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CRP Basic Settings part 4 - Running

Capacity Leveling in Background
Tags: capacity_leveling | production_planning

When you are running Capacity Leveling for a large number of objects, very often you will notice
peformance issues, long runtimes or even a time out when loading, dispatching or saving the results.

The most easy way to avoid this kind of issue is the creation of a background job to dispatch the orders
in background and this document explains how to use transaction CM40 to create such job.

This is a continuation of the following CRP Basic settings documents previously published on SCN:

CRP Basic Settings Part 1 - Work Center (

CRP Basic Settings Part 2 – Routing (

CRP Basic Settings Part 3 – Production Order (

1 - If you have never created such job before, the first steps is to run transaction CM40, defining a name
for your job and which overall profile will be used.

If you check the flag redefine selection, you will be allowed to define the selection criteria to be used on
your background job.
2 - If you choose the option save parameters, system will simply save the parameters under your job
name and the batch will not be triggered. The parameters will be automatically loaded when you enter the
transaction again with your job.

3 - Choosing the option Schedule batch job, you can define a background job to be executed periodically
(weekly, or monthly, for example). This is quite similar to the scheduling of another background jobs, such
as MRP.

4 - With the remaining options Execute background job at once and Execute job at oce online, the job is
executed immediately, in background or online, depending on the option selected.

5 - You can check if the job is correctly scheduled, if it is being executed or if has already finished using
transaction SM37.

6 - At last, you can check for warnings or errors using on logs of mass processing using transaction
CM41 and see the dispatched orders on CM21/CM25.

Caetano Almeida (

July 22, 2014 at 14:33 PM

5 replies


Kiran Kumar ( July 10, 2014 at 14:36 PM


Very brief and nice explanation appreciate it.

I would like to add one point can you please correct the transaction code for log
display to CM41..




Caetano Almeida ( July 22, 2014 at 14:34 PM

The transaction was corrected. Thanks for pointing that.



Former Member replied August 14, 2014 at 04:44 AM

best explanation


Anupam Sharma ( July 22, 2014 at 07:48 AM

Hi Caetano,

Thanks for sharing.


Anupam Sharma

Mariano Cabalen (

August 14, 2014 at 05:59 AM

Thanks Caetano.

Good document..

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