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Press Release

Digital Interactions Reached Maximum Students: VTU

While countries are at different points in their COVID-19 infection rates

worldwide, there are currently more than 1.5 billion students in 186
countries affected by the closure of on board teaching learning activities due to the
pandemic. Few students have been repeatedly representing in the print, electronic
and social media that, the online teaching has not served the purpose because of
various reasons such as no connectivity or device etc…However statistics related
to online teaching as reviewed by the VTU with its Affiliated and Autonomous
Engineering institutes tells a different story that, in Karnataka, engineering
students have participated wholeheartedly in these online learning sessions.

Reports reflect that, more than 70% students attended the online classes and
around 95% students have successfully attended the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) i.e. internal examinations and submitted the assignments as well
through online. This has been confirmed by many Principals across state, including
from rural places.

As per the data received related to completion of syllabus it’s observed that,
prior to lockdown about 25% to 30% portion was completed and during the
lockdown due to pandemic, through online approximately 40% to 45% portion has
been completed. Hence, effectively, overall 70% to 75% syllabus has been
completed, by end of May month. Still online classes are in progress up to
VTU has also conducted a survey through the Principals of the institutes to
see the digital preparedness of the students. The digital preparedness includes the
students possessing the device (Desktop/ Laptop/Smartphone), availability of the
internet and digital platform. In this survey, it is observed that 80% to 85% of the
students are digitally prepared. This data is on the basis of the reports received
from the institutes as collected from the students of each year.

University is aware about the problems faced by the students in terms of

poor network, technical snags, poor bandwidth issue, understanding the content
etc. and hence the institutes have hosted their own YouTube channels, which have
been uploaded with course lectures. Also VTU e-learning unit has its’ own
YouTube Channel with 10200 lecture sessions on 322 courses from expert teachers
on various courses for VTU students. As per the details available, during lockdown
more than 3 Lakh views have been reported. Also teachers have tried their level
best to connect with students in different modes of digital platforms like Whatsapp
group, Google Meet, WebEx, Zoom, MS-Team etc. for interactions, uploading
lecture notes, study material and also telephonic conversations have been

In the perspective of the above details, it may please be noted that, the claim
by the very few students and small group of stake holders is not true. The
University will make its fullest efforts to assess its students appropriately only after
making them learn and gain confidence with technical /professional knowledge.
ಪಾ ಪಕಟ ೆ

ಆ ೈ ಾಠ ಗಷ ಾಗಳನು ತಲು ೆ :  "ಾ 

ಜಗ$ನ%& ಹಲವ) *ಾಷ+ಗಳ, ಇಂದು ೋ2-19 ಪ6ಾವ7ಂದ ಧ ಹಂತವನು

ತಲು 9ೆ. ಈ <ಾಂಾ=ಕ *ೋಗ7ಂದ 186 ೇಶಗಳ%& ಸುBಾರು 1.5 ಶತೋEFಂತಲೂ

ಅHಕ ಾಗಳ, ಾ&I ರೂJ ಕ%ಯುೆ Lಾಗು ಇತ*ೇ ಪMೇತರ ಚಟುವEೆಗOಂದ

ವಂPತ*ಾFಾQ*ೆ ಎಂಬುದು ಜಗT ಸತ. ಆದQಂದ ಈ ಕ%ಾ ಪUVಯನು ಮುಂದುವಸಲು

ಜಗ$Xಾದಂತ YZಟ[ ತಂತ\ಾನವನು ಬO]ೊಂಡು ಪ_ಾಯ 9ೇ7ೆಗಳನು

ಪ ಾಮಾ_ಾF ಬಳಸ ಾFೆ. ಇದೆ` ಸಂಬಂH]ದಂ"ೆ ಕXಾಟಕದ%& Xೆಟವa ಸಂಪಕ

ಅಥ9ಾ <ಾಧನಗಳ ೊರ"ೆಯ ಾರಣ dೕY eೆರfೆgೆಷುh ಾಗಳ, Lಾಗೂ ಸಂಬಂಧಪಟh

ೆಲ9ೇ ಸಂಘ ಸಂ<ೆjಗಳ, ಮುದಣ, ಎ ೆಾ+dal, ಮತು$ <ಾBಾZಕ Bಾಧಮಗಳ%& ಪೇ ಪೇ

ಇಂZdಯಂm ಾ ೇn ಗಳ, ನoೆ]ದ ಆ ೈ ತರಗಗಳ, ಸ_ಾF ತಲು ಲ& ಎಂದು

Lೇಳ,$ಾQ*ೆ. ಆದ*ೆ "ಾ ಆ ೈನ eೋಧXೆpೆ ಸಂಬಂ7]ದಂ"ೆ ತನ ಅಂಗಸಂ<ೆjಗಳ,

Lಾಗು <ಾqಯತ$ ಇಂZdಯಂಗ ಾ ೆಜುಗಳ ಮೂಲಕ ಪrೕ%]ದ ಅಂUಅಂಶಗಳ ಪಾರ

ಕXಾಟಕದ%& ಇಂZdಯಂಗ ಾಗಳ, ಈ ಆ ೈನ ಕ%ಾ ಅವHಯ%& ಸಂಪsಣ9ಾF

6ಾಗವt]ಾQ*ೆ ಎಂದು Lೇಳ,$9ೆ.

uೇ 70% U`ಂತ Lೆಚುy ಾಗಳ, ಆನ ೈನ ತರಗಗOpೆ Lಾಜ*ಾFಾQ*ೆ Lಾಗೂ uೇ

95% ರಷುh ಾಗಳ, ] ಐ ಇ ( dರಂತರ ಆಂತಕ BೌಲBಾಪನ) ಅಂದ*ೆ ಆಂತಕ

ಪೕ~ೆಗOpೆ Lಾಜ*ಾFಾQ*ೆ ಅೆhೕ ಅಲ&ೆ ಆನ ೈನ ಮೂಲಕ ತಮ€

ಾಯೕಜXೆ(ಅ<ೈXೆ€ಂ‚)ಗಳನು ಸ%&]ಾQ*ೆ ಎಂದು ಮLಾಾಲಯಗOಂದ ಪoೆದ

ಅಂUಅಂಶಗಳ, ಪƒಂƒಸು$9ೆ Lಾಗೂ ಇವ)ಗಳನು *ಾ„ಾದಂತ ಎಲ& ಇಂZdಯಂm

ಾ ೇಜುಗಳ ಾಂಶುಾಲರು ಧೃಡಪY]ಾQ*ೆ.

ಾa oೌ ಗೂ ಮುಂ†ೆ ಾ ೇಜುಗಳ%& ತರಗಗಳ ಮು‡ಾಂತರ uೇ% 20 ಂದ 30%

ರಷುh ಪಠಕಮ ಪsಣpೊಂYತು$. <ಾಂಾ=ಕ *ೋಗದ ಪ6ಾವ7ಂಾF ಾಕoೌ

ಸಮಯದ%& ಆನ ೈನ ಮೂಲಕ ಸುBಾರು 40% ಂದ 45% ದಷುh 6ಾಗವನು

ಪsಣpೊOಸ ಾFೆ. ಆದQಂದ ಒಟುh ಪ ಾಮಾ_ಾF Œೕ ಂಗಳ ಅಂತದ 9ೇfೆpೆ 70%

ಂದ 75% ರಷುh ಪಠಕಮ ಪsಣpೊಂYೆ. ಇನೂ ಆನ ೈನ ತರಗಗಳನು ಮುಂದುವ*ೆಸಲು

LೇOದುQ ಈ ತರಗಗಳ, 7Xಾಂಕ 15-6-2020 ರ ವ*ೆpೆ ಪಗಯ%&ರುತ$9ೆ.

ಅೆhೕ ಅಲ&ೆ "ಾಯು ಆ_ಾ ಾ ೇಜುಗಳ%&ನ YZಟಲ ತರಗಗಳ 9ೇ7ೆಗಳ

ತ_ಾ ಾಂಶುಾಲರುಗಳ ಮೂಲಕ ಸ=ೕ~ೆಯನು ನoೆ]ೆ. ಅವಶ <ಾಧನವನು Lೊಂ7ರುವ

ಾಗಳ, ಅಂದ*ೆ ಆ ಾ oೆಸ`ಾŽ ಕಂಪsಟ / ಾಪಾŽ/<ಾ€ಟ‘ೕ /

Lೊಂ7ರುವ ಬpೆ’, ಆ_ಾ ಾಗಳ ಪೇಶಗಳ%& Xೆಟವa ಲಭ"ೆ tೕpೆ ಹಲವ) ಮುಖ

ಅಂಶಗಳ Œೕ ೆ ಸ=ೕ~ೆ ನoೆ7ತು$. ಇದೆ` ಸಂಬಂಧಪಟhಂ"ೆ ಾ ೇn ಗಳ, ೊಟh ವರ7ಯ

ಪಾರ uೇ 80% ಂದ 85% ರಷುh ಾಗಳ, YZಟ[ ಸqರೂಪದ ಕ%ಾ •ಾನೆ`

ತ_ಾ*ಾFಾQ*ೆ ಎಂದು ಗಮನ] ಾFೆ.

ಅೆhೕ ಅಲ&ೆ ಾಗಳ, ಎದುಸು$ರುವ ಸಮ<ೆಗfಾದ ಕಳೆ Xೆಟವಕ, "ಾಂಕ

"ೊಂದ*ೆ, eಾಂ2 2$ ಸಮ<ೆ ಎಲ&ವsಗಳನು ಅಥ BಾYೊಂಡು ಶqಾಲಯ ಇ-

ಲdಂಗ ಘಟಕವ) ತನೆ ಆದ ಯುಟೂ– †ಾನಲನು ಆರಂ—] "ಾಯ ಾಗOpಾF

ಧ ೋಸಗOpೆ ಸಂಬಂ7]ದಂ"ೆ ಪgತ r˜ಕಂದ ಾಠ BಾY]ದ 322 ೋಸಗOpೆ

ಸಂಬಂH]ದ ೧೦,200 ದಷುh ಉಪXಾಸಗಳನು ಅ‘&ೕ2 Bಾಡ ಾFತು$ Lಾಗೂ ಅHೕನ

ಾ ೇಜು ಗOಗೂ ಅ‘&ೕ2 Bಾಡಲು ಸೂPಸ ಾFತು$ ಆ ಪಾರ <ಾಕಷುh ಾ ೇಜುಗಳ,

ತಮ€ೇ ಆದ ಯೂಟೂ– †ಾXೆ[ ಆರಂ—] ಅದರ%& ತರಗಗಳನು ಅ‘&ೕ2 BಾYಾQ*ೆ.

"ಾಯ ಯೂಟೂ– †ಾXೆ[ pೆ ಲಭ9ಾದ ವರಗಳ ಪಾರ ಈ ಾಕoೌನ ಅವHಯ

ಎರಡು ಂಗಳ ಸಮಯದ%& ಸುBಾರು 3 ಲ˜ಕೂ` Lೆಚುy ˜ ೆ_ಾF9ೆ ಎಂದು ವರ7_ಾFೆ.

ಅೆhೕಅಲ&ೆ ಎಲ& ಾ ೇn ಗಳ ಉಪXಾಸಕರು ಈ ಾa oೌ ಅವHಯ%& 9ಾಾlŽ

ಗೂŽ, ಗೂಗ[ =ೕ‚, 9ೆ– ಎal, ಜೂJ, ಎJಎI- EೕJ tೕpೆ ಮುಂ"ಾದ YZಟ[

9ೇ7ೆಗಳ ಮು‡ಾಂತರ ತಮ€ ಾಗOpೆ ಾಠ BಾYಾQ*ೆ, ಉಪXಾಸ Eಪœgಗಳನು,

ಾಯೕಜನಗಳನು dೕYಾQ*ೆ ಮತು$ ದೂರ9ಾg ಮೂಲಕವs ಸಂ6ಾಷ ೆಗಳನು

ನoೆಸ ಾFೆ.

ಈ Œೕ%ನ ಎಲ& ವರಗಳನು ಗಮನದ%&ಟುhೊಂಡು ೆಲ9ೇ ೆಲವ) ಾಗಳ, ಮತು$

ೆಲವ) ಸಂಘ ಸಂ<ೆjಗಳ, ಆ ೈ ತರಗಗಳನು ಹ=€ೊಂಡ ಬpೆ’ Lೇಳ,$ರುವ)ದು ಸತೆ`

ದೂರ9ಾದದುQ ಎಂದು ಈ ಮೂಲಕ Oಸು"ೆ$ೕ9ೆ. ಆದ*ೆ  "ಾ , ಾಗಳ,

"ಾಂಕ/ವೃತ$ಪರ \ಾನ ಸಂಾದXೆ ಮತು$ uಾqಸವನು ಗO]ದ ನಂತರವೆhೕ

ಶqಾಲಯವ) ತನ ಾಗಳನು ಸೂಕ$9ಾF BೌಲBಾಪನ Bಾಡಲು ಪಯತ

Bಾಡುತ$ೆ ಎಂದು ಈ ಮೂಲಕ Oಸುತ$ೆ.

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