Running Head: Inclusion 1

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Running head: INCLUSION 1


Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


A few months ago, our English teacher assigned us a project in a group of

fours. I must admit, that I am an introvert and have never found fun in sharing tasks

among team members. Often, even when working on a teamwork project, I prefer

conducting research on my own and handing over my research to the group leader.

However on this occasion, things were about to change. I was chosen as the team

leader. This meant that I was responsible for the whole team. I needed to unite my

team and ensure that we completed the project on time. Once I was chosen as the

leader, I felt a change within me. I felt a feeling of being accepted and supported by

my teacher and my peers.

That day, I took my time and gathered my team members and shared the task

among them. I also set the meeting time and asked them to arrive on time for the next

discussion. Some of them were happy with their assignment while others complained.

Since I have never been faced with such a task, I was not sure how I would go about

it. After a few discussions, the members came along and took the tasks I had assigned

to them. On the discussion date, all the group members arrived on time. Moreover,

they had all researched on their assigned tasks. At the end of the third discussion, we

had covered the project. Upon completion, I handed it to our professor and it came

second in class.

Following the experience, I felt included in leadership. Not only did I feel

respected and accepted, but also motivated to participate in team projects. I felt that I

was part of the class because I was able to actively engage in an event that changed

my perspective on teamwork.

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