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Tropical Environments, Human Activities, and the

Transmission of Infectious Diseases
Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia,
Missouri 65211

KEY WORDS host-pathogen interactions; tropical diseases; chol-

era; lymphatic filariasis; dracunculiasis

ABSTRACT Throughout recent history, the tropical regions of the world

have been affected more severely by infectious diseases than the temperate
world. Much of the success of infectious diseases in that region is due to both
biological and environmental factors that encourage high levels of biodiver-
sity in hosts, vectors, and pathogens, and social factors that compromise
efforts to control diseases. Several of these factors are described. Discussion
then shifts to specific types of host-pathogen relationships. The most impor-
tant of these in the tropics is the relationship between humans, a pathogen,
and a vector that carries the pathogen from one human to another. Mosqui-
toes are the vector responsible for the transmission of many vector-borne
human diseases. Characteristics of mosquito-human interactions are de-
scribed, including cultural behaviors humans have developed that both in-
crease the chances of transmission and help to limit that transmission. The
transmission of water-borne diseases, fecal-oral transmission, zoonotic dis-
eases, respiratory illnesses, and sexually transmitted diseases are also dis-
cussed. Attention is paid to how diseases with these modes of transmission
differ in characteristics and importance in tropical human populations com-
pared to those in temperate regions. Following this general discussion, three
case studies are presented in some detail. The diseases chosen for the case
studies include cholera, lymphatic filariasis, and dracunculiasis (guinea
worm). These three case studies taken together provide examples of the
diversity of human host-pathogen interactions as well as ways that human
activities have both promoted their spread and helped to control them. The
transmission of all three diseases is related to the nature and quality of water
sources. The transmission of cholera, a water-borne disease, is related to
sanitation practices, physical characteristics of the environment such as
temperature and humidity, and modern shipping practices. Lymphatic filar-
iasis, a mosquito-borne disease, has increased in frequency in parts of Africa
in recent decades as a consequence of large-scale agricultural development
projects that have shifted the nature and quantity of water sources and
potential mosquito breeding sites. Dracunculiasis is transmitted by a small
crustacean that contaminates sources of drinking water. Because its trans-
mission can be prevented by a simple change in human behavior, filtering all
water with a small piece of cloth before using it, dracunculiasis has been the
focus of a major eradication effort that is near success. Yrbk Phys Anthropol
43:3–31, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.




Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
The Nature of Equatorial Environments .............................................................................. 6
Host-Pathogen Relationships in the Tropics ........................................................................ 8
Vector-borne diseases .......................................................................................................... 8
Diseases related to contaminated water ......................................................................... 11
Fecal-oral transmission .................................................................................................... 12
Zoonoses ............................................................................................................................. 13
Respiratory illnesses ......................................................................................................... 13
Sexually transmitted diseases ......................................................................................... 14
Case Studies .......................................................................................................................... 16
The recurrent pandemics of cholera ................................................................................ 16
Agricultural development, water control, and lymphatic filariasis ............................. 20
Human behavioral change and the eradication of dracunculiasis (guinea worm) ....... 24
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 27
Literature Cited .................................................................................................................... 28

INTRODUCTION The potential for the evolution of new in-

fectious organisms is nowhere more appar-
The great medical advances made during
ent than in the tropical regions of the world,
the first several decades of the 20th century
where climatic conditions provide lush envi-
led many to believe that our war with infec-
ronments in which innumerable hosts of in-
tious diseases was largely over, and that
fectious organisms thrive. In addition to
attention could be shifted to determining
these ideal environmental conditions, many
causes, treatments, prevention, and cures
human activities in these regions, e.g., cut-
for chronic illnesses. This belief had some
ting down rain forest trees for timber or
justification in Western Europe and the building dams to support intensive agricul-
United States, but it was never warranted ture, have disturbed existing environments
for most parts of the world. Infectious dis- and provided opportunities for the evolution
eases cause around one third of all deaths of new species and strains of infectious dis-
and remain the leading cause of death in the eases.
world today (WHO, 1996b). Malaria, schis- Studies of host-pathogen interactions
tosomiasis, hookworm, filarial diseases, and have been a focus for ecologists, zoologists,
many other diseases have never been con- parasitologists, and other biologists for
trolled and have caused major health prob- some time, but bioanthropological studies of
lems throughout the tropical world for at human infectious diseases have been rela-
least the last several thousand years. Fur- tively rare. Recent reviews of the roles
thermore, new and re-emerging microor- biocultural anthropology has played in epi-
ganisms, such as HIV, Ebola virus, hanta- demiology include Barrett et al. (1998), Tro-
virus, and drug-resistant tuberculosis, have stle and Sommerfeld (1996), and Inhorn and
resulted in serious illness and death in peo- Brown (1990). Most bioanthropological
ple from many parts of the world who were studies in epidemiology follow the lead of
thought to be shielded from the ravages of Frederick Dunn, who was an early advocate
infectious diseases (PAHO, 1996; WHO, of including detailed observations of human
1996b). This experience has forced Western- behavior in studies of the epidemiology and
ers out of their complacency and led them to control of parasitic diseases (Dunn, 1972,
recognize that infectious organisms, with 1976, 1979). Jenkins and Howard (1992) as-
their short generation time and potential for serted that the role of anthropology is to
rapid evolution, pose a continual threat to apply direct anthropological observations to
all human groups. the study of disease risk factors, as opposed

to limiting studies to retrospective behav- common bioanthropological approaches to

ioral surveys, and a small number of studies studying infectious diseases, but there are
now do this. also a few studies that link other areas of
Jenkins et al. (1989) focused on specific biological anthropology to infectious dis-
cultural factors (e.g., local travel, feasting eases. For example, Shell-Duncan and
patterns, willingness to contact outsiders, Wood (1997) considered the relationship be-
personal hygiene, use of land) that contrib- tween the immune system, nutritional sta-
uted to differential exposure to and mortal- tus, and gastrointestinal and acute respira-
ity from infectious diseases among the Ha- tory infection. Williams-Blangero et al.
gahai of Papua New Guinea. They also (1995, 1997) studied the genetics of suscep-
considered archaeological and ethnohistoric tibility to helminth infections in Nepal (Wil-
evidence and combined their study of cul- liams-Blangero et al., 1995) and Zimbabwe
tural behaviors with serological tests aimed (Williams-Blangero et al., 1997). The Nepal
at identifying specific infectious diseases study also combined traditional epidemio-
that were recently prevalent in the popula- logical research to determine rates of hel-
tion (Jenkins et al., 1989). In their epidemi- minth infection with ethnographic methods
ological study of filariasis infection among to assess local attitudes about helminth
Hagahai foragers, Desowitz et al. (1993) ob- types, cause of infection, symptoms, and
served significant sex differences in preva- treatment (Williams-Blangero et al., 1998).
lence of the infection. They suggested an- In general, though, biological anthropolo-
thropological studies that could be done to gists have had a very limited impact on
test hypotheses about reasons for the ob- infectious disease studies. This is surpris-
served differences, but had not completed ing, given the fact that infectious diseases of
the anthropological research at the time of humans, by their very nature, involve both
publication. biological issues related to host, pathogen,
A number of researchers have studied the and vector survival and reproduction, and
role of cultural and social variables in the cultural issues relating to how humans
transmission and control of malaria. Coim- think about and deal with their pathogens.
bra (1988) looked at the timing of human Because biological anthropology generally
activities at both daily and seasonal scales involves substantial training in the biologi-
in relation to mosquito behavior, availabil- cal sciences as well as in anthropology, bio-
ity of breeding sites, forest clearing, road logical anthropologists are in a unique posi-
construction, and alterations in fauna as a tion to contribute original insights and
result of human activities (e.g., selective observations to studies of disease ecology.
pressures on mosquitoes and consequent be- The goal of this review is to elaborate on
havioral changes in the mosquitoes as a re- the nature of studies of disease ecology, with
sult of DDT spraying). He also discussed special attention paid to the roles anthropol-
cultural knowledge and attitudes about ma- ogy either has had or could have in this
laria. Nakazawa et al. (1998) combined the work. The first section will set the stage by
use of medical and entomological studies of describing the nature of equatorial environ-
malaria with detailed observations of hu- ments and the types of diseases commonly
man behaviors relevant to malaria trans- found in equatorial regions. The second sec-
mission, and with simulations of a mathe- tion focuses on different mechanisms that
matical model to test the effectiveness of infectious diseases have evolved to ensure
potential control mechanisms. Brown (1981) transmission between hosts. The transmis-
focused on the interactions between malaria sion of mosquito-borne, water-borne, respi-
and human activities in Sardinia. This ratory, fecal-oral, zoonotic, and sexually
study will be considered in more detail be- transmitted diseases is discussed, especially
low. with reference to the specific environmental
These kinds of studies, in which standard and cultural characteristics of tropical re-
epidemiological techniques are combined gions.
with detailed observations of human activi- The final section of the paper presents in
ties promoting transmission, are the most some detail case studies of three specific

diseases, cholera, lymphatic filariasis, and convection and tends to be of short duration,
dracunculiasis (guinea worm). The trans- high intensity, and patchy distribution. Dur-
mission of each of these diseases is closely ing tropical cloudbursts, water may be re-
tied to the use of water by human hosts and leased at a rate 40 times greater than in tem-
disease vectors (if any). Cholera has been perate regions. Consequently, in many areas
chosen both because of its historical impor- flooding occurs relatively frequently (Kellman
tance in the development of sanitation sys- and Tackaberry, 1997; Meggers, 1996).
tems and personal hygiene practices world- Satellite imagery and terrestrial surveys
wide, and because it is an ongoing problem indicate that about 90% of the soils in the
that appears to be tied to increasing world- tropics are lacking in one or more major
wide economic activities and environmental nutrients, and that nutrient-rich soils occur
shifts resulting from human activities. in small isolated patches (Meggers, 1996).
Lymphatic filariasis is included because it The absence of a dormant winter period lim-
has increased in prevalence as a conse- its soil rejuvenation, which is further af-
quence of agricultural development and as- fected by intense chemical weathering and
sociated environmental disruption. The dis- persistent deep percolation of water within
ease is especially common in parts of soils (Kellman and Tackaberry, 1997). Be-
Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria, where cause of the poor quality of the soils and
there have been large-scale water develop- high rates of leaching and erosion, there is
ment projects. Dracunculiasis has also in- strong selection in tropical environments for
creased in these countries. However, unlike organisms that can rapidly degrade organic
lymphatic filariasis, which has been main- materials and for plants that maximize use
taining a high rate of transmission and con- of available nutrients, often at the expense
tinues to be a major public health problem of the rapid growth and productivity that
in the region, dracunculiasis is projected to characterize weeds and many common do-
follow the path of smallpox and become the mesticated plants.
next eradicated infectious disease. These Meggers (1996) describes several studies
three case studies taken together provide documenting the extent of rain forest diver-
examples of the diversity of human host- sity. In one study, 23 genera of fungi were
pathogen interactions as well as ways that identified in a sample of 100 Brazil nuts. In
human activities have both promoted their a second study, researchers observed during
spread and helped to control them. the rainy season that more than 50% of leaf
litter decomposed within 30 days. Nutrients
in the leaves were transferred so efficiently
to plant roots by mycorrhizal fungi that up
Tropical forests account for just over half to 99.9% of the calcium and phosphorus was
of the world’s total forest area (World Re- recovered.
sources Institute, 1996). These forests form The diverse plant habitats in tropical rain
a continuum from moist evergreen forests to forests provide ecological niches for an
forests consisting largely of deciduous trees, equally diverse insect fauna that, together
with forest type depending primarily on the with flowers and fruits, allows for the sur-
amount and distribution of annual precipi- vival of numerous species of birds, amphib-
tation. The essential environmental condi- ians, reptiles, and mammals. In fact, a sin-
tions for evergreen moist tropical forests, gle tree may house 43 different species of
more commonly known as rain forests, are a ants (Meggers, 1996). This diversity of plant
hot moist tropical climate with humidity and animal species is common to nearly all
that varies from 80 –95%, an average an- microenvironments in tropical regions, but
nual temperature (20 –28°C) that remains it is not uniform across time and space.
relatively stable from day to day, and an- Rather, there is significant variation in en-
nual precipitation that exceeds 1,400 mm vironments and species composition, even
and is relatively evenly distributed through- at local scales, that makes it difficult to gen-
out the year (Borota, 1991). Most tropical eralize about the nature of tropical environ-
rainfall, however, is a consequence of air ments over large areas. Nonetheless, two

generalizations that seem to hold in nearly may survive the winter, transmission is
all areas are that soils are relatively poor slowed or interrupted seasonally, which re-
and biological diversity is great. This biolog- duces the overall impact of a disease.
ical diversity includes not only plants and Opportunities for the evolution and sur-
animals, but also microorganisms causing vival of infectious microorganisms in the
infectious diseases of humans. The numer- tropics are further enhanced by the charac-
ous microhabitats promote speciation, teristics of tropical human populations.
which can result in many closely related Around 60 countries, with a total population
species of hosts, vectors, and pathogens in- of over 2 billion persons, are situated en-
habiting a fairly small area. Because patho- tirely or partly within the humid tropics.
gens and vectors generally have very short These populations are growing rapidly, with
generation times, especially in comparison estimated natural population increases of
with larger mammalian hosts like humans, 1.1–3.8% per year, and many of them are
there is great potential for the evolution of also poor (the average 1991 per capita GNP
new pathogens and vectors. Even if these was slightly over $1,200 per year) (National
species are not originally adapted to human Research Council, 1993). A lack of economic
populations, their short generation times resources and increasing population make it
guarantee continued opportunities for the difficult to maintain standards of hygiene
evolution of new forms that may be able to and healthcare, and help to guarantee that
cross species boundaries and lead to human population densities are sufficient to sup-
infections. port infectious diseases at endemic levels.
For a variety of reasons, outbreaks of hu- Thus, both the natural and the human-
man disease in the tropics generally are made environments of the tropics increase
more common during the wet season than in the opportunities for the evolution and
the dry season. Disease vectors, like mos- maintenance of infectious diseases.
quitoes and flies, are more abundant during A number of common human diseases
the wet season. Many intestinal parasites that are now largely limited to the tropics
are transmitted by means of contaminated were once widely distributed throughout
water or soil, and exposure to these may be the world. For example, from the late eigh-
more likely during the wet season. People teenth through the middle of the nineteenth
may spend more time inside during the wet century virtually all residents of the Cana-
season, facilitating the transmission of re- dian province of Ontario suffered from ma-
spiratory infections. Nutritional status can laria (Roland, 1985). Charles Dickens
vary seasonally, and low nutritional levels (1844), in his novel Martin Chuzzlewit, viv-
often increase susceptibility to or severity of idly describes a disease that it almost cer-
infectious diseases (Scrimshaw and SanGio- tainly malaria:
vanni, 1997).
However, because of the high tempera- They found Martin in the house, lying wrapped up in his
blanket on the ground. He was, to all appearance, very
ture, humidity, and rainfall that character- ill indeed, and shook and shivered horribly: not as peo-
ize the tropics, most vectors are able to re- ple do from cold, but in a frightful kind of spasm or
produce effectively at all times of the year. convulsion, that racked his whole body. Mark’s friend
pronounced his disease an aggravated kind of fever,
This is one of the main reasons that vector- accompanied with ague; which was very common in
borne diseases are a much more serious those parts, and which he predicted would be worse
problem in the tropics: in temperate re- to-morrow, and for many more to-morrows. He had had
gions, the vectors often die out during the it himself off and on, he said, for a couple of years or so; but
he was thankful that, while so many he had known had
winter. Continued perseverance of vector- died about him, he had escaped with his life (Chapter 33).
borne microorganisms in temperate regions
usually involves the development of mecha- and the environment in which it was found,
nisms to survive through the winter, such appropriately named “Eden”:
as overwintering in dormant mosquitoes or
developing spores that survive in the At last they stopped. At Eden too. The waters of the
Deluge might have left it but a week before: so choked
ground and are impervious to harsh envi- with slime and matted growth was the hideous swamp
ronmental conditions. Although pathogens which bore that name (Chapter 23).

The causes of the extinction of malaria TABLE 1. Modes of transmission of human infectious
and other “tropical” diseases in temperate
regions are not fully understood, but Mode Examples
changes in standard of living are at least as Direct transmission
important as environmental and ecological Respiratory Measles, influenza, common
factors. There is little evidence of significant Fecal-oral Hepatitis A, rotavirus,
regional cooling in Ontario since 1840, and giardia
three species of anopheline mosquitoes ca- Sexual Gonorrhea, syphilis, genital
herpes, HIV
pable of transmitting malaria continue to be Direct physical contact Chicken pox, herpes
endemic in the region (Dowlatabadi, 1997). simplex, yaws
What seems to have been of greatest impor- Vertical (congenital) Syphilis, rubella, HIV
tance in stemming the transmission of ma- Indirect transmission
laria in North America is human activities, Vector-borne
such as draining Martin Chuzzlewit’s Mosquitoes Malaria, lymphatic
filariasis, yellow fever,
swamps, managing other sources of surface dengue fever
water, and active mosquito surveillance. Flies Onchocerciasis,
For this reason, an understanding of the trypanosomiasis,
transmission and distribution of infectious Ticks Lyme disease, Rocky
diseases in tropical regions must necessar- Mountain spotted fever
Fleas Bubonic plague, murine
ily involve an intertwining of both ecological typhus fever
and cultural factors. In addition, many of Lice Louse-borne typhus fever,
the characteristics of disease transmission trench fever
Other Chagas’ disease
systems are similar no matter the environ- Complex cycles Dracunculiasis,
ment, so the discussions below, while cen- schistosomiasis, hydatid
tered on diseases now found primarily in disease
the tropics, will address issues that are also Water-borne Cholera, hepatitis B,
of relevance to disease transmission in tem- dysentery
Food-borne Salmonellosis, tapeworm
perate regions. Soil-borne Hookworm, histoplasmosis,
Can occur as a consequence of both vaccinations and intrave-
nous drug use.
Human infectious diseases by their very
nature involve an interaction between at
least two organisms, humans and the patho- transmission from one primary host to an-
gen, and in many cases other organisms are other primary host (Table 1). Direct modes
involved as well. Pathogenic organisms use of transmission include respiratory, fecal-
many different strategies, called modes of oral, sexual, and congenital transmission,
transmission, to spread from one host to as well as transmission by direct physical
another. All organisms involved in disease contact. Major modes of indirect transmis-
transmission cycles have evolved mecha- sion include water-borne, food-borne, soil-
nisms to promote or inhibit transmission. borne, and vector-borne transmission, nee-
The wide variety of pathogens, vectors, and dle-sharing, and more complex life cycles
transmission modes involved and the cre- that involve several different hosts and vec-
ative intelligence of humans have all con- tors. The most important modes of trans-
tributed to the incredible diversity of strat- mission in the tropics are probably vector-
egies humans and their pathogens have borne, respiratory, fecal-oral, water-borne,
evolved in order to survive. and sexual, although diseases with all
Modes of transmission of human infec- modes of transmission commonly occur.
tious diseases can be divided into two basic
Vector-borne diseases
types: direct modes, whereby transmission
occurs directly from one primary host to an- In vector-borne transmission, a nonverte-
other, and indirect modes, whereby an in- brate host (most often an arthropod) either
termediate host or agent is needed to effect mechanically carries a pathogen from one

vertebrate host to another, or serves as a cant amount of time in association with hu-
secondary host in which the pathogen com- mans (such mosquitoes are called domestic),
pletes part of its life cycle. Mosquitoes, 3) whether they feed inside dwellings (endo-
ticks, fleas, lice, sandflies, midges, and philic) or outside (exophilic), and 4) whether
gnats are the most common vectors (Chin, they are nocturnal, diurnal, or active only at
2000). Many serious tropical diseases, in- dawn or dusk (crepuscular) (Beaver and
cluding malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, Jung, 1985). Anthropophilic species are re-
filariasis, onchocerciasis, and Chagas’ dis- sponsible for many of the most severe hu-
ease are transmitted by means of nonverte- man mosquito-borne diseases, including
brate vectors. malaria, urban yellow fever, dengue fever,
Mosquitoes are a more common vector and lymphatic filariasis, while zoophilic
than other arthropods, and although there species are usually involved in zoonoses of
are several other important disease-carry- humans, i.e., diseases which are native to
ing vectors, mosquitoes have received more other animals but which occasionally cause
attention than other vectors throughout hu- outbreaks of human illnesses.
man history. The clear relationship between The distribution and transmission of yel-
the prevalence of hemoglobin S and high low fever illustrates how a single disease
rates of malaria attests to the importance can take different forms depending on local
and long history of at least one mosquito- characteristics of either humans or their
borne disease during human evolution. As vectors. Yellow fever has two distinct modes
might be expected of such a long-standing of transmission: an urban mode that is
problem, humans have a complex interac- made possible by the bites of highly domes-
tion with mosquitoes that includes both tic populations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes,
modifications in daily activities and more and a sylvatic mode that is facilitated by the
long-term cultural adaptations, such as in- bite of several other species of mosquitoes.
novations in housing. In conjunction with The mosquitoes transmitting sylvan yellow
these human strategies, different mosquito fever tend to be zoophilic and exophilic, and
species have developed a variety of strate- are at most semidomesticated. Thus, this
gies to ensure that they get their next meal form of the disease usually occurs either
and consequently are able to reproduce. when humans have encroached on the envi-
A blood meal is usually necessary for a ronment of the mosquito and the natural
female mosquito to produce and lay eggs. animal host (usually a monkey species), or
This biological imperative, combined with when bands of monkeys take advantage of a
the sheer abundance of mosquitoes in the ready food source on human agricultural
environment, guarantees that mosquito lands. Either situation results in increased
bites will be common in any environment opportunities for human-mosquito interac-
where mosquitoes and humans coexist. tions, leading to disease transmission. On
Once the eggs are produced, the female mos- the other hand, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes,
quito must find a suitable location for laying which transmit the urban form of yellow
the eggs. This location is most often in or fever, prefer to breed in and around human
near a fresh water source, although some settlements in discarded containers that
species prefer brackish water (Beaver and collect small amounts of rainwater. They
Jung, 1985). The eggs hatch and release are very much at home in human communi-
larvae into the water, where they complete ties and are the main means of dengue fever
their life cycle and emerge as adult mosqui- transmission as well as urban yellow fever
toes. (Beaver and Jung, 1985).
A number of factors influence the relative Humans have devised many ways to deal
importance of a particular mosquito species with infectious diseases, and much of what
as a potential vector of human disease. is known about how culture influences the
These include 1) host preference and distribution and control of infectious dis-
whether the mosquitoes readily feed on hu- eases comes from studies of malaria. Brown
mans (anthropophilic) or on other animals (1981) centered his studies on human-mos-
(zoophilic), 2) whether they spend a signifi- quito-malaria interactions on the island of

Sardinia. Malaria in Sardinia, although aria, or good air) that may have reduced the
now extinct (Brown, 1998), was carried by a probability of malaria relapses.
sylvatic species of mosquito that preferred A number of other human activities have
to breed in fresh water rather than brackish helped to promote or prevent malaria trans-
water. The mosquitoes were found in all mission. For example, people may engage in
ecological zones of the island, including work, social, or sexual activities outside of
highland regions, but predominated in low houses during peak mosquito biting times
elevations with fresh water suitable for (Wood, 1979; Coimbra, 1988). Brazilian gold
breeding, and were most active at dawn and miners typically live in dwellings that have
dusk. Because Sardinia is temperate, not only plastic tarpaulin or palm frond roofs,
tropical, malaria transmission was sea- with no walls that control officers can spray
sonal. Furthermore, the geographic distri- to keep mosquitoes out. Consequently, the
bution of malaria on the island was highly miners are at risk for bites from malaria-
heterogeneous. Brown (1998) found that the carrying mosquitoes throughout the night
geographic distribution was explained in (Coimbra, 1988). Prothero (1965) mentioned
large part by two variables, elevation and that Sudanese traveled illegally across dry
settlement size. Because the mosquito was a or shallow river beds into Ethiopia to buy an
sylvatic species, the disease was more com- alcoholic liquor that was forbidden in their
mon in smaller, agricultural communities country. These trips were taken at times
and more common at lower elevations. The when mosquito activities were at a maxi-
effect of elevation was related to tempera- mum. Prothero (1965) also pointed out that
ture differences and the amount of standing in some areas there was unequal attention
to eradication procedures across political
water available to breeding mosquitoes.
boundaries, e.g., water tanks on one side of
Sardinian settlement patterns consisted
a political border were treated with insecti-
of highly nucleated communities situated at
cides, but less than 100 yards away on the
“high ground” locations. Furthermore, the
other side, tanks obviously available to the
agro-pastoralist Sardinians engaged in in-
same mosquitoes were not treated.
verse transhumance, where permanent set-
Agricultural activities have had an ongo-
tlements were situated in the highlands and
ing influence on the distribution of malaria,
flocks were taken to the lowlands for the primarily because they often result in new
winter. (In regular transhumance, perma- breeding opportunities for mosquitoes and
nent settlements are in the lowlands and bring susceptible humans into closer con-
flocks are taken to the highlands for the tact with those mosquitoes. Sometimes a
summer.) Although the ultimate cause of shift to different crops, such as rice, which
these patterns was traced to other factors, requires extensive irrigation, provides in-
these practices allowed the Sardinians to creased breeding sites and increased human
take advantage of the lowland resources at population densities. Severe epidemics be-
times when malaria was not a problem. The gan in Holland when land reclamation suf-
Sardinians also had cultural rules that lim- ficiently reduced water salinity to invite
ited the geographical mobility of particular mass mosquito production (Wood, 1979).
social groups and class-related behaviors It may seem like the majority of human
that limited malaria exposure for the activities increase malaria transmission,
landed elite. In particular, women had but in fact many human practices reduce
lower malaria prevalence as a consequence malaria transmission (Wood, 1979). For ex-
of cultural rules restricting their mobility ample, in many mosquito-infected parts of
outside of the settlements, and in some ar- the world the use of heavy clothing that
eas the elite shifted their residences during covers most of the body is routine. In some
peak malaria times. In addition, local places, domesticated animals are kept rela-
health-related behaviors were prescribed by tively near human habitations to draw mos-
a belief system (folk-medical theories of fe- quitoes to them rather than to humans (al-
ver causation and preventive medicine, es- though other diseases may become more of a
pecially in relation to the concept of buon problem because of that). Some practices,

such as clearing jungles and draining water sources. As Watts et al. (1998) pointed out,
sites, actually reduce the number of poten- it may be more tempting to use water from
tial mosquito breeding sites. In some re- a nearby standing pipe that is possibly con-
gions people build temporary living quar- taminated than to use a more protected
ters away from mosquitoes during peak source that is further away. Latrines may
seasons or build houses on stilts to limit be present in a community, but they may
exposure to mosquito species that live closer not be used (Jenkins and Howard, 1992);
to the ground (Laderman, 1975). Many peo- rather, defecation and urination may take
ples have discovered folk insecticides such place near ponds used as a source of drink-
as pyrethrum, which is derived from the ing water. Because of differences in activi-
chrysanthemum, or eucalyptus (Shipley, ties in and around water, water-related dis-
1908). In addition, one of the more widely eases may show differential prevalence
promoted practices is the use of bed nets rates in males and females or adults and
and screens on windows and doors to reduce children. Other behaviors that may affect
the amount of human-mosquito contact. the transmission of water-borne illnesses
include bathing for hygienic reasons and
Diseases related to contaminated water
laundering; swimming; ritual bathing; be-
Water-borne transmission is a much haviors to reduce contact with contami-
greater problem in tropical regions than in nated water, such as crossing streams on
temperate regions. The risk of transmission bridges or promoting the use of covered
itself is increased in large part because of wells; fishing; and washing and watering
the widespread occurrence of inadequate domesticated animals (Dunn, 1979; Mata,
water sanitation systems. The neglect of 1982).
these systems has led in some places to the The transmission of water-borne patho-
emergence of chlorine-resistant strains of gens has also been affected significantly by
cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis (Bradley, the construction of large-scale water control
1998). The tropical pattern of rainfall, with systems as a consequence of agricultural
its frequent heavy cloudbursts, exacerbates development. The creation of Lake Volta in
the problem of inadequate sanitation sys- Ghana increased the rate of transmission of
tems, because it can result in high volumes schistosomiasis, although because of differ-
of sewage-laden water flowing near dwell- ences in the secondary snail host, there was
ings and playing children. In addition, nu- an unexpected shift from the intestinal to
tritional deficiencies commonly interact the urinary form of the disease (Bradley,
with water-borne diarrheal diseases, lead- 1998). The Richard Toll irrigation project
ing to more severe disease outcomes (Chen near the mouth of the Senegal River
and Scrimshaw, 1983). Population pressure brought irrigation to new areas and ex-
in some parts of Africa has resulted in a panded it in others. This project resulted in
shift to a semirural way of life, where people an explosive outbreak of schistosomiasis,
live at high population densities while with an infection rate in one village of al-
maintaining small garden plots for subsis- most 100% in people over 5 years of age
tence. Because of the population density, (Stelma et al., 1993; Watts et al., 1998).
the plots may be so small that placing a well Environmental change may also affect
the recommended 30 m from a pit latrine the frequency of water-borne illnesses.
may place the latrine very close to a neigh- Many scientists believe that temperatures
bor’s well. So even if a household is protect- and humidity levels are rising worldwide,
ing itself from contaminated water, its well and that severe weather is becoming more
is likely to be contaminated by a neighbor- frequent and intense (Epstein, 1999). Heavy
ing household’s waste (Bradley, 1998). rates of rainfall associated with these changes
In parts of the world with no indoor lead to increased flooding, which increases
plumbing, multiple sources of water are of- risk of transmission of disease organisms
ten available, and the use of a particular carried in the water. Such flooding can also
source may depend on the purpose for the overwhelm not only the inadequate sanita-
water as well as the availability at different tion systems of the tropics, but also systems

in the developed world. Global warming and vegetable markets are held where this pro-
related environmental changes may also duce is brought from the (contaminated)
promote the growth of algae and associated fields and set out on cloths or directly on the
plankton blooms, which may significantly ground. Unless all produce is carefully
affect the distribution of one of the most washed before using it, which may be diffi-
common and feared water-borne diseases, cult in areas without running water, the
cholera (Colwell, 1996; Colwell and Huq, stage is set for disease spread by fecal-oral
1994; Mata, 1994). The epidemiology of transmission. Open sewers, which are still
cholera will be discussed in more detail be- common in many cities of the developing
low. world, also promote the transmission of
Fecal-oral transmission such diseases, especially because they are
often not deep enough to carry the rainwa-
Several diseases of public health impor- ter resulting from frequent tropical cloud-
tance, especially gastrointestinal illnesses bursts. Consequently, contaminated water
and some macroparasites, are spread by fe- often runs in the streets alongside people
cal-oral transmission. In these diseases, in- going about their daily business.
fectious agents are excreted in the feces of Deforestation and other environmental
humans or other animals. Water-borne changes may also influence the transmis-
transmission sometimes involves infectious sion of fecal-oral diseases or similar dis-
agents that originate in human feces, but in eases. Lilley et al. (1997) described factors
fecal-oral transmission, susceptible humans that may have led to an increase in hook-
come into direct contact with feces and (usu- worm transmission on the island of Ja-
ally) inadvertently introduce the infectious maica. Hookworm is not a fecal-oral disease,
organisms into their mouths, by which
because transmission occurs through direct
means they enter the body and cause ill-
skin contact rather than oral ingestion, but
ness. Diarrheal diseases, the vast majority
it is a consequence of contact with fecally
of which are spread through fecal-oral
contaminated soils, so that its transmission
transmission, are the second leading cause
is affected by most of the same factors as
of mortality among children under age 5
fecal-oral diseases. The Jamaica study sug-
worldwide, killing around 2 million each
year (WHO, 1998b). gested that increased hookworm prevalence
Because of the nature of most sanitation may have been favored by deforestation of
systems, the transmission of many fecal- the river’s watershed that caused the river
oral diseases is affected by the same kinds of channel to accumulate silt rapidly, so that it
factors as water-borne diseases. For exam- had to be constantly dredged. After major
ple, the location of latrines or defecating political upheavals in 1990, maintenance of
near water sources may provide ready op- the river channel was no longer possible, so
portunities for fecal-oral transmission. In that beginning in 1992 the river frequently
the latter case, the water-borne transmis- flooded the town they studied and surround-
sion would be facilitated by using contami- ing areas. This altered river drainage pat-
nated water, while fecal-oral transmission terns and turned much of the community
may occur by coming into physical contact into a delta. It may also have changed the
with feces near the water and may not be soil type, especially surface deposits, and
directly related to the water itself. increased the chances for the soil to remain
Several factors influencing fecal-oral moist, which increased the opportunities for
transmission are more important in tropical hookworm transmission. Although defores-
regions than in temperate regions. For ex- tation may not have been the only cause,
ample, a lack of adequate indoor plumbing Lilley et al. (1997) indicated that there were
may lead people to defecate near agricul- no other dramatic environmental changes.
tural fields. In addition to direct contact They also had reason to believe that the
with the feces themselves, contaminated changes they observed were not due to
soil may cling to agricultural products. In changes in the age structure of the popula-
most parts of the world, regular outdoor tion.

Zoonoses ronmental cycle leading to an unusually

mild and wet winter and spring has been
Zoonoses, diseases affecting humans but
implicated in the recent hantavirus out-
for which the primary host is an animal
break in the American Southwest; urban-
other than humans, are a much larger pro-
ization favoring the rodent host and increas-
portion of the infectious disease experience
ing exposure to the virus in homes has been
in the tropics than in temperate regions.
linked to outbreaks of Lassa fever; and the
Reasons for this include a relative lack of
development of water control systems has
living structures that are climate-controlled
increased the transmission of Rift Valley
and protected from the natural environ-
fever (Morse, 1995).
ment, more time spent in outside activities
A recent upsurge of monkeypox cases in
that can bring people into contact with ani-
the Democratic Republic of Congo has been
mal host populations, and a greater diver- related to a number of human activities. It
sity of potential animal host populations. is thought that the elimination of smallpox
Zoonoses are an important source of emerg- vaccinations increased the pool of people
ing human diseases, and the continued dis- who are susceptible to monkeypox, because
covery of new zoonoses indicates that the the smallpox vaccinations provided cross-
pool of zoonotic diseases is far from being immunity to the related monkeypox virus
exhausted (Morse, 1995). Recently discov- (Cohen, 1997). Civil war in the Congo may
ered zoonotic infections include Argentine also have contributed to the problem, be-
and Bolivian hemorrhagic fevers, bovine cause a growing threat of starvation may
spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow dis- have increased native hunting of squirrels,
ease), Ebola and Marburg viruses, hantavi- monkeys, and rats that are reservoirs for
ruses, Lassa fever, and Rift Valley fever. monkeypox. It is also possible that monkey-
It is nearly impossible to predict when or pox has evolved into a more virulent or more
where the next zoonotic disease of humans transmissible form (Cohen, 1997).
will emerge, or what its importance will be Because human-human transmission of
to humans both in the local region of emer- HIV is common and regular, this disease is
gence and on a global scale (Murphy, 1998). not considered a zoonosis. However, it is
One of the main factors influencing the thought to have originated as a zoonosis.
emergence of new zoonotic diseases is the This idea dates from the earliest days of the
short generation time and consequent po- epidemic, and recent new evidence provides
tential for evolutionary change in microor- more substantial support for the hypothe-
ganisms. This allows them to adapt rapidly sis. Hahn et al. (2000) derived molecular
to changing and diverse environments. phylogenies for the primate lentiviruses, in-
Many of the common animal host popula- cluding HIV-1 and HIV-2. Their evidence
tions, especially rodents, also have a very indicates that HIV-1 most likely arose as a
short generation time relative to humans, consequence of simian immunodeficiency
which provides abundant, ever-changing, (SIV) transmission from chimpanzees to hu-
and ready host populations in which new mans, with the most likely chimpanzee
diseases can survive. When these host pop- source being the West African Pan troglo-
ulations adapt to a life near human dwell- dytes troglodytes. HIV-2 appears to have re-
ings or when human activities, such as sulted from cross-transmission of SIV be-
hunting or mining, put people into contact tween sooty mangabeys and humans in
with the host populations, the stage is set West Africa.
for new pathogens to evolve ways to infect
humans. Respiratory illnesses
Recent studies have associated a number Most people associate diseases like ma-
of human behaviors directly with the emer- laria, yellow fever, or Ebola fever with the
gence of new zoonotic diseases. For exam- tropics, but tend to think of colds, influenza,
ple, changes in agricultural practices have and pneumonia as diseases primarily of
been associated with the emergence of Ar- temperate regions. However, relative to
gentine and Bolivian fevers; a natural envi- other infectious diseases, these diseases and

others spread through respiratory trans- ences, the tropical and temperate experi-
mission are nearly as common in the tropics ences with respiratory diseases are not as
as they are in temperate regions. In fact, different as the experiences with diseases
acute respiratory infections are the leading that are transmitted by other mechanisms.
cause of death worldwide among children
under age 5 and result in over 2 million Sexually transmitted diseases
deaths annually (WHO, 1998b).
Respiratory transmission can occur if in- Many of the most feared human diseases
fectious organisms are spread through the are spread through sexual contact, includ-
air when a person coughs, sneezes, or even ing HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and genital
breathes. However, it occurs only if a sus- herpes. Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
ceptible person is in close enough contact organisms usually require a warm, moist
with an infectious person to breathe in the environment for survival and do not live
infectious droplets released by the infec- long outside the human body. STDs, espe-
tious person. This happens much more eas- cially gonorrhea, have long been a cause of
ily when large numbers of humans live in significant levels of infertility and reduced
close association with one another on a reg- fecundity in tropical regions of Africa (Mc-
ular basis; hence, droplet transmission in- Falls and McFalls, 1984), and tropical re-
creased significantly in importance after hu- gions throughout the world have also been
mans settled down and began living in especially hard-hit by the HIV epidemic.
larger, more sedentary communities. In ad- The reasons for the severity of HIV and
dition to colds, influenza, and pneumonia, other STD epidemics in tropical regions are
many of the familiar childhood diseases, complex. Because of the nature of sexual
such as measles, mumps, and influenza, are transmission, social factors are of greatest
spread by this means. significance. Primary social factors include,
Some characteristics of tropical environ- for example, high rates of poverty, low sta-
ments that are less common in the temper- tus of women, recent social upheavals, in-
ate regions tend to promote respiratory creasing rural-urban migration, and inade-
transmission. For example, because resi- quate medical services (Quinn, 1995;
dents of most tropical countries tend to be Wasserheit, 1995). Increased levels of rural-
poorer than their counterparts in many urban migration in many parts of the world
temperate countries, there is much more have led to higher rates of unemployment
extensive use of public transportation, espe- and social disruption, which have, in turn,
cially busses and trains. These vehicles are resulted in an increasing number of young
often overcrowded and are used on long women entering the commercial sex trade
journeys from the home village to a market as a means of survival. In northern Thai-
center. The chances of escaping infection by land, agricultural modernization occurring
the cold virus being shed by one person in in the last three decades has favored the
the van is remote, indeed. employment of males over females. This
On the other hand, some characteristics process, and a culture that emphasizes the
of tropical environments may discourage re- economic responsibility of females to earn
spiratory transmission relative to opportu- household income, are thought to be the
nities in temperate regions. Residents of main factors responsible for the extensive
tropical regions may spend more time out- migration of young women to become com-
side, where infectious droplets are more mercial sex workers in the cities and resort
likely to diffuse into a larger volume of air. areas of Thailand (Wawer et al., 1996). Sim-
Also, housing for the majority of tropical ilar processes have been an influence on
residents is less likely to consist of a closed, rates of prostitution in parts of Africa and
climate-controlled air conditioning system elsewhere (Quinn, 1995). For a number of
and more likely to consist of open windows reasons, commercial sex workers have expe-
that will draw infected droplets out into the rienced high rates of many STDs, which are
environment and away from susceptible hu- passed on to their male customers, who then
mans. Because of these counteracting influ- take them back to their wives at home in

rural areas, who would otherwise be at low TABLE 2. Some features of tropical environments that
influence infectious disease transmission1
Biological factors have also influenced the Environmental or Mode(s) of
biological factors transmission most
spread of STDs. Some of the most important strongly affected2
include the presence of other circulating High ambient temperature Vector-borne, zoonotic
pathogens, which can reduce resistance and High humidity Vector-borne, zoonotic
Abundant rainfall with Vector-borne, water-
increase susceptibility to STDs (Clemetson frequent cloudbursts borne, fecal-oral,
et al., 1993; Holmberg et al., 1989; Holmes, zoonotic
1995; Kreiss et al., 1989; Plummer et al., Biodiversity in hosts and Vector-borne, zoonotic
1990; Quinn, 1996; Quinn and Fauci, 1998); Large number of STD
the development of antibiotic-resistant cocirculating pathogens
Little seasonality Vector-borne, zoonotic
strains as a consequence of inadequate Global warming Vector-borne, water-
healthcare or reluctance to continue with borne, fecal-oral,
long-term costly treatments; use of sexual zoonotic
Cultural or social factors Mode(s) of
practices, such as douching or genital muti- transmission most
lation, that may increase the probability of strongly affected
transmission (Kingsley et al., 1987; Sweet Household structure and Vector-borne, water-
facilities borne, fecal-oral,
et al., 1986; Wasserheit, 1995); or wide- zoonotic
spread malnutrition, which may lower im- Location of houses Vector-borne, water-
borne, fecal-oral,
mune system function and increase suscep- zoonotic
tibility. Genetic variability in the pathogens Agricultural activities Vector-borne, water-
themselves and their reproductive strate- borne, fecal-oral,
gies may also account for some of the vari- Deforestation Vector-borne, water-
ation in observed rates and patterns of borne, fecal-oral,
transmission of STDs worldwide (Ewald, zoonotic
Water control projects Vector-borne, water-
1994). borne, fecal-oral,
It is clear from the discussion above that zoonotic
Inadequate sanitation Water-borne, fecal-
microorganisms have developed a variety of oral, zoonotic
strategies to maintain transmission from Inadequate healthcare All
one host to another and guarantee their sur- Malnutrition All
Increased human Vector-borne, water-
vival through time. The success of these population density borne, zoonotic,
strategies is influenced both by biological respiratory
and environmental factors and by cultural Antibiotic or pesticide Vector-borne,
resistance respiratory, STD
and social factors (see Table 2). Some of Use of clothing Vector-borne, zoonotic
these strategies, like respiratory and sexual Timing of outside activities Vector-borne, zoonotic
Social disruption Zoonotic, STD
transmission, depend upon direct contact
between susceptible and infectious humans. This is not an exhaustive list. In addition, many of these
characteristics are also important in temperate environments.
Because of this, these modes of transmis- 2
Most of these factors have some influence on all types of dis-
sion tend to be most strongly affected by
social factors that bring humans together,
e.g., increased urbanization, use of mass survive in the environment in the absence of
transportation systems, or economic activi- direct human-human contact. Their trans-
ties. Other strategies, such as vector-borne mission tends to be less influenced by natu-
and zoonotic transmission, depend upon an- ral variation in the physical environment
other animal species to guarantee that the (e.g., temperature and humidity) than is the
transmission cycle will be maintained. The transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic
biological constraints of these other species diseases, but their spread tends to be
are usually such that both environmental strongly influenced by human activities that
and cultural factors heavily influence the alter the environment or that bring humans
probability of disease transmission and into closer contact with the natural environ-
maintenance. Water-borne and fecal-oral ment.
transmission do not usually require a sec- The diversity of interactions among hu-
ondary animal host or vector, but they can man hosts, their pathogens, and vectors or

alternate hosts of those pathogens guaran- practices that both aid in the spread of in-
tees that numerous factors influence the fectious diseases and help to control their
transmission of human infectious diseases. transmission, both in the past and in the
The long human generation time compared present. Cholera was one of the primary
to that of other species in the transmission stimuli for the development of adequate
cycle means that the most important of sanitation systems in 19th century Europe
these factors are culturally driven. None- and North America, systems that are still
theless, the essential human host-pathogen slowly making their way into the developing
interaction is biological. Consequently, the regions of the world. Most people are aware
study of infectious disease ecology in human of the ravages of cholera 100 years or more
populations is fundamentally a biocultural ago, but may not realize that it is an ongoing
endeavor, which is ideally suited to the in- problem in most parts of the world today.
terests and expertise of biological anthro- Increases in the prevalence of lymphatic fi-
pologists. lariasis are largely due to environmental
The most effective way to understand bi- disruption resulting from agricultural and
ological, cultural, and social factors impor- water control activities that stemmed origi-
tant to the transmission of human infec- nally from European colonialism and eco-
tious diseases is to discuss in depth the nomic expansion. Dracunculiasis has been
complex relationships between particular the target of a major world health initiative
pathogens, their human host, other species that has centered on its eradication. De-
involved in the disease cycle, and the social scription of the approach taken in this cam-
and environmental milieu within which dis- paign, which is nearing success, provides a
ease transmission occurs. For this reason, window into the ways local and global com-
the remainder of this review presents de- munities can work together to find ways to
tailed case studies of cholera, lymphatic fi- improve the health and well-being of hu-
lariasis, and dracunculiasis. mans worldwide.
CASE STUDIES The recurrent pandemics of cholera
Cholera, lymphatic filariasis, and dracun- Recent years have seen numerous articles
culiasis have been chosen as illustrations of in popular books, magazines, and news-
disease ecology for a number of reasons. papers about “new” and re-emerging infec-
First, they are all major problems in tropical tious diseases that are rapidly spreading
regions of the world, but have received little throughout the world (e.g., Garrett, 1994;
attention in the anthropological literature, Preston, 1994). While it may seem like this
and are likely to be unfamiliar to many is a late 20th century phenomenon, new dis-
readers. Second, the transmission of all eases have, in fact, been sources of terror
three of these diseases is strongly influ- throughout human history. Cholera was
enced by the nature of water use in an area, perhaps the most feared disease of all.
but their modes of transmission are differ- The term “cholera” was first noted in the
ent. Cholera is a water-borne infection that works of Hippocrates, and the disease itself
has a strong environmental component ap- is almost certainly an ancient human dis-
parently linked to global warming, predom- ease (Barua, 1992). It is a consequence of
inant ocean current patterns, and related infection with a bacillus, Vibrio cholerae,
factors. Lymphatic filariasis is a mosquito- and causes acute intestinal illness with wa-
borne disease whose transmission in west- tery, profuse diarrhea and rapid dehydra-
ern Africa has been linked directly to the tion, followed over half the time by death,
development and maintenance of water con- sometimes within a few hours of the first
trol systems. Dracunculiasis (or guinea symptoms (Chin, 2000). One of the distinc-
worm) is contracted by humans when they tive features of cholera is that it appears in
drink water contaminated with a small both a regular seasonal pattern in endemic
copepod that carries the worm. regions and in explosive outbreaks that may
A third reason to consider these diseases start simultaneously in several distant foci.
is that they can be used to illustrate human This temporal patterning suggests that en-

Fig. 1. Regions reporting cholera epidemics between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1998.
Sporadic cases were also reported from nearly all regions of the world (data sources: WHO, 1996a, 1997,
1998a, 1999).

vironmental factors may trigger the epi- The first cholera pandemic, which occurred
demic process (Glass et al., 1982; Kaper et between 1817 and 1823, had a more limited
al., 1995). In endemic regions, children un- geographic distribution than other epidem-
der age 10 experience the disease most fre- ics. It began in India and affected people in
quently, with a secondary peak in women of the Near East, southern Asia, and Japan,
childbearing age; in populations without and spread as a consequence of the Oman
prior exposure to the disease, all age groups War and the war between Persia and Tur-
are affected equally (Glass and Black, 1982; key.
Glass et al., 1982; Holmberg et al., 1984; The second pandemic (1829 –1851) proba-
Kaper et al., 1995). Antibiotic resistance has bly also originated in India, but may have
been observed and fluctuates from year to begun in Russia. It spread throughout Asia,
year, perhaps due to clonal diversity among the Near East, the Arabian Peninsula, Eu-
strains (Faruque et al., 1998). rope, and North America. Moscow was espe-
Some researchers believe cholera was cially hard hit, and John Snow’s famous
sporadically present in Europe during an- Broad Street pump incident occurred during
cient times, but there is no general agree- London’s experience with the second pan-
ment that it existed in Western Europe un- demic.1 Intravenous fluid therapy, which is
til the early 1830s. Beginning in 1817, there used to replace the substantial amount of
have been seven great pandemics of the dis- fluids lost in the severe diarrhea of the dis-
ease. The first pandemic was largely limited ease, was also recognized as an effective
to southern and western Asia and eastern
Africa; pandemics 2– 6 were found world-
wide; the most recent pandemic has been John Snow was the first person to clearly demonstrate the
role of contaminated water in the transmission of cholera. He
limited to developing regions of the world, conducted a landmark field study where he plotted all deaths
from cholera in a large part of London, along with the primary
especially southern Asia, Africa, and South water sources for the region. Two different companies supplied
America (Barua, 1992). The geographic dis- water, with distributions that overlapped in an area that in-
cluded the Broad Street pump. Snow was able to conclusively
tribution of this disease during the last 5 trace the cholera to contaminated water coming from one com-
years is shown in Figure 1. pany and, in particular, to the Broad Street pump itself. He then
convinced the authorities to remove the handle of the pump
Characteristics of the major pandemics (Barua, 1992; Longmate, 1966; Snow, 1965). The epidemic ended
were reviewed by Barua (1992), Speck soon after, but since the epidemic was waning anyway by that
time, the removal of the pump handle probably did not have a
(1993), Lacey (1995), and Colwell (1996). major influence (Brody et al., 1999).

treatment during this pandemic (Lacey, rica, which had been cholera-free for a cen-
1995). tury. Significant numbers of new cases have
The third pandemic (1852–1859) peaked continued to occur in Africa since that time,
between 1853 and 1854 and was rampant in but there is little indication that the West
Persia, Mesopotamia, Northern Europe, African cholera crossed the Atlantic. In
North America, the West Indies, and Colom- 1991 cholera returned to South America,
bia. Global spread was aided by the move- Central America, and Mexico after an ab-
ment of French soldiers during the Crimean sence of over 100 years. The disease entered
War, and the third pandemic ultimately the continent along the Pacific coast rather
spread throughout Asia and Africa as well. the Atlantic coast, which would have been
It was during this pandemic that the caus- expected given recent disease foci in Africa
ative organism, Vibrio cholerae, was identi- (Kaper et al., 1995).
fied. Notifications of cholera cases continue to
An outbreak of cholera during the yearly come from all parts of the developing world,
pilgrimage to Mecca in 1865 was a major with most recent cases caused by the El Tor
cause of the fourth pandemic (1863–1879). subtype associated with the seventh pan-
About 30% of the estimated 90,000 pilgrims demic (Fig. 1).2
died from the disease, and the remaining Because the spread of the disease is
survivors efficiently and rapidly carried it linked to transoceanic shipping and the poor
back to their homes in Europe and Africa. sanitation levels found in much of the devel-
Wars in Germany, Austria, and Italy fur- oping world, authorities fully expected the
ther aided in the spread of the disease. The seventh pandemic to spread quickly to
epidemic also reached the United States in South America. However, as this did not
the fall of 1865, but the widespread epi- occur until 1991, some 20 years after the
demic was delayed until the spring of 1866. end of the second phase of the epidemic, the
Mecca was also the site of the beginning of South American epidemic is presented as a
the fifth pandemic (1881–1896) and the textbook example of a re-emerging disease.
sixth pandemic (1899 –1923). Both of these In fact, according to Gangarosa and Tauxe
epidemics spread throughout most of the (1992), the Latin American epidemic “re-
rest of the world, but the Western Hemi- sembles the great urban epidemics of 19th
sphere was affected much less than in pre- century Europe and the United States, and
vious epidemics. is spreading with late 20th century velocity”
Between 1926 and 1960 the world was because of the advent of modern means of
largely free of epidemic cholera, although transportation such as intercontinental air
endemic foci remained. During this time, travel.
the ability to treat cases of the disease im- The major mode of transmission of chol-
proved dramatically, with the result that era is through contaminated water supplies,
mortality rates declined significantly. Then, but it can be spread several other ways, the
beginning in 1961, the seventh pandemic most important of which is through contam-
arrived on the scene. Most researchers be- inated foods (Glass and Black, 1992). As
lieve that the seventh pandemic is still oc- Colwell (1996) aptly expressed, the “history
curring, and in addition, in 1992 a new of cholera reveals a remarkably strong as-
strain of cholera, V. cholerae O139 Bengal, sociation with the sea,” with worldwide pat-
was identified, leading some researchers to terns of disease spread always following
declare the beginning of an eighth pan-
demic. However, as of August 1999, cases of
the new cholera strain were still confined to 2
Notifications and interesting comments on a myriad of infec-
Southeast Asia and had not reached pan- tious diseases, not only in humans, but in plants and animals as
well, are posted to an e-mail digest on a regular basis. The e-mail
demic status (WHO, 1999). digest is called ProMED-mail and is sponsored by the Program
The seventh pandemic originated in Asia for Monitoring Emerging Diseases of the International Society of
Infectious Diseases. For more information, visit their web site at
in 1961 and initially spread to the USSR Other sources for recent information on
and Iraq. In 1970 an explosive outbreak oc- infectious disease outbreaks worldwide include the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control ( and the World Health Orga-
curred in the Middle East and in West Af- nization (

patterns of human mobility, especially balance of marine ecosystems; overharvest-

along ocean and river shipping routes, but ing of fish and shellfish, which can reinforce
also in association with pilgrimages, wars, algal growth; and the loss of wetlands and
and other activities (Barua, 1992; Colwell, ocean habitats (Epstein et al., 1993).
1996; Glass and Black, 1992). Europeans In order to determine more definitively
realized very early in their experience with how V. cholerae survives and is maintained
the disease that it was associated with wa- in the environment, between 1987–1990
ter from public waterworks and possibly Colwell (1996) conducted an extensive envi-
also with contaminated waterways (Polli- ronmental study in Bangladesh. Results
tzer, 1959). This recognition influenced san- showed that the abundance of cholera was
itary reforms in 19th century Europe, al- related to the abundance of copepods in sea-
though many researchers believe that the water. Studies of survival of the cholera bac-
impact of cholera itself was actually less terium in seawater also indicated that it
than that of other diseases, such as tuber- was capable of surviving in a culturable
culosis or typhus (Evans, 1992; Morris, state for a relatively long period of time,
1976; Pelling, 1978; Rosenberg, 1965). which would allow it to be carried by ocean
The adoption of indoor plumbing and sew- currents over very long distances (Munro
age control systems originated in these 19th and Colwell, 1996). In poorer conditions it
century reforms and has proved an effective appears the bacterium can enter a viable
means of controlling not only cholera, but but nonculturable state that can allow it to
other water-borne diseases in the developed be transported in nutrient-poor seawater
world. Cholera disappeared from Europe af- and in association with plankton for several
ter 1925, except for an epidemic in Spain months and over thousands of kilometers
and Portugal in the 1960s and sporadically (Shiba et al., 1995). Similarly, within a par-
occurring cases. However, the developing ticular geographic location the organism
(largely tropical) world lacks the socioeco- can persist for many years, which may ex-
nomic base of the developed (largely tem- plain the reappearance of the disease after a
perate) world, and sanitation facilities are long period of quiescence or apparent ab-
often still inadequate in those regions. Be- sence (Colwell, 1996).
cause of this, cholera is now primarily a In addition to environmental characteris-
tropical disease that is usually found else- tics that can stimulate the reappearance of
where only in association with natural di- cholera in an area, a number of human be-
sasters that destroy or disrupt local sanita- havioral risk factors have been shown to be
tion facilities. of importance in the epidemiology of chol-
Ballast discharge from a ship in Lima, era. A study in Burundi indicated that bath-
Peru has been blamed for seeding the South ing in and drinking water from Lake Tan-
American continent with cholera bacteria. ganyika was significantly associated with
However, more recent research on the biol- illness. Furthermore, an observed increase
ogy of the bacteria has shown that it can in the risk of becoming ill with increasing
attach to plankton or algae and enter a state time spent in the lake indicated that there
of dormancy until climatic conditions allow was at least a moderate dose-response rela-
it to revert to an infective form. There is a tion. The type of drinking water storage de-
growing opinion among scientists that chol- vice was also associated with increased chol-
era epidemics most often begin when plank- era risk (Birmingham et al., 1997). In
ton blooms triggered by a climatic event Ecuador, drinking unboiled water, drinking
lead to the release of cholera into the envi- a beverage from a street vendor, eating raw
ronment. El Niño is thought to be the trig- seafood, and eating cooked crab were asso-
ger event for the South American epidemic ciated with illness from cholera, while al-
(Colwell, 1996; Colwell and Huq, 1994; ways boiling water at home, and the pres-
Mata, 1994). Aside from such environmen- ence of soap in either the kitchen or
tal events, other factors thought to be im- bathroom at home, were protective against
portant in the timing of cholera outbreaks cholera (Weber et al., 1994). A study of chol-
include water pollution, which can upset the era transmission in Matlab, Bangladesh

suggested that sharing a latrine with other been taught to use finely woven sari mate-
households and living in flood-controlled ar- rial to filter the water, which has been
eas increased the risk of hospitalization due shown to reduce the number of bacteria in
to cholera, while use of tubewell water, the water and may, as a result, reduce the
defecation in places other than latrines, number of cholera cases (Colwell, 1996).
shellfish consumption, breastfeeding, and Blake et al. (1977) found that a common
malnutrition were not associated with in- Amazonian practice of adding citrus juice to
creased risk of cholera (Emch, 1999). Koo et water to improve its taste protected from
al. (1996) found that food and beverages cholera because the acid in the fruit killed
sold by street vendors, leftover rice, and un- the cholera bacteria. Other protective prac-
washed fruits and vegetables were impor- tices include treating water at home by boil-
tant sources of cholera transmission. ing it or by adding chlorine to it, using
The seventh cholera pandemic has resulted small-mouthed vessels to store water, pour-
in a huge number of cases. In 1991 alone there ing water out of the storage container rather
were over 570,000 cases and nearly 17,000 than scooping it out with a cup, and using
deaths worldwide, with 391,171 (68%) of the hand soap (Tauxe et al., 1999).
cases and 3,871 (23%) of the deaths occurring In addition, health authorities now have
in Latin America (Gangarosa and Tauxe, an effective means of treatment, oral rehy-
1992). About 222,000 cases were reported to dration therapy (ORT), available and acces-
the World Health Organization in 1999, with sible in all but the most remote territories
193,000 reported from Africa, 22,000 cases (Tauxe and Blake, 1992). As a consequence
reported from Asia, 7,000 reported from the of these government actions and policies,
Americas, and fewer than 20 reported from mortality from cholera is largely a thing of
the rest of the world (WHO, 2000a). However, the past, although as Glass and Black
in comparison to the 50% mortality commonly (1992) point out, scientists do not yet have
observed in pre-20th century epidemics, the enough epidemiological understanding to
case-fatality rates have been relatively low: contain the disease and prevent its emer-
less than 1% in South America to around 20% gence and spread.
in parts of Africa, with a worldwide mean of
around 4.5% (WHO, 1998a). The reason for Agricultural development, water control,
this has much to do with the influence of and lymphatic filariasis
government policies on the spread of in-
fectious diseases. Because so much was al- Agriculture has long been a common
ready known about the epidemiology of cause of human environmental change
cholera, the countries of South America had and has had far-reaching consequences for
20 years to prepare for its arrival. With the human-pathogen interactions. During the
aid of local governments, the Pan American latter half of the 20th century, small-scale
Health Organization (PAHO), the Interna- agriculture gave way to large-scale agricul-
tional Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the tural development projects in many parts of
World Health Organization (WHO), efforts the tropics. The goal of many of these
were made to guarantee adequate levels of projects was and is to increase agricultural
surveillance, training of healthcare work- productivity and the development of cash
ers, laboratory capacity for confirmation of crops, a process which often involves envi-
cases, methods for disinfecting water and ronmental degradation and alteration of
foods, and proper disposal of human waste preexisting ecosystems. These changes in
(Gangarosa and Tauxe, 1992; Mata, 1994; the ecosystem can have a significant in-
PAHO, 1994). fluence on the types of infectious diseases
Authorities have worked with local resi- present, as well as on their spread and
dents to find culturally appropriate preven- maintenance. The remainder of this section
tive measures. For example, during yearly will illustrate how the development of large-
floods in Bangladesh, it can be impossible to scale water control facilities in Ghana, West
build a fire to boil water to prevent the Africa has influenced the transmission of a
spread of cholera. However, people have parasitic infection, lymphatic filariasis.

Fig. 2. Global distribution of lyphatic filariasis in 1999. Darker regions are endemic areas; endemicity
in lighter regions is uncertain (data source: WHO, 2000b).

Lymphatic filariasis occurs as a conse- Females periodically release microfilariae

quence of infection with a specific group of into the bloodstream, where they can live
parasitic nematodes, the filarial worms. As for up to 12 months if not ingested by a
of 1984, the World Health Organization es- mosquito (Grove, 1983; WHO, 1987).
timated a prevalence of 90.2 million cases Three helminth species can cause lym-
worldwide and 905 million people at risk for phatic filariasis: Wucheria bancrofti, Brugia
infection in the endemic zones of Asia, Af- malayi, and Brugia timor (Routh and Bhow-
rica, and Central and South America (WHO, mik, 1994). Bancroftian filariasis, caused by
1984) (Fig. 2). The disease tends to be over- Wucheria bancrofti, is the most widespread
looked in Africa, even though the continent human lymphatic filarial infection. It is
has about 25 million cases (Hunter, 1992). widespread throughout the tropical regions
Filarial worms are transmitted by mos- of Asia, especially in India, and is also com-
quitoes, which serve as the intermediate mon in local areas in Africa, Madagascar,
host for the microfilarial form of the para- northern South America, parts of Central
site. Microfilariae enter a female mosquito America, some of the Caribbean islands,
when she takes a blood meal from an in- and many Pacific islands. The other two
fected human. Depending especially on the filarial species have a more restricted distri-
ambient temperature, over the next 10 –14 bution that is limited to parts of Asia (WHO,
days, the parasite progresses through three 1987) (Fig. 2).
larval stages until it reaches an infectious W. bancrofti exists in both a rural and an
stage and migrates to the proboscis of a urban type, and both of these forms are
female mosquito. The infectious larvae en- usually nocturnally periodic. This helminth
ter a human’s skin when bitten by the in- species shows marked peaks of microfilarial
fected mosquito and move into the lym- density in human blood during the night
phatic system, where they migrate into the hours, with peak density occurring around
vicinity of draining lymph nodes. Over the midnight. Patients infected with W. ban-
next 9 months the larvae go through one crofti in the South Pacific often show diur-
more larval stage and finally mature into nal subperiodicity, where the circulating
thread-like adult worms that are 5–10 cm levels of microfilariae are greatest during
long. Both male and female adult worms the day. Other parasite species are noctur-
live in the lymph channels for 5–10 years. nally subperiodic, with circulating levels of

microfilariae greatest at night (Grove, 1983; or the breast. These swellings are usually
WHO, 1987). The main distinction between not painful and may be combined with
periodic and subperiodic forms is that peri- thickening of the skin, which has earned the
odic forms are barely present in the blood at chronic stage of lymphatic filariasis the col-
nonpeak times, while subperiodic forms are orful name of elephantiasis (WHO, 1987).
present at all times but occur at higher den- Because lymphatic filariasis is a mosqui-
sities during peak times. to-borne disease, its distribution has been
Urban W. bancrofti is transmitted mainly strongly affected by water control projects
by the mosquito species, Culex quinquefas- that have influenced the availability of
ciatus, in tropical regions and by Culex pipi- breeding sites for mosquitoes. Several spe-
ens pallens and Culex pipiens molestus in cies of mosquitoes are involved in trans-
subtropical regions. Rural W. bancrofti is mission of the disease in different parts of
transmitted by several species of Anopheles Africa, but although mosquitoes are ubiqui-
mosquito, occasionally by Aedes species, and tous in the tropics, the disease generally is
rarely by Mansonia uniformis. C. quinque- found only in scattered endemic foci that are
fasciatus mosquitoes breed in polluted wa- subject to local influences (Hunter, 1992).
ters, drains, pit latrines, and similar water In their study of filariasis in Ghana, Hunter
sources (WHO, 1987). They tend to bite at et al. (1982) fount that improvements in the
night and live in or near houses (Grove, water control system stemming from agricul-
1983). Anopheles gambiae, another common tural development projects occurred at three
filariasis vector, breeds in a wide variety of levels: the construction of large-scale dams to
water bodies, mostly rests indoors, and bites provide hydroelectric power, the construction
either indoors or outdoors at night (WHO, of smaller impoundments used for more local-
1987). The time of peak biting activity of ized agricultural and pastoral activities, and
these mosquitoes is closely linked to the the development of irrigation systems. All of
time of peak levels of circulating microfi- these projects can result in several types of
lariae in human blood (Grove, 1983; WHO, ecological disturbance. For example, forests
1987), which indicates how closely host, vec- are destroyed when lakes are formed behind
tor, and pathogen biologies can be related. dams and the speed of the water in the
The clinical course of lymphatic filariasis dammed river is changed. This leads to
is divided into asymptomatic, acute, and changes in the rate of erosion and promotes
chronic stages, but there is some variability the development of pools of standing water,
in disease manifestations within a region. which provide new breeding grounds for infec-
During the asymptomatic stage, microfi- tious disease-carrying vectors, such as mos-
lariae are present in the blood but produce quitoes or flies (Brinkmann, 1994; Hunter et
no clinical symptoms. This stage varies in al., 1982; Service, 1989). The establishment of
length from a short time to several years. rice plantations in Africa has led to increasing
The acute stage, which lasts from several numbers of anopheline mosquitoes (Grove,
days to 4 – 6 weeks, consists of recurrent 1983; WHO, 1974).
fevers associated with inflamed lymph In addition to ecological disturbances, wa-
nodes and lymph vessels. Each attack lasts ter control projects can also lead to economic
for several days and then subsides sponta- and social disruption. Residents of areas to
neously. Occasionally the acute stage can be flooded following construction of a dam
lead to continued inflammation of the lymph must be resettled. This resettlement may
vessels and formation of abscesses that can bring together people from different social,
ulcerate and lead to scarring. The chronic religious, or ethnic backgrounds, leading to
stage usually develops only in individuals less social cohesion than in the original set-
over age 15 and only occurs in a small pro- tlements (Service, 1989). Residents of such
portion of infections. The most obvious man- communities may be unable or unwilling to
ifestations of the chronic stage of the dis- maintain communal latrines and other san-
ease are hydrocele and swelling of the testes itary facilities, which may promote the
and marked swellings of the entire lower transmission of filariasis and other water-
limb, the scrotum, the entire arm, the vulva, influenced infectious diseases (Derban,

1975; Service, 1989). An influx of migrants ing, and soil conservation. The purpose of
coming to work on the development project the overall development project was to pro-
itself may aggravate local conditions, caus- vide year-round food production to help pre-
ing housing shortages, overcrowding, or ris- vent periodic periods of food shortage, to
ing costs of living (Hunter et al., 1982), improve nutrition, to increase the health of
which may create additional difficulties con- livestock, and to create dry season cash in-
trolling infectious diseases. Furthermore, comes through crop sales. They led to in-
migrants may not have been exposed previ- creased availability of food, improvement of
ously to filariasis or other indigenous infec- the physical environment because of easier
tious diseases and may bring new diseases access to water, a regular flow of income
into the region, further increasing the from cash crops, and other positive out-
chances of disease spread within communi- comes. However, there were also significant
ties. and serious negative consequences of the
The negative consequences of agricultural development activities.
development tend to receive the most notice, The dams were constructed without any
but positive consequences of the projects are measures for the protection of human
also observed. As Brinkmann (1994) noted, health, and after 25–30 years many of them
economic growth is often necessary to con- were in moderate or serious disrepair. Even
trol, prevent, and cure infectious diseases. when they were nonfunctional, they still
Funds must be made available for treat- provided habitats for snails (which carry
ment of the ill and maintenance of sanita- schistosomiasis, another prevalent disease)
tion systems, and massive education cam- and mosquitoes (Hunter, 1992).
paigns must often be mounted to ensure The health consequences of the develop-
success in control efforts. The development ment projects were significant. Hunter
projects themselves may provide the local (1992) was able to show that the closer a
economic prosperity necessary to provide house was to the main canals, the greater
the funds. Also, development projects gen- the frequency of filarial disease. This in-
erally require the establishment of an ade- crease in disease was due to the greater
quate road and transportation system, intensity of mosquito biting near the water.
which increases the ease with which social Many residents complained that the num-
services can be provided. ber of mosquitoes was so high that it was
Hunter (1992) reviewed the impact of wa- impossible to sleep outside, even during the
ter control projects on the spread of lym- dry season (Hunter, 1992). The projects
phatic filariasis in northeast Ghana. He rec- themselves were not necessarily the source
ognized four levels of disease within the of filariasis to the area; in some areas the
study region: 1) nine chiefdoms with no re- disease was present long before irrigation
ported cases, 2) 24 chiefdoms where infec- was available, but problems with the main-
tion was reported, but was not perceived to tenance of dams and irrigation systems ex-
be a public health problem, 3) eight chief- acerbated existing problems.
doms in which there was elevated disease The development projects were an impor-
transmission, and 4) two localized hot spots. tant factor involved in the increased prob-
All level 3 chiefdoms were recipients of for- lems with lymphatic filariasis, but there
eign assistance in the form of agricultural were other important players as well. These
development projects, which usually con- included the Ministry of Health, who tended
sisted of the construction of small village to ignore the disease, as well as the victims
dams. The two hot spots were associated themselves, who tended to passively accept
with two irrigation schemes involving 16 their lot. This passivity was due to both a
villages. perceived lack of effective treatments, ei-
The village dams, built between 1958 – ther from Western medical clinics or from
1962 and generally of multipurpose clay- traditional healers, and a general accep-
core construction, were used to provide a tance of people with the disease by the com-
community water supply, livestock water- munity (Gyapong et al., 1996; Hunter,
ing, fishing, dry season vegetable garden- 1992). Local political leaders, who had some

Fig. 3. Progress toward eradication of dracunculiasis. Darkest areas remain endemic at present;
medium areas were endemic in the 1980s but have now been certified free of the disease; lightest areas
became disease-free in the 1970s (data sources: Muller, 1971; Watts, 1998b).

knowledge of the political process and some (also called guinea worm).3 The global cam-
hope of being heard but did nothing, and paign to eradicate this disease began with a
international funding organizations, who declaration by the United States Centers for
should have been addressing health issues Disease Control that the 1980s would be the
during the development process, also International Drinking Water Supply and
shared part of the responsibility (Stock, Sanitation Decade. In 1981, the steering
1992). committee for this program included dra-
cunculiasis eradication as part of a broader
Human behavioral change and the effort to bring safe drinking water to all
eradication of dracunculiasis people. In 1986, the World Health Assembly
adopted a resolution to make dracunculiasis
(guinea worm)
the first disease after smallpox to be tar-
The life cycles and host-parasite interac- geted for eradication (Hopkins et al., 1993).
tions of most parasitic diseases, including The original target date for eradication was
lymphatic filariasis, are so complex that 1995, but the eradication campaign has not
public health authorities must focus pri- yet been successful, although there have
marily on control of the diseases, thus re- been marked reductions in the prevalence of
ducing the incidence to a point where the the disease.
disease is no longer a public health problem. The shrinking distribution of dracuncu-
This strategy differs fundamentally from liasis is illustrated in Figure 3. Prior to 1920
strategies used for many bacterial and viral the disease was endemic in large parts of
diseases such as smallpox or measles, where equatorial Africa, the Arabian Peninsula,
the goal is eradication of the disease, i.e., the Middle East, and southern Asia, and it
eliminating the organism that causes the was also found in local foci in the Caribbean,
disease (Hopkins and Ruiz-Tiben, 1991). South America, the East Indies, and Russia.
According to the World Health Organiza-
tion (1996b), only one parasitic disease
stands a reasonable chance of being eradi- Some bacterial and viral diseases have also been targeted for
elimination in the near future, including measles and polio
cated in the near future, i.e., dracunculiasis (WHO, 1996b).

By the 1970s, the disease had died out in all ending up in various abdominal tissues,
regions with local foci and became more where they reproduce sexually. Male worms
patchily distributed in eastern Africa, the die and remain in the host, sometimes be-
Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East, and coming calcified and preserved, while the
Asia outside of India and Pakistan (Muller, fertilized female continues to grow and may
1971). In 1982 there were 5–10 million cases contain one million embryos per 30 cm of
of dracunculiasis distributed throughout her body. As the embryos begin to mature,
sub-Saharan Africa, in the Arabian Penin- the female travels through the body and
sula, and in India. By 1995 there were only usually ends up in the lower legs or feet.
around 115,000 cases recorded, and all but Once in position, the female worm secretes a
142 of these were in Africa (Watts, 1998b). powerful irritant, pierces the human’s skin,
In Africa the distribution covers a band, and raises a painful blister, which erupts
sometimes called the “Guinea worm belt,” upon immersion into water, expelling some
that stretches across the continent from of the embryos into the water. A small ulcer
Mauritania to Ethiopia (Hunter, 1996; Rich- then forms, which allows continued periodic
ards and Hopkins, 1989; Watts, 1987a, expulsions until all embryos are discharged.
1998b; WHO, 1996b). The disease is en- If the embryos are discharged into a cyclops-
demic in many of the same areas as lym- containing pond, some of them will be eaten
phatic filariasis, and, since its intermediate by the cyclops and the cycle will begin again.
copepod host, a small crustacean, lives in The entire life cycle takes about 1 year
small ponds and other slow-moving water (Bierlich, 1995; Hopkins et al., 1993;
sources, its distribution and prevalence Hunter, 1996).
have also been significantly affected by ag- The throbbing pain associated with the
ricultural and water development activities. blister and other more serious complications
Dracunculiasis is an ancient human infec- often incapacitate a person with a worm
tion that may have been the “fiery serpent” that is discharging embryos. Furthermore,
said by Moses to have attacked the Israel- the life cycle of the worm is highly seasonal,
ites on the shores of the Red Sea. A calcified causing many people to be incapacitated si-
worm has been detected in at least one multaneously within a single community.
Egyptian mummy, and the infection has This period of incapacitation commonly
been described in writings dating to at least lasts for 90 –100 days and can cause serious
Greek and Roman times. A major method disruption to agricultural, economic, educa-
used to treat the parasite, winding an tional, and recreational activities (Edung-
emerging worm slowly around a stick to re- bola et al., 1988; Hunter, 1996; Ilegbodu et
move it from the body, was known in an- al., 1991; WHO, 1996b).
cient times and is thought by some to be the The global campaign for the eradication of
origin of the medical symbol, the Staff of smallpox successfully relied on a single
Aesculapius (Hopkins, 1993). measure, immunization, to control and
Female Dracunculus medinensis worms, eradicate the disease, but this is not possi-
the parasite responsible for dracunculiasis, ble with dracunculiasis. There is no natural
are among the largest nematodes known immunity to the disease, so as with most
and may be over 1 m long (Hunter, 1996; other parasitic diseases, it has not been pos-
Watts, 1998a). They have a complex life cy- sible to develop a successful vaccine. Also,
cle, which involves not only humans, but an no medicines are available to cure cases of
intermediate host, the cyclops, a free-living the disease (Hunter, 1996; WHO, 1996b).
freshwater crustacean. Larvae of the dra- Many regions of the world where dracuncu-
cunculus worm are discharged into cyclops- liasis is still a public health problem are in
containing water and eaten by the cyclops, remote areas with a very poor health infra-
where they undergo part of their develop- structure and little access to preventive care
ment. Humans then drink cyclops-infested (Audibert et al., 1993). Furthermore, local
water and ingest the crustaceans along with beliefs about the disease can differ signifi-
the worm larvae they contain. The worm cantly from views of the Western health au-
larvae travel through the body, eventually thorities. Dracunculiasis is considered a

natural and inescapable feature of life, and differences were due both to the nature of
in some areas the worm itself is considered the water source (shallow pond vs. different
to be a part of normal human anatomy types of well water) and to differences in the
(Bierlich, 1995; Brieger and Kendall, 1992). daily activities of males and females in the
However, the biology and ecology of dra- two regions. Indian males were exposed to
cunculiasis are such that authorities are op- untreated water when farming or attending
timistic about its eventual eradication. Hu- festivals, but Indian females were relatively
mans are the only mammalian host, so that protected because of the isolation of purdah.
it is necessary only to break the chain of In Africa, women and children were exposed
transmission within human groups (Hop- when they collected the daily water rations,
kins, 1983; Watts, 1998a,b). Furthermore, but men were infected at least as often by
the disease is transmitted only by contami- using the same ponds while they were out in
nated water, and multiple strategies of pre- their fields and during other times. Rates of
vention are feasible even in remote loca- infection were also influenced by patterns of
tions. These methods include providing safe daily mobility, which differed between the
sources of drinking water, educating people two regions.
about how to avoid contaminated water by The knowledge resulting from this and
using easily affordable cloth filters, encour- other work (e.g., Bierlich, 1995; Ilegbodu et
aging infected persons to avoid wading in al., 1991) has emphasized the importance of
drinking water sources when the worm is using local knowledge and customs in sur-
emerging, and chemically treating cyclops- veillance activities. Brieger and Kendall
containing ponds (Audibert et al., 1993; Br- (1996) provide a practical example of how to
ieger et al., 1991; Diamenu and Nyaku, do this. They conducted a detailed study of
1998; Hopkins and Ruiz-Tiben, 1991; the market arrangements in a region in
Hunter, 1996; WHO, 1996b). southwest Nigeria and used information
Several studies have shown that eradica- gathered in the study to recruit native peo-
tion of dracunculiasis will not be possible ple to conduct surveillance in their home
without active community involvement in communities and report illnesses to health
surveillance and control activities (Akpovi authorities. This method proved an effective
et al., 1981; Brieger and Kendall, 1992, way for the government to keep track of the
1996; Edungbola and Watts, 1990; Hunter, disease in spite of a limited number of
1996; Richards and Hopkins, 1989). Com- health workers.
munity involvement is crucial to the success However, there can also be hidden pit-
of the control campaign for two reasons: the falls. Diamenu and Nyaka (1998) observed
transmission of the parasite is closely tied to that residents of two villages in Ghana were
human activities, and the disease cannot be well aware that the use of nylon cloth filters
cured, but can only be prevented by altering could prevent transmission of the guinea
human behaviors. In fact, human behaviors worms, but they did not realize that they
help to explain much of the geographic vari- should actively seek to replenish their sup-
ability in prevalence of the disease and suc- plies when they ran out. Instead, they
cess in controlling its transmission. waited for health volunteers to deliver a
Watts (1986a,b, 1987b) presented an ex- new supply to them and if they became in-
cellent illustration of the impact of human fected before the new filters were delivered,
behaviors on dracunculiasis transmission. then they blamed this on the delays of the
Because water collection is the activity most volunteers. They also thought that the “of-
frequently associated with contamination of ficial” filters were specially treated with
water sources, she focused on studying daily pesticides, so that they felt that the use of
water use patterns in India and Nigeria. alternative filtering materials would not
Dracunculiasis is more prevalent in Africa prevent disease transmission.
than in India, and in addition, Indian males Health authorities have been successful
and females differ more in incidence of the in limiting the spread of dracunculiasis in
disease than do African males and females. many areas, with enormous health, social,
Watts (1986a,b, 1987b) showed that these and economic benefits for the populations

involved. For example, some areas have community. What works to limit the spread
seen 40% increases in food production, in- of one disease may increase the spread of a
creases of 25% in the amount of land under different disease, so that control measures
cultivation, and decreases from 60% school may need to focus on community ecology
absenteeism rates to 13% absenteeism rather than simple host-parasite interac-
(WHO, 1996b). However, dracunculiasis has tions. For example, the Tono rice irrigation
not yet been eradicated and the target date project in Ghana provided an abundance of
keeps getting pushed further into the fu- good drinking water and essentially elimi-
ture. Reasons for this include civil wars and nated dracunculiasis in adjoining villages.
other disturbances that interfere with sur- But at the same time, provision of that same
veillance and prevention activities, apa- good drinking water resulted in the devel-
thetic officials, inadequate funding, inertia opment of numerous new surface water
accompanying requests to change long- sources, which significantly increased the
standing customs and traditions, tradi- number of mosquito breeding spots. This
tional views that the disease is not really a resulted in a significant increase in the
problem, and difficulties with promoting prevalence of mosquito-borne filariasis. As
and maintaining water purification systems Hunter (1997, p. 77) cogently stated, “the
(Bierlich, 1995; Brieger and Kendall, 1996; regional ‘hot spot’ of guinea worm disease
Hopkins et al., 1993; Hunter, 1996). Even was transformed into the regional ‘hot spot’
so, most authorities feel that the end is in of elephantiasis.” A similar event occurred
sight, and that shortly after the arrival of in the Upper Region of Ghana, when exten-
the 21st century, dracunculiasis will share sive water control projects ameliorated the
the fate of smallpox. Furthermore, the com- effects of guinea worm, but led to a tripling
bination of attention to the biological nature of the incidence of schistosomiasis (Hunter,
of infectious disease organisms, the charac- 1981, 1997).
teristics of the environment in which hu- A second factor that may be partly re-
mans live, and the cultural behaviors that sponsible for the lack of success of public
influence transmission of those organisms health efforts in the tropics is that, from a
illustrated by the dracunculiasis eradica- pathogen’s point of view, when transmission
tion program points the way to success in becomes more difficult there may be selec-
dealing with other illnesses of modern soci- tion for less virulent strains, so that hosts
ety. survive long enough for the pathogen to re-
produce itself (Ewald, 1994; Wills, 1996).
The newly evolved strains may well be able
Several international associations have to better withstand attempts to control their
long been actively involved in improving the reproduction, which may lessen the chances
health and well-being of peoples of the trop- of success of control strategies.
ics, but the outcome of public health cam- The ecological community in a tropical
paigns in tropical regions of the world has environment does not just consist of patho-
not often been successful. Most infectious gens, their vectors, and their nonhuman
diseases appear to become much more seri- mammalian hosts; it includes humans as an
ous problems as a consequence of develop- essential component, both because humans
ment and modernization schemes than they can serve as hosts of a pathogen species and
were prior to the economic improvements, aid in its survival, and because in their ac-
although few studies compare disease expe- tivities humans both unintentionally and
riences before and after development (Hunt- intentionally alter the environments of all
er et al., 1982). species within the community. Yet most
A number of reasons for the minimal suc- public health efforts have shortchanged the
cess of these campaigns can be identified. contributions of anthropologists and other
First, most development projects, if they ad- human behavioral scientists and have fo-
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