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Loading Surface and Hardening Rules 249

The translation increment (du, di) of the center is shown by 0 1 O~ in

Fig. 5.6, which is along the direction of the reduced-stress vector
OlA(u-u, T-i), and the updated yield surface is shown by a dashed line
in the figure.

5.3.5. Mixed Hardening

A combination of kinematic and isotropic hardening would lead to the
more general mixed hardening rule (Hodge, 1957):
In this case, the loading surface experiences a translation defined by aij
and a uniform expansion measured by k 2 ; but it still retains its originaI
shape. With the mixed hardening role, different degrees of the Bauschinger
effect can be simulated, by simply adjusting the two hardening parameters,
aij and e.

For illustration, consider aIrmaterial subjected to a mixed hardening

role. The general form of the subsequent loading surface is
f = !(sij - a ij)(sij - a ij) - e( Ep) =0 (5.52)
If Prager's hardening role is employed, Eq. (5.52) can be rewritten as
where e is a constant. In stress space, the surface moves around but does
not simply expand outward, as in Fig. 5.3, or translate as in Fig. 5.5. The
subsequent yield surfaces do not form a one-parameter family but interseet
the previous ones, as shown in section by the dashed curve in Fig. 5.7. It
is these surfaces in stress space that determine whether or not additional
plastic deformations will occur in the subsequent loading.

FIGURE 5.7. Subsequent yield surface for mixed-hardening J 2 -material.

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