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Oneida Holdings - Team I


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Hunter Biden- DC
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Hunter Biden- DC
ca I

~neida I-foldings- Team
Hunter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC. James Gil liar - J
wealth . And I assume that's ~vhy you've
endured this much brain damage to begi n
with .
But we are where we are and what 's app
and overseas phone calls are not going to
bring us to a solution. We all want the
same same thing and from the outside
this must look like a bunch reindeer
games. So I propose we meet in Romania
on Tuesday and hash this out.
May 19

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< •

=:: BlackBerrv I

Holdings - Team ' ' \

Hunter Biden- DC, Hunter Bi den- DC, James Gilliar - J:2

and to add t o it, if you are so worried ,
about your fam ily, you wouldn't be doing ,
this because as u said, al l of your dad's
lawyers and any lawyer would advise you
and Jim not to touch thi s wit h a 100 foot
v/ so if you are willing to take risk so be it, I
am willing to stand by your side and1tak4
ri sk as wel l but there has to be balan1ce in
governance and the board 1\.10; •

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../ . .

=:: BlackBerrv I

~'1eida t-foldings - Team

~ '

Hi.inter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC, James Gilliar - J ~

- --- . .

..// H - with all do respect I think you are

misrepresenting what James' lawyer said
and it is disheartening u would do such a
thing, also am not sure which Chairman '
you are referencing but they clearly don 'U
understand the agreement as it is wr itte~
Not sure why you have such concern wit
things but I would chalk it up to you \
haven't sat down and gone through all
the scenarios of the board, James is
.... • • .- - •

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-~neid~ 1-ioldings - Team ~, i J • · , · .·
'~ . . . . .

,_ Hunter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC; James Gilliar .,J:2

" Keep at it H ! That is exactly the point, I

and all the partners around the table are
trying to protect u and your family! Way
more than you even obviously
understand, but do please come to
Monaco, i' II give you 3 cracks at trying tQ
break my jaw before I respond :rv1a, 19
0 ob Walker - RSTP
I - -1~
Please st op.
c a I H

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< •


Holdings - Team
Hunter Biden- DC, Hunter Bi den- DC, James Gilliar- J,

-.A Team - obviously we are all partners and

working to take care of each other while
also doing what we believe is best for the
business, I am trying to streamline and /,
accomodate certain concerns while '
preserving governance and things 1
v/ I am adjusting the distribution lang age /
to read we will distribute funds mon hly
and if any member wants to see funds
distributed intra month they can make a
..."",.. •• ",.... ... '"" ..... r-1 :4=,....""',...."°' :,.... '""'' ''""':'""'hi":+ \.A1:, , "'" 1
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. t-ioldings - Team '

Hunter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC, James Gilliar - J,

Well Tony it may just be the time of night

or one too many drinks but you're trying
to be funny is lost on me and probably
most people who don't fall at the high end
of the Aspergers spectrum. I'll say it one
final time. I don't care how much money
you've made what teams you were captaim
of or how many soulless oligarchs you ca11 \
friend. Money doesn't interest me
winning is ephemeral and fleeting and I i
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. ~,01d1ngs - Team

-~- Hun.t er Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC, James Gilliar - J.~
we 're competing with Goldman Sachs and
the next we're spending hours on why I
wasn 't invited to a dinner party- must be
maddening. You clearly see the path to
not just riches but real generational
wealth . And I assume that's why you've
endured this much brain damage to begi '1
with .
But we are where we are and what' s app
and overseas phone calls are not going to
bring us to a solution. We all want the l

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t--ioldings - Team
-- Hlinter
.. ..Biden-. ..DC,. Hunter
. . .. . ..Biden-
DC, James Gilliar - J.

partnership and respect your position that

you are risking your most valuable asset/
TIME/ and that's more important than
20% equity no matter what Tom foolery

the four of us may be up to- you could be '

CEO for 8 days and quit and still have an
equal share. But that's besides the point I
guess and maybe I'm exaggerating . The l
fact that you're even putting up with our
cautious schizophrenia -- one moment
wp' rp romnPtino with C';olrlmrln Srlrhc:; rlnrll
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< . . .. . .

. Holdings - Team '

- Ht.inter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC,

I James Gilliar - J~

t e scenarios o t e oar , James 1s

- - ..
willing to recuse himself from the vote to
remove any perception that he could1side
with me, so as the vote is defined if
something was divided where u, Jim~and/
Rob were on one side and I was on ttne
other side, would encourage u to thi!nk of
a solution on how you would cure that
situation \
v/ wecould arm wrestle for it, play bin~o,
have your Chairman weigh in or '

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One request though stop the 5th grade I
group text insults - Jesus my daughters
texts are more cogent and mature. May 19 ,


-.// Keep at it H! That is exactly the poinU, I

and all the partners around the table are
trying to protect u and your family! ViVay
more than you even obviously
understand, but do please come to
Monaco, i'II give you 3 cracks at trying tol
break mv iaw before I respond Mav 1
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t-i"oldings - Team

Hunter Biden- DC. Hunter Biden- DC. James Gilliar - J,
..// we could arm wrestle for it, play bingo,
have your Chairman weigh in or
something else that is fair and neutral to
both sides 'r'uy ,:,
., C ...i n r

Well Tony it may just be the time of night

or one too many drinks but you ' re trying
t o be fu nny is lost on me and prob ably
most peopl e who don 't fall at the high enq
of th e Aspergers spectrum . I' II say it on e
+: ...... -. 1.._.; _ _ I . .J - - •• __.,.,. . ~.,. . .. , ..-voi. , ,,... ~ "'V'a.,..,..,..,."' '

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~~eida Holdings - Team

. . . . ' .' . ..
Hunter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC, James Gilfiar - J
'' -
friend. Money doesn't interest me
winning is ephemeral and fleeting and I
have no interest spending my days on a
super yacht measuring my dick with the
people on the super yacht next to me.
I care about one thing. My family. And
your demands make me uncomfortable
and you're insults remind me of the shit l
the captain of the lacrosse team said to
me in college about my dad right before I
h.-"''" hie:- 4=, ,.,..t.,;.,..,.. •~•~•

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.. t-told1ngs - Team '
Hlin.ter Biden- DC, Hunter Biden- DC, James Gilliar - J~
the captain of the lacrosse team said to
me in college about my dad right before I
broke his fucking jaw.
So you're choice Tony act like a child and
take all your millions of marbles home and'
throw them at me from afar or sit down
like men do and have a discussion face to
One request t hough stop the 5th grade
group text insult s - Jesus my daughters
tP.xts rire. more coaent rind mr1t1Jre_ Mnv 1q
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Hey TONY I have an idea. In light of the
fact we are at an impasse of sorts, and
both James' lawyers and my Chairman
gave an emphatic NO- I think we should
all meet in Romania on Tuesday next
week. Zhang will be there and so will the
completed agreement if they stick to
schedule. \
We all want you to be a part of this
oartnershio and resoect vour oosition that
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( •

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