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Email: evolve@hivemind.

agency Phone: +38 (096) 572-78-72

Translation Test
Subject matter: online marketing

Size: 450-530 words


Please translate any two abstracts (1 into Russian, 1 into Ukrainian), preserving
formatting of the source. Feel free to use any sources of reference and google for more
context. If you encounter a term that has no established Russian equivalent or feel a need to
explain your choice, please add your comments in the corresponding cell at the end of the table

After you finish the translation, please proofread it once again to make sure that it contains no
spelling, grammar, accuracy, and terminology mistakes. Remember that readability is one of
the key aspects, so your translation should be engaging and must not read as a corporate
speak. Please follow the style guidelines on and

 DO NOT use Google Translate.

 No more than 6 mistakes are allowed in total.

Finally, rename the translated file to Translation_Test_MKTG_Name_Surname and send it

to, specifying Translation_Test_ MKTG in the subject of email.
You will get the feedback within 7 working days.

Abstract 1 — Article

Handcrafted heavy metals

Founded in 2013 by designer Shane Foran,

Clocks and Colours is headquartered in
Toronto, Canada. Clocks and Colours offers a
full line of men’s sterling jewelry, drawing
inspiration from untamed landscapes, rugged
back roads and rock-and-roll.

To increase the scale of the campaign, Clocks

and Colours ran dynamic ads for broad
audiences, which showed photo ads in
carousel format to men who may or may not
have ever visited its website, but who had
expressed online interest in similar products.
People in this audience automatically saw
items from the Clocks and Colours catalog that
Email: Phone: +38 (096) 572-78-72
were relevant to them.

Clocks and Colours determined the results of

this October 1–December 31, 2018 campaign
using reporting data from Facebook Ads
Manager, which revealed:

97% increase in overall online revenue in

Q4, compared to Q4 2017

3.2X lift in return on ad spend

22% lower cost per acquisition compared to

the previous quarter

2.2X increase in attributed Facebook direct-

response revenue in Q4, compared to Q4 2017

14% higher return on ad spend compared

to the previous quarter
Abstract 2 — Subtitles

The greater number of people is now entering

the middle class from other countries and
again, hungry for luxury brands and goods.
But that is now waning as well. The effects on
the Chinese economy and the fact that now
this middle class is under some pressure as
well due to rising prices. That is sort of killing
some of this appetite for luxury goods. And so,
fundamentally now, luxury brands have to sort
of reckon with the idea that the gas may be
coming out of that engine that has really been
driving a lot of their volume. But if we look at
this more broadly, I think that there's a deeper
change happening. If we sort of just
understand first of all what is luxury really?
Well, luxury equals status, right. And status is
sort of based on exclusivity. It's having things
that other people don't have. That is
fundamentally the nature of luxury. But as we
have seen, the overexposure of brands, both
through sort of downward extension when the
recession hit. You saw luxury brands reaching
down into the market and trying to get
aspirational shoppers to buy even small
branded items. Maybe not their full line, full
price items but even, you know, small trinkets.
That sort of ubiquity of these retail brands and
products that grew out of that and also
through this growing global middle class has
served to take some of the equity out of many
Email: Phone: +38 (096) 572-78-72
of those brands. And so, what we now see is
we see some brands that are reverting back to
what we call manufactured scarcity.
Abstract 3 — Article
Frequently monitor campaign performance

With more people turning to games as a

source of entertainment and as a way to stay
connected to friends and family, it’s important
to closely monitor campaign performance.
Look at how costs (CPI), and engagement
KPIs (retention, session length) are shifting
daily with more people playing your games. As
the quality of these users will continually
fluctuate, user acquisition teams should also
increase the cadence of LTV and funnel metric
reviews, ideally daily, rather than weekly or bi-

Similarly, monitor any fluctuations coming

from your monetization platforms as declines
or increases can have a profound impact on
your LTV curve and overall profitability. Be
ready to adapt quickly when necessary to take
advantage of opportunities or equally
reallocate budgets to more profitable sources.

Double down on creatives

As mentioned, we are seeing an increase in

time spent across our family of apps which in
turn can lead to an increase in impressions
delivered and overall spend. Be prepared that
as your delivered impressions increase, so will
the rate of creative fatigue. Have a pipeline of
creative ready to rotate in when you start to
see your first-time impression ratio increase or
your CTRs and IPMs decline. Be sensitive to
the current environment with your creative
messaging, and avoid any messaging that
could be seen to be trying to capitalize on this

If you are struggling with internal creative

resources due to COVID-19 lockdown,
consider leveraging a Facebook-approved
creative partner Your account team will be
able to provide you with recommendations
should you need one.
Email: Phone: +38 (096) 572-78-72
Translation notes

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