Unit 2 - Mini-Test 3: 1. A) B) C) D) E) 2. A) B) C) D) E) F) 3. A) B)

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Unit 2 – Mini-test 3

1. Choose the correct option.

a) Although / Therefore I went to the concert, I didn’t have a good time.

b) U2 are my favourite band so / in order to I went to their concert.

c) Music festivals are great. However / to, there are always too many people.

d) I had a very good mark in the test, in order to / therefore my parents let me go to the concert.

e) My friend Paul loves music. He’s never been to a concert though / so.

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Paul said the concert was very a) disappointing .
_____________________ He thought that the band’s
b) _____________________ didn’t meet his c) _____________________. In fact, most fans felt very
d) _____________________ and said they wouldn’t go to another concert. The media didn’t give
much e) _____________________ of the concert either. People attend concerts to be
f) _____________________ by their favourite singers or bands.

3. Fill in the gaps with the words/expressions on the right. One does note apply.

Rida is an American rapper and singer-songwriter. a) ___________________

Even though his real name is
Tramar Lacel Dillard, he chose this stage name b) _____________________ he was born in Florida.
His hit songs “Low”, and “Right Round” broke the record for digital download sales when they but
were released c) _____________________ he became well-known for both. He has built himself a even though
very successful solo career. d) _____________________, he has frequently collaborated with other in order to
artists. therefore
I like some of his songs, e) _____________________ my favourite is “Good Feeling”. This song was however
used in several campaigns f) _____________________ advertise holidays in Britain. because

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flo_Rida-adapted; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Feeling_(song)#Critical_reception
(abridged and adapted), accessed in February 2014

4. Choose the correct option.

a) Are you going to / Will you go attend Adele’s concert next week?

b) Maybe. I’m still trying / I’ll try to get permission from my parents.

c) We will buy / are going to buy the tickets this afternoon.

d) I’m not going to / I won’t buy mine yet.

e) I’m asking / I’ll ask them again.

f) Are you knowing / Will you know before we get the tickets?

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