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This group assessment required a high amount of collaboration between me and my

colleagues. We conducted zoom sessions, met in person to discuss our views and created a
well-executed presentation. Collaboration is a necessary part in teaching (Hollis,2016), and
this assessment help improve my teaching practice as I was given different points of views.

Assessment 3 link:

Below is the group contribution form for the Assessment three for RTL2
Explain your contribution to the group:

How did you contribute to:

 Identifying group and individual topics?

I created my own subtopic and completed tasks assigned to me. But we all discussed how all
our topics should work together.

 Developing and implementing the intervention?

I form the foundation of the intervention. The group supported this intervention and we
worked together to improve it. I created the slides and the voice over for the intervention.
My group assisted me in the process of research gathering and overall support and
constructive feedback.

 Collecting and analysing preliminary data?

Each member collected and analysed their own data. We then combined our finding by
finding common themes throughout all our research.

 Developing the research presentation?

I made my slides and voice over with adhering to constructive feedback from the group. I
also provided constructive feedback to other members work

How did you interact with the other group members?

 I interacted very well with my group members. Everyone works hard and completed their
assigned tasks. This help improve our teaching practice as we can find solution as a team
rather than individual members.

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