Ms.

So words that show actions are called verbs

For example:
Shiela is playing basketball.

What is the common verb in the sentence?

Does it show action?
Playing Ms.
Sharon cooks tinola for dinner. Yes Ms.

Who could point out what is the common verb in the

Does the word show action?
Cooks ms.
Very good children!
Yes Ms.
6. Application:

I will show you pictures and you’re going to construct a

sentence out of it.
The oldies are dancing.


Second, The children are playing.

They are singing aloud.


Very good children!

IV. Evaluation

Fill in each blank with the correct verb from the box

opening playing swimming

throwing writing

1. The swimmer is _________ in the pool.

2. The boy is ________ his name.
3. Jessica is ________a guitar
4. Lordan is always_______ his garbage in the
garbage bin.
5. Marte is _______ the door.

V. Assignment

Get your assignment notebook and copy your


Construct 5 sentences using common verbs.

Write it in your assignment notebook

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