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Case Study # 1

A prison inmate is brought into the ER room with an open wound and is known for self-
infecting. A routine culture and sensitivity (C & S) test is ordered. The appropriate
transport media is used for specimen collection and for inoculation of prescribed media.

Day 1 Culture Readout: Below are the results of the routine culture after overnight in a CO2
incubator at 35 ⁰C .

Gram stain of bacterial colony

Organism isolated on BAP Organism isolated on MAC (Oil – 1000x total magnification)

Rapid Test Results: Catalase positive and oxidase negative

Isolated colonies are used to set up biochemical testing and perform antibiotic susceptibility
testing for readout the next day.
Day 2:
Record the results
for the following
biochemical tests
(e.g. positive or
negative) in the
chart provided.

What bacteria was isolated?

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