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Start Date End Date Description

month day year Month Day Year Event

Novemeber 10 1483 Martin Luther's Birth
1450 Printing Press was invented
May 1505 July 1505 Martin started law school
July 17 1505 1507 Martin Luther's Monastic Career
October 31 1517 Martin Luther nails 95 Theses at the church in Wittenberg
1517 The start of the Protestant Reformation
1520 Wittenberg became one of the leading publishing centers
1520s German Pesant Revolts
1521 Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther from the Catholic church
July 1527 Germany was struck by a Plague
1546 Martin Luther death
August 24 1572 Catholic Mobs massacre 3000 Huguenots(Protestant minority)
1598 Monarch Henry IV issued Edict of Nantes
1618 1648 Thirty Year War
1648 Peace of Westphalia

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