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Benjamin Franklin is buried in the cemetery of Christ Church, Philadelphia, next to his

wife, Deborah.

Is Benjamin Franklin on any American money?

Benjamin Franklin is on the front of the $100 bill, the highest denomination currently
printed. On the back is an i

llustration of Independence Hall.

What else is Benjamin Franklin kn

own for? which was published in the G

 azette on May 9, 1754, has been attributed to Franklin.
 HIs testimony helped repeal
 the Stamp Act in 1766.
 He was a vocal opponent of slavery and served as president of the Pennsylvania
Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. 

Did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?

No. Electrical forces had bee

n recognized for more than a thousand years, and scientists had worked extensively with

static electricity. Franklin proved the connection between lightning and electricity in
his famous kite experiment.

Did Benjamin Franklin really fly a kite in a thunderstorm?

Yes, according to an accoun

t written by his contemporary, a British scientist named Joseph Priestley. Franklin

himself wrote

about the experiment in the Pennsylvania Gazette—even giving directions for re-
creating it.
What was Benjamin Franklin’s kite experiment?
Franklin wanted to prove that lightning was a form of electricity, so he flew a kite with
a key attached durin

g a thunderstorm in June 1752. When Franklin noticed loose threads on the kite string

standing up, he surmised that it was becoming charged. He moved his finger near the
key and felt a spark

—proving his hypothesis. Get the Whole Story

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