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Investigating the effects of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration

using a simple potometer:

To carry out the above investigation the following steps are involved:
1. A shoot is taken from a plant and the end of the shoot is cut at an angle (this is done
under water to stop air entering the shoot).
2. The capillary and attached rubber tubing are placed in a sink of water and any air it
contains removed by squeezing the tubing
3. The angled cut shoot is the inserted into the rubber tubing.
4. The assembled apparatus is allowed to dry and any joints sealed with petroleum jelly.
5. The simple potometer is clamped in a vertical position and left to adjust to its new
6. The distance moved by air bubble in the capillary tube is measured over a certain time
and the rate of movement is calculated.
7. The experiment is repeated keeping the conditions same and calculate an average.

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Safety precautions:
• Wash hands after assembling the plant stem to avoid allergic reactions
• Do not handle a hair dryer, fan or light with wet hand to avoid electric shock
Safety precautions for accuracy:
• Keep the leafy shoot in water from the moment it is cut from the plant. This is
needed to prevent air entering its xylem vessels.
• Make the apparatus airtight by sealing the joints with petroleum jelly.
• Keep the cut leafy shoot under water for allowing it to adjust to the aquatic

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