Actividad Best Player PRONUNCIACION

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Messi is my fEIvorit athlete because he is a great soccer plEyer and I like the way
he plays soccer.
He achieved in his personal life a lot of prAIzes. For example, he wins in two
thousand nine the champions league, La Liga, and Spanish Super Cup titles. That
same year, he took home his first FIFA "World PLEIyer of the Year".
He won the super Cup championships in 2010 and 2011, as well as the
ELEVENTH '11 Champions League title.
What obstacULS has he run into and how has he dealt with
 As a young boy, Messi tagged along when his two older brothers played soccer
with their friends, Anintimidated by the bigger boys.
 Messi was dAIgnosed by doctors as suffering from a hormone deficiency that
restricId his growth.
Messi's parents, dISAIided on a regimen of nAIghtly growth-hormone injections for
their son, though it soon proved impossible to pay several hundred dollars per
month for the medication.  La MEsia, paid his medical bills covered by the team,
Messi's family moved to Spain. 

ExEmples of adverbial clauses in the presentation

If Messi hadnt been injured, Argentina probably won the match.
If Messi trains hard, he Will win the world cup.
Messi will go to the championship league whether or not the fans like it.
Although Messi played really well, sometimes he lost the game.
Messi love his family, while he can not stand his wife.
Messi always arrAIVes early to training, whereas the trainer is always late.

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