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Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student’s Name: Gabriel Brown

Student's Date of Birth: 12 years old

Undergraduate Teacher: Alex Fisher

Lab Day/Time: Tuesday 6:00-7:30

1. Introductory Paragraph:

The student I have been working with is Gabriel Brown. He is 12 years old and
very energetic. He loves playing video games and he likes to play twister and football. I
used the TGMD-2 to assess Gabriel. I assessed Gabriel in park center during lab time.
We did all the locomotor skills that were required. I ran beside Gabriel and showed him
what to do. Although Gabriel is 12 and the TGMD-2 goes to 11 we did not complete all
the tasks that were required of the Brockport Physical fitness test. Gabriel was able to
perform a few sit ups and was very active during the sessions we had together. We would
play a variety of sports like soccer, football, and frisbee. Gabriel was able to stay active
with an elevated heart rate through the entirety of class time with a few water breaks.
Gabriel and I tried to assess push ups but we were not able to complete one.

2. Present Level of Performance:

Please write a one page narrative about the student you teach in lab. This should be
directly based upon the assessment data and information presented in the assessment
report. Describe the student's strengths and needs in each of the domains: cognitive,
affective, psychomotor, and fitness. Within the one page narrative, create a heading for
each category to be addressed in the PLP.

Adapted Physical Education Assessment

Results Report

Name: Gabriel
Program: COMPASS Program
Date of Birth: Year, Month, Day
Age: 12 Years
Test Date: May 12th, 2018
Examiner: Alexander Fisher

Gabriel is a 12 year old boy and he has tons of energy. He loves video games including
Minecraft and Halo. He also loves playing catch and he is a champion twister player. Gabriel
loves to run around and volunteer at Compass. He is super fast at running and very agile. I don’t
have very specific intentions with Gabriel besides having him improve on his motor skills. He is
a young growing boy that will grow up to be a great athlete. I can already see the excitement for
physical activity and sport in his eyes. I plan on continuing to play multiple sports with him and
tuning the little things such as kicking the ball with the side of the foot. Other than that, Gabriel
will have a great time together and really get our sweat on.

Gabriel is a great listener and has a great understanding of game rules. Gabriel also has
great spatial and body awareness when it comes too sports including soccer and football. Gabriel
is very knowledgeable about throwing a football, kicking a soccer ball, and throwing a frisbee.
Gabriel knows how to track a ball and move to it if it is not coming straight towards him.
Gabriel is a very happy and well spirited child and always gives 100%. He is very
respectful of other during class time and he communicates and shares with others. Gabriel was
very polite and was excited to join in during games and he was not only respectful with me but
other mentors as well. There was one game where everyone would cluck or chirp and at first
Gabriel wasn’t very into it but after a couple minutes he was engaged in the activity and was
clucking and chirping louder than everyone else.
Gabriel also shows a wide variety of motor skills and was mostly interested in throwing
and catching. During class time we would throw the football back and fourth. He has an
excellent throwing arm and knows how to throw a spiral. Gabriel is also very agile and is a fast
runner. Gabriel has a nice long stride and uses high knees and mature form while running. He is
very good at tracking a ball with a high arch and can catch the ball with mature form.
Gabriel appears to be at a healthy fitness level and a healthy mental state. Gabriel has a
high level of excitement when it comes to sports and I look forward to seeing him improve on
speed and muscular strength. I look forward to seeing his fitness go up and his repetitions go up
on sit-ups and pushups.

was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development -3 (TGMD-2) on

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 between the times of 6 and 7:30pm.

TGMD 3 Loco-motor Subtest Score/Possible Score

a. Run- Gabriel demonstrated all the performance criteria 8/8
for running and will continue to get faster.

b. Gallop- Gabriel demonstrated all of the aspects of the skill . 8/8

including keeping his lead leg in front of trail leg.

c. Hop- Gabriel was able to hop on both the dominate and 10 /10
non dominate foot while using his knee as propulsion.

d. Leap- Gabriel will be able to jump from one foot to another 5/6
while staying stable in the air. But needs to extend the body more.
e. Horizontal jump- Gabriel was able to jump from two feet 7 /8
and land on two feet while cushioning the impact but didn’t extend all the way

f. Slide- Gabriel will be able to slide sideways in between cones 8/8

while keeping his lead leg in front of his trail leg and swinging his arms in
a fluent motion.

Subtest Total Score: 46

TGMD-2 Object Control Subtest

a. Striking a stationary ball- Gabriel will be able to strike a /10
stationary ball off a tee while shifting his weight from his back foot to his
front foot while following through with the bat.

b. Stationary dribble- Gabriel was able to dribble in place while 6/8

using his arm and his fingertips to keep the ball from bouncing away. Needs
work on consistency.

c. Catch- Gabriel is able to catch the ball with hands and move to the 6 /6

d. Kick- Gabriel was able to approach the ball rapidly and 6 /8

kick the ball but he used his toe.

e. Overhand throw- Gabriel demonstrated all aspects of the skill 8/8

including trunk rotation and follow through.

f. Underhand roll- Gabriel will be able to roll the ball to a target /8

with little bounces and follow through.

Subtest Total Score: 26

TGMD 2 Total Score: 72

 Cognitive: Gabriel will know the positive effects of physical exercise and education
 Affective: Gabriel will have respect for otherx and himself at every compass meeting
 Psychomotor: Gabriel will demonstrate all motor skills at a proficient level.
 Fitness: Gabriel will be able to run around and work on cardiovascular endurance during
every lesson.
3. Long Term Goals and Short Term Objectives:

A. Cognitive Goal: Gabriel will know the importance of lifetime activities

and participate in them throughout his life.

1. Short term objective: Gabriel will show body awareness and

knowledge of rules in sports.

2. Short term objective: Gabriel will know the importance of

stretching and stretch every day before COMPASS.

B. Affective Goal: Gabriel will keep his body healthy and have respectful for
himself throughout life.

1. Short term objective: Gabriel will be sportsmanlike and give a

positive attitude during class.

2. Short term objective: Gabriel will have respect for others and share
while he is at COMPASS.

C. Psychomotor Goal: Gabriel will continue to stay active through his life
and gain muscular strength and endurance

1. Short term objective: Gabriel will show improvement in skill

related fitness including agility, balance, and power.

2. Short term objective: Gabriel will improve on his throwing and

kicking and perform these skills from 20 feet instead of 15 feet.

D. Fitness: Gabriel will be excellent at kicking and be very coordinated.

1. Short term objective: Gabriel will practice skill related fitness and
will be able to do 5 modified push ups.

2. Short term objective: Gabriel will be able to 15 sit-ups in 1 minute.

Basis for Evaluating Long and Short Term Goals:

clear and concise goal(s)
(goal(s) that is derived from the present level of performance
goal(s) are written to be functional
measurable objectives
Most students will be taught within groups in lab. Plan for teaching your students in
groups through completing the following sections. (If your student will not be taught in a
group, complete the following sections for just your student.)

4. Health Considerations

I don’t have any concerns with Gabriel physical health or participation. It was very easy
to get to know Gabriel but I would like to see him be able to get comfortable around other

5. Behavioral Considerations
Describe approaches designed to alter observable behaviors whether you seek to increase,
decrease, extend, restrict or maintain behaviors for your group of students. If you do not
believe there to be any behaviors concerns, please indicate this.

I don’t believe there are any behavior concerns. Sometimes he runs off in the beginning
of COMPASS to go play with his sister but it is within a controlled room and I have my
eyes on him to make sure he doesn’t get hurt.

6. Teaching Strategies

Three teaching strategies that work the best for me is Inclusion, Discovery, and
cooperative. I chose inclusion because all the activities that I use or come up with are not
elimination and I want to make sure all the children are involved and are having fun. The
next strategy that is important to me is discovery. I believe when getting into a new skill
it is important for the student to play around and test their abilities. If you start off with
telling the child what to do then they might not be as interested. The last teaching strategy
that I think is very important is Cooperative. I think that it is very important for children
to learn how to work together. I think cooperativeness is a lifetime skill and it can also
transfer over to real life.

7. Evaluation Plan
Describe how you will determine whether your group of students learned from your
instruction in lab this semester. Consider how you will determine the effectiveness of the
lab program.

I believe that the best way to tell if a student actually learned something is from a post
test or a retention test. There are occasions where visually you can tell that their was
improvement. Most of the time students will perform better on the post test as long as the
instructor continues to go back and make sure the children understood what they learned
or why they were doing it. At the end of COMPASS I will most likely ask Gabriel a
couple questions of what we learned and why we were working on those skills.

8. Services to be Provided:
Physical education instruction once each week at SUNY Cortland Adapted Physical
Education Lab for one semester (include starting and ending dates).
2/10/20 – 5/5/20

9. APE Placement Decision Model

I believe that Gabriel should be in general PE. He seems to perform fine. He can do all
the locomotor skills that I was able to test him and he knows how to throw and catch
which is crucial around his age. In general PE I think he will be able to keep up with the
other kids no problem. He may even excel over the other kids at the rate he is going.

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