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Rachel Tang
September 14, 2016 1 minute read

How to search batches on the basis of a remaining shelf life

in batch determination?
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When you do batch determination in outbound delivery, you want to select the batches that within certain
remaining shelf life, then how to realize it?

There are four important points:

1. Add characteristic LOBM_VFDAT to the batch classes.

Please note, the batch classes here mean the classes you assigned in material masters in MM01/MM02.
2. Characteristics LOBM_RLZ and LOBM_LFDAT must not be included in the batch classes!
3. Add characteristic LOBM_VFDAT, LOBM_LFDAT, and LOBM_RLZ to the selection classes.
Please note, the selection classes here mean the classes you assigned in batch search strategies in
VCH1/VCH2 or COB1/COB2 or MBC1/MBC2.
4. Maintain a remaining shelf life in the selection criteria of batch search strategy. Relation operators (>, <,
<=, >=) are also considered.

SAP note provide more details:

33396 – Batch determ.: Selection w. remaining life LOBM_RLZ

However, as of ERP603 release, there is a change in LOBM_RLZ value assignment if you use stock transport
order, details in SAP on-line help document:

Integration of SCM and ERP 2

As of this release, the required minimum remaining shelf life and the planned delivery time from the stock transport order
are taken into account in the batch determination process.

The user exit EXIT_SAPLV01F_002 can be used to reverse it to the normal logic.

SAP KBA provide more details:

2312940 – Characteristic value of LOBM_RLZ can’t be explained during batch determination

For more information about batch determination, the following document can be refered:

Overview of Batch Management

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MAN Production Planning (PP) | batch determination | batch search | shelf life |

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1 Comment

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sunil patil

September 27, 2016 at 1:31 pm

Very Good Explanation.


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