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Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

Exercise Prescription Number 1

Student’s Name: Jordan Fiedor

Client’s Name: Crystal Trasoline Age: 48

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
Predicted maximal oxygen consumption: 26 ml/kg/min
(Use value from pretest to best represent the client’s VO 2MAX)

A. Steady State
Mode(s): Elliptical, Treadmill, Bike, Jogging (non-treadmill)
Frequency (List specific days): Tuesdays (Possibly Thursday)
Intensity: Moderate (RPE 11-14)
Resting HR: 80 Predicted maximal heartrates (220-age): 172

Steady state intensity range: 50% to 70%

Karvonen formula: MHR – RHR x (intensity %) + RHR = Target or exercise heart rate

Lower end or range: 172 - 80 x (0.5) + 80 = 126

Upper end or range: 172 - 80 x (0.7) + 80 = 144

Exercise HR range: 126 bpm to 144 bpm

RPE range: 11 to 14

Duration: 5-10 mins

B. Interval Training (if applicable)

Mode(s): High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.)
Frequency (List specific days): Thursdays
Describe the intensity and duration of intervals (include intensity ranges):
Moderate to Vigorous Intensity (RPE of 11-16) with intervals of 20-30 seconds of exercise with 10-13
seconds of rest time

Total Duration of Interval Training Session: 30-40mins

Warm-up: Duration: 8-10 mins Intensity: Moderate (RPE 9-11)

Mode(s): Ballistic and Dynamic Stretching

Cool-down: Duration: 5-10 mins Intensity: Low (RPE of 6-9)

Mode(s): Static Stretching

2. Muscular Fitness

Machine or Equipment Muscle Weight Sets Rep Range Days of the Week
– Put in the intended Group(s)
DB Goblet Squat Quads, Groin, 10-20 3-4 6-12 Tuesdays and Thursdays
Glutes, lbs
Chest Press Machine Pecs/Chest, 40-50 3 6-12 Tuesdays
DB or Barbell RDL Back, 20-55 3-4 8-12 Tuesdays
Pushups (Modified) Pecs/Chest, BW 3-4 6-12 Tuesdays and Thursdays
DB Rows Back, Arms 20-30 3 8-12 Tuesdays and Thursdays
Machine Rows Back, Arms 40-55lbs 3 6-8 Tuesdays

Planks Core, Chest, BW 3-4 20-30 Tuesdays and Thursdays

Arms, Seconds
Med Ball Squat Quads, Groin, 10-20 3-4 6-15 Thursdays
Glutes, lbs
Pallof Press (Cable) Core, Chest, 10-20lbs 3 6-8 Tuesdays
Lunge Jumps Glutes, BW 3 10-20 Thursdays
Russian Twists (Plate) Core BW-10 3 8-20 Thursdays
Mountain Climbers Core BW 3 10-20 Thursdays

Burpee (Modification) Shoulder, BW 3 6-15 Thursdays

Chest, Core,
DB Curl Biceps 5-15 3 6-12 Tuesdays and Thursdays

Banded Pushdowns Triceps Band 3 12-20 Tuesdays and Thursdays

3. Flexibility
Frequency (List specific days): Tuesday and Thursday

Timing – Circle those that apply: after warm-up during session after cool-down

Repetitions: 2-4 sets Duration of Stretch: 15-30 seconds Intensity: Low (RPE 6-9)

Describe/list stretches:
- Hamstring with Toe on bench (reaching for feet)
- Side Reach/Bend = Feet crossed with one arm extended straight up, other arm slides down leg for about 3-
5 seconds (side bend)
- Pulling knee to butt with quad stretch
- Arm across the chest, triceps stretch
- Pulling arm behind the head, triceps stretch
- Legs spread hamstring stretch
- Lying with legs across body
- Cobra
- Downward-facing dog
- Flex and extended wrists
- Head tilt and turns

4. Body Composition
Additional prescription for modifying body composition: a) Explain how your client should modify body
composition. This may be a decrease in body weight, increase in body weight, decrease in body fat,
maintenance or increase in muscle mass, no change, etc. b) Explain how you came to this conclusion based on
the various body composition measures that you calculated for your client. Provide data and rating of each test
used in your explanation. c) Formulate an explanation that you will give to your client about how he/she can
modify or maintain body composition for this semester.

a) Client should be able to modify body composition by decreasing their body fat percent. With decreasing
body fat percent this will hopefully decrease overall body weight of the client at the same time. While
losing some body fat percent, the client should also be striving to put on muscle mass as well in order to
feel more tone and less flabby (what they want).
b) This modification conclusion came mostly from the waist circumference, BIA, and BMI tests. The BMI
calculated my client at 26.6 which puts someone in the category of Overweight. Adding in their waist
circumference at 90 centimeters with BMI, puts my client into high risk for disease. The BIA predicted a
body fat percent of 39% which places a woman into the obese category. These three tests show there needs
to be a change in body composition and not by an increase in weight but a decrease in body fat and body
c) To modify our overall body composition to the goals we want, we need to place our self in a healthy
caloric deficit while working out in a safe and proper manner. If we are able to burn calories through
exercising and meeting the criteria the ACSM gives us, we should have no problem transforming our
bodies. But exercise alone will not change you to the goals we have. We need to make sure we are fueling
our body properly and maintain a small deficit, so we are able to lose body fat and body weight in the most
efficient way possible.

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