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1.-Operations with integer numbers:

1.1.- Basic concepts:

Number: Is the symbol that expresses a quantity of a unit.

Numbering system: Is the set of rules and symbols that allow you to
obtain all the numbers that are valid within a system of numbers.

The Numbering system most used in the world is the decimal

Numbering system, being the common form the most used.

There are 3 different ways to use the decimal numbering system:

1.- Formal decimal numbering system.

2.- Common decimal numbering system.

3.- Scientific or base 10 decimal numbering system.

1.2.- Addition:

Is the mathematical operation that consists in the addition of two or

more quantities.

1.3.- Subtraction:

Is the mathematical operation that consists in the subtraction of two or

more quantities

1.3.- Multiplication:
Is the mathematical operation that consists in adding a quantity to itself
depending on another quantity.

1.4.- Division:

Is the mathematical operation that consists in knowing how many times

a quantity can fit in another quantity.

1.5.- Power:

Is the mathematical operation that consists in multiplying a quantity to

itself depending on another quantity.

1.6.- Square root:

Is the mathematical operation that consists in finding a quantity that
when it’s multiplied by itself, the result will be the number given within
the radical.

1.8.- LCM (Least common multiple):

It´s the smallest number that is common multiple of two or more


1.9.- GCD (Greatest common divisor):

Is the largest number that is common divisor of two or more numbers.

2.- Operation with decimal numbers:
2.1.- Read decimal numbers.

2.2.- Sum with decimals.

2.3.- Subtract with decimals.

2.4.- Multiplication with decimals.

2.5.- Division with decimals.

2.6.- Power with decimals.

2.7.- Square root with decimals.

3.- Classification of real numbers:

3.1.- Classification of real numbers:

3.1.1.- Z = All the integer numbers (positive (Z+) or negative (Z-)

integer numbers).

3.1.2.- N = All the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4……. To infinity).

They are called natural numbers because they are those numbers that
are reflected in nature.

They are also known as positive integer numbers (Z+).

So: Z+ = N.

The Z is because the word number in german (Zahl) begins with Z.

3.1.3.- Z- = All the negative integer numbers (-1, -2, -3…).

3.1.4.- 0 = The number zero.

So, the first group would be:

Z = Z+ or N, Z- and 0.

3.1.5.- Q (Rational numbers)= All the numbers that are integers,

fractions, exact decimals, pure recurring decimals and mixed recurring


Q= Fractions, exact decimals, pure recurring decimals, mixed recurring

decimals and Z, which in turn, Z= Z+, Z- and 0.

3.1.6.- I (Irrational numbers)= All the numbers that are non-recurring


Example: Square root of 2 o pi.

3.1.7.- Both Rational and irrational numbers belong to the group of real


R = I and Q

4.- Rules of signs, relation symbols, grouping symbols

and order of operations:
4.1.- Rules of signs:

It’s the set of rules that have the quantities depending if they are
negative or positive.

Adding and subtraction:

+5+5 = +10, +5-2=3, -5+2=-3, -7-6=-13

Multiplication and division:

(+5)(+5)=+25, (+5)(-5)=-25, (-5)(5)=-25, (-5)(-5)=+25

+10/+5=+2, +10/-5=-2 -10/5=-2 -10/-5=+2

4.2.- Relation symbols:

It’s the set of symbols that consists in relating and indicating

information about quantities.

They are: greater (9>3), less (3<9) and equal (9=9)

4.3.- Grouping symbols:

It is the set of symbols that consists in grouping quantities to know the

order of an operation.

They are used (), [], {} and will be resolved respectively.

First (), then [] and at the end {}.

{5+ [7-3+ (5+6)]}

4.4.- Order of operations:

It is the set of rules that consists in establishing an order ito the


5.- Properties of real numbers:

5.1.- Properties of equality or equality laws:
They are the properties that have the mathematical operations with
equality sign.

5.1.1.- Reflexive property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the fact that a quantity will
always be equal to the same one.

B = B (Valid) 21 = 20 (Not valid)

5.1.2.- Symmetric property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the fact that a quantity will
be equal to the same one, regardless the order.

A = B is equal to B = A

5.1.3.- Transitive property:

It is the numerical property that consists in the fact that if we have two
equalities, and a quantity appears in both equalities, the other two
quantities will be equal between themselves.

If A = B y C = A, so, B = C

5.1.4.- Substitution property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the fact that if we have an
equality and also we have a sum of two quantities together with its
result, then, if a quantity of the sum is equal to a quantity of the equality
that we have, this one will be able to be replaced.

If A = B.

We have: A+C=D

So: B+C=D

5.2.- Inequality properties:

They are the properties that have the mathematical operations with a
relation sign, excepting the equality sign.
5.2.1.- Trychotomy property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the fact that if we have a
relation of two quantities, it is only possible to fulfill a relation.

If we want to relate 664 and 665.


664 < 665 (Valid) 664 > 665 (Not valid)

5.2.2.- Transitive property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the fact that if we have a
quantity greater than another, and, the same quantity is in another
relation and is less than another, the another quantities of both
relations could be used as relations among themselves.

If A<B y B<C

So: A<C

5.2.3.- Reciprocal property:

1.- If A > B, and we apply its reciprocal, then, 1/A < 1/B

2.- If –A < -B, and we apply its reciprocal, then, -1/A > -1/B

5.3.- Properties of sum, subtraction, multiplication and division:

They are the properties that have the sum, subtraction, multiplication
and division.

5.3.1.- Identify property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the fact that if we add a 0 in
the sum or subtract and 1 in the multiplication or division, the result will
be the same.

Sum: A + 0 = A

Subtraction: A - 0 = A
Multiplication: A x 1 = A

Division: A / 1 = A

5.4.- Properties of sum and subtraction:

They are the properties that have the sum and multiplication.

5.4.1.- Commutative property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in the equality of two

quantities, without importing the order of each quantity.

Sum: A + B = B + A

Multiplication: A x B = B x A

5.4.2.- Associative property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in using parentheses to classify

the operations, without importing the order of the parentheses.

Sum: (A + B) + C = A + (B +C)

Multiplication: (A x B) x C = A x (B x C)

5.4.3.- Distributive property:

It's the numerical property that consists that a quantity will be able to
multiply each quantity of an operation that is within parentheses, either
to the right or to the left.

A (B + C) = AB + AC

(A + B) C = AC + BC

5.4.4.- Inverse property:

It’s the numerical property that consists in placing inverse quantities of

the original to obtain 0 in the sum and 1 in the multiplication.

Sum: A + (-A) = 0

Multiplication: A x (1/A) = 1
5.5.- Absolute value:

It’s the magnitude that has a number respect to zero, without importing
the sign.

It is represented by two parallel vertical segments. (ll).

The absolute value of l-3l = 3 and of l5l = 5.

5.6.- Symmetric of a number:

It’s the opposite quantity of a quantity.

La opposite quantity of -3 es 3.

6.- Divisibility rules:

They are the rules that have the numbers to know if any number is
divisible by a specific number.

6.1.- Divisibility by 2:

A quantity is divisible by 2, if it is an even number.

Example: 230, 225, 440 y 4 are divisible by 2, because all the numbers
are even numbers.

6.2.- Divisibility by 3:

A quantity is divisible by 3, if the result of the sum of its digits can be

divided by 3.

Example 1: 230= 2+3+0=5, 5/3= It’s not an integer, so, it’s not divisible
by 3.

Example 2: 558=8+5+5= 18/3= 6, so, It’s divisible by 3.

6.3.- Divisibility by 4:

A quantity is divisible by 4, if the last two digits are zeros or form a

multiple of 4.

Example 1: 600 = It’s divisible by 4.

Example 2: 36716 = It’s divisible because the last two digits form 16
y 16/4 = 4 (integer).

6.4.- Divisibility by 5:

A quantity is divisible by 5, if the quantity ends in 0 or 5.

Example: 555 = It’s divisible by 5.

6.5.- Divisibility by 6:

For this rule, it’s necessary to know the divisibility by 2 and 3.

A quantity is divisible by 6, if it complies with the divisibility by 2 and 3

in the quantity.

Example 1: 282= this is divisible by 6 because we can use both


Example 2: 35473= It`s an odd number, so not.

6.6.- Divisibility by 7:

A quantity is divisible by 7, if it complies with the following process:

1st step: Write any number: 6902.

2nd step: Select the last digit and multiply it by 2, and subtract it to the
main quantity, but, eliminating the last digit.

6902, after that, 2x2=4, then, 690-4= 686.

3rd step: Repeat until we get 0, if we get 0 is because it's divisible by 7,

if not, it's not divisible.

6.7.- Divisibility by 8:

This criterion doesn’t apply to quantities that have 3 digits or less.

A quantity is divisible by 8, if the last 3 digits are zeros or if the quantity

of the last 3 digits are divisible by 8.

Example 1: 79000 = It’s divisible.

Example 2: 77720 = 720 / 8= 90 (integer), so, it’s divisible.

6.8.- Divisibility by 9:

A quantity is divisible by 9, if the result of the sum of its digits can be

divided by 9.

Example: 5555331 = 5+5+5+5+3+3+1=27/3= 9, so, it’s divisible by 9.

6.9.- Divisibility by 10:

A quantity is divisible by 10, if the quantity ends in 0.

Example: 1005030600789760 = It’s divisible.

7.- Prime and composite numbers:

7.1.- Prime number:

It's the number that can only be divided by the same number and the

7.2.- Sieve of eratosthenes: It has all the prime numbers from 1 to


7.3.- How to know if a number is a prime?

If the number is even, then it’s not a prime number, except for the
number two.

Example: 43
1st step: Obtain the square root of the quantity and obtain the nearest
prime number of the square root. So in this case, the square root of 43
is 7 (Note: The result has to be a prime).

2nd step: Obtain the lowest prime numbers of the nearest prime
number of the square root and include de nearest prime number.

The primes are: 2, 3, 5 y 7

3rd step:

Option 1: Know the divisibility rules and apply them to the initial
quantity, and if it doesn't comply with all the numbers of the divisibility
rules, then it will be a prime number.

Option 2: Divide the initial quantity to each of the lower prime numbers
of the root (including the root) and if we don't obtain any integers with
each rule, then it will be prime.

In this case is not complied with any rule and is not divisible by each
lower prime number and equal to 7, then 43 is prime.

7.4.- Prime factorization:

1st step: Write any number: 60

2nd step: Put a 2 column table and many rows, and placed the 60 in
the top left part.

3rd step: Divide that number using prime numbers from lower to higher.

4th step: Keep dividing and put the numbers under every number that
we are obtaining, while to the right, put the primes that we are using.

5th step: If at the end it gives you 1, it is because you already finish your

6th step: All the numbers in your right are the numbers that we should
put them as a factor, in this case:

60 = 2x2x3x5= 2^2x3x5
7.5.- How to know the quantity of divisors in a number?

1st step: Write any number: 6

2nd step: Put a 2 column table and many rows, and placed the 6 in the
top left part.

3th step: Divide that number using prime numbers from lower to higher.

4th step: Keep dividing and put the numbers under every number that
we are obtaining, while to the right, put the primes that we are using.

5th step: If at the end it gives you 1, it is because you already finish
your table.

6th step: Take all the numbers given, in the case of the 6 is a 2 and a
3, and we have to put them like this: 6 = 3 x 2.

7th step: If a number is repeated, then we have to obtain the power of

each of the quantities, in this case, there is only power 1 in the number
2 and 3.

Just like this: 3^1 x 2^1

8th step: Put the power of each quantity and add them 1, so, this would

3 ^ 1 x 2 ^ 1, as they only have the unit as power, so, (1 1) (1 1) = (2)

(2) = 4

9th step: the quantity of divisors of 6 is 4.

Another example: 16

16 = 2x2x2x2 = 2^4 = (4+1) = the quantity of divisors of 16 is 5.

7.6.- Composite number:

It's a number that's not a prime, so it has more than two divisors.

All the composite numbers can be represent as prime numbers.

Example: 30 (Composite number) = 2x3x5 (prime numbers)

The 1 is not considered as a prime or composite.

7.7.- Perfect square number:

It’s the result of the square of an integer number.

Example: 3^2 = 9, so, 9 is a perfect square.

To represent a perfect square number to prime, then:

Example 1: 16= 4x4= 2x2x2x2 = 2^4 = (2^2) ^2

Example 2: 576= 24x24= 2x2x2x2x2x2x3x3= 2^3x2^3x3x3= 2^6 x

3^2= (2^3x3^1) ^2

7.8.- How to know if some factors form a perfect square number?

If all the numbers are primes and their exponents are even, then, they
will be perfect squares. But if any of them fail with at least one rule,
then they don't.

Example 1: 2^4x3^1x5^6= It’s not a perfect square because of the

exponent 1 of the number 3.

Example 2: 5^4x11^2x13^2= It’s a perfect square because it complies

with the two rules.

Example 3: 3^10x6^1x2^8= In this case, we have to obtain the primes

of the 6 (2x3), but also if we add the 2 with the 2 and the 3 with the 3,
then, there will be odd exponents, so this operation won´t form a
perfect square number.

8.- Fractions:
8.1.- Fraction: Expression of a quantity divided by another quantity.

Its parts are numerator (above) and denominator (down)

8.2.- Classification of fractions:

The fractions are classified according to their references, that is, if the
numerator is taken as reference or the denominator.

8.2.1.- Classification according to its numerator::

1.- They are proper fractions if the numerator is lower than the

Example: 3/45

2.- They are improper fractions if the numerator is greater than the

Example: 45/3

3.- The mixed fractions are the fractions that arise when an improper
fraction turns into that one, placing an integer and a proper fraction.

Example: 3/2 = 1 1/2

8.2.2.- Classification according to its denominator:

1.- They are common fractions if the denominator doesn´t have a

power of 10.

Example: 3/8 ó 9/2

2.- They are decimal fractions if the denominator has a power of 10.

Example: 5/10 ó 7/1000

8.3.- Locate a proper fraction in a line:

1st step: Write any proper fraction: ¾

2nd step: Draw a segment.

3th step: Divide the segment in equal parts (according to its

denominator) and select the first parts (according to its numerator).

8.4.- Represent a proper fraction in a graphic:

1st step: Write any proper fraction: 3/5

2nd step: Draw a rectangle or a circle and divide it in equal parts
(according to its denominator).

3th step: Colorize the parts (according to its numerator).

8.5.- Represent an improper fraction in a graphic:

1st step: Convert an improper fraction to a mixed.

Example: 45/6 = 7 3/6

2nd step: The quantity of integers is the quantity of figures that we are
going to draw.

7 3/6 = 7 figures (integers). 3/6

3th step: Finally, the same procedure will be applied to the proper
fraction obtained.

3/6 = A figure divided in 6 parts and colored in 3 parts.

8.6.- Simplication of fractions:

1st step: Write any fraction: 40/60

2nd step: Divide the numerator and the denominator using a common
divisible number, making it from smaller to greater and giving as a
result an integer.

(40/60) = (20/30)

3th step: Keep doing the same procedure until there is no common
divisible number.

(40/60) = (20/30) = (10/15) = 2/3.

8.7.- Equivalent fractions to prime factors:

It consists in equalizing a fraction to all its prime numbers.

Example: 30/10 = 2x3x5/2x5

8.8.- Find x in equivalent fractions:

Realize rule of three in each equivalent fraction.

Example: 3/10 – X/20 = 3x20/10 = 6. X is equal to 6.

8.9.- Convert an integer number to a fraction:

It can be realized by two ways:

1.- Write the number one as denominator.

Example: 3 = 3/1

2.- Do the next procedure:

1st step: If that number is 3, we have to put it as a fraction with the

number one as denominator: 3/1

2nd step: The numerator and the denominator are multiplied by a same
quantity, so:

3/1 x 2/2, and the result is this fraction: 6/2

8.10.- Convert a decimal number to a fraction:

1st step: Write any decimal number .250

2nd step: Move the decimal point to the right until it is at the end: 250.

3th step: Place the number given as numerator and colocate a ten with
its exponent as denominator and the exponent will be about how many
spaces moved the decimal point.

4th step: Simplify the fraction: 250/1000 = 125/500 = 25/100 = 5/20 =


In case of having an integer, as for example: 4.0056, el 4 is separated,

we do the procedure with the decimal part and then we place the
integer, giving as result a mixed fraction.

8.11.- Convert a fraction to a decimal number:

Divide the numerator with the denominator.

8.12.- Convert an improper fraction to a mixed:

Divide the numerator by the denominator of the improper fraction, then,

place the quotient as integer, the residue as numerator and the divisor
as denominator.

Example: 7/2 = 3 ½

8.13.- Convert a mixed fraction to an improper:

Multiply the denominator and the integer and at the end add the
numerator, so, the denominator remains the same while the result of
the operation is placed as numerator.

Example: 5 ¾ = 23/4

8.14.- Difference between mixed fraction and a product:

1.- They aren’t the same: 2¾ y 2(3/4)

2.- In the first one, there are 2 integers and ¾ = 11/4

3.- In the second one, they ’re multiplied: 2/1 and 3/4 = 6/4 = 3/2

8.15.- Addition and subtraction of fractions with same


Rule: The numerator sums or subtracts depending in the sign while the
denominator remains the same.

Example: 7/2 + 5/2 – 3/2 = 10/2 = 5/1= 5

If a fraction is a mixed, we have to convert it to improper.

8.16.- Addition and subtraction of fractions with different


The LCM is used:

1.1.- First we write all the fractions: + 9/6 + 7/4 – 10/8

1.2.- Then, we find the LCM of all the denominators, in this case is 24.
1.3.- After that, we have to divide it by the denominator of each
fraction, and then we have to multiply it by the numerator of its
respective fraction, and it will be placed as a new numerator, so the
numerator of the three fractions will be 24, so this would be, 36/24 +
42/24 – 30/24 = 78 – 30 /24 = 48/24 = 2

8.17.- Addition and subtraction of mixed fractions:

The integers are subtracted or added, and the fractions are resolved
and at the end, the integer and the fraction are united.

Example: 378 2/3 – 129 1/2= 378 – 129 = 249, on the other hand, 2/3 –
1/2 = 1/6, so the result would be like this: 249 1/6

8.18.- Multiplication of proper, improper or mixed fractions::

Multiply numerator with numerator and denominator with denominator.

Example: 2/5 x 7/2 = 14/10 = 7/5 = 1 2/5

If we have a mixed fraction, we have to convert it to an improper


If we only have an integer, we have to place 1 as its denominator.

8.19.- Find the fraction of a quantity:

Multiply the fraction with the quantity divided by 1, and we’ll obtain the
quantity de la fraction.

Example: 2/5 de 120 = 2/5 x 120/1 = 240/5 = 48/1 = 48

8.20.- Division of proper, improper or mixed fractions:

Multiply the first numerator with the second denominator, and it is

placed as numerator and then, the first denominator with the second
numerator, and placed as denominator, in a few words, the quantities

Example: (3/5) / (2 4/10) = (3/5) / (24/4) = 30/120 = 3/12 = ¼

In case of having a mixed number, we’ll have to convert it to an
improper fraction.

In case of having three fractions or more, first we’ll have to resolve two
fractions and the result will be divided by the last fraction and

8.21.- Division of fractions using fractions inside a fraction:

If there is a case where the operation of two fractions is going to be

equal to the numerator of a fraction and the operation of two other
fractions is going to be equal to the denominator of the same fraction,
then we should do the following:

1st step: Write the quantities: (2/8 + 3/5) / (1/4 x 5/10)

2nd step: Apply order of operations, first resolve what is inside the
parentheses, then the rest: (34/40) / (5/40)

3th step: Resolve the operation: The result is 6 4/5

8.22.- Fractions with parentheses, brackets and braces:

Everything learned is used to resolve an operation with fractions more

advanced, especially the order of operations.

9.- Percentages:
9.1.- Percentage:

It is the mathematical operation that represents a quantity divided into

100 equal parts.

9.2.- Convert a percentage to a fraction:

The Percentage has to be divided by 100 and then we are going to

simplify the fraction.

Example 1: 25% = 25/100

Example 2: 180% = 180/100 = 90/50 = 45/25 = 9/5

9.3.- Convert a Percentage to a number:

Divide the percentage by 100.

Example 1: 345% = 3.45

Example 2: .00384% = .0000384

9.4.- Convert a fraction to a percentage:

1st step: Write any fraction: 3/5

2nd step: Place 100 as the first factor: 100 x 3/5

3th step: Resolve: 100 x 3/5 = 60

9.5.- Percentage of a quantity:

1st step: Write a Percentage and a quantity: 33 % de 549

2nd step: Remember that the 100% is the quantity, so, 100 % = 549
and 33% = X

3th step: Do the rule of three, in other words, multiply the quantity by
33 and divided by 100: 549 x 33 / 100 = 181.17

4th step: The 33% of 549 is 181.17.

9.6.- Find the percentage of a quantity knowing its percentage:

1st step: Write a quantity and its percentage, and then, the percentage
that we want to discover: if 600 is 45%, 90%= ¿?

2nd step: Do the rule of 3, in other words, multiply 600 by 90 and

divided by 45: 600 x 90 / 45= 1200

3th step: The 90% of 600(in this case, The 600 is the 45%) is 1200.

9.7.- Find the percentage of a quantity depending of another

quantity and its percentage:

Example: If 5490 = 15% then, 2990 = ¿?

Multiply 2990 by 15 and divided by 5490 and that would give as a
result, 8.16%

9.8.- Percentage increase:

If I have a quantity (331250) and 10 years ago I had an initial quantity

(265000), how much is the percentage increase?

1st step: We have to place the initial quantity equal to 100%, so,
265000 = 100%, 331250 = X

2nd step: Do the rule of three and resolve: 331250x100/265000= 125

3th step: If 265000= 100% and 331250 = 125%, and if we want to find
the quantity increased, we have to subtract the current quantity by the
initial quantity, on the other hand, if we want to find the percentage
increased, we have to do the same procedure but with the percentage,
in this case, the percentage increases 25%.

10.- Potentiation:
10.1.- Laws of exponents:

10.1.1.- ¿What is an exponent?

It’s the number that indicates how many times the base will be
multiplied by itself.

Example 1: (-4) ^4 = -4x-4x-4x-4=256

Example 2: 2^2 = 2x2 = 4

10.1.2.- Primera ley: Producto de potencias con misma base

El producto de potencias de la misma base es igual a la base elevada

a la suma de los exponentes.

Ejemplo: 5^3 x 5^8 = 5^8+3 = 5^11

10.1.3.- Segunda ley: Cociente de potencias con misma base

El cociente de potencias de la misma base es igual a la base elevada
a la resta de los exponentes.

Ejemplo: 5^8 / 5^4 = 5^8-4 = 5^4

10.1.4.- Tercera ley: Recíproca de exponente negativo

Todo número exponente negativo es igual a su inverso con exponente


Ejemplo: 5^-3 = 1/5^3

10.1.5.- Cuarta ley: Potencia de una potencia

La potencia de otra potencia de una base es igual a la base elevada al

producto de los exponentes.

Ejemplo: (3^2) ^4 = 3^2x4 = 3^8

10.1.6.- Quinta ley: Potencia de un producto

La potencia de un producto es igual que el producto de la misma

potencia de los factores.

Ejemplo: (6x5) ^2 = 6^2 x 5^2

10.1.7.- Sexta ley: Potencia de un cociente

Para elevar una fracción a un exponente se eleva el numerador y el

denominador con el mismo.

Ejemplo: (5/7) ^2 = 5^2 / 7^2

10.1.8.- Séptima ley: Todo número diferente de cero con

exponente 0 es igual a 1.

Ejemplo: 5^0 = 1

10.1.9.- Octava ley: Todo número diferente a cero con exponente 1

es igual a su mismo número.

Ejemplo: 5^1 = 5
10.1.10.- Novena ley: Potencia con exponente fraccionario.

Simplemente el exponente no fraccionario se tiene que convertir a

fracción y multiplicar el exponente fraccionario.

Ejemplo: (5^3/2) ^2 = 5^3/2x2/1 = 5^6/2 = 5^3

10.1.11.- Décima ley: Potencia dentro de una raíz

Simplemente colocas el exponente como numerador y la raíz como


Ejemplo: Raíz cuadrada de 5^3 = 5^3/2

10.2.- ¿Cómo pasar una potencia a su forma recíproca?

Simplemente aplica su recíproco, y una vez en su forma recíproca,

cambias el exponente a negativo: 6^7 = 1/ 6^-7

En caso de que fuera negativa la potencia, se aplica el proceso

inversamente, en otras palabras, se realiza el recíproco y cambias su
signo: 6^-7 = 1/6^7

En caso de que la potencia sea negativa y esté multiplicando por una

cantidad, la cantidad se convierte en fracción y la potencia en
recíproca, para posteriormente resolverla.

Ejemplo: 6 x 7^-3 = 6/1 x 1/7^3 = 6/7^3 = 6/343 = .01749

10.3.- Operaciones básicas, intermedias y avanzadas con


Utilizar principalmente jerarquía de operaciones y leyes de los


11.- Scientific notation:

11.1.- ¿What is the scientific notation?

It´s a way of representing large quantities in small quantities.

11.2.- Desarrollar la notación científica de un número

Simplemente tenemos que colocar ceros a la derecha o recorrer el

punto decimal a la izquierda dependiendo si el exponente del 10 es
negativo o positivo.

Ejemplo 1: 7 x 10^7 (como el exponente es positivo, entonces los

ceros irán a la derecha del 7) = 70000000.

Ejemplo 2: -5 x 10^-5 (como el exponente es negativo, el punto

decimal se recorrerá dependiendo de la cantidad del exponente)

= -.00005

11.3.- Desarrollar un número en notación científica

Simplemente se recorrerá el punto decimal a la derecha o izquierda

dependiendo si es mayor o menor que la unidad hasta que quede solo
un entero.

Ejemplo 1: 500000 (como es mayor a la unidad, entonces se recorrerá

a la izquierda hasta que quede un entero) = 5 x 10^5

Ejemplo 2: 0.000045 (como es menor que la unidad, entonces se

recorrerá a la derecha hasta que quede un entero) = 4.5 x 10^5

11.4.- Suma y resta de números con notación científica:

Simplemente todos los exponentes tiene que estar iguales, por lo que
se tendrá que mover el decimal o añadir ceros para que puedan estar
iguales, y finalmente sumar o restar las cantidades principales, una
vez obtenido el resultado, se pondrá multiplicando con el exponente en

Example: 6.03 x 10^-3 + 13x10^-4 +125 x 10^-5= 6.03 x 10^-3 + 1.3 x

10^-3 + 1.25x10^3 = 8.58 x 10^-3

11.5.- Multiplicación y división con notación científica

12.- Sistemas de numeración:

12.- Sistema decimal (explicación).

3.2.- Sistema decimal a binario.

3.3.- Sistema binario a decimal.

3.4.- Sistema decimal a octal.

3.5.- Sistema octal a decimal.

3.6.- Sistema decimal a hexadecimal.

3.7.- Sistema hexadecimal a decimal.

14.- Numeración romana:

4.1.- Numeración romana.

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