8.health & Safety

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Health and Safety


Within this module we will examine the impact that safety-related issues
have on the coating inspector’s job, and some of the activities that an
inspector may have to perform to maintain safe working conditions for
himself and others on site. We shall discuss:

 Safety and the Coatings Inspector

 Inspector's Responsibilities

 Regulations

 Emergency procedures & reporting

 Containment

 Access equipment

 Monitoring of safety equipment

 Hazardous materials in the Coatings Industry (inc. hazardous waste)

 Other specific hazards in the Coatings industry

 Safety training

 Personal Protective Equipment

 Material Safety Data Sheets

 Technical Data Sheets

Safety for the Coatings Inspector

Employment Laws in most countries state that workers are responsible for
their own safety! This responsibility is only reasonable (and therefore
legally binding) where the worker can control the work environment.
Employers are also responsible for worker safety, and are required to
maintain control over all work processes to ensure that safe practices are
followed. The employer must use safe methods, supply appropriate safety
equipment, know and enforce regulations, and inform the worker of the
hazards, by communication and through training.

When an inspector is employed directly by a company (such as a major oil

company) the position is reasonably clear. The inspector is an employee in
the direct control of the company, with work generally performed at the
company premises. Safety issues are clearly defined by the company, and
the chain of command can be identified. Safety rules can be made and
relatively easily followed.

When an inspector is employed as a third-party (or independent) inspector

under contract to another company, the situation may be more difficult to
control. Responsibility rests - in theory - with the inspector’s employer, but
often (in practice) with the other company. For many reasons, it becomes
necessary that the inspector take extra precautions to know the safety rules
and regulations to safeguard himself and his fellow workers.

[Note: It’s worth remembering that this also applies to other third-party
visitors, such as sales personnel, consultants, and others]

On permanent facilities such as oil refineries or petro-chemical plants, there

is often a safety officer or safety department, whose job is to supply the
necessary information and guidance. In this case, the inspector has a
source of information regarding safety rules, and will mostly be able to
follow a defined 'code of practice'. Coating inspectors are often employed,
however, on construction sites where safety may be left more to the
discretion of the site engineer, or even to the individual worker. Clearly the
same governmental rules and regulations apply in both cases, but the level
of enforcement may be very different. Inspectors should be prepared, in the
latter case in particular, to use their own knowledge, initiative and

By knowing the rules and understanding the safety issues, inspectors can
take measures to protect themselves, but what responsibility do they carry
for the other workers around them? Opinions vary, and the law is not
always clear! The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
in the USA, has defined a Process Safety Management Standard which
declares that contractors and facility owners share responsibility for each
other's employees when work is performed. Similar rules apply in other
countries, although the detail of the law may be different.

Inspectors, or any other individuals at the job site who see an unsafe act or
operation should report it immediately to the engineer in charge. This
assumes, of course, that the engineer in charge can be reached; if not, a
written record should be created and circulated as necessary. If it can be
shown that the inspector knows or is aware of any safety violations, and
fails to take action, then he or she may be at risk, becoming partially
responsible for any accidents which may occur.

All situations known to be hazardous (or potentially hazardous) should be


The inspector should, wherever possible, clarify his job position, and the
safety related duties expected of him, before beginning to work at any

Inspector's Responsibilities

Many specifications or contracts will refer to safety issues by incorporating

a reference to relevant law or regulations, using statements such as:

Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of

any Public authority (State, local or Federal) having jurisdiction for
the safety of persons or property ,and shall take any and all
necessary steps to protect workers and/or members of the public
from damage, injury or loss.

The intention of the specification in this case is to place prime

responsibility, as in many other matters that affect the inspector (e.g.
quality of workmanship) clearly in the hands of the main contractor.
Inspectors, nevertheless, have a role to play, firstly in protecting
themselves against all known hazards, and secondly in protecting other
workers and the public wherever it can be reasonably expected.

These responsibilities overlap with the same responsibilities amongst other

workers, and the question of who is ultimately responsible for each activity,
and to what extent, can be complicated. Inspectors may easily be
implicated in safety violations, even if they did not have specific safety
responsibilities allocated.

Perhaps it is better to think in terms of a collective responsibility, in which

all workers jointly are responsible for the safety of themselves, for other
workers and for the public. The inspector can then recognize the need to
be aware of all safety risks, and take reasonable care to reduce the risks
wherever possible.

By keeping a look-out for known safety violations, the inspector can take
appropriate action when safety is threatened. Usually this will require that
he or she informs the worker(s) concerned or the site supervisor of the risk.
If the danger is immediate, the inspector may decide to take action,
although the general advice must be to not get involved in physical action
unless the risk is considered to be urgent. The inspector should:

 Become familiar with the location of medical facilities, telephone,

hazard warning systems, escape practices, etc.

 Become knowledgeable about safety and health issues, and keep the
knowledge 'up-to-date'.

 Comply with all safety requirements which apply to the job site or
work facility

 Report any unsafe working practices to the relevant authority (most

probably his client).

To ensure that compliance is possible, the inspector should ask for copies
of the applicable safety rules on each job, including those regulations
specific to the particular plant or client organization. If copies of regulations
are not readily available, the inspector may judge that safety needs
particular attention on this project.

Regulations are generated by many different bodies. Once a safety
requirement has become law (and is therefore a regulation) it is applicable
to any work that takes place within the jurisdiction of the law-making
Work must always be performed in compliance with applicable regulations.
These are often complex. Safety rules vary according to federal and
local laws. An inspector must be familiar with both federal and local

In the US, states or local jurisdictions often enforce different or more

stringent regulations than the federal authorities. Generally, the most
stringent regulation in force is likely to apply.

Some regulatory authorities in the USA that influence the manufacture,

transportation and application of coatings include:

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA is the federal agency responsible for administration and

enforcement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It develops and
enforces standards that control the working environment. OSHA standards
are published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), most often in CFR
1910 (the general industry standard) or CFR 1926 (the construction
industry standard). Both of these documents are important reference
sources when guidance is required in the USA.

Most relevant information can be found on line at www.osha.gov. In

addition, OSHA provides a bulletin of the latest news, reached via the same
web site.

NIOSH: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

NIOSH was established at the same time as OSHA, but is a research

organization, dedicated to finding solutions to enable industry to comply
with the law.

NIOSH has, for example, determined protection factors for different types
of respirator. In the USA, air-fed blasting helmets that are NIOSH approved
have a protection factor of 1500. This means that workers using blasting
helmets are allowed to work in an environment where concentrations of
toxic dust are 1,500 times greater than otherwise allowed.

NIOSH publishes detailed guidance documents for many aspects of worker

protection, and can be found online at www.cdc.gov/niosh.

DOT: The Department of Transportation

DOT regulations govern most aspects of the transportation of coating
materials (including removal of waste) by road or by rail.

If a spill or release occurs, DOT must be informed through proper channels.

It is essential that accurate documentation is prepared to record the
incident. Incidents of this type are potentially serious, and the authorities
require high standards of reporting when incidents occur.

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

EPA is a government agency with far-reaching powers to develop

regulations that help to protect the environment. Amongst the most
significant issues affecting the coatings industry are the VOC (Volatile
Organic Compounds) regulations, and the hazardous waste regulations.

Most countries in the world now recognize the need to control emissions of
VOC’s. A primary source is the solvent content of paint. The method of
control adapted in the USA has focused on reduction of solvents in paint
formulations, and general restrictions are in place for various types of
coating. For example, many states now require VOC content in protective
coatings to be less than 3.5 lb/gal. (US) or 420 gm/litre. There are some
exceptions or modifications of this rule for certain coatings, such as etch

The overall effect of VOC regulations has been (and continues to be,
throughout the world) the reduction of organic solvent use through the
introduction of high-solids coatings and water-based coatings.

Coating inspectors may have to calculate the total quantities of VOC

emissions, or check that coatings used comply with local VOC regulations.
The addition of solvents or thinners to coatings prior to application is a
contentious area, but should be monitored and reported as a matter of
good practice.

[Note: at the time of writing – winter of 1999-2000 - only the UK and

Holland have similar VOC regulations in place. Other countries have
indicated that they will adapt similar legislation in many cases, and the
European Union (EEC) has confirmed that VOC regulations will be
implemented in the near future]

EPA regulations regarding the handling and disposal of hazardous waste

have also had a far-reaching effect on the process of coating application.
Most existing coatings may have hazardous components, such as lead or
other heavy metal pigments, and all must be treated as potentially
hazardous until tested.

Containment must be used when hazardous materials are removed from a

structure, and the waste must be collected and properly disposed of. This is
a complex issue, and adds a complex element to inspection of a job. Not
only must the inspector be protected against the hazardous working
conditions, but working conditions for the applicators must also be

The coating inspector may be asked to maintain records of some aspects

of this process, such as the quantities of waste generated, collected, and/or
shipped from site. Records of health testing for the workers are also

FDA: Food and Drug Administration

Coatings used on food processing equipment, including water storage

tanks, must be safe for that application. The FDA most commonly accepts
that coatings tested by NSF (the National Sanitation Foundation) and
subsequently approved by them should be used for (potable) water
storage, and some other food uses.

NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The NRC has authority over one of the most challenging industries in which
coatings are used. Although the construction material most widely used is
concrete, it is often coated to provide protection against contamination with
nuclear waste in the event of a spill. Coatings used for this purpose must
be specially tested and approved. The NRC also requires high standards of
inspection, and has its own three-level system of coating inspector

As you can see, the area of regulations and regulatory authorities can be
very complex indeed, and is far beyond any scope of this program. To truly
keep up to date with developments, even the safety professionals need
time and some help. Most rely on abstracts services within a specialist area
to provide specific help. By subscription to such a service, the coatings
inspector with a special interest in the area of regulations could maintain
the required level of knowledge.
A further complication is that the regulations and the system of developing
and enforcing regulations may change dramatically from one country to
another. The coating inspector must become familiar with the system in his
or her own working location(s). This clearly can be a significant task for the
coating inspector, who may work in many countries from time to time.


Most nations have safety regulations to protect the worker, and they are
often similar in both form and content. In the United Kingdom, the Control
of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations have been part
of the law since 1984, and aim to protect the worker by requiring the
employer to:

 Assess all potentially harmful substances used in the workplace

 Use an alternate, safer, method or material wherever possible

 Apply engineering controls to reduce the hazard (e.g. modify the

environment through ventilation)

 Protect the worker by issue of appropriate safety equipment if there is

no other solution

 Inform the worker through training, and provide adequate details of all

These general principles apply to industry in many other countries, in

substance if not in the same format.

On-site Safety Meetings

It is common practice for workers to attend site meetings to discuss safety

issues. Such meetings may be held daily, and incorporated into 'tool-box'
talks. Workers may also be asked to attend safety seminars or briefings,
prior to working on a particular site, or before going offshore. The
communication of safety related information has been recognized as a
major component of job safety.

Medical Checkups: When working with hazardous materials such as lead-

based paint, medical checkups can determine whether an inspector has
been exposed to the hazard by testing blood or urine samples, or by other
forms of medical examination.

Some companies also require workers, including inspectors, to pass fitness

tests at intervals, proving their ability to see, hear, maintain balance or
climb stairs and ladders. This type of testing is often included in mandatory
safety training, such as that required of all offshore workers in the North

Drugs Testing: Many companies operate a drugs policy, and require

employees and sub-contractors to be tested for alcohol and other
proscribed substances at regular intervals. Throughout the world, it is
generally accepted that workers should not be under the influence of
alcohol or drugs while working, if safety is to be maintained.

Emergency procedures & reporting

Inspectors are not considered to be safety professionals, and are not
generally responsible (as a primary duty) for control of safety issues.
Nevertheless, on small sites, and where safety professionals are not
available, the inspector may be required to monitor some safety issues.
This is an area where the specific responsibilities of inspectors – if any –
must be clearly defined.

Part of an inspector's specific job responsibility may be to check that the

general public are adequately protected from the activities of the coating
application project. The coating inspector may be required to check:

Warning Signs : Check that appropriate warning signs (of dangers such as
blast-cleaning operations) are erected, and can be seen by all those
concerned, whether operators, other workers, or members of the public.
Ensure that tapes marking any exclusion zone are properly placed and

Scaffolding : Observe that scaffold poles are painted white or wrapped

with marking tape, and ensure that objects cannot fall through gaps in
walkways or sidings onto public areas. Ensure that scaffold boards,
toeboards, guard rails are fixed in place.

Safety Signs : Check the presence of safety signs; they should be in one
or more languages that the public can understand. Ensure that the hazards
are correctly identified and stated. Where contact telephone numbers are
required, ensure that they are current; show the location of the nearest
available telephone.

In addition to the above safety precautions, the inspector (as all other
workers) should be aware of the emergency procedures that apply to the
particular workplace. Amongst the essential information should be:

 Know the location of fire-fighting equipment

 Learn the safety warning signals

 Know the location of telephones, and learn the emergency numbers

 Learn the procedures to be employed when warnings are sounded

(e.g. fit escape breathing equipment, muster at escape points, etc.)

 Identify the medical support procedures and location of first-aid


When working with hazardous materials or hazardous processes,
containment is often required to limit the impact of the activity on the public
or on the environment. Depending on the nature of the project, containment
may be sophisticated, custom-built enclosures, or may be made up from
tarpaulins and a scaffold support. Warning signs and safety barriers are
likely to be an important additional safety precaution.

The inspector’s responsibilities for containment structures may be limited to

simple observation of the quality of containment. Dust, abrasive or paint
that escapes from the contained area can generally be seen. The inspector
should report emissions to the responsible person, and record the fact in
his written report.

The task of inspection within a contained area may be made difficult by lack
of access. It is generally unsafe to be within a contained area when blasting
(or even painting) is taking place. The inspector must choose the times of
inspection carefully, and should make efficient use of the inspection time
available. The opportunity to confirm measurements by revisiting the same
area, for example, may not easily be available.
More sophisticated containment may be required when hazardous
materials are removed from a painted structure (e.g. lead-based paints) or
used for maintenance purposes (e.g. coatings with isocyanate reactants).
On large projects, a dedicated safety professional is most likely to be
responsible for monitoring the condition of the containment. It is not ,
however, for the coating inspector to have to monitor airflow through the
contained area (to ensure adequate ventilation), or to collect data from
monitoring points measuring dust emissions, or paint overspray.

When blasting and painting work is taking place, the containment serves to
limit the spread of blasting dust and noise, and paint fumes or overspray,
and therefore has an incidental benefit on many large projects. It allows
other workers to continue their activity without direct interference from the
paint crew.

The subject of containment for coatings projects is described in more detail

in the advanced section of this course.

When a workspace has only restricted access, such as a manway intended

for occasional access for workers, but not for regular use, it is defined as a
Confined Space. Typical examples include storage tanks and process
vessels in a chemical plant or refinery, or ballast tanks in a ship. When
work takes place in a confined space, special precautions must be taken to
ensure safe working conditions. Generally, at least the supervisor, and
perhaps all workers (depending on the applicable regulations) may require
special training for work in confined spaces. The subject of working in
confined spaces is described in more detail in the advanced module of this

Access equipment
Many structures require access equipment for painting, which may take the
form of ladders, moveable platforms or towers, or elaborate scaffold
staging constructed solely for the purpose. Temporary personnel support
arrangements, like the 'bosun's chair' or larger, motorized platforms or
cradles may also be used. In each case, there are detailed regulations
regarding the construction, placement and use of the equipment (e.g.
OSHA 1926.451).

The coating inspector is generally not required to know the specific

regulations for access equipment. For some (probably larger) projects, a
safety officer, or even a specialist scaffolding inspector will be responsible
for assessment of the condition of the access system and for issue of
permits allowing its use. It is important, however, that the inspector is able
to recognize the condition of access equipment, and determine whether it is
safe for use. The inspector will, after all, be required to use the equipment
for inspection access after the operators have completed their work.

In addition to governmental regulations, coating inspectors should be

aware of the project requirements regarding access equipment; is a permit
or safety certificate required, and if so, is it current? If there are any doubts
as to the safety of the access arrangements, while in use by painters or by
inspectors, the only safe action is to avoid use until the doubt is eliminated,
by whatever means possible.

In some countries, a system of inspection of scaffold structures requires

regular inspection by an expert, with a tagging system that controls access.
The presence of a red tag indicates that the scaffold structure is not safe to
use. A green scaffold tag indicates the structure is safe to use, provided the
date on the tag is within the inspection period.

Inspectors should also understand and use any 'fail-safe' or backup safety
devices wherever possible. Vertical ladders on elevated structures should
be fitted with gravity locking anti-fall devices coupled to a harness or belt
worn by the inspector while climbing. Platforms suspended on wire should
have a secondary wire, connected to a separate support point, and coupled
to the inspector's safety harness. If there is no secondary support system,
temporary access arrangements are probably in violation of safety

Working at Heights

It has been determined that up to 70% of the physical accidents to painters

are caused by falls. The risks to inspectors using the same access
structures may be similar in magnitude. Falls from more than 10 feet above
the ground can easily cause severe injury, and inspectors should always
wear a safety restraining device such as a safety harness when making
inspections at heights. The most appropriate harnesses are fastened
across the shoulders and around the legs, and attach to a safety line at the
back. When a fall is arrested, the body will fold around the support point;
folding forwards (nose moving towards feet) is far better than attempting to
fold the other way, which is likely to lead to a broken back!
Safety harnesses should be certified as complying with national
regulations, and should be checked at regular intervals, to ensure that they
are not chafed, cut or worn. In use they should be protected from chafing or
exposure to harmful materials such as paint solvents, and always kept
clear of any obstructions so that they may operate properly in the event of a
fall. The best use of a harness is to connect it to a secondary support
system, rather than to the access structure or its main support.

Hazardous materials in the Coatings

Hazardous Materials

OSHA and other equivalent organizations around the world (including the
World Health Organization) have specifically targeted the painting trade as
one of the more hazardous occupations for workers. In particular, paint
trade workers are reported to suffer from a high incidence of stomach and
liver cancers, and leukemia.

Although a coating inspector is probably less exposed to most toxic risks

than the paint applicators, the same risks are encountered, making it
important that the inspector understands the same issues as the painter.
Some safety-related issues of typical paint-industry materials are described

Paints or Coatings are made from complex chemical materials, although

the basic principles of manufacture are relatively simple. In general, solid
(non-soluble) powdered materials (pigments and fillers) are dispersed in a
film-forming liquid vehicle (resin binders and solvents), and remain in
suspension after the film has dried or cured. The hazards generally lie in
the pigment materials used, or - more often - in the solvents used to reduce
viscosity of the vehicle and enhance the application characteristics.

The Safety authorities (e.g. OSHA) have evaluated many of the materials
used in industry, and have rated them in terms of toxicity and/or other
forms of hazard. Information about the hazard can be found on data sheets
provided by the coating manufacturer, known as Materials Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS) which are described in more detail below.
Solvents are present in most coating materials that are applied. They are
also mostly released from the film after application, and therefore enter the
atmosphere. Solvents are often toxic, and will generally burn when
exposed to an ignition source. In addition, organic solvents are thought to
be partly responsible for damage to the atmosphere's protective shield
(depletion of the ozone layer), and - paradoxically - for the production of
toxic ozone in the urban environment.

Some solvents commonly used in the past are associated with more
specific hazards. Trichlorethylene, for example, will form phosgene gas
when burned. Phosgene is a highly toxic chemical that has been used as a
weapon in war, and can be extremely hazardous in the event of a solvent

Those coating materials that are formulated for use without added solvents,
such as '100% solids' products, or powder coatings, are safer and
considered to be environmentally friendly than regular coating materials.
Despite the safer working environment, suitable Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) must still be worn by workers.

OSHA, working from data developed by the American Conference of

Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), specifies a Threshold Limit
Value (TLV) for particular solvents in the working environment. They
describe both a Short-term Exposure Limit (STEL), (e.g MEK 300 parts per
million) and a longer term working limit called a Time-Weighted Average
(TWA), (e.g. MEK = 200 parts per million, over a duration of 8 hours). Time-
Weighted Average (TWA) is a measure of the average exposure over the
stated period. For example, zero exposure for 4 hours followed by 250 ppm
for 4 hours would give a total exposure of 1000 ppm in 8 hours, or TWA of
125 ppm. The STEL should not be exceeded at any time. Some Threshold
limit values are shown in the Table below:
Threshold Limit Values of some Common Solvents

Solvent STEL TWA

Short Term Exposure Limit Time Weighted Average
(8 hours)
Mineral Not defined 100

Toluene 150 50

Xylene 150 100

Methyl Ethyl 300 200

Ketone (MEK)

Methyl 75 50

TLVs are also often specified for mineral dusts, such as silica, graphite,
mica and perlite, all of which are used in paint materials, as pigments or
(Note: The term TLV is widely used, although other, similar terms may also be found. In Britain, the term
Occupational Exposure Limit [OEL] may be used, In Germany Maximum Allowed Concentration [MAC])

One problem that the inspector may face is finding a reliable way of
monitoring the level of exposure to solvents. It is possible to monitor the
working environment using a sampling technique such as the Draeger
Tube. This method requires both a knowledge of the solvents involved, a
separate Draeger tube for each solvent, and provides a measurement of
solvent concentration that is only accurate at the time of measurement.

Continuous monitoring (theoretically required on painting jobs) is difficult,

and not often encountered on site. Workers cannot reliably know what their
exposure to toxic solvents has been.

Inspectors should stay out of the hazardous environment when possible,

wear effective respiratory protection (masks, etc.) and measure (or have
measured) solvent concentrations at frequent intervals. This latter
requirement is more easily said than done, despite being a major
requirement of safety legislation, and illustrates the difficulty of enforcing
good safety practices.
Respirators should be properly maintained, and cartridge filters (where
fitted) should be changed at the recommended intervals. There cannot be
any doubt that long-term exposure to solvent vapors is damaging to the
health, particularly when exposure is over the permissible limits.

Monitoring of particulate matter (dusts) may also be performed. It generally

consists of collecting dust samples over a period of time (e.g. 8 hours, 24
hours) and analyzing the total collected sample. It should be noted that
results are not generally available immediately.

The typical waiting period of several days for laboratory analysis of the
sample collected means that assumptions must be made, and interim
protection should be used until the results are available.

Volatile Organic Solvents

Organic solvents used in paints are often referred to as Volatile Organic

Compounds (VOCs). As a result of imposed regulations, many coating
manufacturers are now making products which contain fewer organic
solvents. The two most common paths for coatings development are:

 Reduction of solvent content, leading to high solids, or even 100%

solids, coating materials

 New coating formulations based on water-borne technology (i.e. uses

water as an alternate solvent.)

In the USA, current restrictions on VOC emission restrict the coating

applicator to a maximum level such as 3.8 lbs weight per gallon (450
gm/litre) of material applied (some US states). In fixed coating workshops,
the total output of solvent in a calendar year is restricted to a fixed figure,
currently 5 tonnes per year.

Other national environmental bodies have focused on the issue of 'transfer

efficiency', the capability of coating application equipment to apply the
material with a minimum loss to the environment. The overall effect is that
certain coating types, such as vinyl or chlorinated rubber coatings have
become very difficult to formulate effectively while staying within the VOC
rules, and their use has almost ceased in some countries.
These changes and developments should be, and often are, incorporated
at the specification writing stage. The specifier should be aware of the
particular emission regulations for the work location. In practice, however, a
specification is often written at some remote location, and it becomes part
of the inspector’s job to identify conflicts and problems inherent in a job

The coating inspector may also be required to monitor VOC emissions or

the use of heavy metal pigments, depending on the role defined by the job
specification. In the future, inspectors are more likely to be engaged in this
type of safety related task.

Explosive Gas Environments

Explosions are likely wherever concentrations of explosive gases exceed

their Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). The LEL is different for each type of
combustible gas, and is usually determined for a gas by measuring the
quantity required in a gas/air mixture to give an explosive reaction to a
spark or naked flame. Typically this would be determined in terms of parts
per million (ppm), which is sometimes expressed as a percentage
(10,000ppm = 1%).

Inspectors or safety professionals are generally required to test for

explosive gases in any confined space prior to issue of a work permit for
that day. To provide a safety margin, it is normal to require that ‘work shall
not take place when the concentration of explosive gases is greater than
10% of LEL’.

Gases also have an Upper Explosive Limit (UEL), above which the
concentration of the gas is too great for an explosive mixture, and the gas
cannot be ignited.

Mixtures of dust (small particles) can also explode when the concentration
of dust in the dust/air mixture is within certain limits, particularly when the
gas/air mixture is dry (i.e the relative humidity is low). Metal dust
(particularly aluminum) is extremely hazardous, but almost any dust,
including wood, flour, and cement may ignite.

Fire Hazards are often present when painting operations are in progress,
and the inspector (and other workers) should be aware of the locations of
fire extinguishers, and should have received some training in the proper
use of fire fighting equipment. Signs and warnings should also indicate the
location of the nearest phone for emergency use.

Abrasives are generally chosen in part for their inert properties, and
should not, therefore, deposit contaminants on the blast-cleaned surface.
They should also be relatively non-toxic. Breathing any fine dust, however,
can be irritating to the linings of the throat and lungs, leading in extreme
cases to irreversible long-term effects.

Some abrasives, sand in particular, produce known toxic products when

broken up in the blasting process. The specific compound produced by
sand-blasting is crystalline silica. Exposure to airborne crystalline silica
leads to scarring of the lung tissues, and subsequent development of

In many parts of the world the use of sand for blast-cleaning is not allowed
because of the known occurrences of silicosis.

One study found that 5.4% of a group of sand blasters exposed to

crystalline silica died within 3.5 years of commencement of the study. In
Great Britain, the use of sand for blast-cleaning was banned as early as

Cleaning Fluids

Many common industrial strength cleaning fluids are likely to cause

dermatitis, and some - primarily products of the petrochemical industry, are
probably detrimental to the environment. It is common to find cleaning
specifications requiring the use of 'bio-degradable' cleaning fluids. Although
environmentally preferable, these products often contain caustic
detergents, and may be irritants.

Like most paint-related products, Material Safety Data Sheets should be

consulted, and recommendations for safe use of the product should be

Heavy Metals

Agencies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are

engaged in a continuing fight against materials that are damaging to the
individual or the environment in either the long or the short term. Many
people are familiar with the problem of asbestos, which was recognized in
the seventies, and the consequent expensive campaign to ban the use of
asbestos products and remove existing materials wherever possible.

Technical investigations have identified most heavy metals (e.g. chromium,

lead, cadmium) as potentially hazardous to health, and require that their
use be limited. In the paint industry, this has immediate impact on some
common ingredients, particularly pigments such as red lead and zinc
chromate. Many other pigments that have been used in coatings may be
classified as suspected toxins, carcinogens or pollutants; some of these are
listed below:

[Note: the following list is not intended to be a complete list of potentially

hazardous pigments, but is included as an illustration of some of the
problem materials

Paint Pigments sometimes considered to be Hazardous

Antimony: Antimony Oxide is used in fire-retardant coatings. As a respirable dust, antimony oxide is
known to be carcinogenic; in typical use in paints the risk is relatively low

Asbestos: In the past, asbestos has been widely used in paints to provide extra physical (cohesive)
strength. It is known to cause lung disease when ingested as a dry fibrous material, a problem that is
more likely to occur during manufacture or removal of paint rather than during application. Although it is
no longer used, asbestos may still be found in coatings as they are removed from a surface.

Barium: Barytes – Barium Sulphate – is commonly used as an extender in coatings. In this form, barium
is thought to be safe

Cadmium: Cadmium pigments vary in color from yellow to maroon, and have been widely used in artists
paints. As protective coatings they have been used in heat-resistant coatings. Cadmium dust mainly
affects the kidneys and lungs. Some health organizations completely prohibit the use of cadmium
pigments, in plastics or in paints.

Carbon Black: Carbon black (often called lamp black) is a commonly used pigment, sometimes thought
to be carcinogenic.

Chromium: Chrome pigments, often produced in combination with lead (e.g. lead chromate, chrome
yellow, etc) have been widely used to produce bright Red, Orange and Yellow coatings. Production of
chromate-based pigments is known to have an increased risk of cancers in pigment production workers,
and the pigments are no longer generally used in paint production.

Lead: Lead is one of the best inhibitive pigments for use in primers. It has been widely recognized as a
health hazard for many years; it is known to retard mental development, particularly in children. It can also
affect the central nervous system, the digestion tracts, kidneys and reproductive organs. Although the
body can excrete lead, workers in frequent contact will ingest lead faster, building the levels. Soluble lead
in paints has been steadily reduced by both legislation and voluntary action by paint manufacturers.
Some authorities are concerned with trace elements of lead in zinc pigment, the less than pure zinc metal
having lead content as high as 2% in some cases.

Selenium: Selenium Content in paints is restricted by some authorities, although there is little evidence of
harmful effects.

Tin (Organo-tin): The previous widespread use of organo-tin compounds in anti-fouling paints and wood
preservatives has been restricted throughout the world by legislation. A variety of health effects has been
reported although the evidence is not consistent. Organo-tin coatings are generally banned on pleasure
boats, and the International Marine Organization (IMO) has stated its intention to ban the use of the anti-
fouling pigment on all vessels in 2005.

Zinc: Authorities in the USA tried to develop legislation that would limit the use of zinc in paints, despite
the fact that some intake of zinc is beneficial to the human body. The legislation has now been withdrawn.
Zinc fumes and dust generated in the metallizing process are known to cause 'flu' symptoms, although
the effect is short-lived, lasting only for 24 hours or so. There are also concerns with fumes when welding
is performed on zinc-coated steel.

The coatings industry worldwide is currently searching for adequate

replacement pigments. Alternate materials are often available, but may be
more expensive or less effective, and sometimes both.

There can also be major problems with removal of existing coatings, and
containment of elevated structures during blast-cleaning is now normal
practice in some countries when the coatings are known to contain lead or
other heavy metals.

Some other safety issues may be related to the use of heavy metals. Glass
thermometers filled with Mercury are often used in sling psychrometers,
and may break, releasing the mercury. This is considered undesirable
because of the toxicity of the heavy metal. Release of Mercury may be a
particular problem when flying; mercury in contact with an aircraft or
helicopter frame is likely to cause rapid and potentially catastrophic


Polyurethane coatings contain isocyanates, highly reactive compounds that

react aggressively with hydroxyl (water) ions. Isocyanates are strong
irritants and sensitizers; many workers react to their presence, particularly
when urethane coatings are sprayed. Typical effects include skin reactions,
eyes watering, respiratory difficulties and possible carcinogenic effects.
Deaths have been caused by respiratory damage caused by isocyanates..
Contact with skin should be avoided. Normal organic vapor-absorbing
cartridges used in filter-type respirators are generally considered to be
ineffective with isocyanates.


When an individual worker's exposure to a toxic substance exceeds the

tolerance of his body system, the person concerned becomes more
sensitive to that exposure, and begins to react far more to exposure than
previously. After many years of apparent tolerance, the body's reaction
becomes instantaneous, accelerated by the process of sensitization; the
process is similar to developing an allergy, a process that cannot easily be

Different human bodies react differently to ingestion (inhalation or

absorption through the skin) of dusts and fumes and to skin contact with
potentially hazardous materials. The tolerance level of individuals cannot
be accurately predicted. In extreme cases, the spontaneous reaction is so
severe that the individual can no longer work in an environment that has
been familiar for many years. The effect can happen within a short period
of time (e.g. a few months) of first exposure for some individuals.

One case was reported where a painter suddenly became violently ill when
spray painting, a task he had performed without problem for many years.
The symptoms included sweating, skin irritation, vomiting and shaking.
After several days resting at home, he recovered and returned to work,
where the symptoms returned immediately whenever a paint can was
opened. The medics identified exposure to Toluene as the cause, and the
painter was never able to resume his normal line of work.

Although there has been a decrease in the quantities of organic solvent

used in paint, some the replacement materials also may cause
sensitization. Low molecular weight reactants used in high solids coatings
have been identified as a specific problem, leading to an overall increase in
reported examples of skin sensitization.

Hazardous Activities associated with

Coating Application
Abrasive blast cleaning at high pressure is a dangerous operation, and it is
essential that steps are taken to protect both the operators and any
spectators or other site personnel. Some considerations would be:

 Only the operator should be allowed in the vicinity of the blast

cleaning operation.

 Warning notices should be displayed.

 A look-out (or 'pot-man') should be on the alert.

 A 'Dead Man Valve' safety cut-out device should be fitted and used.
Despite frequent non-compliance, this is a mandatory requirement,
and should always be checked by the inspector.

Other precautions include wiring the hose couplings together to prevent

accidental disconnection and visually checking the general condition of the
blast-hoses, looking for cuts and blisters.

Blast hose is generally loaded with conductive carbon to dissipate static

electricity whenever the hose contacts the ground. In hazardous (e.g. gas)
environments, the blast-pot should be connected to the structure by a
conductive braid, copper or brass being common.


Water-jetting techniques may use pressure as high as 35,000 psi (2,450

bar), and can be extremely hazardous to the workers in the vicinity. High
pressure water can cut through concrete, or even steel, so the hazard to
humans cannot be over-estimated. Some users have developed high-tech.
protective clothing, using Kynar cloth similar to that used for 'bullet-proof'

Air-driven Power Tools

Power tools used in industry are frequently air-driven, and are generally
safer than the electrically driven equivalents. This type of equipment is
used to mechanically clean a steel surface by impact or abrasion, and is
clearly capable of damaging the worker. All equipment should be fitted with
an appropriate guard, and workers should wear protective clothing such as
gloves, eye-protectors and long-sleeve coveralls to limit their exposure
should the equipment start to break up, or throw out steel slivers.
Inspectors in the vicinity of operating power tools should also protect their
ears and eyes, and should cover their skin. Removal of existing coatings by
power tool cleaning may also generate hazardous or toxic dust, and
suitable respirators should be worn.

Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment used at site should be designed for use in aggressive

conditions, with seals to provide resistance against water or mud ingress.
Circuit breakers should be used, and safety checks for continuity and
effectiveness of the breaker system should be made.

In hazardous environments that cannot be certified as ‘gas-free’, the

electrical equipment must be sealed to prevent sparking causing explosive
reactions with gases. Sealed equipment specifically designed for the
hazardous environment is known as ‘intrinsically safe’.

Generators or mains electrical supply connectors are a particular source of

hazard, and should be checked and certified by a qualified person prior to

Inspection Equipment

Electrically operated equipment should not be used in hazardous

environments unless they are 'intrinsically safe'. Most battery operated
inspection equipment is not intrinsically safe, and should therefore not be
used in a hazardous environment without an appropriate permit.

This rule applies to all equipment with batteries, including electronic dry film
thickness gauges, most cameras, Tooke Gauges, electronic surface
temperature gauges, and holiday detectors.

High voltage holiday detectors may pose an additional hazard to users, due
to the possibility of electric shock. Any shock that occurs is unlikely to be
serious unless the inspector is working at a height - when any surprise may
cause an inadvertent step - or when the user suffers from heart problems,
or wears a heart pacemaker.

Direct voltage from the detector through the body is not likely to be fatal,
but is never pleasant and should be avoided, especially when the voltage in
use is greater than 10,000 volts! To minimize shock hazards, the operator
should handle the equipment carefully, ensure that the instrument is
properly grounded, and not operate the detector in damp or wet conditions.

Hazardous waste

The product of paint removal operations (e.g. waste created by blast-

cleaning or other surface preparation) may be hazardous. Many old
coatings contain what are now judged to be hazardous components,
including lead, asbestos, chromates, cobalt compounds, and many more.

Workers must be protected during the removal of such materials. Collection

and proper disposal of the waste product can also be a significant factor in
the job. While these aspects are primarily the responsibility of the
contractor, Inspectors must be familiar with the regulations governing
hazardous waste at the job location, and should ensure that labeling,
handling and temporary storage of waste products complies with the

Testing for levels of toxic materials in waste is a job for a certified

laboratory. The Coating Inspector may become involved if he is required to
monitor the collection of samples for testing purposes, or to supervise the
collection and/or disposal of hazardous waste materials.

The subject of hazardous waste is discussed in more detail in the

advanced safety module of this program.

Paint Storage

Paints and coatings should be stored in an environment designed to

minimize hazards. Good ventilation, careful stacking, and explosion proof
electrical circuits are all important. US regulations can be found in CFR
1926.152 describing specific requirements for storing flammable or
combustible materials. One example is that no more than 60 gallons of
flammable, or no more than 120 gallons of combustible, material may be
stored in any one storage cabinet.

All volatile liquids, including solvents, have a specific and characteristic

flash point; this attribute is the temperature below which the solvent vapors
will not ignite or explode. Wherever possible, it is advantageous to store
solvent containing paints, thinners and cleaning fluids below their flash
point temperature.
Paint storage in a temperature-controlled environment can assist this goal,
though it is probably not practical in many cases. MEK, for example, is one
of the most widely used paint solvents, and has a flash point of only 19°F.
Storage below this temperature is beyond the resources of most paint

Safety training
All workers have the ‘Right to know’ what hazards they face in their day-to
day work. In most countries, the law makes this a legal right.

An essential part of the law is that workers must not only be informed of the
specific hazards they face, but receive specific training deal with the
hazards. Such training can be provided by specialist companies working for
the employer, or by employers themselves.

The general principle of dealing with hazardous materials, or hazardous

working conditions, is that the hazard must, wherever possible, be
eliminated. This may mean the use of alternate materials, or of alternate
methods of working. Employers must analyze their work procedures to
identify the hazards.

Whenever substitution of alternates is not possible, the hazards must be

reduced by a system of ‘engineering controls’. This may take the form of
working by remote control, (i.e. by automating the process) or by modifying
the work environment to eliminate worker exposure.

When workers are exposed to a known hazard, they must be provided with
safe working equipment, with Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), and
with clear instructions on how to use that equipment. Training is clearly an
essential part of the way that workers are informed how hazards to their
health should be reduced if not completely eliminated.

The parallels between this and the British COSHH system (described
above) are clear to see.

A simple – but mandatory – form of safety training is often employed by

companies with fixed facilities, or permanent sites. Workers are trained in
the specific hazards of the facility. Visitors must also observe simple safety
rules. At many chemical plants, or offshore platforms, visitors must receive
a safety briefing, often given by video presentation. To ensure that the
basic rules have been learned, the visitor may then be required to answer a
short questionnaire (or exam) and achieve a minimum score before
entering the plant. This rule applies to visiting coating inspectors,
regardless of the proposed length of the visit.

Safety Training is described in more detail in the advanced module of this


Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protection is essential for safe working, and the individual worker
and the employer are both responsible for ensuring that all workers
possess adequate safety equipment and are instructed when and how to
use it. The coating inspector is classified as a worker, and should wear
safety equipment and clothing suitable for the process(es) to which he is

Generally, the level of exposure to hazards is less for the inspector than for
the operator, since the inspector is seldom at the work scene continuously.
The hazards are similar, however, and a wise inspector adapts at least the
same level of personal protection as the operators. It has been argued that
the inspector should ‘set a good example’, adapting personal protection
beyond that used by the operators.

Guidance for the selection of PPE is provided on the MSDS, or by other

instructions from the coating manufacturer. Charts such as that shown
below can be used. It must be stressed that the responsibility for correct
selection and use of respirators lies with the individual worker, who must
ensure that adequate information is available to allow proper selection.

Respiratory Protection

In a hazardous environment, particularly in an enclosed space such as a

tank or vessel, full-face, fitted respirators should be worn. Operators should
be tested individually to ensure that the respirator fits, and does not allow
fumes other than the breathing air to enter.

Many companies insist that workers and visitors should be clean-shaven

(i.e. no beards and no moustaches) before even entering the premises.
Workers may also be required to be medically fit, and tested and certified
by a medic.

Air-fed respirators or masks should be fed with fresh air, preferably from an
inlet located at a remote area, upwind of site operations, so that there is no
possibility of the site contaminants (solvents, diesel fumes, etc) entering via
the inlet. In addition, air lines should pass through charcoal filters to clean
any contaminants which may be incorporated in the air supply.

Where breathing air is supplied direct from a compressor (which generally

compresses oil in the air-receiver), the machine must be fitted with
automatic shut-down equipment and/or temperature alarms. The air must
also pass through a carbon monoxide tester with an alarm fitted.

There are many other regulations and requirements that relate to breathing
air. This aspect of personal protection is considered to be critical, and is
rigorously inspected by OSHA and other safety authorities.

There are four primary types of respirators available to protect the operator:

Air-supplied Hood respirator

Air supplied face-fit respirator

Organic vapor cartridge respirator

Dust filter respirator

Hood Respirator

Hood respirators are designed to cover the entire head and neck area, and
supply the wearer with clean, dry air through low-pressure connection to a
filtered-air supply. They protect the wearer from heavy concentrations of
vapor, fumes, dust, and dirt that might prove harmful to respiratory organs,
eyes, ears, and exposed skin.

They are used where other types of respirators are impractical and do not
provide sufficient protection. The hood respirator provides the most
complete means of protection because it offers eye, ear and skin
protection. The continuous supply of dry fresh air prevents misting or
fogging in the hood.
Respirators often depend on achieving an effective seal between the mask
and the skin of the wearer. For many workers who choose to wear a beard,
hood respirators may be the only type of respirator that can provide

Air-Supplied Mask Respirator

Air-supplied mask respirators cover the nose and mouth only, and operate
from an external supply of air. They do not provide the same degree of
protection against splashes, etc. that can be achieved with a hood
respirator. Eye protection, such as goggles, must also be worn if this type
of respirator is used.

It is important to attain an effective seal between the mask and the face.
Operators should be ‘fit-tested’ to ensure a good fit, and many authorities
will not allow operators to wear a beard and use a mask respirator,
because of difficulties achieving a reliable fit.

Organic-Vapor Respirator

Organic-vapor respirators cover the nose and mouth and are equipped with
a replacement cartridge designed to remove the organic vapors by
chemical absorption.

Organic vapor respirators will generally remove solid particles from the air
before the air passes through the chemical cartridge. The correct cartridges
must be used, and they must be replaced at regular intervals. To be
effective, there must be a complete seal between the mask and the face.
Separate safety goggles or other eye protection must be worn when

This type of respirator must not be used in oxygen-deficient areas.

Dust Respirator

Dust respirators are sometimes used by sprayers or helpers, but they are
not effective against solvent vapors, and not suitable for this purpose.
These respirators are equipped only with a cartridge to remove solid
particles from the air, such as in preliminary surface preparation operations
like sanding, grinding, or buffing, and are not designed to remove vapors.
Separate safety goggles or other eye protection must also be worn when
This type of respirator must not be used in oxygen-deficient areas.

Eye & Ear Protection

Proper safety glasses and ear protection should be worn whenever there is
a risk from equipment or hazardous materials in the workplace. Safety
glasses should be of the 'wrap around' type, to fully protect the eyes, or
may be goggles. Separate side protection pieces may be fitted to
prescription eyeglasses, though there is some confusion regarding the
allowed use of these devices, and a recent regulation in the USA that
eliminates the use of side-shields.

Ear protectors vary from those types which roll up small and fit within the
outer ear cavity (plugs), to those which completely cover the ears (muffs).
The key factor in selection is that the sound input to the ear should be
reduced to less than a specified level (85 decibels in US regulations) for
any continuous working environment. Higher limits may apply to short
exposure periods.

Protective Clothing

Workers should be protected by appropriate protective clothing. This may

vary from a long-sleeve coverall and hard hat (safety helmet) for engineers,
to a full leather protective suit for a blast-cleaning operator. Each work
process has its own requirements, which would generally be contained in
instruction manuals given to employees, or displayed on signs in the
workspace for visitors.

Coating inspectors should always comply with the mandatory requirements

for protective clothing, and, as was said earlier, should observe the rules
and set an example to the other workers.

Work Permits

Working in a hazardous environment generally requires the owner of the

facility to issue a Work Permit prior to commencement of work. The permit
will define the conditions in which work may take place, and the
precautions that the workers must observe to work safely. This may include
restrictions on safety equipment and clothing, instructions to ventilate
enclosed spaces, ground equipment to reduce static sparking, etc. The
Permit is issued and signed by a 'responsible person', and the restrictions
defined are mandatory. Prior to issue of such a permit, the owner may
require the use of monitoring equipment to test for toxic or explosive gases,
and may require monitoring during the performance of the work.

Many work activities can be defined as "Hot Work" (e.g. Welding) or "Cold
Work" (e.g. painting by brush), the former having more restrictions applied.
Many surface preparation or painting activities are considered to be
controversial in this respect; blast-cleaning, for example, causes sparking
when the abrasive hits steel, but some owners believe the spark is 'cold'
(i.e. unable to ignite gas) and the work activity can be called "Cold Work".
Power wire brushing, or disc-grinding would most likely be classified as
"Hot Work".

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

In most countries, legislation has been made to protect workers against the
unknown risks of using toxic or hazardous materials. Information regarding
the safety issues associated with any hazardous (or potentially hazardous)
material must (by law) be provided to users. The usual method of providing
this information is on a Material Safety Data Sheet or MSDS.

These information sheets are likely to be different in various countries, and

may be known by different names. In the UK, for example, safety data is
provided on a COSHH sheet. COSHH means Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health, and is referred to by regulations in this way.

Whatever the name given, the information is likely to be similar when

coating or paint materials are concerned. Appendix A shows an example
MSDS, similar in style and content to those used in the USA.

Understanding the Material Safety Data

Sheet (MSDS)
The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is an information document,
supplied by the coating manufacturer, which serves to inform the coating
user of the safety requirements of that product.

The MSDS is divided into several sections. Each section Provides specific
Note: Legislation in various states and countries outlines requirements for
workers’ "Right to Know" about safety and health hazards of products and

MSDS Sections
A. Distributor Description

Identifies coating manufacturer (or an appointed distributor) and


Provides emergency telephone information

B. Section 1: Product Identification

Provides specific product name

Provides product class (shipping information)

Provides Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS) codes

Provides Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements & class

C. Section 2: Hazardous Ingredients

Provides name of each hazardous ingredient

Provides amount of each hazardous ingredient

Provides the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number of each

hazardous ingredient.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the chemical industry use
the CAS number for computer tracking and identification of each chemical
product (over 100,000 of them).

Provides the lower explosive limit (LEL) (if applicable)

Provides the vapor pressure (if applicable)

D. Section 3: Physical Data

States boiling point temperature

States weight per gallon relative to the weight of
1 gal of water (known as the specific gravity)

States the evaporation rate of the solvents

States the freezing point of the coating (if applicable)

Provides the vapor density (relative to air) of the solvent vapors. The
higher the number, the heavier the solvent vapor.

Provides percent solids by volume (indicates the amount of solvent

per gallon)

States relative water solubility

States appearance and color

E. Section 4: Fire and Explosion Data

States flash point (temperature)

Provides explosion limits (upper and lower)

Provides details of suitable media used to fight fire

Provides special fire-fighting instructions

States unusual fire and explosion hazards

F. Section 5: Health Hazards

States effects of overexposure

States danger symptoms

Provides emergency first-aid procedures or instructions

G. Section 6: Reactivity Data

Describes required storage conditions

Lists items the product will react with

Defines what expected reaction products will be

H. Section: Spill or Leak Procedure

Provides emergency cleanup procedures

- For spills

- For leaks

I. Section 8: Special Protection Information

Defines personal protective equipment requirements, including:

- Eye protection

- Breathing protection, respirators, etc

- Gloves, coveralls, boots, etc.

J. Section 9 - Special Precautions

Lists precautions unique to this product

Provides any other special information

Important Note: All workers should read the MSDS, try to understand it,
and understand how to work safely. For the safety of all workers, unsafe
practices should be reported whenever they are found.


When coating materials are transported by road, there is a constant risk of

spillage or exposure to the potentially toxic effects of the chemical
materials. In some countries the law requires that MSDS sheets are carried
by the transporter whenever ‘industrial quantities’ of coatings are moved by
road, rail or air. Most observers will be familiar with the multi colored hazard
identifying signs carried by trucks or rail cars, depicting explosion or toxic
hazard categories for the product. The same warning signs can sometimes
be seen on paint cans.

The purpose of such hazard communication is to inform emergency

services of potential hazards in the event of a spill. MSDS sheets are
required to provide a 24-hour emergency telephone number that links to a
source of specific information regarding the particular product.
Chemicals commonly used by industry and judged to be hazardous are
listed by various industry or national authorities.

Generally, information on the chemicals is freely available on-line via

computer. For example, the National Occupational Health and Safety
Commission of Australia (NOHSC) provides a database of hazardous
chemicals at www.nohsc.gov.au. Another authoritative source is the
American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) who
publish many volumes concerned with hazardous chemicals; their web site
can be found at www.acgih.org.

Regardless of the source of the information, chemical listings show the

universally applied CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number, from which
the properties of the chemical can be determined. In particular, when an
event such as an exposure, release, spill or fire occurs, the emergency
services can determine the best course of action.

The CAS database contains more than 22 million chemical substance

records. More than 200,000 chemical substances in the CAS lists are
identified on national or international chemical inventories and regulatory

An international collaboration has resulted in the International Chemical

Safety Cards, published generally by the World Health Organization, but
made available in the USA by NIOSH at www.cdc.gov/niosh.

Many of the chemicals judged to be potentially hazardous, toxic or harmful

to workers are found in the coatings industry. Significant changes to the
formulations of coating materials have been made as a result of the
growing lists of chemicals hazardous to health reported by various medical
research bodies.

Technical Data Sheets

Coating manufacturers’ technical data sheets are intended to communicate
technical facts related to the specific material and its application properties.
There are, however, many details that relate to safety on a typical technical
data sheet. Important physical properties such as flash point temperature
and Volume Solids are listed, and can be used, to some extent, to establish
safe storage or working conditions.
In addition, many technical data sheets provide some general safety notes.

Appendix 4 – Sample Material Safety Data Sheet



ACME Paint Company VC High Build Epoxy (Color Beige)

Section 1: Product Identification

Manufacturer’s Address: ACME Paint Company

Mf. Telephone No.: 1-800-228-5635

24-Hr. Emergency Phone No.: 1-800-228-5656

Chemical Name or Family: Paint Product

Formula: 0089T1R-122-A-06

Trade Name: VC High Build Epoxy (Beige)

Revision Date: 4-12-91

Date Printed: 5-11-91

Section 2: Hazardous Ingredients

Name Appro Recm. TLV PEL

Wt. %
Common (NA): Aliphatic Petroleum Distillates 1% Not Est Not Est 500.00 (1)

CAS: 64742-88-7 Chemical: Solvent Naphtha

(Petroleum), Light Aliph.

Common (NA): Naphtha 5% Not Est 300.00 Not Est

CAS: 94742-89-8 Chemical: Naphtha

Common (NA): Talc 50% Not Est 2.00 (2) 2.00 (2)

CAS: 14807-95-6 Chemical: Talc

Common (NA): Epoxy Adduct 15% Not Est Not Est Not Est

CAS: 68424-41-9 Chemical: Fatty Acids, C18

Unsaturated., Dimers, Polymers
w/Triethylenetetriamine, reaction products with Poly
(Bisphenol & Diglycidyl) Ether

Common (NA): Butyl Alcohol 15% Not Est 50.00 (1) 100.00 (1)

CAS: 71-36-3 Chemical: 1-Butanol

Common (NA): Toluene 5% Not Est 100.00 200.00 (1)

CAS: 108-68-3 Chemical: Phenyl, Methyl

NOTE: The abbreviations used on this sample MSDS are listed below

(1) = ppm (2) = mg/m3

Section 3: Physical Data

Boiling Point: 110C (230F)

Vapor Pressure MM HG at 38C; (100F): 30.0

Vapor Density (Air = 1.0): 5.9

Specific Gravity: 1.35

Percent Volatile by Volume: 48.61

Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): 2.0

Solubility in Water: No

Appearance and Odor: Normal for a coatings product.

Section 4: Fire and Explosion Hazard

Flash Point (TCC/PM): 10°C; 49°F

Lower Explosive Limit: 1.00

Upper Explosive Limit: 11.00

Extinguishing Media: Carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam, and water fog.
Special Fire-Fighting Procedures:

Fire-fighters must wear self-contained breathing apparatus or air masks.

Containers exposed to fire should be kept cool with water spray.

Unusual Fire and Explosive Hazards: None

Section 5: Health Hazard Data

Threshold Limit Value: Not required for mixture

Effects of Overexposure:

Immediate Effects (Acute):

Can be absorbed through the skin.

Harmful if inhaled; may affect the brain, nervous system, or

respiratory system, causing dizziness, headache, nausea, or
respiratory irritation.

Overexposure to ingredients in this product may cause nose and

throat irritation, eye irritation, skin irritation, CNS digression, corneal
injury/eye damage.

Delayed Effects (Chronic):

Notice: Reports have associated repeated and prolonged

occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and
nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately
concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal.
Contains ingredients which may cause liver damage, kidney damage,
and hearing loss.

Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure-any respiratory or

skin condition.

Emergency and First-Aid Procedures:

Inhalation: Remove person from exposure area. If breathing has

stopped, use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and get medical attention.

Eye Contact: Flush with water for 15 minutes.

Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water.

Possible Routes of Entry: Inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption.

Section 6: Reactivity Data

This product is stable

Conditions to Avoid: None

Incompatibility: Strong oxidizers

Hazardous Decomposition Products:

Ammonia compounds Nitrogen oxides Carbon dioxide/monoxide

Hazardous Polymerization: None

Section 7: Spill or Leak Procedures

Ventilate area. Avoid breathing of vapors. Use self-contained breathing

apparatus or air mask for large spills in a confined area.

Eliminate ignition sources.

Remove with inert absorbent and nonsparking tools.

Avoid all personal contact.

Waste Disposal Method:

Dispose in chemical disposal area or in a manner that complies with

local, state, and federal regulations. Do not incinerate closed

Section 8: Special Protection Information

Respiratory Protection:

Wear appropriate, properly fitted respirator (NIOSH/MSHA approved)

during and after application unless air monitoring vapor/mist levels are
below applicable limits. Follow respirator manufacturer’s directions for
respirator use.

Required for spraying or in a confined area, ventilation equipment

should be explosion proof. Eliminate ignition sources.

Protective Gloves: Usual hand protection for paint application.

Eye Protection: Usual eye protection for applying paint.

Other Protective Equipment: Usual clothing for painting operations.

Section 9: Special Precautions

Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage:

Containers should be grounded when pouring. Avoid freefall of liquid in

excess of a few inches.

Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames. Keep container closed
when not in use. Do not store above 49C (120F); based on the
product flash point and vapor pressure, suitable storage should be
provided in accordance with OSHA regulation 1910.106. Empty
containers may contain product residue, including flammable or
explosive vapors. Do not cut, puncture or weld on or near container. All
label warnings must be observed until the container has been cleaned or
Abbreviations Used:

OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration

IARC-International Agency for Research on Cancer

LEL-Lower Explosive Limits

UEL-Upper Explosive Limits

mg/ m3 - Milligrams per cubic metre


MPPCF - Millions of Particles Per Cubic Foot

MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration

NA - Not Applicable
NIOSH-National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Not Est - Not Established

NTP-National Toxicology Program

Pb - Lead

PEL-Permissible Exposure Level

ppm - Parts per Million

TCC/PM - Tag Closed Cup/Pensky-Marten

Recm - Recommended

TLV-Threshold Limit Values

************* Disclaimer Section ******************

The furnishing of the information contained herein does not constitute a representation that any product or
process is free from patent infringement claims of any third party nor does it constitute the granting of a
license under any patent

Acme Paint Company assumes no liability for any infringement which may arise out of the use of this
product, and warrants that its products meet the specifications which it sets for them.

Acme Paint Company disclaims all other warranties relating to the products, and disclaims all warranties
relating to their application, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability
and fitness for particular purpose. Receipt of products from ACME Paint Company constitutes acceptance
of the terms of this warranty, contrary provisions of purchase orders notwithstanding. In the event that the
customer finds that the products delivered are off-specification, ACME Paint Company will, at its sole
discretion, either replace the products or refund the purchase price thereof, and choice of one of these
remedies shall be buyers sole remedy. ACME Paint Company will under no circumstances be liable for
consequential damages, except insofar as a liability is mandated by law.

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