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Jan – Apr 2020 Semester

Assignment II

Lecturers: Dr Kiew Peck Loo

Objective: Determine optimal solution for a chemical process using optimization tools

Student Name Student ID

Leena Jaiyashre A/P Parana 1001644779
Ainggararuban Ganeshan 1001642979



Two types of paints are produced by KCC Paints Sdn Bhd in their factory, namely
WeatherForce and Aurora Matt. WeatherForce is used as an external paint, while Aurora Matt
is used indoors, so the proportion of constituents vary to get desired properties. The
components used in both paints are pigment and binder. The proportion of each component in
the paints is shown in the table below:

TABLE 1 Components of paints produced by KCC Paints Sdn Bhd

Component (ton) WeatherForce Aurora Matt
Pigment 15 10
Binder 20 16
Selling price (RM) 220 230
Production cost (RM) 115 135

The components are limited to 400 tons of pigment and 550 tons of binder. The maximum
production for Aurora Matt cannot exceed that for WeatherForce by more than 1000 tons due
to limited availability of batch tanks. Also, the maximum demand for Aurora Matt is 2000 tons.
Determine the optimum (best) product mix of WeatherForce and Aurora Matt that maximize
the profit.
Part Recommended Solution Mark(s)

i. Define the objective function: 1

Selling price – production cost: profit
W= 220-115 = 105
A= 230- 135 = 95

P = 105W + 95A
ii. Define inequality constraints:
15W + 10A ≤ 400 0.5

20W + 16A ≤ 550 0.5

A-W ≤ 1000 0.5

A ≤ 2000
A ≥ 0, W≥ 0
iii. Modify the objective function and add slack variables to inequality constrains:
P- 105W – 95A = 0 0.5
15W + 10A + S1= 400 0.5

20W + 16A + S2 =550 0.5

A- W + S3 =1000
A + S4 = 2000
iv. Use Simplex Method to solve: 3
Tableau 1:

v. Tableau 2: 3

vi. Tableau 3: 3
vii. Tableau 4: 3

W=S1=S2=S3= 0
Hence, in order to maximize the profit of 3265.63, the best mix product mix of
Weatherforce is 0 and Aurora Matt is 34.38
viii. Check the answer using Excel Solver: 3

Starting set up in excel looks like this.

ix. 1

Now, we set the objective as the maximized cell by changing the variables W and A. Then we put in the
constraints with the inequality in the subject.
x. 3

After solving, we should obtain the answer that prove our simplex calculation method. Hence, in order to
maximize the profit of 3265.63, the best mix product mix of WeatherForce is 0 and Aurora Matt is 34.38

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