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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District I-C
San Isidro National High School
Antipolo City



Background of the Study

The gas strand is known to be a strand where the students who is not yet made up
their mind on choosing the right choice of track. Our study is about what is the basis of
these students that choosed the gas strand and why they choose gas.

According to the implementation of republic act (RA)10533 or K-12 program will add
two years and it will be called senior highschool to prepare for college so that the
students will not be too surprised if they go college and to provide sufficient time for
mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners,and prepare graduates for
lertiary education.middle level skills development,employment and entrepreneurship.

This act relates to researchers study because this reminds other students that getting
or entering GAS strand is for those students that are not yet decided on what are they
going to pursue in the future.

Choosing a strand is not easy especially if the student is having a difficulty on what
track fits him/her it will lead the student into a conclusion questioning himself/herself
what will be the utcome of thr choice the student made. The Researchers wants to know
what is the basis of the students on choosing the GAS strand.

The Researchers choose this topic to help others to understand what is General
Accademic Strand (GAS) because of the mindset of the incomming grade 11 students
that they choose GAS because they are not yet really sure what is the best track for

The Researchers expected outcome on this choosen topic, basis of grade 11 students
in choosing Academic Strand (GAS), is that they will fully understand what is General
Academic Strand (GAS). They will able to identify what are the topics/lesson that they
will going to learn, the job that they can get, the applicable course they will going to get
when they continue their study up to college and How much important for them to know
what GAS Strand really is. In over all the researchers wants the student's to fully
understand what is GAS Strand, so that they can't just think that this strand is for those
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District I-C
San Isidro National High School
Antipolo City

who are only undecided, because each strands has an importance that everyone must

Conceptual framework

Input process output

1. students * Name * • make survey - Implement or make a

section 2.respondents questionnaire •conduct broad introduction about
*Grade 11 gas and gather answer to Acad GAS strand.
survey questions
•retrieve questionnaire •
summarize result •
analysis of data

Statement of the problem

This study aims to know the basis of grade 11 students on choosing Acad GAS strand.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District I-C
San Isidro National High School
Antipolo City

1.What are the basis of grade 11 students who choose Acad Gas?

2. Why do most students choose Acad( Gas) strand?

3. What factors do students consider in choosing their course?

Definition of terms

GAS- It is a strand in K-12 system known as General Academic Strand

Strands- it includes Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities,

Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM)

Implement- put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

K-12- (spoken as "k twelve", "k through twelve", or "k to twelve"), from kindergarten to
12th grade, is an American expression that indicates the range of years of supported
primary and secondary education found in the United States

Entrepreneurship- Entrepreneurship is the creation or extraction of value. With this

definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, which may include other values than
simply economic ones.

Significance of the Study

In this part of research, it states what this study will contribute and who will benefit
from it.

Students, this study is significant to the students because, the result will be an
instrument to them what is the GAS strand really is, this study will help them to
understand GAS.

Teachers, this study is significant to the teachers because, the result of this study
will help them much more and creative way of explaining what is GAS strand.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District I-C
San Isidro National High School
Antipolo City

DepEd Administration, the result of this study will help the DepEd Administration
to decide a much more effective implementation of programs to introduce the difference
of GAS strand to other strands.

Future Researchers, The information gathered by the researchers will serve as

future reference and strengthen future studies and reinforce their aligned ideas.

Scope and Delimitation

Scope and delimitation;

The general intent of this study is to know the basis of Grade 11 who choose
Acad(General Academic Strand).

This study will mainly identify the factors why most students choose Acad(General
Academic Strand)

The selection of respondents are only limited to the Grade 11 students who choose
General Academic Strand from San Isidro National High School 2020-2021.

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