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Waste Thesaurus

SEPA guidance for coding waste

June 2015
SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Abaca tow, noils and yarn waste 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 20 01 11
Absorbents (not otherwise 15 02 02*
specified) and oil
Absorbents – oil/fuel 15 02 02*
Absorbents not otherwise 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
specified – halogenated
Absorbents not otherwise 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
specified - non-halogenated
Acetic acid 07 01 01* , 11 01 05*, 11 01 06*, 20 01 14*
Acid 01 03 04*, 05 01 04*, 05 01 07*, 05 01 12*, 05 06 01*, 06 01 01*, 06 01 02*, 06 01 03*, 06 01 04*, 06 01 05*
06 01 06*, 06 07 04*, 10 01 09*, 11 01 05*, 11 01 06*, 16 08 05*, 20 01 14*
Acid – acetic 07 01 01*, 11 01 05*, 11 01 06*, 20 01 14*
Acid tars 05 01 07*, 05 06 01*
Acid tars – organic 05 01 07*, 05 06 01*, 17 03 01*, 17 03 03*
Acid tars not otherwise specified 05 01 07*, 05 06 01*, 17 03 01*, 17 03 03*
Acids 01 03 04*, 05 01 04*, 05 01 07*, 05 01 12*, 05 06 01*, 06 01 01*, 06 01 02*, 06 01 03*, 06 01 04*, 06 01 05*
06 01 06*, 06 07 04*, 10 01 09*, 11 01 05*, 11 01 06*, 16 08 05*, 20 01 14*
Acrylamide 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Acrylate copolymers 07 02 13, 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Acrylate monomers 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Acrylic fibre 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 20 01 11
Acrylonitrile copolymer 07 02 13
Activated alumina 10 03 05
Activated carbon 06 07 02*, 06 13 02*, 19 01 10*, 19 09 04
Activated carbon – contaminated 06 07 02*, 06 13 02*, 19 01 10*
Adhesives - non-halogenated 08 04 09*, 08 04 10
Adhesives - solvent based 08 04 09*, 08 04 11*, 08 04 13*, 08 04 15*, 20 01 27*
Adhesives - water-based 08 04 10, 20 01 28
Aerosol containers – empty 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Aggregate – contaminated 17 01 06*
Aggregates 01 04 08, 17 01 07
Agricultural film 15 01 02

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Agricultural machinery 16 01 04*, 16 01 06, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Air bags - undischarged 16 01 10*
Air bags – discharged 16 01 22
Air fresheners (aerosol) - full 16 05 04*, 16 05 05
Alcoholic drinks 02 07 04, 20 01 08
Alcohols 07 07 04*, 16 05 06*, 20 01 08
Aldehydes 07 01 01*, 07 01 08*, 16 03 05*, 16 03 06, 16 05 06*
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 13 07 02*, 16 05 06*
Alkalis 05 01 11*, 06 02 01, 06 02 03*, 06 02 04*, 06 02 05*, 11 01 07*, 19 11 04*, 20 01 15*
Alumina 10 03 05
Aluminium 02 01 10, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 16 01 18, 17 04 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Aluminium cans 15 01 04
Aluminium dross 10 03 04*, 10 03 05, 10 03 09*, 10 03 16
(thermal metallurgy)
Aluminium foil 15 01 04, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Aluminium skimmings 10 03 15*, 10 03 16
Aluminium slags 10 03 04*
Amalgam - dental 18 01 10*
Amides 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Amines 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Amino resins 08 04 09*, 08 04 10
Ammonia 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Animal bedding - soiled 02 01 06, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Animal blood 02 01 02, 02 02 02
Animal carcasses 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Animal faeces 02 01 06, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 20 02 01
Animal fat 02 02 03, 20 01 25, 20 01 26*
Animal grease 04 02 10, 19 08 09*, 19 08 10*
Animal hair 04 01 01, 04 01 09, 04 02 21
Animal hides 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 04 01 01
Animal tissue - infectious 18 02 02*
Animal tissue - non-infectious 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 18 02 03
Anode scraps 10 03 02, 10 03 17*, 10 03 18, 10 08 12*, 10 08 13, 10 08 14, 11 02 03

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Anthracite filters 19 09 04
Antifreeze 16 01 14*, 16 01 15
Antimony compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
APC residues - MSW combustion 19 01 07*
Appliances - domestic 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Appliances - domestic 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Aromatic hydrocarbons 13 07 01*, 13 07 02*, 13 07 03*, 16 03 06
Arsenic - elemental 01 01 01
Arsenic compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 03*, 06 04 05*, 10 04 03*, 10 11 11*
Asbestos 06 07 01*, 06 13 04*, 10 13 09*, 10 13 10, 15 01 11*, 16 02 12*, 17 06 01*, 17 06 05*
Asbestos - bonded 17 06 05*
Asbestos - bonded 10 13 09*, 17 06 05*
Asbestos - fibrous 06 13 04*, 16 02 12*, 17 06 01*
Asbestos - insulation products 17 06 01*
Asbestos lined brake shoes 16 01 11*
Asbestos sheets - corrugated 10 13 09*, 17 06 05*
Asbestos vehicle brake shoes 16 01 11*
Ash – bottom 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 19 01 12
Ash – fly 10 01 02, 10 01 03, 10 01 04*, 10 01 13*, 10 01 16*, 10 01 17, 19 01 13*, 19 01 14, 19 04 02*
Ash – pulverised fuel (PFA) 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 19 01 12
Asphalt (containing tar) 17 03 01*, 17 03 02, 17 03 03*
Autoclaved clinical waste 18 01 04, 18 02 03
Bags – plastic 15 01 02, 20 01 39
Bags – stoma (used) 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Bakery waste 02 06 01
Baled plastic waste 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 0420 01 39, 20 01 39
Ball mill dust 10 03 21*10 03 22, 10 03 22
Bark 03 01 01, 03 03 01, 20 02 01
Barriers (metal) - safety 17 04 07, 19 12 02
Bases 05 01 11*, 06 02 01*, 06 02 03*, 06 02 04*, 06 02 05*, 11 01 07*, 19 11 04*, 20 01 15*
Batteries - alkaline 16 06 04, 20 01 34

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Batteries - car 16 06 01*
Batteries - lead acid (drained) 16 06 01*, 20 01 33*
Batteries - lead acid (undrained) 16 06 01*, 20 01 33*
Batteries - lithium 16 06 04, 20 01 34
Batteries - mercury 16 06 03*, 20 01 33*
Batteries - metal hydrides 16 06 04, 20 01 34
Batteries - mixed 16 06 02*, 16 06 03*, 16 06 04, 20 01 33*, 20 01 34
Batteries - nickel cadmium 16 06 02*, 20 01 33*
Battery - Electrolyte 16 06 06*
Beer 02 07 04, 20 01 08
Benzene 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Benzoic acid 20 01 14*
Benzyl chlorides 16 03 05*, 16 05 06*
Beverage cartons 15 01 05
Bicycles 16 01 06
Binders - Foundry 10 09 13*, 10 09 14, 10 10 13*, 10 10 14
Biocide production waste 07 04 01*, 07 04 03*, 07 04 04*, 07 04 07*, 07 04 08*, 07 04 09*, 07 04 10*, 07 04 11*, 07 04 12, 07 04 13*
Biocides 02 01 08*, 03 02 01*, 03 02 02*, 06 13 01*, 20 01 19*
Biscuits 02 06 01, 20 01 08
Bismuth 06 04 05*, 19 12 11*
Bismuth compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*
Bismuth waste and scrap 06 04 05*, 19 12 11*
Bitumen 05 01 17, 17 03 01*, 17 03 02, 17 03 03*
Blast furnace slag 10 02 01, 10 02 02, 10 09 03, 10 10 03
Blasting grit 12 01 16*, 12 01 17
Blood – animal 02 01 02, 02 02 02
Blood – Human 18 01 02
Boats 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Bobbins - paper 20 01 01
Bobbins - plastic 20 01 39
Boiler cleaning sludge 10 01 22*, 10 01 23
Boric acid 11 01 06*, 20 01 14*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Bottles - glass 10 11 12, 15 01 07, 20 01 02
Bottles - plastic 15 01 02, 20 01 39
Brake fluid 16 01 13*
Brake fluids 16 01 13*
Brake linings 16 01 11*
(containing asbestos)
Brake linings 16 01 12
(not containing asbestos)
Brakes – car 16 01 11*, 16 01 12
Brass – scrap 02 01 10, 16 01 18, 17 04 01, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Bread 02 06 01
Brewing waste 02 07 01, 02 07 02, 02 07 03, 02 07 04, 02 07 05
Bricks 10 12 08, 17 01 02, 17 01 06*, 17 01 07
Brine 01 01 02, 01 04 11
Bromine 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Bronze - scrap 02 01 10, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 17 04 01, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Building rubble 17 01 01, 17 01 02, 17 01 03, 17 01 06*, 17 01 07, 17 05 03*, 17 05 04, 17 09 01*, 17 09 02*, 17 09 03*, 17 09 04
Bulbs – Non Fluorescent 16 02 14, 20 01 36
Bulbs – non fluorescent 16 02 14, 20 01 36
Bulky household waste 20 03 07
Cable stripping waste 17 04 10*, 17 04 11, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 04
Cadmium compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*
Cadmium waste and scrap 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Calcium based reaction residue 06 09 03*, 06 09 04, 06 11 01, 10 01 05, 10 01 07
Calcium carbonate 01 01 02, 01 04 08, 02 04 02
Calcium sulphate 06 03 14, 17 08 01*, 17 08 02
Cameras - single use 09 01 10, 09 01 11*, 09 01 12
Cans – aluminium 15 01 04
Cans – metal 15 01 04
Canteen waste 20 01 08
Capacitors (with PCBs or PCTs) 16 02 09*, 17 09 02*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Capacitors 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
(without PCBs or PCTs)
Car – dashboards and other 16 01 19
plastic fittings
Car batteries 16 06 01*
Car bodies 16 01 06
Car brakes 16 01 11*, 16 01 12
Car exhausts 16 01 21*, 16 01 22
Carbon 06 07 02*, 06 13 02*, 06 13 03*, 10 03 18, 10 08 13, 16 11 01*1, 6 11 02, 19 09 04
Carbon (activated) - contaminated 06 07 02*, 06 13 02*, 19 01 10*, 19 09 04
Carbon - activated 06 07 02*, 06 13 02*, 19 01 10*, 19 09 04
Carbon black 06 13 03
Carbon fibre 04 02 21, 04 02 22
Carbon tetrachloride 07 01 03*, 07 02 03*, 07 03 03*, 07 05 03*, 07 06 03*, 07 07 03*
Carcasses 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Cardboard 03 03 07, 03 03 08, 15 01 01, 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Cardboard containers - 15 01 10*
Cardboard packaging 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Cardboard packaging - used 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Carpets 04 02 22, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Cars 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Cartridges (ink jet printer) 08 03 17*, 08 03 18
remanufacturing residues
Cartridges (laser printer) 08 03 17*, 08 03 18
remanufacturing residues
Cartridges - toner 08 03 17*, 08 03 18
Cast iron waste and scrap 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Catalysts - molybdenum 16 08 02*, 16 08 03
Catalysts - nickel 16 08 02*, 16 08 03
Catalysts - precious metal bearing 16 08 01
Catalysts - transition metal 16 08 02*, 16 08 03

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Cathode ray tubes 10 11 11*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 15*, 20 01 21*
Caustic - fluoride 06 02 05*, 20 01 15*
Caustic - sulphide 06 02 05*, 20 01 15*
CDs 20 01 39
Cellophane - dry 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Cement 10 13 04, 10 13 11
Cement - asbestos 10 13 09*, 17 06 05*
Cement kiln dust 10 13 06
Cement products 10 13 11, 17 01 01
Cement slurry 10 13 14
Cement/concrete sludge 10 13 14
Ceramics 08 02 02, 08 02 03, 10 12 08, 17 01 03, 17 01 06*, 17 01 07
Cesspit sludge 20 03 04
Cesspool waste 20 03 04
CFCs 14 06 01*, 16 02 11*, 20 01 23*
Chairs - metal 17 04 07, 20 01 40, 20 03 07
Chairs - plastic 17 02 03, 20 01 39, 20 03 07
Chairs - wooden 03 01 05, 17 02 01, 19 12 07, 20 03 07
Chalk 01 01 02, 01 04 08
Chemical production liquors 07 01 01*, 07 01 03*, 07 01 04*, 07 02 01*, 07 02 03*, 07 02 04*, 07 03 01*, 07 03 03*, 07 03 04*, 07 04 01*,
07 04 03*, 07 04 04*, 07 05 01*, 07 05 03*, 07 05 04*, 07 06 01*, 07 06 03*, 07 06 04*, 07 07 01*, 07 07 03*,
07 07 04*
Chemical toilet waste 20 03 04, 20 03 04
Chemical waste - general factory 20 03 01
Chemicals - laboratory 16 05 06*
Chimney sweeping waste 20 01 41
China 10 12 08, 17 01 03
Chipboard 03 01 04*, 03 01 05
Chlorates 09 01 05*, 16 09 04*, 20 01 29*
Chlorinated dioxins 19 01 05*, 19 01 13*, 19 01 15*
Chlorinated solvents (mixed) 07 01 03*, 07 02 03*, 07 03 03*, 07 04 03*, 07 05 03*, 07 06 03*, 07 07 03*, 14 06 02*, 20 01 13*
Chlorine 16 05 04*, 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Chlorofluorocarbons 14 06 01*, 16 02 11*, 20 01 23*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Chloroform 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Chloromethanes 16 05 04*, 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Chlorosilanes 06 08 02*
Chocolate 02 06 01, 20 01 08
Chromates 16 09 02*
Chrome 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 12 01 03, 02 01 04, 16 01 18, 17 04 07, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Chromic acid 11 01 05*, 11 01 06*, 20 01 14*
Chromium 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 16 01 18, 17 04 07, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Chromium compounds (trivalent) 04 01 04, 04 01 08, 16 09 02*
Chromium compounds - 16 09 02*
Chromium waste and scrap 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 16 01 18, 17 04 07, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Civic amenity waste 20 01 01, 20 01 40, 20 02 01, 20 02 02, 20 03 01, 20 03 07, 20 01 02, 20 01 11, 20 01 13*, 20 01 25, 20 01 26*,
20 01 27*, 20 01 28, 20 01 33*, 20 01 34, 20 01 35*, 20 01 36, 20 01 37, 20 01 38, 20 01 39
Cladding - aluminum 17 04 02
Cladding - stone 17 09 04
Clay 01 04 09, 17 05 04
Clay - contaminated 05 01 15*, 17 05 03*, 19 11 01*
Clay and terracotta land drain 17 01 03
Cleaning compounds - 14 06 02*, 20 01 29*
Cling film 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 20 01 39
Clinical waste 18 01 01, 18 01 02, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 01, 18 02 02* 18 02 03, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Clinical waste - autoclaved 18 01 01, 18 01 02, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Clinical waste not otherwise 18 01 01, 18 01 02, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Clothes 20 01 10
Coal 01 01 02
Coal tars 17 03 01*, 17 03 03*, 17 04 10*
Coatings - paint (PVC) 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*, 20 01 27*
Cobalt compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
Cocoa husks 02 03 01, 02 03 04

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Cocoa shells 02 03 01, 02 03 04
Cocoa skins 02 03 01, 02 03 04
Coffee 02 03 01, 02 03 04
Coke 16 03 06
Coke - contaminated 16 03 05*
Colliery spoil 01 01 02
Combustion refractories 16 11 01*, 16 11 02, 16 11 03*, 16 11 04, 16 11 05*, 16 11 06
Combustion residue (MSW) - 19 01 12
bottom ash
Commercial waste 20 03 01
Compact discs 20 01 39
Compacted household waste 19 12 12
Compost - mushroom 02 03 01
Compost - spent 02 03 01, 19 05 03
Composted household waste 19 05 01, 19 05 03, 19 06 04
Computer disks 20 01 39
Computer keyboards 16 02 14, 16 02 16
Computer screens 16 02 13*, 16 02 15*
Computers 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 16
Concrete 10 13 14, 17 01 01
Concrete - contaminated 17 01 06*
Concrete - wet 10 13 14, 17 01 01
Concrete blocks 10 13 14, 17 01 01
Concrete floor tiles 10 13 14, 17 01 01
Concrete railway sleepers 10 13 14, 17 01 01
Concrete slurry 10 13 14, 17 01 01
Condemned food 02 02 03, 02 03 04, 02 05 01, 02 06 01, 02 07 04, 20 01 08
Cones (roadworks) 17 02 03
Construction waste 17 09 01*, 17 09 02*, 17 09 03*, 17 09 04
(contaminated) not otherwise
Construction waste containing 17 09 01*, 17 09 02*, 17 09 03*, 17 09 04

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Container washings - 02 01 08*, 02 01 09, 16 07 09*
Containers (metal) - used 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Containers - aerosol - empty 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Containers - cardboard 15 01 01
Containers - cardboard 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Containers - glass 10 11 12, 15 01 07, 20 01 02
Containers - glass (contaminated) 10 11 12, 15 01 10*, 20 01 02
Containers - metal (contaminated) 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Containers - paper 15 01 01
Containers - paper (contaminated) 15 01 10*
Containers - pesticide (metal) 02 01 08*, 02 01 09, 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Containers - pesticide (plastic) 02 01 08*, 02 01 09, 15 01 02, 15 01 10*
Containers - plastic 01 03 04*, 15 01 02
Containers - plastic 15 01 10*
Containers - wooden 15 01 03
Containers - wooden 15 01 10*
Contaminated filter paper 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Contaminated grit 13 05 01*, 13 05 08*
Contaminated paper wipes 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Contaminated railway ballast 17 05 07*, 17 05 08
Contaminated rock 01 04 07*, 17 05 03*, 17 05 07*
Contaminated sand 01 04 09, 17 05 03*
Contaminated silt 17 05 05*, 17 05 06
Contaminated silt and dredgings 17 05 05*, 17 05 06
Contaminated soil 17 05 03*, 17 05 04
(all types of soil)
Cookers 16 02 12*, 16 02 14
Cookers - microwave 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Cooking oil 20 01 25, 20 01 26*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Cooling column waste 05 06 04
(coal treatment)
Cooling column waste 05 01 14
(petroleum refining)
Cooling water (containing oil) 10 02 11*, 10 03 27*, 10 04 09*, 10 05 08*, 10 06 09*, 10 07 07*, 10 08 19*
Cooling water (not containing oil) 10 01 26, 10 03 28, 10 04 10, 10 06 10, 10 07 08, 10 08 20
Copolymers - acrylate 07 02 13, 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Copper - scrap 17 04 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Copper ashes and residues 10 06 04
Copper compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
Copper dross (thermal metallurgy) 10 06 02
Copper slags 10 06 01
Copper waste and scrap 17 04 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Cork 03 01 01, 17 02 01, 20 01 38
Corrugated plastic sheets 17 02 03
Cosmetic products 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Cotton 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Cotton wool 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Couches 20 03 07
Cows 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 02 02 03
Crack indicating agents (thermal 10 09 15*, 10 09 16, 10 10 15*, 10 10 16
Crates - plastic 15 01 02
Crates - wooden 15 01 03
Crop spraying waste 02 01 08*, 02 01 09
Crops, Crop waste 02 01 03
Crude oil tank cleaning residues 16 07 08*, 16 07 09*, 16 07 99
Crushed fluorescent tubes 20 01 21*
Cushions 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Cyanides 06 03 11*, 11 03 01*
Cyclone deposits 19 02 03, 19 02 04*
Dairy products 02 05 01, 02 05 02, 20 01 08

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Dairy products (solids) 02 05 01, 02 05 02, 20 01 08
Dairy products (liquids) 02 05 01, 02 05 02, 20 01 08
De-inking sludge 03 03 05
Dead pets 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Decant oil tank cleaning residues 16 07 08*, 16 07 09*, 16 07 99
Degreaser compounds 04 01 03*, 11 01 13*, 11 01 14, 12 03 02*
Demolition waste - contaminated 17 09 01*, 17 09 02*, 17 09 03*, 17 09 04
Derv 13 07 01*
Detergents 20 01 29*, 20 01 30
Dichloroethane 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Dichloromethane 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Diesel 13 07 01*
Diesel and petrol (mixed) 13 07 03*
Diphenyl methane di-isocyanate 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
(MDI) – solid
Distillate tank cleaning residues 05 01 03*
Distillation residues 02 07 02, 07 01 07*, 07 01 08*, 07 02 07*, 07 02 08*, 07 03 07*, 07 03 08*, 07 04 07*, 07 04 08*, 07 05 07*,
07 05 08*, 07 06 07*, 07 06 08*, 07 07 07*, 07 07 08*
Dog poo 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Domestic appliances (electrical) 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Domestic appliances (gas 20 01 40, 20 03 07
Domestic appliances (mechanical) 20 01 40, 20 03 07
Domestic appliances CFCs 16 02 14
Domestic appliances CFCs not 16 02 11*
Domestic waste 20 03 01
Doors (metal) 17 04 05
Dredgings 17 05 05*, 17 05 06
Dredgings and silt - contaminated 17 05 05*, 17 05 06
Dressings - soiled 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Drilling muds - water based 01 05 04, 01 05 05*, 01 05 06*, 01 05 07, 01 05 08

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Dross - aluminium (thermal 10 03 09*, 10 03 15*, 10 03 16
Dross - copper (thermal 10 06 02
Dross - lead (thermal metallurgy) 10 04 02*
Dross - magnesium 10 08 10*, 10 08 11
Dross - silver (thermal metallurgy) 10 07 02
Dross - zinc (thermal metallurgy) 10 05 10*, 10 05 11
Drugs - controlled 07 05 13*, 07 05 14, 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08, 20 01 31*, 20 01 32
Drugs - cytotoxic 07 05 13*, 07 05 14, 18 01 08*, 18 02 07*, 20 01 31*
Drugs - prescribed 07 05 13*, 07 05 14, 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08, 20 01 31*, 20 01 32
Drums - steel 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Drums not otherwise specified 15 01 02, 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Dry mixed recyclables (DMR) 15 01 06
Ducting and piping - contaminated 17 02 04*
Dust - asbestos 06 13 04*, 10 13 09*
Dust - flue gas 10 01 04*, 10 03 19*, 10 03 20, 10 04 04*, 10 05 03*, 10 06 03*, 10 08 15*, 10 08 16, 10 09 09*, 10 09 10, 10 10 09*,
10 10 10, 10 12 03
Dust - furnace (foundries) 10 01 01, 10 01 04*, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 19 01 15*, 19 01 16
Dust - grinding 01 03 08, 01 04 10, 10 03 21*, 10 03 22, 12 01 02, 12 01 04
Dust - sander 03 01 04*, 03 01 05, 12 01 02, 12 01 04
DVDs 20 01 39
Dyestuffs 04 02 16*, 04 02 17
Effluent - septic tank 20 03 04
Effluent treatment sludge - 02 02 04, 02 03 05, 02 04 03, 02 05 02, 02 06 03, 02 07 05, 03 03 11, 04 01 06, 04 01 07, 04 02 19*, 04 02 20,
biological(dewatered) 05 01 09*, 05 01 10, 06 05 02*, 06 05 03, 07 01 11*, 07 01 12, 07 02 11*, 07 02 12, 07 03 11*, 07 03 12, 07 04 11*,
07 04 12, 07 05 11*, 07 05 12, 07 06 11*, 07 06 12, 07 07 11*, 07 07 12, 10 01 20*, 10 01 21, 10 11 19*, 10 11 20,
10 12 13, 19 11 05*, 19 11 06
Electric motors (decontaminated) 16 01 22, 16 02 14
Electrical absorption fridges 16 02 11*, 16 02 14
Electrical appliances 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Electrical cable 16 02 15*, 16 02 16, 17 04 10*, 17 04 11

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Electrical components 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Electrical domestic appliances 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Electrical wire 16 02 15*, 16 02 16, 17 04 10*, 17 04 11
Electronic appliances 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Electronic components 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Electronic equipment 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Electronic fixtures/fittings 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Electronic scrap 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Empty aerosol containers 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Empty used containers 15 01 01, 15 01 02, 15 01 03, 15 01 04, 15 01 05, 15 01 06, 15 01 10*
Emulsions (oil) - chlorinated 12 01 08*, 13 01 04*
Emulsions (oil) - non-chlorinated 12 01 09*, 13 01 05*
Enamels 08 02 01, 20 01 28
Engine oil 13 02 04*, 13 02 05*, 13 02 06*, 13 02 07*, 13 02 08*
Engine oil - chlorinated 13 02 04*
Engine oil - non-chlorinated 13 01 10*
Engines 16 01 21*, 16 01 22
Epoxy resin 08 04 09*, 08 04 10, 08 04 11*, 08 04 12
Epoxy/polyester powder paint 08 01 11*, 08 01 13*, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Etching acid 08 03 16*
Ethanol 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*, 18 01 06*, 18 02 05*
Ethers 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Ethoxylated alkyphenol 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Ethyl benzene 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Ethylene glycol 16 01 14*
Excrement - animal 02 01 06, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 20 02 01
Feathers 02 02 02
Feedwater sludge (petroleum 05 01 13
Feminine hygiene waste 18 01 04
Fermentation waste 02 07 01, 02 07 02, 02 07 03, 02 07 04, 02 07 05

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Ferrous and non-ferrous (mixed) 02 01 10, 15 01 04, 17 04 07, 20 01 40
Ferrous metal scrap 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Ferrous metal turnings 12 01 01, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Ferrous swarf 12 01 01, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Fertiliser waste 06 10 02*
Fibre - acrylic 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Fibre - glass 10 11 03, 16 01 20, 17 02 02, 17 02 04*
Fibreboard 10 11 03
Fibreglass 10 11 03, 16 01 20, 17 02 02, 17 02 04*, 20 01 02
Fibres - textile (processed) - 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Fibres - textile (unprocessed) - 04 02 21
Fibres man made 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Film - plastic 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 20 01 39
Filter cake - dewatered 07 01 09*, 07 01 10*, 07 02 09*, 07 02 10*, 07 03 09*, 07 03 10*, 07 04 09*, 07 04 10*, 07 05 09*, 07 05 10*,
07 06 09*, 07 06 10*, 07 07 09*, 07 07 10*, 10 02 13*, 10 02 14,, 0 02 15, 10 03 25*, 10 03 26, 10 04 07*, 10 05 06*,
10 06 07*, 10 07 05, 10 08 17*, 10 08 18, 10 11 17*, 10 11 18, 10 12 05, 10 13 07, 11 01 09*, 11 01 10, 19 01 05*
Filter cake - phenolic 07 01 09*, 07 01 10*, 07 02 09*, 07 02 10*, 07 03 09*, 07 03 10*, 07 04 09*, 07 04 10*, 07 05 09*, 07 05 10*,
07 06 09*, 07 06 10*, 07 07 09*, 07 07 10*, 10 02 13*, 10 03 25*, 10 04 07*, 10 05 06*, 10 06 07*, 10 08 17*,
10 11 17*, 11 01 09*
Filter cake not otherwise specified 07 01 09*, 07 01 10*, 07 02 09*, 07 02 10*, 07 03 09*, 07 03 10*, 07 04 09*, 07 04 10*, 07 05 09*, 07 05 10*,
07 06 09*, 07 06 10*, 07 07 09*, 07 07 10*, 10 02 13*, 10 02 14, 10 02 15, 10 03 25*, 10 03 26, 10 04 07*, 10 05 06*,
10 06 07*, 10 07 05, 10 08 17*, 10 08 18, 10 11 17*, 10 11 18, 10 12 05, 10 13 07, 11 01 09*, 11 01 10, 19 01 05*
Filter clay 05 01 15*, 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Filter cloths 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Filter paper 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Filter paper - contaminated 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Filters - anthracite 19 09 04
Filters - contaminated 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Filters - oil 16 01 07*
Filters - oil (crushed) 16 01 07*
Filters - spray booth 15 02 02*, 15 02 03

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Fire extinguishers 16 05 04*, 16 05 05
Fireworks 16 04 02*
Fish - processing waste 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 02 02 03, 20 01 08
Fish carcasses 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 02 02 03, 20 01 08
Fixer - photographic 09 01 04*, 09 01 05*
Flesh - animal 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 20 01 08
Floor sweepings 20 03 01
Flue cleanings - boiler 10 01 04*, 10 03 19*, 10 03 20, 10 04 04*, 10 05 03*, 10 06 03*, 10 08 15*, 10 08 16, 10 09 09*, 10 09 10, 10 10 09*,
10 10 10, 10 12 03
Flue gas dust 10 01 04*, 10 03 19*, 10 03 20, 10 04 04*, 10 05 03*, 10 06 03*, 10 08 15*, 10 08 16, 10 09 09*, 10 09 10, 10 10 09*,
10 10 10, 10 12 03
Fluid - brake 16 01 13*
Fluorescent tubes 20 01 21*
Fluorescent tubes - crushed 20 01 21*
Fly ash - coal 10 01 02, 10 01 03, 10 01 04*, 10 01 13*, 10 01 16*, 10 01 17, 19 01 13*, 19 01 14, 19 04 02*
Fly ash - oil 10 01 02, 10 01 03, 10 01 04*, 10 01 13*, 10 01 16*, 10 01 17, 19 01 13*, 19 01 14, 19 04 02*
Fly ash - peat 10 01 02, 10 01 03, 10 01 04*, 10 01 13*, 10 01 16*, 10 01 17, 19 01 13*, 19 01 14, 19 04 02*
Foam rubber 04 02 22, 20 01 11, 20 03 07
Foil - aluminium 15 01 04, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Food - canteen waste 20 01 08
Food - condemned 02 02 03, 02 03 04, 02 05 01, 02 06 01, 02 07 04, 20 01 08
Food - domestic 20 01 08
Food processing waste 02 01 01, 02 01 02, 02 01 03, 02 02 01, 02 02 02, 02 02 03, 02 02 04, 02 03 01, 02 03 04, 02 05 01, 02 06 01,
02 07 01, 02 07 04, 20 01 08
Food washing waste 02 01 01, 02 01 06, 02 02 01, 02 03 01, 02 04 01, 02 07 01
Forestry waste 02 01 07
Formaldehyde 16 03 05*, 16 05 06*
Formic acid 08 03 16*, 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*, 20 01 14*
Foundry furnace ash 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 11 05 02, 19 01 12
Foundry sand - non-phenolic 10 09 05*, 10 09 06, 10 09 07*, 10 09 08, 10 10 05*, 10 10 06, 10 10 07*, 10 10 08, 10 12 06
Foundry sand - phenolic 10 09 05*, 10 09 07*, 10 10 05*, 10 10 07*
Fragmentiser residues 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 10 03*, 19 10 04, 19 10 05*, 19 10 06
Freezers 16 02 11*, 16 02 13*, 20 01 23*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Fridges 16 02 11*, 16 02 13*, 20 01 23*
Fridges - compression 16 02 11*, 16 02 13*
Fridges - electrical (absorption) 16 02 11*, 16 02 13*
Frit 10 11 03, 10 11 11*, 19 12 05
Fruit 02 03 04, 20 01 08
Fuel - Cleaning waste 05 01 11*
Fuel - paraffin 13 07 01*
Fungicides 02 01 08*, 03 02 01*, 03 02 02*, 06 13 01*, 20 01 19*
Fur - degreasing waste 04 01 03*
Furnace ash (foundries) 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 11 05 02, 19 01 12
Furnace bottom ash 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 19 01 12
Furnace dust (foundries) 10 01 04*, 10 03 19*, 10 03 20, 10 04 04*, 10 05 03*, 10 06 03*, 10 08 15*, 10 08 16, 10 09 09*, 10 09 10, 10 10 09*,
10 10 10, 10 12 03
Furnace linings 16 11 01*, 16 11 02, 16 11 03*, 16 11 04, 16 11 05*, 16 11 06
Furnace slag 06 09 02, 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 10 02 01, 10 02 02, 10 03 04*, 10 03 08*, 10 03 29*, 10 03 30, 10 04 01*,
10 05 01, 10 06 01, 10 07 01, 10 08 09, 10 09 03, 10 10 03, 19 01 12
Furniture - metal 17 04 07, 20 01 40, 20 03 07
Furniture - off specification, 03 01 05
redundant stock
Furniture - office 20 03 07

Galvanizing slab zinc bottom 11 05 01
Garden waste 20 02 01, 20 02 02
Gas cylinders 16 05 04*, 16 05 05
Gas powered domestic appliances 20 03 07
Gas purification waste 05 07 01*, 05 07 02
Gas tank (LPG vehicles) 16 01 16
Gas treatment waste 10 02 07*, 10 02 08, 10 03 23*, 10 03 24, 10 04 06*, 10 05 05*, 10 06 06*, 10 07 03, 10 11 15*, 10 11 16, 10 12 09*,
10 12 10, 10 13 12*, 10 13 13, 11 05 03*, 19 01 07*
General administration waste 20 03 01
General commercial waste 20 03 01

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

General demolition waste 17 09 03*, 17 09 04
General industrial waste 20 03 01
General office waste 20 03 01
General waste restaurant 20 03 01
General waste retail 20 03 01
Genklene 20 01 30
Geotextiles 04 02 22, 20 01 11
Glass 10 11 03, 10 11 11*, 10 11 12, 15 01 07, 16 01 20, 17 02 02, 17 02 04*, 19 12 05, 20 01 02
Glass – cullet 19 12 05
Glass – powdered 10 11 11*
Glass bottles 10 11 12, 15 01 07, 20 01 02
Glass containers 10 11 12, 15 01 07, 20 01 02
Glass containers - contaminated 15 01 10*
Glass fibre 10 11 03, 16 01 20, 17 02 02, 17 02 04*, 20 01 02
Glass pots 10 11 12, 15 01 07, 20 01 02
Glassware - contaminated 10 11 11*, 10 11 13*, 17 02 04*
Glaze 10 12 11*, 10 12 12
Gloves - plastic 20 01 39
Glue – epoxy-based 08 04 09*, 08 04 11*, 08 04 13*, 08 04 15*, 20 01 27*
Glue waste - animal based 08 04 10, 20 01 28
Glue waste - casein based 08 04 09*, 08 04 10
Glycol 16 01 14*
Gold skimmings (thermal 10 07 02
Gold slags 10 07 01
Granules of rubber 19 12 04
Graphite 01 01 02
Grass 20 02 01
Grate ash - MSW combustion 19 01 12
Gravel 01 04 08, 17 01 06*, 17 01 07
Greases 04 02 10, 19 08 09*, 19 08 10*
Green liquor 03 03 02

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Green waste 02 01 03, 02 01 07, 20 02 01
Grinding bodies 12 01 20*, 12 01 21
Grinding sludge 10 11 13*, 12 01 18*
Grit – blasting 12 01 16*, 12 01 17
Grit – contaminated 12 01 16*, 12 01 17, 13 05 01*, 13 05 08*
Gully emptyings 13 05 02*, 13 05 03*, 13 05 07*, 13 05 08*, 20 03 03
Guns 20 01 40
Gypsum (calcium sulphate) 07 01 10*, 07 03 10*, 07 04 10*, 07 05 10*, 07 06 10*, 07 07 10*, 17 08 01*, 17 08 02
Gypsum plasterboard 17 08 01*, 17 08 02
Hair – human 18 01 04
Hair products and shampoo 16 03 06, 20 01 30
Halide (metal) - lamps 16 02 13*
Halogenated adhesives 08 04 09*, 08 04 11*
Halogenated organics not 07 01 03*, 07 01 07*, 07 01 09*, 07 02 03*, 07 02 07*, 07 02 09*, 07 03 03*, 07 03 07*, 07 03 09*, 07 04 03*,
otherwise specified 07 04 07*, 07 04 09*, 07 05 03*, 07 05 07*, 07 05 09*, 07 06 03*, 07 06 07*, 07 06 09*, 07 07 03*, 07 07 07*,
07 07 09*, 14 06 02*, 14 06 04*
Halon 14 06 01*, 14 06 02*
Hardboard 03 01 04*, 03 01 05, 17 02 01
Hardcore 17 01 07
Hardened adhesives 08 04 10, 20 01 28
Hardened sealants 08 04 10, 20 01 28
HCFCs 14 06 01*
Healthcare risk waste 18 01 03*, 18 02 02*
Herbicides 02 01 08*, 06 13 01*, 20 01 19*
Hides – animal 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 04 01 01
High density polyethylene 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Hoovers 16 02 14
Horticultural waste 02 01 03, 20 02 01
Hospital – clinical waste 18 01 01, 18 01 02, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 01 10*, 18 02 01, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 18 02 07*,
18 02 08, 18 01 10*, 18 02 01, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08
Hospital waste - clinical 18 01 01, 18 01 02, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 01 10*, 18 02 01, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 18 02 07*,
18 02 08

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Hospital waste - domestic 18 01 04, 20 01 08, 20 03 01
Hot melt – adhesives 08 04 10
House clearance waste 20 03 01
Household waste 20 03 01
Household waste - bulky 20 03 07
Household waste - compacted 19 12 12
Household waste - dustbin 20 03 01
Human hair 18 01 04
Human tissue 18 01 02, 18 01 03*
Hydrobromic acid 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*, 20 01 14*
Hydrocarbons - aliphatic 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Hydrocarbons - refrigerants 14 06 01*, 16 02 11*, 20 01 23*
Hydrochloric acid 06 01 02*, 20 01 14*
Hydrofluoric acid 06 01 03*, 20 01 14*
Hair – human 19 01 04
Jam 02 03 04, 20 01 08
Jelly - petroleum 16 03 06
Jute 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Kerosene 13 07 03*
Ketones 16 03 05*, 16 03 06
Kieselguhr 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Kitchen waste 02 02 03, 02 03 04, 20 01 08
Laboratory chemicals 16 05 06*
Laboratory smalls 1 6 05 06*
Lacquer 08 01 11*, 08 01 12, 08 01 17, 08 01 18, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Laminates – plastic 07 02 13, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Lamps 16 02 14
Lamps – sodium 16 02 13*
Lamps/tubes - mercury vapour 16 02 13*, 20 01 21*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Landfill gas condensate 10 01 18*, 10 01 19
Lanolin 04 02 10
Laser printer cartridges 08 03 17*, 08 03 18
remanufacturing residues
Latex 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Latex and rubber (mixed) 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Leachate – landfill 19 07 02*, 19 07 03
Lead – scrap 17 04 03, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Lead acid batteries (undrained) 16 06 01*
Lead compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
Lead dross (thermal metallurgy) 10 04 02*
Lead slags 10 04 01*
Lead waste and scrap 17 04 03, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Leather 04 01 08, 04 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Leather (dyed) - dust 04 01 08
Leather – degreasing waste 04 01 03*
Leather cuttings 04 01 08, 04 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Light Bulbs (fluorescent) 20 01 21*
Light bulbs (non-fluorescent) 16 02 14, 20 01 36
Lime - spent 03 03 09, 04 01 02, 10 13 04, 17 09 03*
Lime sludge 03 03 09, 04 01 02, 10 13 04, 17 09 03*
Linen 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Linings (plastic container) - 15 01 10*
Linings - furnace 16 11 01*, 16 11 02, 16 11 03*, 16 11 04, 16 11 05*, 16 11 06
Lithium compounds 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Litter 20 03 03
Litter bin waste 20 03 01
Lorry bodies 16 01 06
Low density polyethylene 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
LPG (motor vehicle) tanks 16 01 16
Machinery 16 02 09*, 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Machinery - heavy industrial 16 02 09*, 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Machinery - light industrial 16 02 09*, 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Magnesium carbonate 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Magnesium compounds 06 03 14, 06 03 16
Magnesium oxide 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Magnesium sulphate 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Manganese compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*
Manure - animal 02 01 06, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 20 02 01
Mastic 05 01 17, 17 03 01*, 17 03 02
Materials - infected (clinical) 18 01 01, 18 01 02, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Mattresses 04 02 22, 20 03 07
MDF 03 01 04*, 03 01 05, 20 01 38
Meat - unfit for consumption 02 02 02, 02 02 03, 20 01 08
Mechanical parts (metal) 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Medicines - non-prescription 18 01 09, 18 02 08, 20 01 32
Medicines - prescription 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08, 20 01 31*, 20 01 32
Mercury - elemental 16 01 08*, 17 09 01*, 19 03 08*
Mercury compounds 05 07 01*, 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 04*, 06 04 05*
Mercury waste and residues 05 07 01*, 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 04*, 06 04 05*, 06 07 03*, 10 14 01*, 16 01 08*, 16 06 03*, 17 09 01*, 19 03
08*, 20 01 21*
Metallic mercury 16 03 07*
Metal - fragmentised 19 10 01, 19 10 02
Metal - scrap 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 17 04 05, 17 04 07,
17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Metal - scrap (ferrous) 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 07, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01,
19 12 02, 20 01 40
Metal - scrap (non-ferrous) 02 01 10, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 18, 17 04 07, 17 04 09*, 19 10 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Metal chairs 16 01 17, 17 04 07, 20 01 40
Metal containers - contaminated 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Metal containers - used 15 01 04
Metal doors 17 04 05
Metal furniture 17 04 05, 19 12 02
Metal packaging 15 01 04, 15 01 10*, 15 01 11*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Metal parts - mechanical 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 20 01 40
Metal pesticide containers 15 01 10*
Metal windows 17 04 05
Metalliferous mineral tailings 01 03 04*, 01 03 05*, 01 03 06
Methacrylate 16 05 08*
Methanol 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Methyl bromide 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Methyl methacrylate 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Methylated spirit 14 06 03*
Methylene chloride 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Microbiological waste 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Microwave cookers 16 02 12*, 16 02 14
Milk 02 05 01, 20 01 08
Mill scales 10 02 10
Mine waste 01 01 01, 01 01 02
Mineral processing waste 01 03 04*, 01 03 05*, 01 03 06, 01 03 07*, 01 03 08, 01 03 09, 01 03 10*, 01 04 07*, 01 04 08, 01 04 09, 01 04 10, 01
04 11,
01 04 12, 01 04 13
Miscellaneous non-combustible 20 03 01
Miscible cutting oils - water 12 01 08*, 12 01 09*
Mixed brickwork and mortar 17 09 04
Mixed ferrous and non-ferrous 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 17 04 05, 17 04 07,
scrap 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Mixed oil and sand 15 02 02*
Mixed oil and sawdust 15 02 02*
Mixed plastics 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 12 01 05, 15 01 02, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 17 02 04*, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Mixed scrap metal 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 17 04 05, 17 04 07,
17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Mixed waste (non-hazardous) 20 03 01
Molybdenum compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
Mother liquors 07 01 01*, 07 01 03*, 07 01 04*, 07 02 01*, 07 02 03*, 07 02 04*, 07 03 01*, 07 03 03*, 07 03 04*, 07 04 01*,
07 04 03*, 07 04 04*, 07 05 01*, 07 05 03*, 07 05 04*, 07 06 01*, 07 06 03*, 07 06 04*, 07 07 01*, 07 07 03*,
07 07 04*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Motor vehicles 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Moulding sand 10 09 05*, 10 09 06, 10 09 07*, 10 09 08, 10 10 05*, 10 10 06, 10 10 07*, 10 10 08, 10 12 06
Moulds - calcium sulphate 10 09 05*, 10 09 06, 10 09 07*, 10 09 08, 10 10 05*, 10 10 06, 10 10 07*, 10 10 08, 10 12 06
Moulds - plaster 10 09 05*, 10 09 06, 10 09 07*, 10 09 08, 10 10 05*, 10 10 06, 10 10 07*, 10 10 08, 10 12 06
MSW combustion residue - heat 19 01 12, 19 01 13*, 19 01 14
recovery system ash
Mud (oil containing) 01 05 05*
Mud - brine 01 05 08
Mud - drilling 01 05 04, 01 05 05*, 01 05 06*, 01 05 07, 01 05 08
Mud - red (Alumina) 01 03 09
Munitions 16 04 01*
Not otherwise specified textiles 04 02 09, 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 10, 20 01 11
Nappies (used) 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Nappy liners 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Napthalene 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Needles (clinical) 18 01 01, 18 01 03*, 18 02 01, 18 02 02*
Newspaper 03 03 08, 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Nickel compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
Nickel waste and scrap 17 04 07, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Nitrates 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Nitric acid 06 01 05*, 11 01 05*, 11 01 06*, 20 01 14*
Nitriles 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Nitrites 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*
Noils of wool 04 02 22, 19 12 08
Non-chlorinated solvents (mixed) 14 06 03*
Non-ferrous scrap metal 02 01 10
Non-ferrous swarf 12 01 03
Non-halogenated adhesives 08 04 09*, 08 04 10, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Non-halogenated paint waste 08 01 11*, 08 01 12, 08 01 17*, 08 01 18, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Non-halogenated sealants 08 04 09*, 08 04 10
Nylon 04 02 22, 07 02 13

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Offal 02 02 02
Office paper 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Oil (not otherwise specified) 13 04 01*, 13 04 02*, 13 04 03*, 13 05 06*, 13 05 07*, 16 07 08*
and water
Oil – acid cracking waste 05 01 12*
Oil – bilge 13 04 01*, 13 04 02*, 13 04 03*
Oil – contaminated 12 01 06*, 12 01 07*, 13 01 01*
Oil – cooking 19 08 09*, 20 01 25
Oil – cutting 12 01 08*, 12 01 09*
Oil – engine 13 02 04*, 13 02 05*, 13 02 06*, 13 02 07*, 13 02 08*
Oil – engine (chlorinated) 13 02 04*
Oil – engine (non-chlorinated) 13 02 05*
Oil – fuel 13 07 01*
Oil – garage 13 02 04*, 13 02 05*, 13 02 06*, 13 02 07*, 13 02 08*
Oil – gear 13 02 04*, 13 02 05*, 13 02 06*, 13 02 07*, 13 02 08*
Oil – gear (non-chlorinated) 13 02 05*
Oil – heat transfer (mineral) 13 03 06*, 13 03 07*
Oil – heavy fuel 13 07 01*
Oil – hydraulic 13 01 01*, 13 01 09*, 13 01 10*, 13 01 11*, 13 01 12*, 13 01 13*
Oil – hydraulic (chlorinated) 13 01 09*
Oil – hydraulic (containing PCBs) 13 01 01*
Oil – hydraulic (non-chlorinated) 13 01 10*
Oil – insulating (mineral) 13 03 06*, 13 03 07*
Oil – insulating (synthetic) 13 03 08*, 13 03 09*
Oil – insulating containing PCB 13 03 01*
or PCT
Oil – light fuel 13 07 01*
Oil – lubricating 13 02 04*, 13 02 05*, 13 02 06*, 13 02 07*, 13 02 08*
Oil – lubricating (chlorinated) 13 02 04*
Oil – lubricating (non-chlorinated) 13 02 05*
Oil – machine (halogenated) 12 01 06*
Oil – machine (non-halogenated) 12 01 07*
Oil – machine (synthetic) 12 01 10*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Oil – mineral 12 01 06*, 12 01 07*, 13 01 09*, 13 01 10*, 13 02 04*, 13 02 05*, 13 03 06*, 13 03 07*
Oil – mixed 13 01 13*, 13 02 08*, 13 03 10*, 13 07 03*
Oil – refinery spillage 05 01 05*
Oil – vegetable 02 03 04, 19 08 09*, 20 01 25
Oil – wool 04 02 10
Oil –disperse 08 03 19*
Oil and not otherwise specified 15 02 02*
Oil and sand (mixed) 15 02 02*
Oil emulsions - non-chlorinated 12 01 09*, 13 01 05*, 13 08 02*
Oil filters 16 01 07*
Oil filters - used 16 01 07*
Oil fly ash 10 01 04*
Oil interceptor waste 13 05 03*
Oil/water mixtures 13 04 01*, 13 04 02*, 13 04 03*, 13 05 07*, 16 07 08*
Oils (miscible cutting) - water 12 01 08*, 12 01 09*
Oily rags 15 02 02*
Ordnance 16 04 01*
Ore processing waste 01 03 07*, 01 03 08
Organic acids (mixed) 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Overburden 01 01 01, 01 01 02
Oxalic acid 11 01 06*
Packaging (mixed) - used 15 01 06, 15 01 10*
Packaging - cardboard 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Packaging - contaminated 15 01 06, 15 01 10*
Packaging – contaminated 15 01 06, 15 01 10*
(not cleanable)
Packaging - metal 15 01 04, 15 01 10*, 15 01 11*
Packaging - paper 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Packaging - plastic 15 01 02, 15 01 10*
Packaging - wooden 15 01 03, 15 01 10*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Paint - aqueous suspensions 08 01 19*, 08 01 20
Paint - halogenated 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*, 20 01 27*
Paint - non-halogenated 08 01 11*, 08 01 12, 08 01 17*, 08 01 18, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Paint - oil based 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*, 20 01 27*
Paint - solvent based 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*, 20 01 27*
Paint - solvent based 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*, 20 01 27*
Paint - water based 08 01 12, 08 01 18, 20 01 28
Paint coatings - PVC 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*, 20 01 27*
Paint powders 08 01 12, 08 02 01, 20 01 28
Paint remover 08 01 21*
Paint sludge (water based) 08 01 15*, 08 01 16
Paint spraying - gunwash 14 06 05*
Paint thinner 14 06 03*
Paint tins 15 01 02, 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Paints/polyurethane 08 01 11*, 08 01 12, 08 01 17*, 08 01 18, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
(non-halogenated solvents)
Pallets 15 01 03
Paper 03 03 07, 03 03 081, 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Paper - computer 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Paper - fibre 03 03 10
Paper - filter 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Paper - filter (contaminated) 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Paper - office 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Paper - photographic 09 01 07, 09 01 08
Paper and cardboard (mixed) 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Paper containers 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Paper containers - contaminated 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Paper packaging 15 01 01, 15 01 10*
Paper pulp 03 03 07, 03 03 10
Paper pulp - de-inked 03 03 07, 03 03 10
Paper sacks 15 01 01, 15 01 10*, 20 01 01
Paper sludge 03 03 02, 03 03 05
Paper towels (used) 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 20 01 01

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Paper wipes - contaminated 15 02 02*, 15 02 03, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03, 20 01 01
Paraffin 13 07 01*
Paraffin - fuel 13 07 01*
Paraffin wax 16 03 06
Parks and garden waste 20 02 01, 20 02 02
Parts - vehicle 16 01 08*, 16 01 09*, 16 01 21*, 16 01 22
PCBs 13 01 01*, 13 03 01*, 16 01 09*, 16 02 09*, 16 02 10*, 17 09 02*
Peat 10 01 03
Pencils 19 12 07, 20 01 38
Perchloroethylene 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Perfume (reject) 16 03 06
Permanganates 16 09 01*
Peroxides - organic 16 09 03*
Pesticide containers - metal 15 01 10*
Pesticide containers - plastic 15 01 10*
Pesticides 06 13 01*, 16 03 03*, 16 03 05*, 16 05 06*, 16 05 07*, 16 05 08*, 20 01 19*
Petrol 13 07 02*
Petrol and diesel (mixed) 13 07 03*
Petroleum jelly 16 03 06
Petroleum wax 16 03 06
PFA 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15, 19 01 12
Pharmaceutical products 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08, 20 01 31*, 20 01 32
Pharmaceutical waste 07 05 01*, 07 05 03*, 07 05 04*, 07 05 07*, 07 05 08*, 07 05 09*, 07 05 10*, 07 05 11*, 07 05 12, 07 05 13*, 07 05 14,
18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 02 07*, 18 02 08, 20 01 31*, 20 01 32
Phosphoric acid 06 01 04*
Phosphorous acid 06 01 04*
Phosphorus slag 06 09 02
Photocopiers 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Photographic chemicals 09 01 01*, 09 01 02*, 09 01 03*, 09 01 04*, 09 01 05*, 09 01 06*, 09 01 13*, 20 01 17*
Photographic paper 09 01 07, 09 01 08
Pickling liquors (metal pickling) 11 01 05*
Pigments 04 02 16*, 04 02 17
Pigs 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 02 02 03

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Pipes (lead) 17 04 03, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Pitch 17 03 01*, 17 03 02, 17 03 03*
Plant tissue 02 01 03, 02 01 07, 20 02 01
Plasterboard (Gypsum) 17 08 01*, 17 08 02
Plastic bottles 15 01 02, 19 12 04
Plastic containers 15 01 02, 19 12 04
Plastic containers - contaminated 15 01 02, 15 01 10*
Plastic film 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Plastic gloves 20 01 39
Plastic granules 07 02 13, 19 12 04
Plastic packaging 15 01 02, 15 01 10*, 19 12 04
Plastic pesticide containers 15 01 10*
Plastic pipes 17 02 03
Plastic plant pots 15 01 02, 20 01 39
Plastic sheeting 02 01 04, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Plastic windows 17 02 03
Plastic wrapping 02 01 04, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Plastics 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 12 01 05, 15 01 02, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 17 02 04*, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polishes (aerosol) 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Polyester 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Polyester resins 07 02 13
Polymer wastes 04 02 21, 07 02 13
Polymerisation catalyst - 16 08 05*
phosphoric acid/silica base
Polymers - synthetic 04 02 21, 07 02 13
Polypropylene 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 12 01 05, 15 01 02, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 17 02 04*, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polypropylene film 02 01 04, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polysiloxanes (silicones) 07 02 16*
Polystyrene 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 12 01 05, 15 01 02, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 17 02 04*, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polythene 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 12 01 05, 15 01 02, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 17 02 04*, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polythene sheets 02 01 04, 15 01 02, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polyurethane 02 01 04, 07 02 13, 12 01 05, 15 01 02, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 17 02 04*, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Polyurethane resin 07 02 13

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Polyvinyl acetate 08 04 09*, 20 01 27*
Polyvinyl alcohol 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Polyvinyl chloride 07 02 13, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Potassium cyanide 06 03 11, 11 03 01*
Potassium hydroxide 06 02 04*, 20 01 15*
Potatoes 02 03 04, 20 01 08
Pottery 10 12 08
Poultry waste 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 02 02 03, 20 01 08
Powders - paint 08 01 12, 08 02 01, 20 01 28
Precious metal bearing catalysts 16 08 01
Precious metal dust 10 07 04
Preservatives 02 03 02, 02 06 02, 03 02 01*, 03 02 02*, 03 02 03*, 03 02 04*, 03 02 05*, 03 02 99, 06 13 01*
Preserving agents 02 03 02, 02 06 02
Primary sludge 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Printed circuit boards 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Printer cartridges 08 03 17*, 08 03 18
Processed textile fibres - 04 02 22, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
PTFE 07 02 13, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
PVC 07 02 13, 16 01 19, 17 02 03, 19 12 04, 20 01 39
Pyrotechnics 16 04 02*
Quarry spoil 01 01 01, 01 01 02
Quicklime 10 13 04
Radio sets 16 02 14
Rags (used) 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Rags - contaminated (solvent) 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Rags - oily 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Rails (iron and steel) - used 17 04 05
Railway ballast 17 05 07*, 17 05 08
Railway carriages 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Railway sleepers (concrete) 17 01 01

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Railway sleepers (timber) 17 02 01
Red mud (Alumina) 01 03 09
Refractories from combustion 16 11 01*, 16 11 02, 16 11 03*, 16 11 04, 16 11 05*
Refrigerants - CFC 14 06 01*, 16 02 11*, 20 01 23*
Refrigerants - HCFCs 14 06 01*, 16 02 11*, 20 01 23*
Refrigerants - HFCs 14 06 01*, 16 02 11*, 20 01 23*
Refrigerators 16 02 11*, 16 02 14
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) 19 12 10
Residue - shot blast 12 01 16*, 12 01 17
Residues - additive tank cleaning 16 07 09*, 16 07 99
Resin - polyurethane 07 02 13
Resin-reinforced glass fibre 10 11 03, 16 01 20, 17 02 02, 17 02 04*
Resins - acrylic polymer 07 02 13
Resins - epoxy 08 04 09*, 08 04 10, 08 04 11*, 08 04 12
Resins - polyester 07 02 13
Resins - polyester saturated 07 02 13
Resins - polyurethane 07 02 13
Resins - styrene polymer 07 02 13
Resins - vinyl acetate polymer 07 02 13
Rhenium waste and scrap 16 08 01
Road metal 10 02 02, 17 01 07
Road sweepings 20 03 03
Road tanker washings 16 07 08*, 16 07 09*
Rock - crushed 01 04 08, 17 05 03*, 17 05 04
Rock - excavated 01 04 08, 17 05 03*, 17 05 04
Rubber (not including tyres) 07 02 13, 19 12 04
Rubber adhesive 08 04 09*, 08 04 10, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Rubber and fibre additives 07 02 14*, 07 02 15
Rubber granules 07 02 13, 19 12 04
Rubble 17 01 07
Rubble - contaminated 17 09 03*, 17 09 04

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Sacks - contaminated 15 01 10*
Sacks - hessian 15 01 09
Sacks - paper 15 01 01
Sacks - woven 15 01 09
Safety barriers (metal) 17 04 07, 19 12 02
Sand 01 04 09, 10 01 24, 17 05 03*, 17 05 04, 19 01 19, 19 12 09
Sand - contaminated 17 09 03*
Sand and oil (mixed) 15 02 02*
Sanitary towels (used) 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Sawdust 03 01 04*, 03 01 05
Sawdust - contaminated 03 01 04*, 03 01 05
Sawdust and oil (mixed) 15 02 02*
Scrap aluminium 02 01 10, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 16 01 18, 17 04 02, 19 10 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Scrap metal 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 17 04 05, 17 04 07,
17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Scrap metal (mixed) 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 17 04 05, 17 04 07,
17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Scrap metal - ferrous 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Scrap metal - mechanical parts 16 02 10*, 16 02 11*, 16 02 12*, 16 02 13*, 16 02 14, 16 02 15*, 16 02 16
Scrap metal - mixed ferrous and 02 01 10 , 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 01 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 17, 16 01 18, 17 04 05, 17 04 07,
nonferrous 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 10 02, 19 12 02 , 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Scrap metal - non-ferrous 02 01 10, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 15 04 04, 15 01 11*, 16 01 18 , 17 04 07, 17 04 09*, 19 10 02, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Scrap television tubes 10 11 11*, 16 02 13*, 19 12 11*, 20 01 21*
Scrap zinc 10 05 10*, 10 05 11, 11 05 01, 17 04 04, 19 12 03
Screens - computer 10 11 11*, 16 02 13*, 19 12 11*, 20 01 21*
Sealant not otherwise specified 08 04 09, 08 04 10, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Sealants - halogenated 08 04 09*, 20 01 27*
Secondary sludge 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12, 19 08 13*, 19 08 14
Selenium compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*
Septic tank sludge 20 03 04
Settees/sofas 20 03 07

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Settled sludge 04 01 06, 04 01 07, 04 02 19*, 04 02 20, 05 01 09*, 05 01 10, 06 05 02*, 06 05 03, 07 01 11*, 07 01 12, 07 02 11*,
07 02 12, 07 03 11*, 07 03 12, 07 04 11*, 07 04 12, 07 05 11*, 07 05 12, 07 06 11*, 07 06 12, 07 07 11*, 07 07 12,
10 01 20*, 10 01 21, 19 02 05*, 19 02 06, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12, 19 08 13*, 19 08 14, 19 09 02, 19 09 03,
19 11 05*, 19 11 06, 20 03 04
Sewage 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Sewage sludge 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Sewage sludge - digested 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Shampoo and other hair products 20 01 30
Sharps - animal treatment 18 02 01
Sharps - human treatment 18 01 01
Shavings - wood 03 01 04*, 03 01 05
Sheep 02 01 02
Sheep 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 02 02 03
Shellfish processing waste 02 02 03
Ships 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Shoddy 04 02 22, 19 12 08
Shopping trolleys 20 01 40
Shotblast residue 12 01 16*, 12 01 17
Silk waste 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Silt 17 05 05*, 17 05 06
Silt – contaminated 17 05 05*, 17 05 06
Silver - scrap 09 01 06*, 09 01 07, 09 01 13*
Silver compounds 09 01 06*, 09 01 07, 09 01 13*
Silver dross (thermal metallurgy) 10 07 02
Silver skimmings (thermal 10 07 02
Silver slags 10 07 01
Skimmings - copper (thermal 10 06 02
Skins - animal 02 01 02, 02 02 02, 04 01 01
Skip waste (mixed) 17 09 04, 20 03 01
Slag - blast furnace 10 02 01, 10 02 02
Slag – furnace 10 02 01, 10 02 02

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Slag from iron and steel 10 02 01, 10 02 02
Slags - aluminium 10 03 04*, 10 03 08*
Slags - not otherwise specified 10 01 01, 10 01 14*, 10 01 15
Slags - zinc 10 05 01
Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) 06 02 01*, 10 13 04
Slate 01 01 02, 01 04 08
Sleepers - railway (timber) 17 02 01, 17 02 04*
Sludge - biological dewatered 02 02 04, 02 03 05, 02 04 03, 02 05 02, 02 06 03, 02 07 05, 03 03 11, 04 01 06, 04 01 07, 04 02 19*, 04 02 20,
effluent treatment 05 01 09*, 05 01 10, 06 05 02*, 06 05 03, 07 01 11*, 07 01 12, 07 02 11*, 07 02 120, 7 03 11*, 07 03 12, 07 04 11*,
07 04 12, 07 05 11*, 07 05 12, 07 06 11*, 07 06 12, 07 07 11*, 07 07 12, 10 01 20*, 10 01 21, 10 11 19*, 10 11 20,
10 12 13, 19 11 05*, 19 11 06
Sludge - contaminated 04 02 19*, 05 01 02*, 05 01 03*, 05 01 04*, 05 01 06*, 05 01 09*, 06 05 02*, 06 05 03, 06 07 03*, 07 01 11*,
07 02 11*, 07 03 11*, 07 04 11*, 07 05 11*, 07 06 11*, 07 07 11*, 08 01 13*, 08 01 15*, 08 03 14*, 08 04 11*,
08 04 13*, 10 01 20*, 10 01 22*, 10 02 13*, 10 03 25*, 10 04 07*, 10 05 06*, 10 06 07*, 10 08 17*, 10 11 13*,
10 11 17*, 11 01 08*, 11 01 09*, 11 01 15*, 11 02 02*, 12 01 14*, 12 01 18*, 13 05 02*, 13 05 03*, 13 08 01*, 14 06
04*, 14 06 05*, 19 02 05*, 19 08 07*, 19 08 11*, 19 08 13*, 19 11 05*
Sludge - crude oil desalter 05 01 02*, 13 08 01*
Sludge - ferric 10 02 13*, 10 02 14
Sludge - grinding 10 11 13*, 12 01 18*
Sludge - primary 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Sludge - secondary 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12, 19 08 13*, 19 08 14
Sludge - settled 04 01 06, 04 01 07, 04 02 19*, 04 02 20, 05 01 09*, 05 01 10, 06 05 02*, 06 05 03, 07 01 11*, 07 01 12, 07 02 11*,
07 02 12, 07 03 11*, 07 03 12, 07 04 11*, 07 04 12, 07 05 11*, 07 05 12, 07 06 11*, 07 06 12, 07 07 11*, 07 07 12,
10 01 20*, 10 01 21, 19 02 05*, 19 02 06, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12, 19 08 13*, 19 08 14, 19 09 02, 19 09 03,
19 11 05*, 19 11 06, 20 03 04
Sludge - sewage 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Sludge - waste water treatment 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Sludge from settling tanks and 13 05 03*
Soap 16 03 05*
Sodium chloride 01 01 02
Sodium cyanide 06 03 11*, 11 03 01*
Sodium hydroxide 06 02 04*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Sodium hypochlorite 16 09 04*
Sodium lamps 16 02 13*
Soil 02 04 01, 17 05 03*, 17 05 04, 20 02 02
Soil – contaminated 17 05 03*, 17 05 04
Soil and stones (mixed) 17 05 03*, 17 05 04, 20 02 02
Soil from vegetable washing 02 04 01
Soiled dressings 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Soiled swabs 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Solvent contaminated rags 15 02 02*
Solvent extraction waste 02 03 03
Solvent-based adhesives 08 04 09*, 20 01 27*
Solvent-based photographic 09 01 03*
Solvents - chlorinated (mixed) 14 06 02*
Solvents - non-chlorinated (mixed) 14 06 03*
Solvents and thinners (mixed) 14 06 02*, 14 06 03*
Soot 06 13 05*
Spray booth waste (paint) 08 01 11*, 08 01 12, 08 01 13*, 08 01 14
Stainless steel waste and scrap 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Steel 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Steel (of reinforced concrete) 17 04 05, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Steel - scrap 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Steel cans 15 01 04
Steel cladding 02 01 10, 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 15 01 04, 16 01 17, 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 01 02, 19 10 01, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Steel drums 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Steel pipes 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 20 01 40
Steel wool 17 04 05, 17 04 09*, 19 12 02, 20 01 40
Stoma bags (used) 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Stone 01 04 13, 17 05 03*, 17 05 04, 19 12 09, 20 02 02
Stone cutting dust 01 04 07*, 01 04 13
Stone cutting powder 01 04 07*, 01 04 13
Straw 02 01 06
Street sweepings 20 03 03

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Strippings using methylene 08 01 17*, 08 01 18
Styrene 16 03 05*
Sub soil 17 05 03*, 17 05 04, 20 02 02
Sulphides 01 03 04*, 06 06 02*, 06 06 03
Sulphur 05 01 16, 05 07 02
Sulphuric acid 06 01 01*, 10 01 09*, 20 01 14*
Surfactant - ethoxylated alkyl 20 01 29*, 20 01 30
Swabs - soiled 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Swarf (non-ferrous) 12 01 03, 12 01 04
Swarf - metal 12 01 01, 12 01 02, 12 01 03, 12 01 04
Sweepings - floor 20 03 01
Synthetic fibre waste 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Syringes 18 01 01, 18 02 01
Tailings - metalliferous minerals 01 03 04*, 01 03 05*, 01 03 06
Tampons 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
Tank cleaning residue 16 07 08*, 16 07 09*, 16 07 99
Tanning sludge 04 01 04, 04 01 05, 04 01 06, 04 01 07
Tar residues 05 01 07*, 05 01 08*, 05 06 01*, 05 06 03*, 10 03 17*, 10 08 12*, 17 03 01*, 17 03 03*
Tarmacadam 17 03 01*, 17 03 02
Tea 02 03 04
Telephones 16 02 14
Television sets 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Television tubes (scrap) 16 02 15*
Textile - finishing waste 04 01 09, 04 02 14*, 04 02 15
Textile fibres (processed) - animal 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Textile fibres (processed) - mixed 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Textile fibres (processed) - 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Textile fibres (processed) - 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Textile fibres (unprocessed) - 04 02 21
Textile fibres (unprocessed) - 04 02 21
Textile fibres (unprocessed) - 04 02 21
Textiles (oiled) 15 02 02*
Textiles - cotton 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Textiles - woollen 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Textiles not otherwise specified 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Thermosetting plastics 07 02 13
Thinner - paint 14 06 03*
Tiles (floor) - ceramic 10 12 08, 17 01 03, 17 01 06*, 19 12 09
Tiles (floor) - slate 10 12 08, 17 01 03, 17 01 06*, 19 12 09
Tiles (roof) - clay 10 12 08, 17 01 03, 17 01 06*, 19 12 09
Tiles (roof) - slate 10 12 08, 17 01 03, 17 01 06*, 19 12 09
Timber - treated 03 01 04*, 17 02 04*, 19 12 06*, 20 01 37*
Timber - untreated 03 01 05, 15 01 03, 17 02 01, 19 12 07, 20 01 38
Tin – scrap 17 04 06, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Tin compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*
Tin waste and scrap 17 04 06, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Tins - paint 15 01 02, 15 01 04, 15 01 10*
Tissue - human 18 01 02, 18 01 03*
Tissue - plant 02 01 03, 02 01 07, 20 02 01
Tissues 03 03 08, 15 01 01, 19 12 01, 20 01 01
Tissues and rags - contaminated 15 02 02*, 15 02 03
Titanium filter cake 06 11 01
Tobacco - processed 02 03 04
Tobacco - unprocessed 02 03 01, 02 03 04
Toilet - chemical waste 20 03 04
Toluene 14 06 03*, 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Toner cartridges 08 03 17*, 08 03 18
Toothbrushes - disposable 07 02 13, 20 01 39

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Top soil 02 04 01, 17 05 04, 20 02 02
Towels (paper) - used 15 02 02*, 15 02 03, 18 01 03*, 18 01 04, 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Toys 20 01 39, 20 01 40, 20 03 07
Transformers (with PCBs or PCTs) 16 02 09*
Transformers (without PCBs or 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Transformers with oil cooling 16 02 13*
Transition metal catalysts 16 08 01, 16 08 02*, 16 08 03
Trees 02 01 03, 02 01 07, 20 02 01
Tributyltin waste 03 02 03*
Trichlorethane 14 06 02*
Trichloroethylene 14 06 02*
Trichlorotrifluoroethylene 14 06 01*
Trimmings - hedge and tree 20 02 01
Trolleys - shopping 20 01 40
Tubes - fluorescent 20 01 21*
Tubes - fluorescent (crushed) 20 01 21*
Tubes - lighting 20 01 21*
Tubes - sodium vapour 16 02 13*
Tubes/lamps - mercury vapour 20 01 21*
Turpentine 14 06 03*
TVs 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Tyres - intact 16 01 03
Tyres - shredded 16 01 03, 19 12 04
UPVC cut-offs 17 02 03
Used stoma bags 18 01 03*, 18 01 04
UV curing inks 08 03 12*, 08 03 13, 20 01 27*, 20 01 28
Vacuum cleaners 16 02 14
Vanadium compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*
Vanadium pentoxide catalyst 16 08 02*

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Varnish 08 01 11*, 08 01 12, 08 01 17*, 08 01 18
Varnish - halogenated 08 01 11*, 08 01 17*
varnish remover 08 01 21*
Vegetable oil 19 08 09*, 20 01 25
Vegetable oil and water 19 08 09*, 20 01 25
Vegetable waste 02 01 03, 02 03 04, 20 01 08
Vegetation 02 01 03, 20 02 01
Vehicle brake shoes - asbestos 16 01 11*
Vehicle components 16 01 08*, 16 01 09*, 16 01 10*, 16 01 21*, 16 01 22
Vehicle parts 16 01 08*, 16 01 09*, 16 01 10*, 16 01 21*, 16 01 22
Vehicles - cars 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Vehicles - commercial 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Vehicles - lorries 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Vehicles - motor 16 01 04*, 16 01 06
Vermiculite 01 04 09, 17 05 04, 20 02 02
Vermin 18 02 02*, 18 02 03
Video tapes 20 01 39
Video recorders 16 02 14
Vinyl acetate 16 03 05*
Vinyl chloride resins 07 02 13, 17 02 03, 19 12 04
Visual display units 16 02 15*
Vitreous enamels 10 11 12, 17 02 02, 19 12 05, 20 01 02
Vitrified ash 19 04 02*
Washing machines 16 02 14
Washing waste - food 02 01 01, 02 02 01, 02 03 01, 02 04 01, 02 07 01
Washings - agrochemical 02 01 08*, 02 01 09, 15 01 10*, 16 07 09*
Waste from markets 20 03 02
Waste water treatment sludge 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 11*, 19 08 12
Water heater elements 17 04 01, 17 04 05
Water-based adhesives 08 04 10, 20 01 28

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Water/oil mixtures 10 02 11*, 10 03 27*, 10 04 09*, 10 05 08*, 10 06 09*, 10 07 07*, 10 08 19*, 13 04 01*, 13 04 02*, 13 04 03*,
13 05 02*, 13 05 07*, 16 07 08*, 19 08 09*, 19 08 10*, 19 11 03*
Wax - paraffin 20 01 26*
Wax - petroleum 16 03 06
Waxes and fats 12 01 12*
Weeds 02 01 03, 20 02 01
Welding waste 12 01 13
White spirit 14 06 03*
Windows (metal) 17 04 02, 17 04 07
Windscreens 16 01 20
Wire (galvanised coated) soft and 17 04 10*, 17 04 11
hard drawn
Wire (plastic coated) soft and hard 17 04 10*, 17 04 11
Wire - electrical 17 04 10*, 17 04 11
Wood 02 01 03, 02 01 07, 03 01 04*, 03 01 05, 03 03 01, 15 01 03, 17 02 01, 17 02 04*, 19 12 06*, 19 12 07, 20 01 37*,
20 01 38, 20 02 01
Wood cuttings 02 01 03, 02 01 07, 03 01 04*, 03 01 05, 03 03 01, 17 02 01, 17 02 04*, 19 12 06*, 19 12 07, 20 01 37*, 20 01 38,
20 02 01
Wood preservatives - 03 02 03*
Wooden containers - 15 01 03, 15 01 10*
Wool 04 02 22, 15 01 09, 19 12 08, 20 01 11
Wool grease 04 02 10
Wool scouring sludge 04 02 10, 04 02 19*
X-ray equipment 16 02 13*, 16 02 14
Xylene 14 06 03*, 16 05 06*, 16 05 08*
Yeast 02 06 01
Yoghurt 02 05 01
Zinc - scrap 11 05 01, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 17 04 04, 19 12 03, 20 01 40

SEPA waste thesaurus June 2015

Waste type EWC code(s)

Zinc ashes and residues 11 05 02
Zinc blast furnace slag 10 05 01
Zinc compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*, 10 11 11*
Zinc dross (thermal metallurgy) 10 05 10*, 10 05 11
Zinc slags 10 05 01
Zinc waste and scrap 11 05 01, 12 01 03, 12 01 04, 17 04 04, 19 12 03, 20 01 40
Zirconia 16 08 03
Zirconium compounds 06 03 13*, 06 03 15*, 06 04 05*


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