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Registration no …….. date 15.07.2020

ASOCIAȚIA GENERAȚIA SCHIMBĂRII - AGES, having its base in Comănești, str. Gheorghe Donici, no
11, apartment 5, Bacău County, with registration code 36709020, bank account RO59 BTRL EURC
RT03 6926 6801, Transilvania Bank Comănești, legally represented by President Daniela Prundeanu,
as the coordinator organization, named partnership leader in the following lines
……………………………………………, address ……………………………………………………, bank account (in euro)
……………………………………………………….., swift ………………………………., address bank:……………………………..
, legally represented by …………………………………, as a partner organization, named partner in the
present contract Agreed on:

Art. 1. Details on the project

1.1. Parteners
By signing the present contract the parts express their agreement on the collaboration for
implementation of the Erasmus+ project Be safe on internet, acronym Be safe with contract number
2019-2-RO01-KA105-064161. The project is submitted by AGES Association as the coordinator
organization with partner organizations:
Stowarzyszenie Sztukater - Poland
Civic Organization "Development and Initiative" - Ukraine
Karaman Genclik Kulubu Dernegi (Karaman Youth Club Association) – Turkey
Citizen Benefit- Bulgaria
Power of Infinity – Czech Republic

1.2. Description project

In our projects we use different applications to develop the digital competences of the participants and we
have noticed an increase of interest in the themes in which we use different applications, the use of the
equipment - smartphone (in most situations), tablets, laptops - for information on various topics under

In our activities so far, we have noticed that young people use computing equipment with great ease, they are
open to using new applications, use social networks to receive information, to present their lives in projects.
As negative elements, I noticed that very few of the participants asked additional questions about the new
applications proposed, about the security level of the networks they enter, as they posted information that
touched other people. For this reason, we believe that young people need support from those with more
experience from organizations to provide counseling during their training.

At the level of the partner organizations identified for the young people in the organizations

1. a low level of knowledge related to the security of information on social networks

2. Low level of knowledge about the consequences of social networking activities
3. low interest in involvement in social causes presented on social networks
4. The lack of confidence that they can learn something new about the Internet, personal security

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This support should be continuous for young people looking for the way in life, otherwise existing problems
will deepen, leading to:

- increasing the number of vulnerable young people on social networks

- More and more young people who see social networks as an alternative to real activities a deeper and
deeper rupture between generations,

For young people involved in the project, SMART objectives are:

1. increasing the level of knowledge on internet safety for 48 young people (coordinated by 8 leaders), from
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine, for 11 days

2. To increase the level of knowledge about 48 creative young people (coordinated by 8 leaders) from Bulgaria,
Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine for creative expression for 11 days

3. Increasing the level of knowledge related to non-formal activities for 48 young people (coordinated by 8
leaders), from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine, for 11 days

The 8 key competences as described in the European Reference Framework for Continuing Learning, but also
in the YouhPass description:

-communication in mother tongue

-Communication in a foreign language (English)
-Scientific Competencies on Science and Technology
-digital competence
-capacity to learn
- social and civic competences
- the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- Consciousness and cultural expression are interdependent, emphasis is placed on critical thinking, creativity,
initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision-making and constructive management of feelings.

Competencies are defined through a system of knowledge-skills / abilities-attitudes and that is why the project
aims at acquiring and / or improving the three aspects

1. Knowledge

-accumulating new knowledge about the Internet, data security, social networks
-using new methods of self-knowledge and self-education using the Internet
-simulation of critical situations in which young people can become involved and they have to manage
-developing new knowledge related to verbal communication and writing in English
-accumulating knowledge related to non-formal working methods
- knowledge related to the use of computing equipment

2. Skills

-the ability to focus on a given theme through active participation

-to argue an own idea
-to work in a team
-To develop a sense of trust in others, creativity and imagination through role-plays, case studies, creative

3. Attitudes related to

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-expression of personal views in front of other participants during and outside the act
-capacity to observe and understand the social networking phenomenon
-the capacity to express tolerance and / or solidarity towards others, causes
-the increase of self-esteem


The Be safe on internet project proposes 2 activities:

1. Advance Planning Visit - APV – in period of 24 - 25 2020, attended by the 7 Group Leaders from partner

The group leader is selected on the basis of organizational skills, conflict management and language skills (a
good knowledge of English will facilitate communication with other leaders, young people in their group and
other people involved in the project). The group leader must have experience in working with young people,
know non-formal working methods, manage the group they coordinate, prevent and settle conflicts. It is
preferable for the leader to be over 20, to have knowledge about the use of the Internet, about the
applications used by young people about social networks.

2. Youth Exchange - run on April 19-29, 2020 (Due the COVID-19 the project is postpone till a new date that
will be communicate to partners as soon is possible and borders from partners countries will open, and travel
with airplane, car, train will not gone be limited)

In all projects, since the project design phase, we aim to involve young people from disadvantaged
backgrounds: young people from rural areas, Roma families or ethnic minorities, from large or economically
disadvantaged families, for whom the use of technology is restrictive, are easy to in-line environment, and
who also do not have opportunities to develop their direct communication skills with young people from other

For this theme, we decided that the project would involve 6 young people from each organization,
coordinated by a leader. The project Be safe on internet will be attended by 48 young people aged between 16
and 30 from Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine for 11 days.

Together, we set up an "ideal" profile, and partner organizations will identify and select the youngsters that
match this profile:

- Young aged between 16 and 30 years old

- falls into one of the following categories: it comes from rural areas, its family is a large family, is of Roma or
minority ethnicity, comes from an economically disadvantaged family
- to show interest in the project theme
- be available throughout the project period
- have basic English knowledge
- be willing to participate in dissemination activities of exchange experience.

The expected impact of the Be safe on internet project is:

Short term


- increasing the number of young people informed about the safety of work on the Internet,
- increasing personal and professional development using social networks

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- personal development of the young people directly involved in the project through the accumulation of
knowledge about the Internet, social networks, data security, use of non-formal methods of work, creation of
materials related to the responsibility of using the Internet, etc.
- Opening opportunities for people from disadvantaged backgrounds through participation in Erasmus +
- developing linguistic skills
- Opening to other cultures


- increasing the involvement in mentoring / monitoring activities in relation to young people interested in the
development of digital competences
- opening up to non-formal methods applied in youth education
- increasing openness to new ideas from other systems and cultures
- increasing the understanding of young people with reduced opportunities and responding to their needs


- attracting young people into organizations

- developing the management skills of volunteers, resources, project, ability to operate at European level
- Establishing stable links with partners from other European countries
- creating opportunities for development for volunteers from associations and not only for them
- improving working methods and practices with young people

4. on the community

- increasing the visibility of young people in the community, projects and ideas promoted by young people - by
involving them in the community, in social causes



- The participants will have more proactive and innovative ideas and will become community development
- Promote community policies, interculturality


- the creation of specialists in their areas of competence, with a wide openness to European policies


- the organizations from which young people come will have a better image, will have a positive long-term
- will be able to promote new ideas in youth policies


- young people will create interventions that will create a good social change. Their actions can open the
community to intercultural dialogue, the development of European identity and solidarity.

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Following this project we will have:

- 48 young people with fewer opportunities (6 of each partner country) informed internet, social networking,
data security, using non-formal methods of work, the creation of materials related to responsible use of the
Internet, non-formal ways of working

-8 group leaders who will improve their group management skills and will develop personally

-8 photo-presentation materials related to the responsibility of using the Internet

-1 brochure in A2 with free access

-1 daily photo journal of the project created by the participants, in Romanian and English

-3 articles in written press

-1600 views of the materials created by the participants and posted on the facebook page of the project

The period 01.10.2020 - 01.04.2021 is the stage of dissemination. Participants will be involved in
organizations to refer to information dissemination through formal and informal activities using non-
formal methods used in the project.

Expected results:
-Increasing the level of information about the safety on internet, social networks dangers, and how
the use in pro active internet this information will be disseminate to another participants how do not
attend at youth exchange, and will allow to the person who will make this dissemination events to
express the young people in order to promote the European values.
-increasing the number of young people informed about the the safety on internet, social networks
dangers, knowledge of non-formal methods of work, creativity, artistic expression, team spirit,
knowledge of Erasmus +;
- targeting young people to volunteer programs.
At the organizational level, the objectives will be meet and the institutional collaboration continued.

Plan for dissemination is:

Project Be safe on internet proposes the following activities related to dissemination of the project
and its results:
1. Creating a Facebook page of the project and posting information about the activities carried out
within the project on this page, but also on the websites of the participating organizations. There will
also be published: project images, results obtained by participants, impressions of them, photo-
created materials, brochure. The objective is to promote the project and disseminate the results.
Target group: members of partner organizations, their friends on social networks, other NGOs.
Expected results: Increased interest in the topic chosen and non-formal methods used in the
presentation of the information.
Be safe on internet! the results of the project, the Erasmus + program.
3. Making photo-video materials on the 10th day of the Photo-animation activity. The 7 themed
themes of the project will be posted on Facebook, on partner organizations' pages, on YouTube. The

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targeted target group consists of 1000 young people aged between 16 and 30, from the project
countries, but we hope for a greater number of stakeholders - by using channels with wider access.
4. work-shops organized in November 2020 - April 2021 (dates may change due the delay of the
project) by each partner organization, activities in which young participants in the exchange activity
will become the ones who will disseminate how the other people can use internet safety and how
they can use internet in good way, using the methods informal and especially non-formal on topics
discussed within the project. Each organization will organize at least one a work-shop that will be
promoted on the project site and on the partner organizations' websites. Work-shops will be
attended by young people between the ages of 16 and 30. Objectives: to provide information about
internet safety and how they can use internet in good way in accordance with personal skills using
the methods used in the project, to increase self-esteem for young people involved in disseminating
Target group: minimum 160 young people with aged 16 to 30 years interested in the project theme
to participate in work-shops. Expected results: increasing the number of young people informed
about on internet safety and how they can use internet in good way, knowing the non-formal
working methods that stimulate imagination, creativity, team spirit, knowledge of the Erasmus +
program; guiding young people to volunteer programs.
5. Meetings with young people from participating organizations and not only (colleagues, friends,
family members, members of other circles where young people work). Objective: to provide
information on internet safety and how they can use internet in good way and increasing the
involvement of young people in the community. Target group: 140 young people aged 16 to 30 years.
Expected results: increase the number of young people informed about internet safety and how they
can use internet of non-formal working methods that stimulate imagination, creativity, team spirit,
knowledge of the Erasmus + program; the orientation of young people to volunteer programs

Art. 2. The object of the agreement

2.1 The object of this agreement is to set the rights and obligations of the parts, the individual
contribution and responsibilities in the implementation of the Erasmus+ Be safe on internet, acronym
Be safe with contract number 2019-2-RO01-KA105-06416
The project has two main activities:
- A1: advance planning visit – on 24 February 2020 to 25 February 2020 (Arriving day: 23
February 2020, Departure day: 26 February 2020)
- A2: youth exchange – from 19 April 2020 to 29 April 2020 (Arriving day: 18 April 2020,
Departure day: 30 April 2020)
Due the pandemic COVID-19 dates may be change depends on evolution of the current
situation, also the timetable regarding the duties of each partner.

Art. 3. The principles of the partnership

3.1 All participants must contribute to the project’s accomplishment and accept their role in the
project based on the definition in the Partnership Agreement.
3.2 The parts must be in constant communication with each other regarding the evolution of the
project. The following stages will be pursued:

- Selection of the group leader – based on:

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- advanced mother tongue communication skills
- experience with youth activities
- solid English communication skills
- first-aid knowledge
- experience in non-formal education
- availability for the entire period of the project
- fully physically and psychically capable


The group leaders must be youth workers (volunteers coordinators, facilitators, trainers, etc.) in your
organization. They have to be older than 18 years old, with experience in youth working and as a
group leader.

Recommended group leaders profile:

- Has interpersonal and communication abilities;
- Has a strategic thinking and is focused on results thinking;
- Has a positive and supporting attitude;
- Has Team spirit;
- Pays attention to details and promotes a positive attitude among the participants;
- Has coordinating, planning and organizing abilities;
- Has English speaking skills (at least medium level);
- Has experience in volunteering, non-formal education and youth working;
- Is a good mediator;
- Has facilitating abilities;
- Has evaluating abilities.

- Selection of the participants

- interested in the project’s subject
- aged between 16 and 30
- having base knowledge of English
- capability of traveling to Romania for the entire period project
- willing to spread the information and experiences gained during the project

We highly recommend you that in the selection process to take into consideration the following
- candidates’ learning needs (how this project can solve their needs);
- their learning objectives (how this project meets their learning objectives) ;
- their expected learning outcomes (if the project meets them), age (16-30 years old for the
young participants and 18+ for the group leader) ;
- gender (to ensure the gender balance within the group),
- motivation (their motivation to participate) ;
- their disponibility to participate in the youth exchange (it is mandatory that the participants
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actively participate during all the youth exchange activity days) ;
- and after, in the dissemination activities;
- their special needs (young people with fewer opportunities), etc; needed profile.

When selecting the participants the equality of gender will be strictly followed.
- Preparation of the leader and the team for participation in the project – travel insurances,
getting to know the base information of the project, etc.
- Preparation of the leader and a team member for the advance planning visit
- Preparation of the activities based on the plan established during the advance planning visit
- Sending the youth to the exchange activities. It is mandatory that the leader which
participated in the advance planning meeting to be on the final participants list and to come
to the youth exchange activities.
- Spreading the information learned during the activities following the graphic elements
designed at the beginning of the project.
- Tracking the participants’ activities for a 1-year period of time in order to establish the impact
of the project.

Art. 4. Term of the agreement

4.1 The agreement’s term is minimum 14 months, starting with 1 st of October 2019 up to 30th of
November 2020.
4.2 The agreement can/will be extended automatic with the number of the months that the project
Be safe on internet with the number 2019-2-RO01-KA105-06416 will be extended by hosting organization
ASOCIAȚIA GENERAȚIA SCHIMBĂRII – AGES as force major due the pandemic situation regarding

Art. 5. Rights and obligations of the partners

5.1 Rights and obligations of the partnership leader
Rights of the partnership leader
a. To ask the partners to provide any information and legal documents required in order to have
the official documentations, progress and final reports done.
b. To ask the partners to follow the deadlines of the planned activities
c. To ask the partners to follow the terms of the contract

Obligations of the partnership leader

a. To sign the application form and financing contract
b. To constantly discuss with the partners, to inform them about the activities’ development and
to provide them with information on the project’s status, problems and their solutions.
c. To discuss with the partners the proposed changes in the project (e.g. activities, settlement,
participants, etc.) before asking for the approval of the National Agency (Agenţia Naţională
pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale). If no agreement
is reached the partnership leader will notify this to the Agency when asking for its approval.
d. Manages the project
e. Follows the fulfillment of the project’s activities
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f. Supplies with materials – course book, presentations, etc. – required for the development and
accomplishment of the youth exchange activities and for spreading the results.
g. Provides the partners with graphic elements required for publishing the promotional
h. Respects the ongoing deadlines of the project.
i. Provides the participants with optimal accommodation for activities
j. Follows the schedule in the activities A1 and A2.
k. Provides the participants with YouthPass certificates
l. After receiving all the travel tickets from the partner group transfers the money for the
transportation costs but no later than TBA ( dates will be variable because the project the
project will be extended due the pandemic situation regarding COVID-19, dates will be
comunitate later to each partner).
The money for the travel expenses (A1 and A2) will be transferred together.
m. Stays in constant communication with the National Agency (Agenţia Naţională pentru
Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale).

5.2 Rights and obligations of the partner organizations

Rights of the partners
a. The partners have the right to be constantly consulted by the project leader, informed about
the project’s development and to receive information on the progress and financial reports.
b. To receive, via bank transfer in the organization’s bank account, the money for the travel
expenses for the trip in Romania, based on the approved amounts as in the agreement
between the National Agency and as shown in the table below:
Romania 0- 10 KM - 0 EURO/participant
Bulgaria 100-499 KM - 180 EURO/participant
Turkey 500-1999 KM - 275 EURO/participant
Poland 500-1999 KM - 275 EURO/participant
Lithuania 500-1999 KM - 275 EURO/participant
Ukraine 500-1999 KM - 275 EURO/participant
Croatia 500-1999 KM - 275 EURO/participant

c. Visa costs (for Turkish and Ukraine participants) will be 100% reimbursed (in limit of 50
EUROS/participant from Turkey or 30 EUROS/participant from Ukraine, as it was approved by
the Romanian National Agency).
d. Cost of travel insurance and transport from hometown of participant to Embassy/Consulate to
gain the visa are not eligible cost.
e. The money for the transport will be transfer in the bank account of sending organization only
after team leader complete mobility survey from European Commission and the participant
group provide the pictures and an article regarding dissemination.

Obligation of the partner:

a. To collaborate and support the project fulfillment by providing expertise and human
resources for the activities they are responsible for
b. To provide the partnership leader with the information and documentation needed for
the implementation of the project and for filling the progress and final reports
c. To follow the deadlines of the project
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d. To fulfill the objects of the project
e. To own a bank account in euro according to the EU legislation. It will be provided to AGES
Association representatives no later than the time of A2 activities.
f. To mail the travel tickets to AGES Association no later than TBA (dates will be variable
because the project the project will be extended due the pandemic situation regarding
COVID-19, dates will be comunitate later to each partner) in order to have the money for
the travel expenses transferred on time.

Art 6. Roles and responsibilities in implementation of the project

6.1 Roles and responsibilities are described in the table below:
Role in the
Organization Responsabilities in the proiect term
Informs the partners about the organizational permanent
aspects of the project
Organizes Skype/Facebook confereces with twice a month
Communicates with the partners any needed permanent
Creates Facebook page and posts on the sites permanent
Organizes the services supplier selection proces when needed
Signes contracts with: accomodation, meal, when needed
Asociația catering materials suppliers, etc.
Generația Organizes the leader selection for Romania 01.01.2020 –
Schimbării – Partnership 15.02.2020
AGES coordinator Organizes the youth selection for Romania TBA
România Prepares the needed documentation for A1 Until APV (A1)
OID: E10010795 Implements A1 (accomodation, food, materials, During A2
catering, activities, etc.)
Prepares the course books and the other activities Until APV
for A1
Implements A2 (accomodation, food, materials, During A2
catering, activities, etc.)
Provides the YouthPass certificates and During A2
participation diplomas
Transfers the money for transportation costs for A1 After receiving
and A2 based on the provided trip documentation the required
and on the approved amounts documents
Posts the project’s subject on personal websites Permanent
ASOCIACIJA Organizes the leader selection based on the terms 01.01.2020 –
TAVO EUROPA Partners written at 3.2 15.02.2020
Lithuania Organizes the participants selection based on the Until TBA
OID: E10013269 terms written at 3.2

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Sends participants to the advance planning meeting Until TBA
(leader) (in the moment
when the
project will be
posibile to be
held due COVID-
Organizes the activities based on the plan built Between APV
during the advance planning visit and YE
Prepares the group for the youth exchange (informs Between APV
Stowarzyszenie them, buys travel insurance, etc.) and YE
Buys travel tickets for both A1 and A2 Until APV
OID: E10068641 Until YE
Sends participants to the project mobility A2 Until TBA
(in the moment
when the
project will be
posibile to be
held due COVID-
Communicates with the group leader and the Permanent
participants during the exchange activities
Posts information on the activities on their own Permanent
web sites
The group leader participates in YouthPass filling Until TBA
Spreads the information Until TBA
Fills the leader’s feed-back document Mobility Tool Not later than 7
and Initiative"
days after the
OID: E10004523
Sends print-screens with posts regarding the Until TBA
Karaman Genclik
ongoing activities of the project to AGES NGO
Kulubu Dernegi
(Karaman Youth Directs the transportation money to each After receiving
Club Association) participant in the project money from
Turkey AGES
OID: E10083576
Follows and observes the participants after the Until TBA
Bulgarian Youth project’s end to evaluate its impact on them
OID: E10036181
OID: E10039435
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Art. 7 Notifications
7.1 Any communication between partners regarding the present agreement will be done via regular
mail and/or email.
7.2 Any written document must be registered before sending and after receiving it.

Art. 8. Changes in the agreement

8.1 During this agreement the parts have the right to agree, in written, on changes on any article with
an additional paper anytime their interest requires this or when the circumstances happen and they
could not be included by the time this agreement has been done.

Art. 9. Litigation
9.1 Any litigation which can emerge from this agreement will be solved via negotiation between the
parts and in the case the parts reach no positive conclusion in solving it they will notify the National

Art. 10. Final stipulations

10.1 The parts guarantee that the representatives which sign below are invested with the legal
authority to sign and execute the present Partnership Agreement.
10.2 The partners must implement the project in accordance with the methodology, terms and
specifications written in the Financing Contract.

Art. 11 Personal data

All personal data of the participants are collected during the implementation of the Erasmus+
Programme (2014-2020), in accordance with the European Commission regulations. The data will be
stored and processed by the Programme’s beneficiary organizations and the ANPCDEFP under the
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation –

Coordinator organization with partner organizations and ANPCDEFP will store and process these data
according to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the
Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.

Asociatia President Signature Date and place

Generația Daniela Prundeanu 15.07.2020
Schimbării - AGES Comănești

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Partner Name and function of the Signature Date and place
authorized person

Present Agreement Partnership was filled in and signed in two original copies, in English, one for each
part, each of them having the same legal value.

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