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MUSIC 100-A FALL 2020


Music 100-A – Music Advocacy I:

Understanding the Power of YOUR Music
Insight, Purpose, Leadership

1) To explore your choices and contexts as a musician and future professional in the field
2) To explore and understand the impact of music, music learning and your role as a professional musician
in society (present and future)
3) To review music advocacy materials and techniques typically used today to uphold the value of music in
society and its institutions (schools, community organizations)
4) To explore effective music advocacy techniques and resources

Course Information

Title, Credits Music Advocacy I: Understanding the Power of Your Music; 0 credits
Time Twelve Fall Semester Friday, 1:10-2 p.m.
see grid page 2, will insert after review
Location Via online TBD

Instructor Information

Instructors Tayloe Harding Mary Luehrsen

Office; phone 777-4336 914-729-4018

Course Philosophy

As a future professional musician, you will likely have opportunities to serve as an advocate, or champion for the
value and impact of music in your own life, in your community, in the organizations or institutions you may serve
and possibly in your region, state or country. By simply making music and committing to your development as a
musician by being here, in the department of Music at the University of South Carolina, you are expressing its
power and importance in your own life. In the future, you will undoubtedly have opportunities to express its
importance in the life of others and its value to community and society. Through this course, you will explore
and articulate your own insights about your choice to major in music and share conversations about your
purpose as a musician beyond the role of making beautiful music that contributes to the world in profound and
beautiful ways. The course also offers tools and resources – and opportunities to practice – to an effective
advocate, or champion, for music and its role in society; this knowledge will benefit your career as you build a
life in music.

Course Learning Outcomes, Students will:

MUSIC 100-A FALL 2020

 Explore and articulate their choice for entering in formal music study in higher education and how this
choice guides their purpose(s) that they forecast for themselves
 Understand the role of advocacy in society and the importance of music advocacy as part of leadership
in music
 Gain basic understanding of effective music advocacy frameworks, messages and techniques
 Demonstrate appropriate delivery skills to specific audiences; assess an audience and adjust advocacy
content and messages
 Explore advocacy resources and assess usefulness for diverse audiences
 Review best practices examples of direct and indirect music advocacy

Course Structure

 Music Advocacy I is a lecture & discussion class; vigorous participation is encouraged

 Students will explore and exchange personal points of view based on scenarios that explore and expand
insights about the role of musicians in society; exploration of these ideas also leads to shared discussion
about personal purpose – both immediate and long term – as musicians.
 During class, students will explore and discuss cases including problems and solutions that were or can
be resolved with direct and indirect advocacy
 Guest speakers will augment lectures and discuss advocacy efforts, platforms and resources
 There are no graded assignments or homework required; one group final project is required that is
required to receive a passing grade

Course Grading Policies: Attendance and Final Presentation: 100%

 PASS: Attend a minimum of 8 classes and full participation in GROUP CASES EXERCISE
 FAIL: 4 or more class absences and/or non-participation in GROUP CASES EXERCISE
 Note: attendance will be taken based on zoom class log in; attendance of full class time of 50 minutes

Course Schedule:


8/21 #1 T Harding: Intro to the course, basics of music advocacy: Intro to Via zoom link
Understanding the Power of YOUR Music
T Harding: (Why do we need to defend music education and to

8/28 #2 Scenario discussion: insight – so you want to be a music major? Zoom link will be
What does this mean? (M Luehrsen) updated.
9/4 #3 Your music – what you love and why? (T Harding)
9/11 #4 David Cutler , guest
9/18 #5 President Caslen M Luehrsen on campus
(note: alternative dates as needed, (1) Oct. 30, (2) Oct 23
9/25 6 Strategies for Music Advocacy: focus on Interpersonal and Case M Luehrsen on campus
T Harding and M Luehrsen

MUSIC 100-A FALL 2020

10/2 #7 Roles and responsibilities: who steps to the plate and why? Case
studies from the World Music Forum and translation to student
environments and circumstances – past, present, future
M Luehrsen
10/9 No class
10/16 #8 Strategies for Music Advocacy – Focus on ACCESS, EQUITY, M Luehrsen on campus
OPPORTUNITY and why every child? M Luehrsen
10/23 #9 Strategies for Music Advocacy – Focus on NEIGHBORHOOD & M Luehrsen on campus
Case Studies. T Harding
10/30 #10 Strategies for Music Advocacy – Focus on impact and benefits and
framework for building your case. M Luehrsen
11/6 #11 Build Your Case
11/13 #12 Prepare for final project presentations M Luehrsen on campus
11/17- Final project presentations (online) M Luehrsen on campus

Resources: provided as fyi only; information will be reviewed as part of class presentation and discussion

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