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Maria Aurora, 3202, Aurora

Senior High School Department
A.Y 2020-2021


Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: _________________
Strand, Grade & Block: __________________________
I. Multiple Choice.
Encircle the correct answer.

1. Some of communication network comes in the form of gadgets, phones, mails, and computers, among other
means, or network could mean family or social _______.
a. routes b. media c. studies.
2. This is the other half of communication skills, while talking is the other half.
a. listening b. efficient c. proficient
3. The inability to listen is a major deficiency in _______ communication.
a. skill b. tendency c. art
4. The statement “Communication links the speaker and the listener.” Is an example of ________ definition.
a. restrictive b. inclusive c. purposive
5. “The steel tables and furnishings are exposed to the elements,” the owner complains to the architect.
a. The owner is the architect he is incompetent. c. The owner does not like the steel.
b. The owner is subtly asking the architect to relocate the furnishings or to devise a solution to a problem.
6. _____ pertains to an initial force, agent, or action that elicits a reaction from another being or living organism.
a. response b. cycle c. stimuli
7. Alexander Graham Bell’s sketch resembled ______ model except for the concept of noise.
a. Shannon b. Lasswell c. Jakobson
8. Each kind of _____ follows its own set of rules and regulations,
a. medium b. receiver c. message
9. Anything that modifies or changes the meaning of a message.
a. environmental noise b. semantic noise c. none of the above
10. In any form of communication, there is a sender and a receiver of the ________.
a. message b. gift c. memorandum
11. Miscommunication can put people’s safety at _____.
a. risk b. convenience c. ritual
12. These cues are guides to make us communicate effectively using language and oral speech.
a. verbal cues b. verbal abuse c. verbal fight
13. This phenomenon means anything that impedes the flow of communication.
a. noise b. odor c. taste
14. This is the art of dealing humanely, fairly, professionally, and in socially acceptable, manner with other people
and beings.
a. ethics b. morality c. persuasion
15. In what type of communication we have speakers and listeners who send and receive messages from each
a. non-verbal b. verbal c. written
16. This is the group of basic elements of communication.
1. source 2. destination 3. medium 4. Language
a. 1234 b. 123 only c. 134 only
17. It is the nature of communication.
1. Communication is a process. 2. Communication occurs between two or more people.
3. Communication can be expressed through words or actions. 4. Communication portrays sympathy.
a. 1234 b. 123 only c. 134 only
18. The following are forms of non-verbal communication EXCEPT one.
a. eye-blink b. road signs c. e-mail
19. It refers to the response to a verbal or non-verbal message.
a. answer b. feedback c. receipt
20. It is the main cause of semantic noise.
a. jeepneys beeping b. constructing building c. people talking too loud


Maria Aurora, 3202, Aurora
Senior High School Department
A.Y 2020-2021

II. True or False

Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise. Strictly no erasure.
____________ 1. Polite expression of opinions is an example of positive verbal cue.
____________ 2. Non-verbal cues are gestures and body language expressions that help us miscommunicate the intensity,
depth, sincerity, and the pleasantness of our intentions and message.

____________ 3. A person who appreciates what the speaker is saying is a good listener.

____________ 4. People who listen to a friend’s problem even when they cannot provide a solution is a sign of

____________ 5. Communication is an art meant to make life a lot more orderly and fun.
____________ 6. Every individual needs to use communication in motivating other people to cooperate in accomplishing
certain goals.
____________ 7. The questions of whether the message is sent and how the message is received is of vital importance in
____________ 8. Communication with the youth has several implications.
____________ 9. Communication motivates people and helps them express themselves politically and artistically.
____________ 10. The sender starts the process.
____________ 11. Audience analysis is the study of impact of the information on audiences.
____________ 12. Content as a principle of communication must have the ingredient of consideration.
____________ 13. Adequacy means that message is complete and lovable.
____________ 14. Good communication can increase the warmth of camaraderie.
____________ 15. Applying the principles of miscommunication will result in affable relationships among individuals.
____________ 16. The term slow learners’ group is an appropriate term for students who are academically challenged.
____________ 17. Listening to music is a communication process.
____________ 18. A utility staffer is a euphemism for janitors and other low level working staff.
____________ 19. Communication is a complex concept with universal definition.
____________ 20. Chinese-Filipinos are called Chinoys as a form of euphemism.
III. Essay (10 points)
Write a letter to your teacher about your personal learning on communication. Include in your letter, how
this lesson can be useful in your daily life particularly at home, in school, and in the community.
for writing
a letter


Maria Aurora, 3202, Aurora
Senior High School Department
A.Y 2020-2021

Date: _________________

Dear ____________________________,







Sincerely yours,


Prepared by:

Ms. Clarence C. Tabac

Subject Teacher


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