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DIRECTIONS: You will hear 41 sentences . Listen closely. They will be read only once. Mark
the best answer on your answer sheet.

1. PVT Harris is sweeping the floor. What is he using?

2. The sergeant said we would train daily. How often will we train?
3. Why is Nicholas celebrating?
4. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker are celebrating an anniversary. What are they celebrating?
5. Which of these is a continent?
6. Is Harold required to go to the meeting?
7. The teacher told the children to calm down. What did she want them to do?
8. The Soldier said his training was killing him. What did he mean?
9. Who would go on a honeymoon?
10. Which of these is not a sauce?
11. The doctor gave me some drugs to help me feel better. What did she give me?
12. Theresa attended the class.
13. The folder had many documents inside. What was inside the folder?
14. Why does PVT Ryan feel glad?
15. My friend complained about that restaurant. What did my friend say about the restaurant?
16. Do you know the reason he left early?
17. My mother sliced the apple. What did she do?
18. I eat a salad for dinner most of the time. How often do I eat salads for dinner?
19. Alex is a slow driver. Bill is a very slow driver.
20. My mother used to smoke cigarettes.
21. The instructor will postpone the test. What will happen?
22. Where can you go to get a prescription filled?
(questions continue on the next page of the students’ answer sheets)
23. She earns $20 an hour.
24. She wiped the table with a cloth.
25. My friend joined me for dinner.
26. Where should you not yell?
27. The news reporter asked many tough questions.
28. The Soldier kept his body still.
29. I bought some medication yesterday. What did I buy?
30. This man has no pulse.
31. Why does he have sweat on his clothes?
32. Stephanie ate some fruit for breakfast. What did she eat?
33. What will the cadet become when she finishes her training?
34. If you go west from Europe, where will you be?
35. Bob is afraid of dogs.
36. The reception will start around 7:30. When will it begin?
37. I can’t come tonight, but I’d like to take a rain check. What does this mean?
38. Which of these is a holiday?
39. Why are the Soldiers crawling?
40. How did CPT Barber get injured?
41. Why did the doctor give SPC Carson a shot?

1. a) a broom
b) a mop 12. a) She went to the class.
c) a towel b) She planned the class.
c) She taught the class.
2. a) every month
b) every week 13. a) photographs
c) every day b) money
c) papers
3. a) He got very sick.
b) He passed his driving test. 14. a) He broke the rules.
c) He lost the race. b) He completed his training.
c) He lost his weapon.
4. a) their son’s birthday
b) the day of their wedding 15. a) The food is too salty.
c) the day they went on vacation b) The waiter is very friendly.
c) The prices are cheap.
5. a) Australia
b) Germany 16. a) Yes, I know when he left.
c) New York b) Yes, I know where he went.
c) Yes, I know why he left.
6. a) Yes, he can go if he wants to.
b) Yes, he must go. 17. a) She washed it.
c) No, he has to go. b) She cut it.
c) She ate it.
7. a) call their friends
b) relax and be quiet 18. a) always
c) lie down on the floor b) usually
c) occasionally
8. a) He needed to go to a hospital.
b) Someone attacked him. 19. a) Bill drives slower than Alex.
c) The training was difficult. b) Bill drives more slower than Alex.
c) Bill drives more slowly than Alex.
9. a) a husband and wife
b) a brother and sister 20. a) My mother smokes now.
c) a father and son b) My mother stopped smoking.
c) My mother never smoked.
10. a) mustard
b) pickles 21. a) She will give us the test at a later time.
c) ketchup b) She will cancel the test.
c) She will give us the test earlier.
11. a) blankets
b) bed rest 22. a) a school
c) aspirin b) a pharmacy
c) a restaurant
c) Asia

23. a) She spends $20 an hour.

b) She borrows $20 an hour. 35. a) He thinks dogs are friendly.
c) She makes $20 an hour. b) He thinks dogs are dangerous.
c) He thinks dogs are smart.
24. a) She covered the table.
b) She cleaned the table. 36. a) exactly at 7:30
c) She repaired the table. b) about 7:30
c) after 7:30
25. a) My friend cooked for me.
b) My friend ate dinner with me. 37. a) Please invite me another time.
c) My friend let me eat dinner alone. b) I want to borrow your umbrella.
c) Could you write me a check?
26. a) at a hospital
b) at a firing range 38. a) Saturdays
c) at a baseball game b) New Year’s Day
c) your wedding date
27. a) The questions were interesting.
b) The questions were difficult. 39. a) it is too dangerous for them to walk
c) The questions were short. b) they want to injure their arms and legs
c) the trainee instructed them to do it
28. a) He did not become ill.
b) He did not let his body get fat. 40. a) He felt dizzy, so he lied down.
c) He did not move his body. b) He was running and sprained his ankle.
c) He caught the flu from another Soldier.
29. a) some pills
b) some prescriptions 41. a) SPC Carson seems to have allergies.
c) some shots b) SPC Carson examined the doctor.
c) SPC Carson requires bed rest.
30. a) He might have allergies.
b) He might be dizzy.
c) He might be dead.

31. a) He was lying down.

b) He was marching.
c) He was sitting down.

32. a) potato salad

b) a sandwich with pickles
c) a bowl of strawberries

33. a) a drill sergeant

b) an officer
c) a trainee

34. a) North America

b) Africa

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