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Numerical Methods Used In Atmospheric Models

Article · July 1976

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2 authors, including:

Fedor Mesinger
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts


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WMO-ICSU Joint Organizing Committee



By F. Mesinger and A. Arakawa



August 1976

© 1976, World Meteorological Organization

International Council of Scientific Unions



1. Historical introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Methods for the numerical solution of the equations of motion . 1
3. Basic elements of the grid point method 2
4. Finite difference schemes. 3
5. Convergence 5
6. Stability . . 6


1. Definitions of some schemes . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Properties of schemes applied to the oscillation equation 11
3. Properties of schemes applied to the friction equation 19
4. A combination of schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


1. Schemes with centered second-order space differencing 22
2. Computational dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. Schemes with uncentered space differencing . . . . . 30
4. Schemes with centered fourth-order space differencing 33
5. The two-dimensional advection equation . 34
6. Aliasing error and nonlinear instability . . . . . . 35
7. Suppression and prevention of nonlinear instability. 37


1. One-dimensional gravity waves: centered space differencing 43
2. Two-dimensional gravity waves . 44
3. Gravity-inertia waves and space distribution of variables . 46
4. Time differencing; the leapfrog scheme and the Eliassen grid 50
5. Economical explicit schemes . . . 53
6. Implicit and semi-implicit schemes 55
7. The splitting or Marchuk method 58
8. Two-grid-interval noise 59
9. Time noise and time filtering 61
10. Dissipation in numerical schemes 62

Meteorology was one of the very first fields of physical indicated a need for a means to rapidly assimilate the
science that had the opportunity to exploit high speed accumulated experience of meteorology. The first attempt
computers for the solution of multi-dimensional time- was at the hands of two able mathematicians, H. Kreiss
dependent non-linear problems. The authors of this and J. Oliger, who contributed a much needed sense of
monograph trace the precedents from Bjerknes to von mathematical unity in their monograph "Methods for
Neumann. The numerical techniques first employed were the Approximate Solution of Time-Dependent Problems"
based on a small existing body of methodology, much (G.P.S. No. 10, 1973). This present volume, more
of which was drawn from engineering practice, such as specifically reflecting experience with atmospheric models,
the application of relaxation methods to the solution of has been written by two outstanding workers in the field,
Poisson's equation. The working repertoire of numerical Prof. F. Mesinger and Prof. A. Arakawa, with Dr. A.
methods rapidly expanded as the physical problems grew Robert as general editor. An additional volume will be
in complexity and as practical experience accrued. The published containing chapters on the subjects: spectral
growth was almost exclusively the result of the innova- methods, global mapping problems, and finite element
tions of the "using" physical scientists themselves. As a methods.
consequence these advances often lacked the rigour and
proof that might have been expected from applied
mathematicians. The results of this evolution are to be
found scattered throughout the meteorological literature
of the past 25 years and it became apparent that there
was a growing need for a systematic account of the
r;ttionale and development of technique. The JOC felt
that GARP's needs, as reflected by the rapid influx of
new scientists into numerical modelling, would be well
served by the availability of a single definitive source. J. SMAGORINSKY
Other related disciplines such as oceanography have also Chairman, Joint Organizing Committee

This publication is discussing methods that are used oscillation (or frequency) equation, and friction equation.
for the solution of hydrodynamic governing equations in Discussion of the leapfrog scheme includes a more
numerical models of the atmosphere. The number of detailed analysis of the computational mode problem.
methods in use in these models is, one might find, sur- Chapter III deals with the numerical solution of those
prisingly great; thus, in addition to analysis of problems forms of the advection equation which describe advection
involved and techniques used for investigation of proper- of one dependent variable. Schemes are analysed first
ties of various schemes, a discussion is included only of considering the simplest one-dimensional linear advec-
schemes which are more widely used, or which are tion equation, with special emphasis given to the prob-
expected by the authors to become more widely used in lems of phase speed errors and computational dispersion,
the near future. and group velocity errors. Then a brief account is
The present volume is restricted to grid point finite included of the extension to two space dimensions.
difference methods, and, furthermore, to problems and Finally, nonlinear advection equation is considered.
methods used for time and horizontal space differencing. Aliasing error and nonlinear instability is discussed, and
One remaining topic of the horizontal space differencing, a review is given of methods used to suppress or prevent
that of the numerical solution of the advection equation nonlinear instability in atmospheric numerical models,
with two dependent variables (advection terms of the including a detailed exposition of the principle of the
two-dimensional primitive equations) will be included in Arakawa method.
the Volume II of the publication. In Chapter IV schemes and problems related to the
numerical solution of the gravity and gravity-inertia wave
In Chapter I of this volume, following a short histori-
equations are considered. First, a discussion is given of
cal introduction on the development and use of numerical
the effects of space differencing on the numerical solution
methods in atmospheric models, avilable methods for
of the gravity wave equations. Having now two or
numerical solution of the differential equations governing
three dependent variables, the problem of the space
the atmosphere are briefly reviewed. Then, basic ele-
distribution of variables becomes of interest. Con-
ments of the finite difference method for solving these
sidering gravity-inertia wave equations, five different
equations are introduced. Finally, the concept of
space distributions are analysed with respect to their
stability of finite difference equations, and methods for
effect on the geostrophic adjustment process. Then, a
testing the stability of these equations, are considered
review is given of schemes and methods used to ac-
at some length.
complish an economical use of computer time and/or
Chapter Il presents a discussion of time differencing elimination of computational modes in handling the
schemes which are elementary enough so that they can gravity wave terms - the Eliassen grid, economical
be defined using a simple ordinary differential equation, explicit schemes, the semi-implicit scheme, and the
with one dependent variable. After defining a number splitting method. Finally, as the gravity waves can
of such schemes, behaviour of numerical solutions is generate a false space and/or time noise in the calcula-
investigated which are obtained when these schemes are tions, some techniques available for prevention or sup-
used for two specific ordinary differential equations: pression of such space (two-grid-interval) and time noise.

This volume is based on a revised translation of a part of the by A. Arakawa for his course 212A, Numerical Methods in Dynamic
textbook on dynamic meteorology, written by the first of the present Meteorology, that he has been teaching at the Department of
authors, for senior year students of the Department of Meteorology, Meteorology, University of California at Los Angeles. The revised
University of Belgrade. In writing the translated part of that translation was read and further revised by A. Arakawa and,
textbook, however, extensive use was made of lecture notes written finally, edited by M. J. P. Cullen of the Meteorological Office.

Cette publication passe en revue les methodes utilisees equation du frottement. Lors de l'etude du systeme dit
pour resoudre les equations hydrodynamiques des dans « saute-mouton », les auteurs analysent de fac;on plus
les modeles numeriques de l'atmosphere. On peut detaillee le probleme du mode de calcul.
constater que le nombre de ces methodes est etonmim- Le chapitre III traite de la resolution numerique des
ment grand; en consequence, apres avoir analyse le formes de l'equation d'advection qui decrivent l'advection
probleme pose et les methodes mises en reuvre pour d'une variable dependante.. Les auteurs analysent les
etudier les proprietes des divers systemes, les auteurs ne systemes en considerant d'abord l'equation d'advection
considerent que les systemes les plus couramment utilises lineaire la plus simple a une dimension et en insistant
ou ceux dont ils estiment qu'ils le seront a leur tour tres particulierement sur les problemes d'erreur de vitesse de
prochainement. phase et de dispersion du calcul, ainsi que sur les erreurs
Le present volume ne traite que des methodes des de vitesse de groupe. Ils examinent ensuite brievement
differences finies aux points de grille et, qui plus est, des l'extension a deux dimensions. Finalement, ils consi-
problemes et methodes utilises pour la differenciation derent l'equation d'advection non lineaire et analysent
dans le temps et l'espace horizontal. Un sujet touchant les problemes des erreurs dues aux variantes de traite-
la differenciation spatiale horizontale, qui a ete laisse de ment et d'instabilite non lineaire. Les auteurs passent en
cote, a savoir la solution numerique de l'equation d'ad- revue les differentes methodes utilisees pour eliminer ou
vection avec deux variables dependantes (termes d'advec- empecher l'instabilite non lineaire dans les modeles
tion des equations generales a deux dimensions), sera numeriques de l'atmosphere, ce qui les conduit a exposer
traite dans le Volume Il de la publication. en detail le principe de la methode d'Arakawa.

Dans le chapitre I du present volume, apres une breve Le chapitre IV traite des systemes et des problemes
introduction historique dans laquelle ils rappellent com- relatifs a la solution numerique des equations des ondes
de gravite et de gravite-inertie. Les auteurs exposent
ment les methodes numeriques ont ete mises au point et
d'abord les effets de la differenciation dans l'espace sur la
utilisees dans les modeles de l'atmosphere, les auteurs
font un rapide tour d'horizon des diverses methodes solution numerique des equations des ondes de gravite.
Du fait qu'on a maintenant deux ou trois variables
disponibles pour resoudre numeriquement les equations
differentielles qui regissent l'atmosphere. Ensuite, ils dependantes, le probleme de la distribution spatiale des
variables revet de l'interet. En ce qui concerne les equa-
exposent les elements fondamentaux de la methode des
tions des ondes de gravite-inertie, les auteurs analysent
differences finies pour la resolution de ces equations.
Enfin, ils developpent le concept de stabilite des equa- cinq distributions spatiales differentes quant a l'influence
qu'elles exercent ·sur le processus d'ajustement geostro-
tions aux differences finies et les methodes permettant de
phique. Ensuite, ils passent en revue les systemes et les
verifier la stabilite de ces equations.
methodes mis en reuvre pour utiliser rationnellement le
Le chapitre Il expose les systemes de differenciation temps d'ordinateur ou eliminer certains modes de calcul
dans le temps qui sont suffisamment elementaires pour lors du traitement des termes des ondes de gravite - la
qu'on puisse les definir au moyen d'une simple equation grille d'Eliassen, les systemes explicites economiques, le
differentielle ordinaire a une variable dependante. Apres systeme implicite et la methode de fractionnement. Fina-
avoir defini un certain nombre de ces systemes, les lement, etant donne que les ondes de gravite peuvent
auteurs etudient le comportementdes solutions nume- engendrer dans les calculs un bruit spatial et/ou temporel
riques obtenues lorsqu'on applique ces systemes pour errone, les auteurs decrivent certaines methodes qui
resoudre deux equations differentielles ordinaires parti- peuvent etre utilisees pour eliminer ou supprimer ce bruit
culieres: equation d'oscillation (ou de frequence) et spatial (double pas de grille) ou'temporel.

Ce volume est fonde sur une version revisee de la traduction numeriques appIiquees en meteorologie dynamique» qu'i! donne
d'llne partie du manuel de meteorologie dynamique, redige par le au Departement de meteorologie de I'Universite de CaIifornie, it
premier des auteurs cites it l'intention des etudiants du Departement Los Angeles. La traduction revisee a ete revue par A. Arakawa,
de meteorologie de I'Universite de Belgrade. Pour la traduction pui~ mise au point definitivement par M. J. P., CuIlen du Meteoro-
de cette partie dudit manuel, il a toutefois ete fait largement usage lOgIcal Office.
des notes redigees par A. Arakawa pour le cours 212A « Methodes

En la presente publicacion se examinan los metodos El examen del sistema de aproximaciones sucesivas
utilizados para resolver las ecuaciones que rigen la hidro- comprende un analisis mas detallado del problema del
dimimica en los modelos numericos de la atmosfera. El metodode calculo.
numero de metodos utilizados en dichos modelos es El Capitulo III versa sobre la solucion numerica de
sorprendentemente elevado; por ello, ademas de analizar esas formas de la ecuacion de adveccion que describen
los problemas que se plantean y las tecnicas utilizadas este ultimo concepto con una variable dependiente. Se
para investigar las propiedades de los diversos sistemas, analizan ante todo los sistemas en los que se recurre a la
solo se examinan en la presente publicacion los sistemas ecuacion mas simple de adveccion lineal unidimensional,
que mas se utilizan 0 bien aquellos otros cuyos autores insistiendo particularmente en los problemas de los erro-
preven que estan llamados a utilizarse mas ampliamente res de la velocidad de fase y en la dispersion del calculo,
en un futuro cercano. asi como en los errores de la velocidad del grupo. A con-
El presente volumen se limita a los metodos de dife- tinuacion se da una breve reseiia sobre su ampliacion
rencias finitas reticulares y ademas a analizar los pro- a dos dimensiones espaciales. Finalmente, se examina
blemas y metodos utilizados para diferencias en el tiempo la ecuacion de adveccion no lineal. Se estudian asimismo
y en el espacio horizontal. En el Volumen Il de la publi- los errores debidos alas variaciones de tratamiento y la
cacion figurara otro tema sobre diferenciacion espacial inestabilidad no lineal, y se pasan en revista los metodos
horizontal, a saber la solucion numerica de la ecuacion utilizados para suprimir 0 evitar la inestabilidad no lineal
de adveccion con dos variables dependientes (terminos en los modelos numericos atmosfericos, exponiendose en
de adveccion de las ecuaciones primitivas de dos dimen- detalle el principio del metodo de Arakawa.
siones). En el Capitulo IV se examinan los sistemas y problemas
relacionados con la solucion numerica de las ecuaciones
En el Capitulo I del presente volumen, despues de una
de onda de gravedad y gravedad-inercia. Ante todo, se
breve introduccion en la que se exponen los antecedentes
estudian los efectos de la diferenciacion espacial en la
relativos al desarrollo y utilizacion de los metodos nume-
solucion numerica de las ecuaciones de onda de grave-
ricos en los modelos atmosfericos, se examinan sucinta-
dad. Al presentar dos 0 tres variables dependientes, el
mente los metodos disponibles para resolver las solu-
problema de la distribucion espacial de las variables
ciones numericas correspondientes alas ecuaciones dife-
empieza a ser interesante. Al estudiar las ecuaciones de
renciales que rigen la atmosfera, despues de 10 cual se
onda de gravedad-inercia, se analizan cinco distribuciones
indican los elementos basicos del metodo de diferencias
espaciales diferentes con respecto a sus efectos sobre el
finitas para resolver esas ecuaciones. Finalmente, se estu-
proceso de ajuste geostrofico. A continuacion, se da una
dian con bastante detalle el concepto de la estabilidad de
resefia de los sistemas y metodos utilizados para poder
las ecuaciones de diferencias finitas y los metodos para
recurrir al empleo economico durante un tiempo minima
comprobar la estabilidad de esas ecuaciones.
de una computadora y /0 obtener la eliminacion de meto-
En el Capitulo Il figura un examen de los sistemas de dos de calculo al utilizar los terminos relativos a la onda
diferenciacion temporal suficientemente elementarios de gravedad - puntas de reticula de Eliassen, los siste-
para que puedan definirse utilizando una simple ecuacion mas explicitos economicos, el sistema semi-implicito y
diferencial ordinaria con una variable dependiente. Des- el metodo de dispersion. Finalmente, como quiera que
pues de definir cierto numero de tales sistemas, se estu- las ondas de gravedad puedan originar un ruido falso en
dian las soluciones numericas que se obtienen cuando el espacio y/o en el tiempo al proceder a los calculos,
esos sistemas se utilizan para dos ecuaciones diferenciales se describen algunas tecnicas para prevenir 0 suprimir
ordinarias especificas: la ecuacion de oscilacion (0 fre- ese ruido espacial (intervalo de dos puntos de reticula)
cuencia) y la ecuacion de friccion. y temporal.

El presente volumen esta basado en una version revisada de la numericos aplicados en meteorologia dimimica », curso que imparte
traduccion de una parte del Manual de Meteorologia Dinamica, en el Departamento de meteorologia de la Universidad de Cali-
preparado por el primero de los autores que se citan y destinado fornia, en Los Angeles. La versi6n revisada de la traducci6n ha
a los estudiantes del Departamento de meteorologia de la Univer- sido supervisada por A. Arakawa y preparada en su version
sidad de Belgrado. Para la traduccion de esa parte del manual definitiva por J. P. CuIIen del « Meteorological Office» (Servicio
mencionado ha sido necesario recurrir, a menudo y en gran parte, Meteorologico).
alas notas redactadas por A. Arakawa para el curso 212 A « Metodos

B 8TOH ny6JIMKaIJ;MH 06cym.n;aIOTCH MeTO.n;bI, KOTO- cym.n;eHMM npbIraIOIIJ;eH CxeMbI 60JIee no.n;p06HO pac-
pbIe MCnOJIb3YIOTCH .n;JIH perneHMH OCHOBHbIX rM.n;po- CMaTpMBaeTCH aHaJIM3 np06JIeMbI pemMMa BbIqlIC-
aTMoc<pepbI. LIHCJIO MeTo.n;OB, MCnOJIb3yeMbIx B 8TMX B rJIaBe III paccMaTpMBaeTcH qHCJIeHHOe perneHMe
Mo.n;eJIHX, MomeT nOKa3aTbCH .n;OBOJIbHO 60JIbrnMM;
'Pp-x <POpM ypaBHeHMH a.n;BeRIJ;lIM, ROTopbIe OnMCbIBaIOT
TaK, KpOMe aHaJIM3a paCCMaTpM.BaeMbIX np06JIeM M a.n;BeRIJ;MIO 08HOU 3aBMCMMOH nepeMeHHoH. BnepBbIe
pa3JIMqHbIX cxeM, 06cym.n;aIOTCH TOJIbKO cxeMbI, KO-
0.n;Hopa3MepHoe mIHeHHOe ypaBHeHlIe a.n;BeKI(MM, y.n;e-
TopbIe HaM60JIee rnMpOKO MCnOJIb3YIOTCH MJIM KOTopbIe, JIHH oc060e BHMMaHlIe np06JIeMaM ornM60K <pa30BOH
no MHeHMIO aBTopOB, HaH.n;yT rnMpOKoe npMMeHeHMe CROpOCTM, BbIqlICJIMTeJIbHOH .n;McnepCHH 1I ornM6RaM
B 6y.n;yIIJ;eM. rpynnoBoH CKOpOCTM. 3aTeM RpaTRO paCCMaTplIBa-

B HaCTOHIIJ;eH KHMre 06cym.n;aIOTCH MeTo.n;bI KOHeqHO- eTCH pacrnMpeHMe .n;o .n;ByX npOCTpaHCTBeHHbIX pa3-

pa3HOCTHOH TOqKM ceTKM M, KpOMe Toro, np06JIeMbI MepHOCTeH. HaKOHeI( 06cym.n;aeTCH HeJIMHeHHOe ypaB-

M MeTo.n;bI, npMMeHHeMbIe .n;JIH BpeMeHHoro M npOCT- HeHHe a.n;BeRIJ;MII. 06cym.n;aIOTCfl 8RcnepMMeHTaJIbHaH

paHCTBeHHoro BbIqMCJIeHMH pa3HOCTeH no ropM30H- ornH6Ra II HeJIMHeHHaH HeYCTOHqIIBOCTb, ~aeTCH 0630P

TaJIM. OCTaBrnaHCH qaCTb Bonpoca BbIqMCJIeHMH pa3- MeTo.n;OB, npMMeHHeMbIX .n;JIH no.n;aBJIeHMH IIJIII npe.n;OT-



nepeMeHHbIMll; (qJIeHbI a.n;BeKIJ;MM .n;ByxMepHbIX npoc- meHMe nplIHIJ;Mna MeTo.n;a ApaKaBbI.

TbIX ypaBHeHMH) 6y.n;YT BKJIIOqeHbI B TOM Il ny6JIM- B rJIaBe IV paccMaTpMBaIOTcH cxeMbI II np06JIeMbI,
BHaqaJIe 06cym.n;aeTcH BJIIIHHMe npocTpaHcTBeHHoro
HbIX MeTo.n;OB B aTMOC<pepHbIX Mo.n;eJIHX, .n;aeTCH
TpM 3aBMClIMbIX nepeMeHHbIX BeJIMqMHbI, np06JIeMa
perneHMH .n;M<p<pepeHIJ;MaJIbHbIX ypaBHeHMH, peryJIM-
npocTpaHcTBeHHoro pacnpe.n;eJIeHMH nepeMeHHbIx CTa,-
OCHOBHbIe 8JIeMeHTbI KOHeqHO-pa3HOCTHoro MeTo.n;a,
npMMeHHeMoro .n;JIH perneHMH 8TMX ypaBHeHMH. HaKO-
PYIOTCH nHTb pa3JIMqHbIX npocTpaHcTBeHHbIx pacnpe-
HeIJ; no.n;p06HO paCCMaTpHBaIOTCH M.n;eH cTa6MJIbHOCTM
KOHeqHO-pa3HOCTHbIX ypaBHeHHH H MeTo.n;bI npOBepKM
<pMqeCRMH npOIJ;ecc nonpaBRlI. 3aTeM .n;aeTCH 0630P
cxeM II MeTo.n;oB, npMMeHHeMbIx .n;JIH .n;ocTHmeHHH
B rJIaBe Il 06cym.n;aIOTCH BpeMeHHMe KOHeqHO- 8KOHOMMQeCROH BbIro.n;bI ROMnbIOTepHoro BpeMeHM
npOCTbIMM M MoryT 6bITb onpe.n;eJIeHbI nyTeM HCnOJIb- HOBbIX qJIeHOB CMJIbI THmeCTII - perneTRa 9JIMaCCeHa,
30BaHMH 06bIqHOrO .n;ll;<p<pepeHIJ;MaJIbHOrO ypaBHeHMH 8ROHOMHqeCRMe HBHbIe cxeMbI, nOJIyHeHBHaH cxeMa
qMCJIa TaKMX cxeM HCCJIe.n;yeTcH nOBe.n;eHMe qMCJIeHHbIX CMJIbI THmeCTM MoryT .n;aTb JIOmHbIH npocTpaHcTBeH-
perneHMH, KOTopbIe .n;OCTlIraIOTCH, Kor.n;a 8TM cxeMbI HbIH M/MJIM BpeMeHHoH rnyM B paCqeTaX, onMCbIBaeTCH
MCnOJIb3YIOTCH .n;JIH .n;ByX KOHKpeTHbIX 06bIqHbIX .n;M<p- cYIIJ;eCTByIOIIJ;aH TexHlIRa, nplIMeHHeMaH .n;JIH 1I36ema-
<pepeHIJ;MaJIbHbIX ypaBHeHMH : ypaBHeHMH ROJIe6aHMH HMH IIJIM no.n;aBJIeHlIH TaRorO npocTpaHcTBeHHoro
(MJIM nOBTopHeMOCTM) M ypaBHeHMH TpeHMH. IlPlI 06- (.n;ByxMHTepBaJIbHaH perneTRa) 1I BpeMeHHoro rnyMa.

qaCTH yqe6HHKa no ~HHaMHqeCKoitMeTeOpOJIOrHH, HaUHcaHHoit OH tIHTaeT Ha KalPe;IJ;pe MeTeOpOJIOrHH KaJIHlPOpHHitcKoro
nepBbIM HB aBTopOB ~aHHoro yqe6HHKa ~JIH cTy~eHToB CTap- yHHBepcHTeTa B JIoc-AH;IJ;IReJIece. ITepecMoTpeHHblit BapHaHT
IIIero Kypca lPaKyJIbTeTa MeTeOpOJIOrHH BeJIrpa~CKoro yHH- nepeBO;IJ;a 6bIJI npOQHTaH H OTKoppeKTHpOBaH A. ApaKaBoit H,
BepCHTeTa. O~HaKO, npH HanHcaHHH nepeBe~eHHoit qaCTH HaKOHeIJ;, nO;IJ;rOTOBJIeH K neQaTH M. AIR. IT. raJIJIeHOM HB
JIeKIJ;Hit, HanHcaHHbIe A. ApaKaBoit no KypCy JIeKIJ;Hit 212A-


In this chapter, following a short historical introduction was constructed. The absolute vorticity conservation
on the development and use of numerical methods in equation, and this first electronic computer, were used
atmospheric models, methods available for numerical by Charney, Fj0rtoft and von Neumann in the late 1940's
solution of the differential equations governing the for the first successful numerical forecast (Charney et al.,
atmosphere will be briefly reviewed. Then, basic elements 1950).
of the finite difference method for solving these equations Much faster computers, and improved understanding
will be introduced. Finally, the concept of stability of of computational problems, now also enable long-term
finite difference equations, and methods for testing the integrations of the basic primitive equations. It is gener-
stability of such equations, will be discussed at some ally considered that integration of the primitive equations
length. enables easier incorporation of various physical processes
than the integration of modified equations, that is, inte-
1. Historical introduction gration of the divergence and vorticity equations. Thus,
It is considered that Wilhelm Bjerknes (1904) was the it is mostly the primitive equations that are used today for
first to point out that the future state of the atmosphere practical numerical forecasting by meteorological services.
can in principle be obtained by an integration of differen- Charts obtained by numerical forecasting are usen by
tial equations which govern the behaviour of the atmo- synopticians in these services as the principal basis for
sphere, using as initial values fields describing an observed decisions on forecasts issued for public use.
state of the atmosphere. Such an integration performed A number of research groups have been actively
using numerical methods is called numerical weather engaged for more than a decade in development of models
prediction. When, however, a numerical integration is for the numerical simulation of the general circulation
performed starting from fictitious initial fields, it is called of the atmosphere. In such simulations starting from a
numerical simulation. fictitious initial state, e.g. an isothermal and motionless
A first practical attempt at a numerical weather predic- atmosphere, is often considered to be an advantage for
tion was made by Richardson. After very tedious and the experiments. It enables a test of the ability of th;;:
time-consuming computations, carried out mostly during computational and physical schemes of the model to
the First World War, Richardson obtained a totally simulate an atmosphere with statistical properties similar
unacceptable result. Despite this, he described his to those of the real atmosphere, with no, or not much,
method and results in a book (Richardson, 1922), and prior information on these properties.
this is today one of the most famous in meteorology. Numerical models are also very frequently developed
The wrong result obtained by Richardson, and his for studies of some smaller-scale atmospheric phenomena.
estimate that 64,000 men are necessary to advance the Foremost among these are studies of the cumulus convec-
calculations as fast as the weather itself is advancing, tion problem, and simulation of processes within the
left some doubt as to whether the method would be of planetary boundary layer. In this text, however, we
practical use. A number of developments that followed, shall primarily have in mind the application of numerical
however, improved the situation. Courant, Friedrichs methods to prediction and simulation of large-scale
and Lewy (192~) found that space and time increments atmospheric motions.
in integrations of this type have to meet a certain stability
criterion. Mainly due to the work of Rossby in the late
2. Methods for the numerical solution of the equations of
1930's, it became understood that even a rather simple
equation, that describing the conservation of absolute
vorticity following the motion of air particles, suffices for Numerical solution of the equations of motion today
an approximate description of large-scale motions of the in most cases is performed using the grid point method.
atmosphere. Finally, in 1945, the first electronic computer In this method a set of points is introduced in the region
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) of interest and dependent variables are initially defined

and subsequently computed at these points. This set of using differences of dependent v~riables over finite
points is called the grid. The words mesh or lattice are space and time intervals; for that reason this approach
also used. It is necessary to have the grid points at fixed is called the finite difference method. The approximations
locations in the horizontal. This means that, according for derivatives are then used to construct a system of
to the Eulerian system of equations, space and time algebraic equations that approximates the governing
coordinates are chosen as independent variables. partial differential equations. This algebraic system is
A number of attempts have been made to develop considered valid at each of the interior grid points of
atmospheric models using an approach which is at least the computation region. For the initial time and at
partly Lagrangian. Serious difficulties are encountered space boundary points, additional constraints or 'equa-
when a straightforward numerical integration of the tions are defined that approximate the initial and bound-
Lagrangian system of equations is undertaken. However, ary conditions as required by the physics of the problem.
it is possible to construct methods with some Lagrangian The set of algebraic equations obtained in this way is
properties; for example, to have some or all of the compu- then solved, usually using an electronic computer, by a
tation points moving with the fluid. In hydrodynamics suitable step-wise procedure.
a number of such methods have proved to be very useful, We shall now consider some basic elements of the
especially for some problems which are not amenable finite difference method. For simplicity, we start by
to treatment by a strictly Eulerian technique (e.g. Harlow considering a function of one independent variable
and· Amsden, 1971). However, in meteorology the per-
formance of Lagrangian or semi-Lagrangian models U = u(x).
that have so far been developed has not been quite satis- The function U is a solution to a differential equation
factory. A discussion of one way of constructing a that we are interested in. We want to find an approxima-
Lagrangian model, and a review of earlier attempts, can tion to this solution in a bounded region R of the inde-
be found in a paper by Mesinger (1971). pendent variable, having a length L. The simplest way
Another possible approach is to express the spatial of introducing a set of grid points is to require that they
dependence of the variables in terms of a series of ortho- divide the region R into an integer number of intervals
gonal functions, and then substitute this into the governing of equal length Ax. This length Ax is called the grid
equations. In this way the equations reduce to a set of interval, or grid length. Let us denote the number of
ordinary differential equations, so that the coefficients grid intervals by J. It is convenient to locate the origin
of the series can be computed as functions of time. This of the x axis at the left-hand end of the region R. Thus,
is the spectral method of solving the governing equations. we are looking for approximations to U (x) at discrete
Until relatively recently it was considered that in effi- points x = jAx, where j takes integer values 0,1,2, ... , J.
ciency the spectral method could not be competitive These approximate values we shall denote by
with the grid point method. But the use of the fast
Uj = Uj (jAx).
Fourier transform has completely changed the situation
and investigation of spectral methods is now the subject Thus, we are interested in finding J + 1 values Uj'
of intensive research.
Knowledge of a discrete set of values Uj, even if the
In the following we shall consider the technique of approximations were perfect, offers, obviously, less
using the grid point method, and the problems associated information than knowledge of the function U (x). Let
with it, using grid of computation points fixed in space. us briefly consider the situation in that respect. We shall
This is the most direct way of solving the equations of very often find it convenient to think of the function
motion numerically. Furthermore, knowledge of this U (x) as being formed by a sum of its Fourier compo-
method is necessary for the investigation and under- nents, that is
standing of the relative merits of other alternatives
mentioned in this section.
u (x)= 0
a + ~ (an
, n~l
cos 21tn t + bnsin 21tn I).
3. Basic elements of the grid point method
With the grid point method, the most common way Now, the available J + I values Uj do not enable the
of solving the governing equations is to find approximate computation of all of the coefficients an, b n ; rather,
expressions for derivatives appearing in the equations. they can be used to compute only J + 1 different
These approximate expressions are defined using only coefficients. A natural choice is to assume that the
values of the dependent variables at the grid points, J + 1 values Uj defin~ the near value ao and as many as
and at discrete time intervals. Thus, they are formed possible of the coefficients of the Fourier components at

the long wave length end of the series, that is, coefficients The difference between this expression and the derivative
for n = 1,2,3, ... , ~. Of these components, the one with (-dU) bemg
. approXImate
. d; 'm t h'IS case
2u) 3
the shortest wavelength will have n = Jj2, with the wave
length L 2L 2L
dx j
E = -21 (d-dx. 1 (d U) 2
2 Ax + - - 3 (Ax) +"',
6 dx .
= J = L/Ax = 2Ax. J J

is called the truncation error of the approximation to the.

Having made that choice, we can say that with values Uj derivative. These are terms that were "truncated off"
at discrete points x = jAx it is not possible to resolve
to form the approximation. The truncation error gives
waves with wave length shorter than 2Ax.
a measure of how accurately the difference quotient
Now let us consider the differences between values Uj approximates the derivative for small values ofAx.
that will be used to construct approximations to deriva- The usual measure of this is the order of accuracy of an
tives. These differences are called finite differences. They approximation. This is the lowest power ofAx that
can be calculated over one or more of the intervals Ax. appears in the truncation error. Thus, approximation
Depending on the relation of the points from which the (3 . 1) is of the first order of accuracy. We can write
values are taken to the point where the derivative is
required, they can be centered or uncentered. An un- E =0 (Ax).
centered difference is, for example, the forward difference For an approximation to the derivative to be consistent
it must, obviously, be at least first order accurate.
AUj = Uj+l-Uj'
More often centered (or central) differences are used,
such as
()Uj+% = Uj+l-Uj'
4. Finite difference schemes
In a centered difference the difference is between values The algebraic equation obtained when derivatives
symmetrical about the point where the difference is in a differential equation are replaced by appropriate
being calculated. finite difference approximations is called a finite difference
One way to construct an approximation to a differen- approximation to that differential equation, or a finite
tial equation is to simply replace the derivatives by appro- difference scheme. In this section we shall introduce the
priate finite difference quotients. For example, for the concepts of consistency, truncation error, and accuracy,
first derivative one can use the approximation for a finite difference scheme.
As an example, we shall use the linear advection
(3.1) equation
au au
at + c ax = 0, u = u (x, t), c = a positive const.(4.1)
The finite difference quotient here is, of course, only one
of many possible approximations to the first derivative It describes advection of the variable u at a constant
at point j. velocity c in the direction of the x axis. The solution
If a finite difference quotient, or a more complex to this simple equation can, of course, also be obtained
expression, is to be used as an approximation to a deri- by an analytic method. It will be useful to obtain the
vative, it is required, above all, that this approximation analytic solution first, in order to investigate properties
be consistent. This means that the approximation should of numerical solutions by comparing them against
approach the derivative when the grid interval approaches known properties of the true solution.
zero. The quotient (3.1), obviously, has that property. It is convenient to this end to change from variables
Important information is obatined when the true x, t to variables ~,t with the substitution ~ = x-et.
solution U (jAx) is substituted into an approximation Using the notation
to the derivative in place of the grid point values Uj, and u (x, t) = U(~, t)
U (jAx) is expanded in a Taylor series about the central we obtain
point. For the quotient (3.1) this procedure gives au a u a ~ a u a t a u a u
- = - - + - - = -c - + - ,
at as
at at at a~ at
au a u a ~ a u a t a u
ax = ~ ax + at ax = a~'

Substitution of these expressions into (4.1) gives t

at u (~, t) = O. (n + 1) At
nAt un
Thus, it is seen that U cannot be a function of t, but can
be an arbitrary function of ~. A solution of (4. 1) is, (n -1) At
u = f(x-ct), (4.2)

where f is an arbitrary function. This, we see, is the x

general solution of the advection equation (4.1), since (j-l) Ax jAx (j + 1) Ax
it can satisfy an arbitrary initial condition Figure 4.2 A finite difference grid for finding an approximate
solution of (4.1).
u (x,O) = F(x). (4.3)
Thus, by a forward difference quotient, and the space derivative
u = F(x-ct), (4.4) by a backward difference quotient. In this way we obtain
the scheme
is the solution of (4. 1) satisfying the initial condition n+l n n n
(4.3). Uj - Uj +c Uj - Uj-l= O. (4.5)
For a physical interpretation, it is often convenient to At Ax
consider the solution in the x, t plane. In the present This scheme could be called a forward and upstream
case, we see that the solution takes constant values along scheme, the latter word indicating the position of the
the straight lines point j - l relative to the advection velocity. It is, of
x-ct = const. course, only one of many possible consistent finite
difference schemes for the differential equation. There
These lines are the characteristics of the advection equa- are many schemes which approach the differential equa-
tion; one of them is shown in Fig. 4.1. We can say· tion when the increments Ax, At approach zero.
that the solution propagates along the characteristics. Since for small values ofAx, At a finite difference
equation approximates the corresponding differential
x-cl. = const = Xo equation, we can expect that its solution will be an approx-
u= const = u (xo, 0) imation to the solution of that equation. We shall call
solutions given by finite difference schemes numerical
solutions. There are, of course, both approximate and
numerical solutions obtained by other methods which
will not be considered in this publication. It is most
convenient to study the properties of numerical solutions
when they can be compared with known solutions of the
L-_~~-~-----~----~~--x original differential equation, which we shall refer to as
Xo true solutions. The difference between the numerical
Figure 4.1 One of the characteristics of the linear advection
and the true solution
equation (4.1).
U'J -u (jAx, nAt) (4.6)
is the error of the numerical solution.
Let us now construct a scheme for finding an approxi-
mate solution to (4.1) using the grid point method. For obvious reasons, we cannot often expect to know
the error of the numerical solution. However, we can
We are now looking only for an approximate solution
always find a measure of the accuracy of the scheme by
at the discrete points in the (x,t) plane formed by the
substituting the true solution u (jAx, nAt) of the equation
grid shown in Fig. 4.2. The approximate solution at a
into the numerical scheme. Since the true solution will
point (jAx, nAt) is denoted by u'J. not satisfy the numerical equations exactly, we will have
The behaviour of the true solution, which propagates to add an additional term to keep the equation valid.
along characteristics in the x, t plane, suggests constructing Let us denote this term by E. For example, in the case
the approximate equation by replacing the time derivative of scheme (4.5) this procedure gives

u (jL1x, (n + 1) L1t) - u (jL1x, nL1t) + (b) What is the behaviour of the error u'J-u (jLlx, nLlt)
L1t when, for fixed values of Llx, LIt, the number of time
(4.7) steps n increases?
u (jL1x, nL1t):"""'" u ((j-1) L1x, nL1t) __
+ L1x
The answer to the first of these questions depends on
the convergence of the numerical solution: if the error
The term E we shall call the truncation error of the finite approaches zero as the grid is refined (as Llx, LIt -+ 0)
difference scheme. It shows how closely the true solution the solution is called convergent. If a scheme gives a
satisfies the equation of the scheme, and, thus, gives a convergent solution for any initial conditions, then the
measure of the accuracy of the scheme. scheme also is called convergent.
We can obtain a more useful form for the expression for Consistency of a scheme does not guarantee conver-
the truncation error by performing a Taylor series gence; we shall illustrate this by a simple example.
expansion of the true solution about the central space We still consider the scheme (4. 5) ; its truncation error
and time point. Using the original differential equation (4.8) approaches zero as the grid is refined, and, there-
to eliminate the leading term we obtain the truncation fore, this is a consistent scheme. But consider the
error (4.7) as numerical solution, when the grid lines and character-
1 a2u 1 a3u 2
istics are as shown in Fig. 5.1. The characteristic passing
E = - - L1t + - ~ (L1t) + ... - through the grid point taken as the origin in this example
2 at 2 6 at
passes through another grid point, A, dynoted by a
1uu 1au3 2 ) (4.8)
square. Thus, the true solution at A, is equal to the
- c - - 2 L1x - - - 3 (L1x) + ....
( 2 ax 6 ax initial value at the origin. However the numerical
solution given by (4.5) A is computed using the values
As before, these are the terms that were "truncated at points denoted by circles. The shaded domain,
off" to make the differential equation reduce to our including all of these points, is called the domain of
finite difference scheme. dependence of the numerical scheme. The grid point at
In the same way as for an approximation to the deri- the origin is outside that domain, and, thus, cannot
vative, the order of accuracy of a finite difference scheme affect the numerical solution at A o. Therefore, the error
is the lowest power of L1x and L1t that appears in the can be arbitrarily great. If the space and time steps
truncation error. Thus, scheme (4.5) is first order were reduced by the same relative amount, say to one
accurate. We can write halfof their values in the figure, the domain of dependence
would still remain the same, and this situation would not
E = 0 (LIt) + 0 (Llx), change. Thus, as long as the ratio of the steps L1x and LIt
or remains the same, refinement of the grid cannot bring
E = 0 (Llx, LIt). about a reduction in the error of the numerical solution.

It is useful to make a distinction between orders of t

accuracy in space and in time, especially when the lowest x-ct - co nst
powers of Llx and LIt are not the same. As before, a .L~
necessary condition for consistency of a scheme is that
it be at least of the first order of accuracy.
~A ,,;0""

L--- ----
v , """"" .J

5. Convergence ,
~ ,
The truncation error of a consistent scheme can be ,.,-" "
made arbitrarily small by a sufficient reduction of the
increments Llx and LIt. Unfortunately, we cannot be sure
------- v

Figure 5. 1 A possible relative position of a characteristic and of


that this will also result in a reduction of the error of a domain of dependence.
the numerical solution. For that reason, we return to
consideration of the error u'J-u (jLlx, nLlt). A necessary condition for convergence of a scheme is,
obviously, that the characteristic defining the true solu-
Following Richtmyer and Morton (1967) we ask two tion at a grid point is inside the domain of dependence
questions: of the numerical solution at that point. In our example,
(a) What is the behaviour of the error u'J-u (jLlx, nLlt) this will happen when the slope of the characteristics
when, for a fixed total time nLlt, the increments L1x, LIt is greater than the slope of the dashed line bounding the
approach zero? domain of dependence, that is, when

cAt :'( Ax (5.1) This proves the boundedness of the numerical solution.
Thus, this is a necessary condition for convergence
Hence, 1-J! > is seen to be a sufficient condition for
stability of (6.1).
of (4.5).
This direct testing of the stability is simple. Unfortun-
ately, as might be anticipated from the argument, it is
successful only for a rather limited number of schemes.
6. Stability
Energy method. This method is of a much wider appli-
The answer to the second question raised at the begin- cability, and can be used even for nonlinear equations.
ning of the section 5 depends on the stability of the numer- If we know that the true solution is bounded, we test
ical solution. A rigorous definition of stability employs
the concepts of functional analysis, and refers to the
whether L:
(uj)2 is also bounded. If it is, then every
boundedness of the numerical solution only (e.g. Richt- value u'J must be bounded, and the stability of the
myer and Morton, 1967). The difficulties in defining scheme has been proved. The method is called the energy
stability are. caused by the fact that the true solution, method since in physical applications u 2 is often propor-
in general, does not have to be bounded. However, tional to some form of energy. Of course, there are
when we know that the true solution is bounded, as in examples when this is not so.
the equations we are interested in here, we can use a
definition referring to the boundedness of the error Squaring (6.1) and summing over j we obtain'
u'J-u (jAx, nAt). We say that a solution u'J is stable if \1 (Un + 1)2 = f..J
\1 [(1-J! )2 (u11)2 + 2J! (1-J!
) u 11 u n_ +
this error remains bounded as n increases, for fixed f..J j j j j 1
values ofAx, At. As before, we say that a finite difference ) } (6.3)
scheme is stable if it gives a stable solution for any initial
+ J.l.2(Uj~/]'
Stability of a scheme is a property of great practical We shall assume a cyclic boundary condition, for example
significance. There are consistent schemes, of a high
order of accuracy, that still give solutions diverging
unacceptably fast from the true solution. Thus, conditions then
for stability, if any, should be known. There are three
methods that can be used to investigate the stability ~ (Uj~/ = ~ (u;)2. (6.4)
j j
of a scheme, and we shall give an example of each of
these methods. We shall do this by considering again Now, using Schwarz's inequality
the forward and upstream scheme (4.5).
Direct method. Since we know that the true solution
is bounded, it suffices to test the boundedness of the numer-
ical solution. The scheme (4.5) can be written as

Ujn+l = (1 -J!) Ujn + J! n

Uj-I, t6.1)
J! == cL1t/Ax. Using (6.4) and (6.5) we see that, if I-J! > 0, (6.3) gives
the inequality
If I-J! > 0, which happens to be also the necessary

~ (u/ +1)2...;; [(1 +,.1)2 + 2J! (1-J!) + J!2] ij (uj')2,

condition for convergence, we will have

1 uj+ll :'( (I-J!) 1 u'J 1 + J! I uj_ll· (6.2) or ) }

\1 (u!,+1)2 « \1 (u!,)2.
We can apply this at the point where at time level n + 1 LJ ) LJ j
j j
1uj+l 1 is a maximum, Max(j) I uj+l I. The right side
of (6.2) can only be increased by replacing I u'J I and Thus, I-J! > 0, coupled with the cyclic boundary condi-
tion, is proved to be a sufficient condition for stability
1 uj-ll by the m~ximum value at level n, M~x(j) 'I u'J I.
The two terms on the right side can then be added, and of (6.1).
we obtain Von Neumann's method. Von Neumann's, or the
Max(j) 1 uj+l 1 :'( Max(j) I u'J I· Fourier series method is the most frequently used method.

We will usually not be able to use it to test the stability This gives
of nonlinear equations, and will have to resort to the I u (n+1) 1 = I A 11 u I.
analysis of their linearized versions. A solution to a
linear equation, however, can be expressed in form of a For each harmonic solution (6.8) to be stable it is required
Fourier .series, where each harmonic component is also that
a solution. Thus, we can test the stability of a single
harmonic solution; stability of all admissible harmonics
will then be a necessary condition for stability of the where B is a finite number. This gives
For an illustration of this method, it is useful first to n In IAI < In (B I1 u (0) I) = B' ,
obtain an analytic solution of the equation (4. 1)
where B' is a new constant. Since n = tlAt, the necessary
condition for stability becomes

In IAI < tAt. (6.11)
in the form of a single harmonic

ikX (6.6) Now, suppose that we require boundedness of the solu-

u (x,t) = Re [U(t) e ].
tion for a finite time t. Condition (6.11) can then be
written as
Here U (t) is the wave amplitude, and k the wave number.
Substituting this into the preceding equation we obtain In I A1 ~ 0 (At).

dU + ikcU= O. If we now define

I A1 == 1 + 0,
. Thus, the problem of solving a partial differential equation
has been reduced to that of solving this ordinary differen-
we see, in view of the power series expansion ofln (1 0), +
that the stability condition obtained is equivalent to
tial equation. Its solution is

U (t) = U (0) e-ikct , o::( 0 (At).

where U (0) is the initial value of the amplitude. Hence, IAI~I+0(At). (6.12)
the desired harmonic solution is
u (x, t) = Re [U (0) eik(:!'-ct)]. (6.7) This is the von Neumann necessary condition for stability.
The von Neumann condition allows an exponential,
Each wave component is, thus, advected at a constant but no faster, growth of the solution. This, of course,
velocity c along the x axis with no change in is needed to analyze cases when the true solution grows
amplitude. exponentially. However, when we know that the true
Returning to the von Neumann method, we now look solution does not grow, as in our example (6.7), it is
for an analogous solution of the finite difference equation customary to replace (6.12) by a sufficient condition
(6.1). Into this equation we substitute a solution of the
form IAI~1. (6.13)

(6.8) This condition is much less generous than that required

by the original definition of stability. Returning to our
Here U (n) is the amplitude at time level n. This substitu- example, substitution of (6.10) into (6.9) gives
tion shows that (6. 8) is a solution provided that
From this we obtain
An equation of this kind enables analysis of the behav-
iour of the amplitude u(n) as n increases. To this end (6.15)
we define an amplification factor 1 A I by
and, therefore, I-I! ;): 0 is again found to be a sufficient
u(n+l) =A u(n) •
(6.10) condition for stability of (6.1).

An equation such as (6. 15) gives further information the graphs of the I A 1 2 curves as shown in Fig. 6. 1. In
about the behaviour of the numerical solution. This can general, as the wave length L increases, that is, as k
be obtained by studying the variation of 1 A 1 with Jl for approaches zero, the amplification factor approaches
various fixed values of kAx. To this end we plot the unity for any value of the parameter Jl.
1 A 1 2 curves; (6. 15) shows that in the present case all The figure shows that within the stable region the scheme
of these curves are parabolas. Furthermore, recall that is damping for all values Jl < 1. The damping increases
the minimum resolvable wave length is 2Ax. Thus, the as the wave length decreases. Since the true solution
maximum value that wave number k can take is n/Ax. We has a constant amplitude, this damping reveals an error
thus plot the 1 A 12 curves for this maximum value due to finite differencing. We see that this error increases
k = n/Ax (or wave length L = 2Ax), and for half this as the wave length decreases. At the shortest resolvable
value, k = n/2Ax (L = 4Ax), and a quarter of this wave length, L = 2Ax, the error may be very great
value, k = n/4Ax (L = 8Ax). The first derivative unless At is extremely small. It is even possible for
2 this wave to be completely removed after only a single
d IAI time step! The dependence of the error on wave length,
- - = -2 (I-2Jl) (I-cos kAx),
dJl as seen here, might have been anticipated by considering
representation of harmonics of various wave lengths by
shows that all the I A 1 2 curves have minima at Jl = 1/2. the finite difference grid. The shortest resolvable wave,
This information, in addition to calculation of the ordi- with only two data points per wave length, is very poorly
nates of (6. 15) at Jl = 0, 1/2 and 1, suffices for sketching represented; as the wave length increases, the representa-
tion by a finite difference grid improves, and approaches
L = 4Ax the continuous representation as the wave length tends
L = 8Ax to infinity.
------------------------------ -- -:::::_- There exists a wealth of more precise definitions of
--...--- ,-,' '
".-", 11
I,' stability and convergence, as well as stability criteria.
\ ---------------- I' For a further discussion of these subjects, and of the
\ I
I !
relation between the properties of stability and conver-
\ I
I ! gence, the interested reader is referred to the book by
I Richtmyer and Morton (1967) and to the publication
\ I i
0.5 \ I ! by Kreiss and Oliger (1973). However, for application
\ I ! of numerical methods to atmospheric models, it is more
\ / 1 important to discuss other problems than to refine the
\ / 1
\ /: stability and convergence concepts beyond the outlil1e
\ / L = 2Ax given here. These numerical problems, such as phase..
\ I I
\ / I speed errors and computational dispersion, nonlinear
\ / I
' / I instability, effect of the space-time grid on the properties
o '- / I
of the numerical solution, and, also the ideas behind
o 0.5 Jl = cAt/Ax and properties of the great variety of schemes that are
Figure 6.1 Sketches of I A 12 curves, for the scheme (6 ..1), and currently being used in atmospheric models, will be
for various values of L. discussed in the remaining chapters of this publication.


In this chapter we consider ordinary differential equa- an ordinary differential equation, the equation and a
tions with one dependent and one independent variable. single initial condition is all that is required for an exact
Although atmospheric models are essentially always solution. Thus, the error of the numerical solution
models for solving a complex set of partial differential is entirely due to the inadequacy of the scheme. With a
equations, in some formulations the numerical solution of partial differential equation, the error of the numerical
ordinary differential equations forms an important solution is brought about both by the inadequacy of the
part of the computational procedure. For instance in scheme and by insufficient information about the initial
spectral models the governing partial differential equa- conditions, since they are known only at discrete space
tions reduce to a set of ordinary differential equations for points. Thus, an increase in the accuracy of the scheme
the expansion coefficients as dependent variables. A set improves only one of these two components, and the
of ordinary differential equations will also be obtained results are not too impressive.
if a Lagrangian method is used, in which the computa- Another reason for not requiring a scheme of high
tional points move with the fluid. But, most of all, accuracy for approximations to the time derivative terms
schemes for solving ordinary differential equations are is that, in order to meet a stability requirement of the
of interest here since they are often used without modi- type discussed in the preceding chapter, it is usually
fication to construct approximations to the time deri- necessary to choose a time step significantly smaller than
vative terms in the governing partial differential equa- that required for adequate accuracy. With the time step
tions. Knowledge ofthe properties of schemes for solving usually chosen, other errors; for example in the space
ordinary differential equations will then be used in inves- differencing, are much greater than those due to the time
tigating the properties of more complex schemes for differencing. Thus, computational effort is better spent
solving the partial differential equations. in reducing these other errors, and not in increasing the
With that in mind, we shall here first define some of the accuracy of the time differencing. This, of course, does
schemes that will be interesting to analyze. Then we not mean that it is not necessary to consider carefully the
shall investigate the behaviour of numerical solutions properties of various possible time differencing schemes.
obtained when these schemes are used for two specific Accuracy, is only one important consideration in' choosing
ordinary differential equations: the oscillation (or a scheme.
frequency) equation, and the friction equation. These To define some schemes, we consider the equation
equations will serve as _prototypes for later extension
of the results to advection, gravity-inertia wave, and
diffusion processes within the atmospheric primitive dt = f (0, r); U= U (d. (1.1)
The independent variable t is here called time. We
1. Definitions of some schemes divide the time axis into segments of equal length L1 t.
Schemes used for the time derivative terms within the We shall denote by u(n) the approximate value of U at
primitive equations are relatively simple, usually of the time nL1t. We assume that we know at least the first
second and sometimes even only of the first order of of the values u(n), u(n-l), . . . and we want to construct
accuracy. There are several reasons for this. First, a scheme for computation of an approximate value
it is a' general experience that schemes constructed so U (n+1). There are many possibilities.
as to have a high order of accuracy are mostly not A. Two level schemes. These are schemes that relate
very successful when solving partial differential equa- values of the dependent variable at two time levels: n
tions. This is in contrast to the experience with ordinary and n + 1. Only a two level scheme can be used to
differential equations, where very accurate schemes, advance an integration over the first time step, when
such as the Runge-Kutta method, are extremely reward- just a single initial condition is available. With such a
ing. There is a basic reason for this difference. With scheme we want to approximate the exact formula

(n+1) ilt the value of U obtained for time level n + 1 is then used
[j(n+1) = U(n) + f (u, t) dt. (1.2) for an approximation to pn+1), and this approximate
Jnilt value pn+1) * is used to make a backward step. Thus,
We shall first list several schemes which do not use an u(n+l) * = u(n) + ilt .pn),
iterative procedure.
u(n+1) = u(n) + ilt·pn+1)*, (1.6)
AI. Euler (or forward) scheme. This is the scheme
u(n+1) = u(n) + ilt·pn), pn+1) * = /(u(n+1) *, (n + 1) ilt).
where (1.3)
This is an explicit scheme, of the first order of accuracy.
AS. Heun scheme. Here, in much the same way, an
The truncation error of this scheme is 0 (ilt). Thus, this approximation is constructed to the trapezoidal scheme.
is a first order accurate scheme. For the integrand in Thus,
(1.2) we have here taken a constant value equal to that
at the lower boundary of the time interval. Thus, / in (1.7)
(1.3) is not centered in time, and the scheme is said to
be uncentered. In general, uncentered schemes will
be found to be of the first order of accuracy, and simple
centered schemes to be of the second order of accuracy. Thus, this is also an explicit scheme. It is of the second
order of accuracy.
A2. Backward scheme. We can also take a constant B. Three level schemes. Except at the first step,
value of / equal to that at the upper boundary of the one can store the value u(n-1), and construct schemes
time interval. We then obtain taking advantage of this additional information. These
u(n+1) = u(n)+ ilt .pn+1). (1.4) are three level schemes. They may approximate the
If, as here, a value of / depending on u(n+1) appears (n+1) ilt
= U(n-I) + f (u, t) dt,
in the difference equation, the scheme is called implicit.
For an ordinary differential equation, it may be simple
U(n+ 1)
J (n-I) ilt

to solve such a difference equation for the desired value or, they can use the additional value u(n-1) to make a
u(n+1). But, for partial differential equations, this will better approximation to / in (1.2).
require solving a set of simultaneous equations, with one BI. Leapfrog scheme. The simplest way of making
equation for each of the grid points of the computation a centered evaluation of the integral in (1.8) is to take
region. If a value of/depending on U (n + 1) does not appear for / a constant value equal to that at the middle of the
in the difference equation the scheme is called explicit. interval 2ilt. This gives the leapfrog scheme
The truncation error of (1.4) is also 0 (ilt).
A3. Trapezoidal scheme. If we approximate / in
u(n+1) = u(n-1) + 2ilt·pn). (1.9)

(1 .2) by an average of the values at the beginning and Its truncation error is 0 [(ilt)2]. This is probably the
the end of the time interval, we obtain the trapezoidal scheme most widely used at present in atmospheric
scheme models. It has also been called the "mid-point rule", or
. u(n+1) = u(n) + ~ilt (j(n) + pn+1»). (1. 5) "step-over" scheme.
B2. Adams-Bashforth scheme.. The scheme that is
This is also an implicit scheme. Its truncation error, usually called the Adams-Bashfoith scheme in the atmo-
however, is 0 [(ilt)2]. spheric sciences is, in fact, a simplified version of the
original Adams-Bashforth scheme, which is of the fourth
To increase the accuracy or for other reasons we can
order of accuracy. The simplified version is obtained
also construct iterative schemes. Two schemes that we
when/in (1.2) is approximated by a value obtained at the
will now define are constructed in the same way as (1 .4)
centre of the interval il t by a linear extrapolation using
and (1. 5), except that an iterative procedure is used to
values /(n-1) and /(n). This gives
make them explicit.
A4. Matsuno (or Euler-backward) scheme. With
this scheme a step is made first using the Euler scheme;
U(n+I) = U(n) + ilt (%/n) - tin-I)). (1.10)

This also is a second order accurate scheme. As another simple example we can consider the accel-
There are many other rather obvious possibilities. eration and Coriolis terms of the horizontal component
For example, one can approximate the integral in (1.8) of the equation of motion of the atmosphere, that is
using Simpson's rule, that is, by fitting a parabola to the
valuesj<n-l) ,fen) andj<n+l). The implicit scheme obtained du dv
dt = fv, dt = -fu.
in this way is called the Milne-Simpson scheme. To
illustrate the wealth of possible alternatives we note that If we define
in a paper by Young (1968) properties of 13 different U == u + iv,
schemes have been studied. Furthermore, when we are
solving a more complicated partial differential equation, we can write these two equations as
or a system of such equations, time (or space-time)
differencing schemes can be constructed which are more dU = -ifU.
complex than those which can be defined using the dt
simple equation (1.1). Such schemes are widely used in
atmospheric models, and some of them will be described This again reduces to (2. I), this time if we substitute
in later chapters of this publication. ro = -f.
Since there are many more important types of wave
2. Properties of schemes applied to the oscillation equation motion, we can hope that results obtained by a study
of (2.1) will be much more general. It can, indeed, be
The stability and other important properties of the shown (e.g. Young, 1968) that the equation (2.1) can
time differencing schemes defined in section (1) depend be obtained from a rather general linearized system of
on the form of the function f(U,t). Thus, in order to governing equations, describing a number of types of
discuss these properties we have to prescribe this function. wave motion in the atmosphere.
For applications in atmospheric models it is of particular
interest to consider the case The general solution of (2.1) is

f = iroU, U (t) = U (0) eioot ,

that is, the equation or, for discrete values t = nLlt,

dU = iroU. U = U(t). U (nLlt) = U (0) einooilt (2.2)

dt '
Thus, considering the solution in a complex plane,
Equation (2.1) we shall call the oscillation equation. The its argument rotates by roLl t in each time step Ll t, and
word frequency equation is also used. We allow U to be there is no change in amplitude.
complex; then (2.1) can be thought of as representing
a system of two equations. The parameter ro is real, and The properties of various schemes when applied to
is called the frequency. (2.1) are conveniently analyzed using the von Neumann
method. This method, as we have seen, involves defining
It is easy to give some justification for our interest in the
a variable "- by
equation (2.1). As an example, recall that the harmonic
component u(n+l) ="- u(n) (2.3)
U (x, t) = Re [U (t) e "'],
We also write
is a solution of the linear wave equation (2.4)

au + c au = o. c =const.,
Thus, the numerical solution can formally be written as
at Jx '
provided that
We see that e represents the change in argument (or
dU + ikcU = O. phase change) of the numerical solution in each time
This ordinary differential equation reduces to (2.1) Since we know that the amplitude of the true solution
if we substitute ro = -kc. does not change, we shall require I"-I L 1 for stability.

In accordance with this and (2.5), we shall say that a Therefore,

scheme is
unstable > A = l+iap, (2.10)
neutral if 1"'1=1. l-ipp
damping < or,
(or dissipative)
It will also be instructive to compare the phase change
of the numerical solution per time step, e, with that of the
true solution, mAt. The ratio of these changes, e/mAt,
is the relative phase change of the numerical solution. Substituting for a and p allows us to investigate the
Obviously, we can say that a scheme is effect of particular schemes. For the Euler scheme we have
e > '" = 1 + ip, (2.11)
of no effect on
if -=l.
phase speed mAt < for the backward scheme

For accuracy, therefore, it is desirable to have both the A = 11 p2 (1 + ip), (2.12)

amplification factor and the relative phase speed close
to unity. Exceptions to this are so-called "computa- and, for the trapezoidal scheme,
tional modes", which, as we shall see later, can appear
as false solutions superposed on the physical solution.
These are solutions that do not approach the true solution
A 11
1+ P2
(1- 14
p2 + iP) . (2. 13)
as the space and time steps approach zero. If such 4
solutions exist they will each have their own value of To test for stability we need to know I'" I. Since
the amplification factor. Since they are not an approxima- the modulus of a ratio of two complex numbers is equaf
tion to the true solution, it is desirable to have their to the ratio of their moduli, we can obtain the values 01
amplitudes as small as possible, that is, to have their I A I directly from (2.10). For the Euler scheme we have
amplification factors less than unity.
We shall now discuss the properties of the schemes
. that have been defined in the preceding section.
The Euler scheme is, thus, always unstable. It is interest-
Two level schemes. The three non-iterative two level ing to note that, if At is chosen so as to make p relatively
schemes can be described by a single finite difference small, we have
= + At (apn) + ppn+l»), 1
u(n+l) u(n) (2.6) IAI = 1+ 2p2 + .... (2.15)

with a consistency requirement

This shows that 1 + 0 [(At)2], that is,
I'" 1= I'"
1-1 is
a+p=1. an order of magnitude less than the maximum allowed
by the von Neumann necessary condition for stability.
Obviously, a = =
1, P 0 for the Euler scheme, a 0, = However, experience shows that an indiscriminate use
p 1 for the backward scheme, and a 1/2, P 1/2 for= = of the Euler scheme for solution of the atmospheric
the trapezoidal scheme. equations leads to amplification at a quite unacceptable
Applied to the oscillation equation (2.6) gives rate.

u(n+l) = u(n) + iroAt (aU(n) +p u(n+l»). (2.7) For the backward scheme we obtain

In order to evaluate '" we must solve this equation for
u(n+1). Denoting, for brevity,
The backward scheme is, thus, stable no matter what
p = mAt, (2.8) value of At is chosen. Thus, it is an unconditionally
we obtain stable scheme. We can, furthermore, notice that it is
u(n+ l) = 1+ iap U(n)
(2.9) damping, and that the amount of damping increases as
l-ipp . the frequency ro increases. This is often considered to

be a desirable property of a scheme. For instance, we can and for the Heun scheme
think of a system in which a number of frequencies are
present at the same time; for example, solving a system
of equations of the type (2. 1). This situation is similar to (2.22)
that existing in the real atmosphere. It would appear
to be necessary to maintain the amplitudes of motions To test for. stability we evaluate I A. I. For the Matsuno
of different frequencies in the correct ratio. However, scheme we obtain
in numerical integrations, high frequency motions are
often excited to unrealistically large amplitudes through (2.23)
errors in the initial data. It may then be desirable to
reduce the amplitudes of high frequency motions by a Thus, the Matsuno scheme is stable if
selective damping in the time differencing scheme. In
other words, a scheme with frequency dependent damping Ipl ~ 1.
properties can be used to filter out undesirable high
frequency motions. In other words, to achieve stability we have to choose At
For the trapezoidal scheme we find sufficiently small so that

At~l/lro\. (2.24)
\A.\=1. (2.17)
The Matsuno scheme, thus, is conditionally stable. The
The trapezoidal scheme is, thus, always neutral. The higher the frequency, the more restrictive is the stability
amplitude of the numerical solution remains constant, condition.
just as does that of the true solution. It is useful to note
that both the implicit schemes considered here were Differentiating (2.23) we find that
stable no matter how large a value of tit was chosen.
The iterative two level schemes can aiso be describ~d diA.l _ p "( 2)
by a single equation in the same way as (2.6). Thus,we dp - (1-p2 + p4)% 1- 2p.
u(n+1)* = u(n) + At'j(n),
Hence, the amplification factor of the Matsuno scheme
u(n+l) = u(n) + At (apn) + J3pn+l) *), (2.18) has. a minimum for p = I/V2. Therefore, as pointed
a+J3=1. out by Matsuno (l966a) when dealing with a system
with ·a number of frequencies we can choose a time step
Now a = 0, J3 = 1 for the Matsuno scheme, and a = 1/2, so as to have 0 < P < I/V2 for all the frequencies
J3 = 1/2 for the Heun scheme. present, and then, in the same way as backward implicit
scheme, this scheme will reduce the relative amplitudes
Applied to the oscillation equation (2. 18) gives of high frequencies. This technique has recently become
very popular for initialization of atmospheric models,
u(n+1) * = u(n) + iroAt u(n), where it is used to damp the spurious high frequency
u(n+1) = u(n) + iroAt (aU(n) + J3u(n+l)*). noise generated by the assimilation of the observed data.
As shown by Matsuno (1966b) higher order accuracy
Eliminating u(n+1) * we obtain, again using (2.8), schemes with similar filtering characteristics can be con-
For the Heun scheme (2.22) gives


Substituting the appropriate values of J3 we now obtain This is always greater than unity. Thus, the Heun
the values of A. for the two schemes. Hence, for the scheme is always unstable, like the Euler scheme.
Matsuno scheme However, instead of (2.15), for small p we now have
A. = 1_p 2 + ip, (2.21) IAI = 1+ "8 p4 + '" , (2.26)

that is, I A I = 1 + 0 [(A t)4]. This instability is quite Since the right-hand side is always less than unity, we
weak. Experience shows that it can be tolerated when we can see that these two schemes are decelerating. For
can choose a relatively small value of At. (Note that, p = 1 we have e/p = n/4.
whenever the amplification rate is less than that allowed In other cases the effect may not be so obvious. For
by the von Neumann necessary condition, the total the Matsuno scheme, for example, (2.21) gives
amplification in a given time is reduced as the time step
is reduced.)
e 1 p
-= -arc tan - - . (2.31)
Fig. 2.1 summarizes the results obtained for the five p p 1- p 2
schemes considered so far. For all of these schemes the
amplification factors were found to be even functions
It is not obvious whether the right-hand side here is
of p, so the amplification factor curves are shown only greater or less than unity. However, the behaviour
for p ~ O. of (2.31) for all p is of no practical interest, since we
MatsunQ scheme
I already know that p must be chosen less than unity in
/ Euler scheme order to ensure stability, and rather small for frequencies

for which we want the integration errors to be small.
", I Thus, we need only consider (2.31) for small p; we
I Heun scheme obtain
".-' I
", I
" I
,-' "
_•••••, •.". True solution,
....::.:;;;-==----=='---,,-,,--:>'---- trapezoidal scheme
The Matsuno scheme, therefore, is seen to be accelerating. -
For the special value p = 1 this can be seen directly from
Backward scheme (2.13), since then e/p = n/2.
Analysis of phase errors of schemes applied to the
oscillation equation is not so important as analysis of the
amplification factor. Phase errors do not affect stability;
0'--_ _----L_........,::-----1.. ........ and when these schemes are used to solve the partial
o l/y2 p differential equations of motion additional phase errors
due to space differencing will appear. We will then be
Figure 2.1 The amplification factor as a function of p == CilA t for interested only in the total phase error, and it will be
five two level schemes and for the true solution. found that the error due to space differencing is usually
It is also of interest to consider the phase change per
Three level schemes and computational modes. We
time step, e, and the relative phase change per time step,
consider first the leapfrog scheme (1. 9). Applied to the
e/p. Using the notation oscillation equation it gives
u(n+l) = u(n-l) + i2roAt u(n). (2.32)
we have, using (2.4),
A problem with all three or more level schemes includ-
e = arc tan A·
....ll11, (2.28) ing this is that they require more than one initial condition
Are to start the computation. From a physical standpoint
a single initial condition U(O) should have been sufficient.
or However, in addition to the physical initial condition,
e I A·
- = - arc tan ....ll11. (2.29) three level schemes require a computational initial condi-
p PAre
tion U(l). This value cannot be calculated by a three
level scheme, and, therefore, it will usually have to be
For the Euler and the backward schemes, using
obtained using one of the two level sch~mes.
(2.11) and (2.12) we obtain
According to (2. 3) we also have
-pe = -p1 arc tan p. (2.30)
= A U(u-l), = A2 U(u-l).
U(u) U(u+l) (2.33)

When these relations are substituted into (2.32) we Thus, we obtain a numerical solution that is equal to the
obtain true solution (2.36), and consists of the physical mode
B. Suppose calculating U(l) gives U(l) = - U(O).
a second degree equation for "', It has solutions Then we obtain, for all n,
u(n+1) = _ u(n),
"'1 = V 1 p2 + ip, or
(2.34) u(n+1) = "'2 u(n).

"'2 = -VI-p 2 + ip.

The numerical solution now consists entirely of the
Thus, there are two solutions of the form u(n+1) = '" u(n). computational mode. Hence, it would appear that a
This necessarily follows from the fact that we are consider- good choice of the computational initial condition is
ing a three level scheme; substitution of (2.33) into the of vital importance for obtaining a satisfactory numerical
difference equation given by these schemes will always give solution.
a second degree equation for "'. In general, an m level In general, since (2.31) is a linear equation, its solution
scheme will give m -1 solutions ofthe form u(n+ 1) = '" u(n) • will be a linear combination of the two solutions
A solution of this type corresponding to a single value
of '" is called a mode. U(~) = "'~ U(~,

Consider now the two values that have been obtained U(~) = "'~ U(~).
for "'. If a solution of the form u(n+1) = '" u(n) is to
represent an approximation to the true solution, then we Therefore, we can write
must have '" -+ 1 as At -+ O. For the values (2.34), as
p = mAt -+ 0 we do have "'1
-+ 1, however at the same (2.38)
time "'2-+ -1. Solutions like that associated with "'1 where a and b are' constants. Now this has to satisfy
are usually called physical modes because we are always
the physical and the computational initial condition;
solving equations describing physical processes. Solu-
we obtain
tions like that associated with "'2
are not approximations
to the true solution, and are called computational U(O) = a U(~ + b U(~),
U(l) = a"'l U(~) + b"'2 U(~).
To clarify this situation we consider the simple case
m = 0, that is, the equation These equations can be solved for a U(~) and b U(~), and
the results substituted into (2.38). In this way we find
dU = 0 (2.35)
dt '
U(n) = _1_ ['" n U(I) _ A U(O»_ I
1...\- 1.. 2 \ \ 2
with the true solution (2.39)

u= const. (2.36) - "'~ (U(I) - Al u(o»].

The leapfrog scheme, applied to (2.35), gives Therefore, the amplitudes of the physical and of the
computational modes are seen to be proportional to,
u(n+1) = u(n-1). (2.37) respectively,
For a given physical initial condition U(O), we consider I U(1)-"'2 U(O) I and I U(1)-"'l U(O) I.
two special choices of U(l).
These are seen to depend on U(l). If, for example, we
A. Suppose calculating of U(l) happened to give the are able to choose U(l) = "'1
U(O), the numerical solution
true value U(O). (2.37) then gives, for all n, will consist of the physical mode only. If, on the other
hand, the choice of U(l) is so unsuccessful as to have
u(n+1) = u(n),
U(l) = "'2
U(O),- the solution will consist entirely of the

computational mode.
or, since p = 0,
While this analysis illustrates the importance of a
u(n+1) = "'1 u(n).
careful choice of U(l) , it is not always possible to calculate

U(1) = Al U(O) so as to eliminate the computational

mode. Numerical methods are used in practice to solve

Specifically, as p -+ 0, a1 -+ p, while a2 -+ n-p. Thus,
equations that cannot be solved by analytical methods,
for small L1 t the physical mode is seen to approximate
and are more complex than the simple oscillation equa-
the true solution, while the behaviour of the computa-
tion (2.1). In these cases we will not know the exact
tional mode is quite different. For the case p < 0, we
values of Al and A2' Thus, U(l) is usually computed using
obtain in the same way
one of the two level schemes. The simplest method is to
use the Euler scheme, or, a more refined procedure a2 = - n-a1 •
could be used, for. example the Heun scheme. Using
(2.39) it can be shown that the latter alternative will give Thus, for p ~ 0,
a smaller a1l?.plitude of the computational mode. (2.42)
We also note that even if we did know the exact value
of AI. this would still not allow the computational mode
to be eliminated in a practical numerical calculation. n
The numerical solution which we calculate is not an ",'"
",'" n
exact solution of the finite difference equations, since the _.. . .","'",,'" '2
arithmetical operations are performed in practice only -==:~-----------
to a finite number of significant digits. The error produced
in this way is called round off error, though in electronic
computers results of arithmetic operations are sometimes
truncated to a given number of digits, instead of being x =p /yl_ p 2
rounded off. With round off errors present, permanent
elimination of the computational mode is not possible Figure 2.2 Phase change of the physical and of the computational
in principle, since the computational mode would appear mode for the leapfrog scheme.
in the course of integration in any case even if it were
absent initially. However, it is usually found that
round off errors are of little importance in atmospheric For accuracy of the physical mode, a1 should closely
models, and in solving partial differential equations in approximate the phase change of the true solution, p.
general. For small p (2.41)1 gives
Proceeding now to the stability analysis, in view of
(2.38) and our inability to eliminate the computational at =p + -1 p3 + ....
mode completely, we will have to require for stability
that neither of the two amplification factors is greater Thus, the leapfrog scheme is accelerating; the accelera-
than unity. It is convenient to consider three special tion, though, is four times less than that of the Matsuno
cases. scheme. It is instructive to note that schemes of different
I. Ip I < 1. In (2.34) I_p 2 is positive, and we obtain orders of accuracy can still have the same order of leading
term in power series expansions of either the amplification
(2.40) factors or the phase changes.
Thus, in this case both modes are stable and neutral. Differentiating (2.41)1 we find
For the phase change, using (2.28)

a1 = arc tan (p/Yl-p 2),

a2 = arc tan (-p/Yl-p2). The phase error, thus, is seen to increase sharply asp -+ 1,
when aI!p -+ n/2.
It is instructive to consider the behaviour of a, as a It may be useful to illustrate the behaviour of the two
function of p, especially as p -+ O. We consider first the modes obtained
case p > O. Since for both modes Aim = A sin a = p
we have 0 < a < n. Considering the signs of Are we
find that 0 < a1 < n/2, and n/2 < a2 < n. To illustrate
these results, the phase changes (2.41) are plotted in in the complex plane. For simplicity, we consider the
Fig. 2.2. We see that, for all p, case a1 = n/8 and assume that the imaginary part of

the solution is equal to zero at the initial moment. The A detailed knowledge of the' behaviour of the computa-
physical mode, as seen in (2.43), rotates in the positive tional mode may be helpful in recognizing its excessive
sense by an angle 81 in each time step At, while at the presence in an integration. Thus, we plot the real and
same time the computational mode, in the case p > 0, 'imaginary parts of the computational mode as functions
rotates by an angle 1t-81 • Therefore, the two modes can of time. This can be done by using an alternative form
be represented graphically as in Fig. 2.3. of (2.43)2
U(~) = (_1)n U(~) (cos n 81 - i sin n 81),

or directly from Fig. 2.3. We obtain diagrams as shown

in Fig. 2.4. Because of the factor (-1) n, both real and
5 3
imaginary parts oscillate between time steps.

--------~=--------+-- Ure n

------- .... -
Physical mode

3 5

1 Figure 2.4 Real and imaginary parts of the computational mode,

for the leapfrog scheme, for the same case as shown in
the preceding figure, as functions of time.

-----~--_""f;;:__-------- Ure
n=O n. Ip I = 1. This is a limiting case of the solutions
considered for Ip I < 1. (2.34) shows that the values
of A are now equal,

Computational mode Thus, both modes are still neutral. Since neither of them
has a real part, we obtain, for p = ± 1,
Figure 2.3 The physical and computational modes, for the leap-
frog scheme, when 91 = rr./8 and when the imaginary
parts are zero at the initial moment, for a number of (2.45)
values of n.

Therefore, the two modes can be written in the form check for the presence of growing oscillations of that

In a complex plane, they rotate by an angle of ± nj2 in

each time step, while the true solution rotates by an angle
of ± 1 only. The phase error, thus, is large.
Ill. pi> 1. Both values of A in (2.34) still have
imaginary parts only, so that

Al = i(p + vp 2-1),
11.2 = i(p - V p 2-1),
where the expressions in parentheses are real. Therefore,

111.1 1= Ip + p2 - 1 1,
111.2 1= Ip - vp 2- 1 1· Figure 2.5 The real part of the unstable mode, for the leapfrog
scheme, in case when I'A. I = 1. 1 and when the
imaginary part is zero at the initial moment, as a
Thus, for p > 1 we have I Al I > 1, and for p < -1 function of time.
I11.2 1> 1. Therefore, for Ipi> 1 the leapfrog scheme
is unstable. The instability increases sharply as pi I To sum up, advantages of the leapfrog scheme are
increases beyond 1; we can see this, for example for
p > 1, because that it is a very simple scheme, of second order accuracy,
and neutral within the stability range roLl t ~ 1. A I
~All=l+_P_ disadvantage of the leapfrog scheme is the presence of a
dp j/p 2_1 neutral computational mode. With nonlinear equations
there is a tendency for a slow amplification of the compu-
which is unbounded as p -+ 1. tational mode. An example of this growth can be seen,
for example, in one figure of a paper by Lilly (1965).
Since the two values of A still have no real' parts, we The usual method used for suppressing this instability
again have is the occasional insertion of a step made by a two level
scheme, which eliminates the computational mode.
(2.48) A multi-level scheme that damps the computational mode
could also be used for this purpose.
When solving the system of gravity wave equations,
The two modes for p ~ 1, can thus be written as
as will be shown in Chapter IV, it is possible to construct
U(~) = Ip + vp2-1ln U(~) e±in~, grids andjor finite difference schemes which have essen-
(2.49) tially the same properties as the leapfrog scheme, but
U(~) = Ip - vp2-1ln U(~) e±in~. in which the computational mode is absent. These
methods calculate the physical mode only, and at the
In the complex plane, both modes again rotate by an same time require only one half of the computation
angle of ± nj2 in each time step. However, this time time needed for the regular leapfrog scheme as described
the amplitude of one of the modes increases, and that here.
of the other decreases with time. The real part of the We consider, finally, stability and other properties
unstable mode can, for instance, be represented as a of the Adams-Bashforth scheme (1.10). Applied to
function of time by a graph like that in Fig. 2.5. Because the oscillation equation it gives . --
of (2.48) the period of the unstable oscillation is always
4L1 t. This can be used to diagnose the instability: if
the results appear unsatisfactory, it is a good idea to

Substituting the relations (2.33) we find

IAd = 1 + 4"1 p4 + ''',
IA21=~p + ....
2 (
A-I + I.3)
"2 P A + i 2"1P = o.
Expressions (2.52) and/or (2.53) show that the physical
mode of the Adams-Bashforth scheme is always unstable.
We have, of course, again obtained a second degree
However, as for the Heun scheme, the amplification is
equation for A. It has the solutions
only by a fourth order term, and it can be tolerated when
a sufficiently small value of At is chosen. Note that the
Al = ~ (1 + i %P + vi- %p 2 + iP)' amplification given by (2.53)1 is twice that given by (2.26)
for the Heun scheme. Since the amplification is propor-
tional to Cd t)\ however, a small reduction in time step
A2 = t (1 + %i P- vi- %p 2
+ iP)' would compensate for that difference. Thus, the Adams-
Bashforth scheme, with only one evaluation of the
right hand side per time step, can still be considered
Thus, as p -+ 0 ~1 -+ 1, while A2 -+ O. We see that the much more economical. It has been fairly frequently
solution associated with /...1 again represents a physical used in meteorological numerical studies. For example, it
mode, and that associated with /...2 a computational is being used by Deardorff in his numerical simulations
mode. However, while for the leapfrog scheme the of the planetary boundary layer (e.g. Deardorff, 1974).
computational mode was found to be neutral, here it is Analyses of the properties of some other schemes,
seen to be damped. This is a very useful property of the applied to the oscillation equation, can be found in papers
Adams-Bashforth scheme as the computational mode by Lilly (1965), Kurihara (1965) and Young (1968).
cannot cause inconveniences. In practice the choice of a scheme will depend not only
The exact analysis of the amplification factors here is on the properties considered here, but also on some
more difficult because of the presence of square roots in practical considerations. For example, we might expect
(2.51). However, since for reasons of accuracy we that the three level schemes, since they use more informa-
have to choose a relatively small value of p ~n any case, tion, would generally give better results than the two
it will suffice to consider amplification factors for small level schemes. Our findings agree with that conjecture;
values of p only. The power series expansion of (2.51) for example, for second order accuracy the explicit
then gives three level schemes required only one evaluation of the
right hand side per time step, while the two level schemes
~ = 1 + Ip' _1.2 p 2 + i .l4 p 3 _ .l8 p4 + ... ' required two evaluations. As another example, if we
want to damp high frequency motions with three level
. 1
A2 = I "2 p + "21 p2 - I. 4"1 p3 + "81 p4 - .... schemes we can linearly extrapolate the derivative beyond
the centre of the interval (nAt, Ch + 1) At), and thus
Now, after rearranging the terms these series can be obtain a scheme that will perform such a damping in a
written as more selective and more economical way than the Mat-
suno scheme (Mesinger, 1971). However, three level
Al = (I-~ p2 - t p4 - ...) +i (p± + p3 + ...), schemes generally require more core storage space in the
computer than two level schemes and this may affect our
our decision.
A2 = (~ p2 + t p4 + ...) + i ( ~ p ~± p3 - ..)
3. Properties of schemes applied to the friction equation
which can be used to obtain the amplification factors We shall now consider the properties of schemes when
applied to the equation

(2.52) -=-KU· U= U{t}, K> O. (3.1)
dt '

We shall call this equation the friction equation.

The higher order terms have been omitted. A final Again it is easy to justify our interest in this equation.
expansion gives For example, if we define U == u + iv, it describes the

effect of friction proportional to the velocity vector, as For the trapezoidaI scheme a = 1/2 and p = 1/2; the
is often assumed for motions near the. ground. As scheme is again always stable for K> O. The solution
another example, note that when seeking a solution of the does not oscillate if K < 2.
heat transfer, or Fick's diffusion equation Considering the iterative two level scheme (2.18) we
f)u ;lu
at = er ax 2 ; er > 0, u(n+l) = (I-K+PK 2) u(n). (3.7)

in the form of a single harmonic component Therefore, both the Matsuno and the Heun scheme are
stable for sufficiently small values of K.
u (x, t) = Re [(U (t) eik",], It is instructive to consider in some detail the behaviour
of the numerical solution obtained using the leapfrog
we obtain scheme. Applied to (3.1) it gives
u(n+l) = u(n-I)-2xAt. u(n) (3.8)

The equation for the amplification factor is

This is equivalent to (3. 1) if we substitute x = crk 2 •
The general solution of (3.1) is
').} + 2KA-l = 0,

U(t) = U(O}e-Kt • (3 .2) giving the solutions

Thus, both the real and the imaginary part decrease Al = -K + VI +K 2


exponentially with time. (3.9)

The properties of schemes appliecl to (3.1) will again be
analyzed using the von Neumann method. As in the
previous section, we consider first the non-iterative two As K -+ 0 Al -+ 1, while A2 -+ -1; thus, the solution
level scheme (2.6). Applied to the friction equation, associated with 11.1 again represents the physical mode,
(2.6) gives and that associated with 11.2 the computational mode.
For K> 0, that is, for the normal case of a forward
u(n+1) = un-KAt (aU(n) + pu(n+1». (3.3) integration in time, we have 11.2 < -1; hence, the compu-
tational mode is always unstable. It changes sign from
Writing time step to time step, and its magnitude increases.
As before, we cannot hope to eliminate the computa-
K == KAt, (3.4) tional mode complete!y. This amplification is not
we obtain, rearranging the terms in (3.3), negligible, and the leapfrog scheme is therefore not
suitable for numerical integration of the friction equation.
(3.5) A simple example can be given to illustrate the in-
stability of the leapfrog scheme. Let U have only a real
part, and suppose we have set U(I) = U(O) , as shown
For the Euler scheme a = 1 and p = 0 ; .thus, (3.5) in Fig. 3. 1. Furthermore, let the dashed curve in the
shows that the Euler scheme is now stable if 11- K ~ 1, I figure represent the true solution satisfying the given
that is, if initial condition U(O). Knowing U(O), U(I) and the true
o <K~2. (3.6) solution it is possible to construct a graph of the numerical
solution, using the fact that dU/dt = -KU is equal to the
Thus we see that the stability criteria of particular slope of the line tangent to the true solution at the appro-
schemes do not have to be the same when they are applied priate value of U. In this way we obtain the numerical
to different equations. In the case of (3.6), one. will solution shown by the full line. In this method, the deri-
normally be more demanding in the choice of At. For vative is calculated as a function of the current value
example, we will want K < 1, to prevent the solution of u(n), and the increment due to this derivative is added
(3 . 5) oscillating from time step to time step. to the preceding value. This is seen to result in an
For the backward scheme a -'-- 0 and p = 1; it is unbounded growth of the difference between consecutive
always stable if K> O. The solution does not oscillate values of u(n), even when this difference is equal to zero
in sign. initially.

4. A combination of schemes
A A natural question to ask at this point is what can we
do if, for example, the equation contains both the oscilla-
tion and the friction term, that is

dU .
dt = lroU - KU. (4.1)

'----1..--...L..-----I-_---L_ _.!-_~_+_---L.--n
o Here we might like to use the leapfrog scheme because
of the oscillation term iroU, but we know that it cannot
Figure 3. 1 An example illustrating the instability of the leapfrog be used for the friction term -KU. In this and similar
scheme applied to the friction equation. AC is con-
structed to be parallel to the tangent T. situations we can use different schemes for the different
terms; for example, we might use the leapfrog scheme
Finally, for the Adams-Bashf~)fth scheme we obtain for the oscillation term and the forward scheme for the
friction term. We then obtain

The Adams-Bashforth scheme, thus, is stable for suffi-

ciently small values of K. The computational mode is
damped. Other combinations, of course, are also possible.


We now consider differential equations with one in the preceding chapter. For example, when the time
dependent and two or three independent variables, that derivative is approximated using the leapfrog scheme,
is, partial differential equations. More specifically, we we obtain
shall consider various simplified forms of the advection
n+l n-l n n
equation, describing advection of a dependent variable. Uj - Uj _ Uj+l - Uj_l
2At - -c 2Ax ' (1.4)
This is considered in practice to be the most important
part of the atmospheric governing equations.
as one of many possible consistent schemes for the
We have already discussed the one-dimensional linear numerical solution of (1. 1).
advection equation to some extent in the introductory
chapter. We shall organize the analysis here so as first The properties of schemes constructed in this way can
to continue considering problems associated with the be inferred from the known properties of time differencing
simplest one-dimensional linear form of the advection schemes applied to the oscillation equation. To see this,
equation, and then to proceed to problems introduced we substitute into (1.3) a tentative solution in form of
by more complex forms of the advection equation. the single harmonic component

1. Schemes with centered second-order space differencing
After some rearrangement, this gives
We shall first consider the equation
+ c au = o.
ax '
c = const. (1. 1) dU =
dt (c
i - Ax sin kAx U. ) (1.6)

Here u = u (x,t) is a function of two independent varia- If we denote

bles : the independent variable x will represent a space
variable, and, thus, (1.1) will be called the one-dimen- ID ~ sin kAx'
== - Ax (1.7)
sional linear advection equation. As seen earlier, its
general solution is
this is equivalent to the oscillation equation of the previous
u = f(x-ct), (1.2) chapter. Now, if we approximate (1. 6) using one of the
where f is an arbitrary function. The name "advection time differencing schemes studied in that chapter, the same
equation" was suggested by Phillips (1960). finite difference equation is obtained as when we apply
One of the finite difference schemes for (1.1) is the that scheme to (1.3) and then substitute the wave solution
forward and upstream scheme, which has been shown (1.5). Hence, properties of finite difference schemes
excessively damping in Chapter I. derived from (1.3) can be inferred from the results of
Section 2 of Chapter I1, where the frequency ID is
If the space derivative in (1.1) is approximated by a given by (1. 7).
centered finite difference quotient using values at the
two nearest points, we obtain for the time derivative As an example, if (1.6) is approximated using the
leapfrog scheme, we obtain
aUj _ Uj+l - Uj_l
-a-t - - C ....L.!....2.!....A--,-x..L-':"':O· (1.3)
U(n+l) = U(n-l) + 2i (-C :; sin kAX) U(n). (1.8)

The subscript here, as before, denotes the distance from

the origin in space increments; that is, x = jAx. A Using the notation of chapter I1, we write
, number of schemes for the numerical solution of (1.1)
can now be constructed because we can approximate the At . kA
p == - c Ax sm x. (1.9)
time derivative in (1.3) by one of the methods studied

We obtain the same finite difference equation (1.8) by For the computational mode, on the other hand, we
first applying the leapfrog scheme to (1.3) giving (1 .4) and obtain
then substituting (1. 5) into (1.4). Thus, properties of
(1 .4) can be inferred from (1.7) and from the known
= R
l)n U(O)
2 e
ik (jAx - k~i lnAI)]
l. (1.14)
properties of the leapfrog scheme applied to the oscillation
Let us look at some of conclusions obtained in These expressions can be compared with the true solution
this way. For stability of the leapfrog scheme it was of (1.1) in the form of a single harmonic component,
required that the condition Ip I.::( I be satisfied for all as given in chapter I,
values of ID occuring. Thus, we have to satisfy (x, t) [U (0)
U = Re eik(X-ct)]. (1.15)

We find that the phase speed of the physical mode, Cb

is equal to -8/kAt, and the phase speed of the computa-
tional mode, Cz, considering the even time steps only, is
for any admissible k. Since I sin kAx I does reach the equal to 8/kAt. Eq. (1. 12)z shows that as At -->- 0 8 -->- p,
maximum value of unity in the admissible range of k, and (1.9) shows that as Ax -->- 0 P -->- -ckA!. Thus, as
we obtain the stability condition Ax, At -->- 0 Cl -->- c, that is, the phase speed of the physical
mode approaches the phase speed of the true solution,
Icl At <1. (1.10) while at the same time Cz -->- -c. In addition, thecompu-
Ax tational mode changes sign at all grid points from time
step to time step, because of the factor (_l)n in (1.14).
This criterion, obtained already in Chapter I, shows Now let us use another scheme from chapter n to
that stability cannot simply be achieved by reduction approximate the time derivative in (1.3), the Matsuno
of the time and space increments. Rather, it is necessary scheme. First the approximate values u/ n + 1 ) * are com-
to reduce the ratio of these increments At/Ax to obtain puted using the forward scheme, that is,
stability. The condition (1.10) was first found by Courant,
(n+O* n n n
Friedrichs and Lewy (1928), and, therefore, is usually
Uj -Uj=_cUj+l-Uj-l (1.16)
referred to as the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy, or CFL, At 2Ax
stability criterion.
It is instructive to note that the maximum value of Then, these approximate values are used in the backward
'Ip I, that is, the minimum stability, is associated with scheme, that is
the wave with kAx = re/2. This is the component with n+l n (n+O* (n+O*
Uj - Uj = -c Uj+l -Uj-l
wave length 4Ax, twice the shortest resolvable wave (1 . 17)
length 2Ax. At 2Ax
We can also use other results of the previous analysis. It is instructive to eliminate the approximate values
There are two solutions for u(n), the physical and the u(n+1)* from this equation, by substituting values given
computational mode by (1.16), with the subscript j replaced by j+ 1, and
then by j-1. In this way we obtain
n+l n n n
and Az are given here by Eqs. (2.34) of Chapter
11.1 n. Uj - Uj Uj+l - Uj_l

In the stable case, we have, for p ;;:: 0, At = -c 2Ax +

n n n
(1 . 18)
2 Uj+2 - 2Uj + Uj-2
+ c At (2Ax)2
Without the last term, this represents the finite difference
equation obtained when the forward scheme is used for
Using (1.5), it is seen that the approximation uj also the time derivative in (1.3). The third term approaches
has a physical and a computational mode. For the zero as Ax, At -->- 0, and (1.18) is therefore also a con-
physical mode sistent scheme for the advection equation. On the other
hand, for a fixed At this term approaches cZAt (dzu/dX Z)
n _ Re
Uj -
·1 e
ik (jAx + k~i lnAI)]
l. (1. 13) as Ax -->- O. It is therefore of the same form as a finite
difference approximation to a Fick's diffusion term,

and it has a damping effect. This damping effect, how- Adding this to the relation gives
ever, is dependent on the wave length. As the third
term is calculated over an interval of 4Ax, the maximum
damping occurs for a wave with wave length of 4Ax.
There is no damping of the shortest resolvable wave with
wave length 2Ax. Even if a damping effect were desir-
able when solving the advection equation, we would not Substituting (1.21), and eliminating /3 using /3 = I-a,
want this particular dependence on wave length. Thus, we obtain, after some rearrangement
the Matsuno scheme does not appear suitable for solving
the advection equation. \'
LJ"21[('u n+I)2
j - (n)2]
Uj = (a -"21) LJ
\' (n+1
uj - uj n)2• (1.24)
It is convenient to include here one more example of j j
the use of the energy method for testing stability. In
addition to being applicable also to nonlinear equations, Thus, if a > 1/2 we have anunstable sche me; if CL = 1/2
it can be used to study the effect of boundary conditions a stable and neutral scheme, and, if a <I/2a stable and
on' stability. We will use the energy method here to test damping scheme, which makes the total "energy"
the stability of a group of schemes that can be used for
solving (1.3).
A fairly wide class of schemes for solving (1.3) can
l: ~ (U;)2 monotonically decrease with time.
be written as
Finally in this section, we shall analyze a scheme that
(1.19) was proposed by Lax and Wendroff (1960) and is thus
called the Lax- Wendroff scheme, or, more specifically,
the two-step Lax-Wendroff scheme. In contrast with the
where 11 == cLlt/Ax, (1.20) schemes discussed so far, the Lax-Wendroff scheme
cannot be constructed by an independent choice of finite
and u; is a linear function of a number of values u:. difference approximations to the space and to the time
derivative of the advection equation. To describe the
For example, to obtain the non-iterative two level schemes procedure, we use the stencil shown in Fig. 1.1. First,
we write
(1. 21)

For the iterative two level schemes write

n + 1 -"i-o------()------()-
Finally, for the Adams-Bashforth scheme

(1.23) n--o-----'----()---.L---o----x
. 1 . 1
j-I ;-- j ;+-2 j+I
Here we shall analyze the stability of the non-iterative 2
two level schemes. It is convenient first to multiply Figure 1. 1 The space-time stencil used for the construction of the
(1.19) by u;
and sum for all j ; we obtain Lax-Wendroff scheme.

\1 u • (n+1
L.J uj -Uj
n) =-211
1 \1 • (. • )•
L.J Uj Uj+I-Uj_1
j provisional values are calculated at the centres of the two
j . j
rectangular meshes of this stencil, for points denoted
The right hand side vanishes if cyclic boundary conditions by x signs. This is done using centered space and for-
. are assumed; we then have ward time differencing, taking for U:+l/ 2 and U:_l/ 2 arith-
metic averages of the values u7
at the two nearest grid
points. Therefore,

'). , = 1 + 112 (cos kAx-l) - ill sin kAx. (1.30)
. 2 kAx
cos kAx - 1 = - 2 sm -
2 '
. k" 2' kAx kAx
SIn LJX = SIn 2 cos 2 '
Using these provisional values another step is made,
centered in both space and time; thus we finally obtain
n+l n n+Y2 n+Y2
Uj - Uj Uj+Y2 - Uj-'h 2 2 4 kAxlY2
At =-c Ax (1.26) 1')..,1 = [ 1- 4 11 (1-11 ) sin 2 . (1. 31)

Substitution of the provisional values from (1.25) into The expression within the bracket is a sum of two squares
this equation gives and never negative. Thus, the Lax-Wendroff scheme
n+l n n n is stable for 1-112 ;;:: 0, or, for
Uj - Uj Uj+l - Uj-l
At = -c 2Ax + (1.27)
n n n
1 2" Uj+1-2Uj + Uj-l
+ 2" C LJt (Ax)2
This is again the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy stability·
It is interesting to note that this finite difference equa- criterion (1.10). The scheme is damping for Icl Atl
tion is very similar to (1.18), that is, to the scheme lAx < 1.
obtained using simple centered space differencing and the It is instructive to analyze in some detail the dependence
Matsuno time differencing. The only difference is in the of the damping wave length and on 11. For the shortest
last term. This again approaches zero as Ax, At -+ O. resolvable wave length of 2Ax we have kAx = n, and,
However, ifAx -+ 0 with At fixed, it now approaches therefore,
2 2
Y2C At ({)2ul{)x ). Thus, we see that it is again equivalent
in form to a finite difference approximation to the (1.32)
Fickian diffusion term, but with a coefficient of half the
size given by (1.18). Furthermore, this term is now For waves of twice the wave length, 4Ax, kAx = n12,
calculated over an interval of 2Ax, and its damping effect and
will be a maximum at that wave length. This sort of.
dependence on wave length is often considered desirable (1. 33)
for damping in a finite difference scheme. This is because,
as we will see later, there are serious problems with In general, since
finite difference calculations for small wave lengths, 2) . 4 kAx
dl')..,l_ (
especially around 2Ax. It is often possible to alleviate
these problems by using a dissipative scheme, which damps dll - - [ 2 2 4 kAxl'h'
I - 411 (I -11 ) sin 2
the two-grid-interval waves preferentially.

While (1.18) was of the first order of accuracy in time, all the I'). , I curves have minima at 11 = I/V2. Substitut-
(1.27) has truncation error 0 [(AX)2] 0 [(A t)2]; thus, + ing this value of 11 into (1.31) we find that these minimum
it is of second order accuracy in both space and time. values of the amplification factor are equal to

To test the stability of the Lax-Wendroff scheme, we . 4 kAX) Y2

I-sm - (1.34)
substitute 2
(1. 28)
Thus, as the wave length increases from the minimum
into (1.27). This gives value of 2Ax this minimum value of I'). , I monotonically
increases from zero and approaches unity as the wave
u(n+l) = [1 + 112 (COS kAx-I)-ill sin kAx] u(n). (1.29) length leads to infinity.

The amplification factors for wave lengths of 2Ax negligible compared with the physical dissipation, and
and 4Ax, as calculated in (1. 32) and (1. 33), are shown it can also be useful for controlling the shortest waves.
in Fig. 1.2. The amount of damping is seen to be gener- If the physical dissipation is very small or non-existent,
ally quite large for shorter wave lengths, especially for the it is better to use a neutral scheme.
wave length 2Ax. The amount of damping also depends One should point out here that we can change the time
on the time step and the advection velocity. This is differencing scheme intermittedly during an integration,
a disadvantage of the Lax-Wendroff scheme because so as to get the required amount of a particular effect.
there is no reason why the amount of damping should For example, in the general circulation model developed
depend on these quantities and it is either impractical at the National Center for Atmospheric Research,
or impossible to control the damping by changing them. Boulder, Colo., the Lax-Wendroff scheme is used because
For example, for small values of I.l expansion of (I. 31) of its damping effect on the shortest waves. However,
gives to keep the amount of damping small, it is used only once
2 . 4 kAx in every hundred steps, the rest are made using a neutral
IAI = 1- 21.l SIn 2 + ".,
leapfrog scheme (Kasahara, 1969). On the other hand,
showing that for a given amount of time (a fixed value of in the British operational model (e.g. Gadd, 1974b)
nAt) the total damping will be approximately propor- the Lax-Wendroffscheme is used every time step, with the
tional to At. However, we wish to choose At to give authors of the model making no mention of any excessive
the best accuracy and stability properties, not to give damping due to the scheme for the purposes of that
the optimal amount of damping. model.

2. Computational dispersion
As we have seen, the linear advection equation

-...:::::.::..--=:------ ----- - - -- --- au au

at + c ax = 0; c = const, (2.1)

has a solution in the form of a single harmonic component

u (x, t) = Re [U (t) etkx ], (2.2)

provided that
L = 2Ax
dU+ ikcU = O. (2.3)

o +------...----"----/------I.l In this oscillation equation kc is equal to the frequency v,

and c = vjk is the phase speed of the waves. It is seen
o 0.5 1
that waves of all wave lengths are propagated with the
Figure 1.2 Amplification factor of the Lax-Wendroff scheme, as same phase speed, that is, the function u (x, t) is advected
a function of I.l == cLltJLlx, for the wave lengths 2Llx with no change in shape at a constant velocity c along the x
and 4Llx. axis. There is no dispersion.
Now consider the equation
The Lax-Wendroff scheme has been fairly widely used
in atmospheric models, due to a recommendation
by Richtmyer (1963), and its reasonably good behaviour. au·
_J + C uj+l - uj-l = o. (2.4)
It is second order accurate, explicit, not unconditionally at 2Ax
unstable, and since it is a two levels scheme there is no
computational mode. 1'"~one of the schemes obtained by that is obtained by approximating the space derivative"
combining centered space differencing with one of the in (2. 1) by a centered difference quotient. The equation
seven time differencing schemes studied in chapter II (2.4) is neither a differential nor a difference equation,
has all of these advantages. The dissipation of the Lax- but a hybrid of these two. An equation of this type can
Wendroff scheme will not be harmful if its total effect is be called a differential-difference equation, or a semi-

discrete equation. The finite difference equations obtained

when the time derivative in (2.4) is approximated using a
consistent time differencing scheme will approach (2.4)
as the time step approaches zero. Thus, for small .1t
(2.4) represents an approximation to these finite difference
equations. Since the time derivative has retained its
differential form, any error in (2.4) is' due to the space
For this reason, equations of this type are used to study
the effect of particular space difference approximations
on the properties of the numerical solution. Figure 2. 1 A plot of the "two-grid-interval" wave, with a wave
length of 2L1x.

Recall that (2.4) has a solution in the form of a single

harmonic component If the pattern that is being advected represents a super-
position of more than one wave, this false dispersion
Uj (t) = Re [U (t) eilcjAX], (2.5)
will result in a deformation of that pattern. It is especially
provided that small-scale patterns in the atmosphere, e.g. fronts,
shear lines, etc., that represent a superposition of many

~~ + ik (C Si~.1~X)
waves, including a significant proportion of the shortest
U = o. (2.6) waves. For this reason, in numerical forecasting, such
patterns, if present in the initial fields, are fairly rapidly
We have now written this so that it can conveniently be deformed, until they aquire a form which is less sharp
compared with (2. 3). Instead of the constant phase than in the beginning. Since such small-scale features
speed c, we see that waves now propagate with the phase are of particular importance in weather processes,
speed the effect of computational dispersion deserves very
careful consideration.
.. sin k.1x We now turn our attention to the group velocity. In the
C = C kAx . (2.7)
case of the linear equation (2.1) we obtain for the group
velocity cg
This phase speed is a function of the wave number k.
Thus, the finite differencing in space causes a dispersion d (kc)
of the waves; we shall call this effect computational 're = ----;Jk = c. (2.8)
dispersion. As k.1x increases from zero, the phase speed c*
monotonically decreases from c, and becomes zero for Thus, the group velocity is constant and equal to the
the shortest resolvable wave length 2.1x, when k.1x = n. phase speed c. With the differential-difference equation
Thus, all waves propagate at a speed that is less than the (2.4), however, (2.7) gives for the group velocity c;
true phase speed c, with this decelerating effect increasing
as the wave length decreases. The two-grid-interval * d (kc*)
wave is stationary.
cg = ~ = c cos k.1x. (2.9)

The reason for the two-grid-interval wave being sta-

Thus, as k.1x, increases from zero, the group velocity c;,
decreases monotonically from cg , and becomes equal to
tionary is obvious when we look at the plot of that wave,
-cg for the shortest resolvable wave length of 2Ax.
shown in Fig. 2.1. For this wave Uj+1 = Uj-l at all grid
These results are summarized in Fig. 2.2 . For the
points, and (2.4) gives a zero value for Ji . exact advection equation (2.1) both individual waves
and wave packets, that is, places where superposition
of waves results in a maximum amplitude of a group of
We have encountered two effects here. Firstly, the neighbouring wave numbers, propagate at the same con-
advection speed is less than the true advection speed. stant velocity c = cg • Introduction of the centered space
The consequence of this error is a general retardation of finite difference quotient in (2.4) both makes the phase
the advection process. Secondly, the advection speed speed and the group velocity decrease as the wave number
changes with wave number; this false dispersion is in<;:reases. The error is particularly great for the shortest
particularly serious for the shortest waves. resolvable wave lengths; waves with wave lengths less

Phase This situation can be illustrated by a simple example.

or Let us define Y (x) as a function that is slowly varying
group in space; for example, it can be a sine function of a large
velocity wave length. Furthermore, we define
C = Cg
C (2.10)
""'-" ,
as shown in Fig. 2.3. Thus, the function ±Y(x) is the
envelope of the function Uj' Suppose that we calculate
the advection of Uj using (2.4), then substituting (2. 10)
into (2.4) we obtain
\ kL1x aYj Yj+l - Yj-l - 0
o 7ft -c 2L1x -.
n/2 \ n
\ Thus, the advection of Yj is governed by the same
\ equation as the advection of Uj, except that the advection
\ c velocity appears with an opposite sign! Therefore, as the
"g individual short waves of the function Uj slowly propagate
'- ..... _- in the direction of the positive x axis, the envelope
± Y (x), which has a long wave length, propagates rela-
tively fast in the opposite direction. When it is a sine
function, so that it consists of a single harmonic, it
20 10 5 4 3 2L1x
propagates with no change in shape. Because of (2.10),
Wave length Uj must also be advected with no change in shape; from

Figure 2.2 Phase speed and group velocity, in the case of the this we conclude that Uj also consists of a single harmonic
linear advection equation, c and Cg, and in the case component. If, on the other hand, the function Y (x)
of the corresponding differential-difference equation consisted of a number of harmonic components,
with second-order centered space differencing, c*
and c;(Matsuno, 1966c).
the shapes of both Y (x) and Uj would change during
the advection process, as a result of the computational
dispersion of these components.
It is possible to obtain an analytic solution of (2.4),
than 4L1x even have a negative group velbcity. This which can be used to analyze its behaviour for some
means that wave packets made up of these waves propa- given initial conditions of interest. To this end it is
gate in the direction opposite to the advection velocity convenient to define a non-dimensional time variable
and opposite to the direction of propagation of individual
waves. 't = ct/L1x, (2.11)



Figure 2.3 Functions Uj and ± Y (x), illustrating propagation of an envelope of short waves when their advection is calculated using second-
order centered space differencing.

and, after dividing equation (2.4) by c/2L1x, to write It is instructive to look in some detail at the solution
it in the form satisfying the initial conditions

(2.12) u. (0)
={ 1
for j=O
for j,cO,

This can be recognized as the .recurrence formula of the the simplest solution of the form (2.13), for different
Bessel function of the first kind of order j, J j (-t), (e.g. values of the non-dimensional time. At the initial
Courant and Hilbert, 1953, p. 488). In other words, moment the function Uj consists of a single pulse-like
disturbance, centered at the point j = 0, as shown in the
(2.13) upper diagram of Fig. 2.5. We note that, because of
is a solution of (2. 12). Several of these functions, of the (2.12), dUj/dt is then equal to zero at all points except at
j = -1 and j = 1, where it is equal to -1/2 and 1/2,
lowest order, are shown in Fig. 2.4. The figure illustrates
. respectively.
more of these functions than indicated, since, for any j,
Thus, at the initial moment the disturbance propagates
at the same rate in the directions of both the positive
and the negative x axis. Further propagation of the dis-
Note, furthermore, that in (2.12) the subscript j can turbance according to (2.13) can be followed using
take any integer value, since the location of the grid Fig. 2.4, or, more accurately, using some tables of Bessel
point for which we choose j = 0 is arbitrary. Thus, a functions. Solutions obtained in this way for t = 5 and
solution that is more general than (2. 13) is t = 10 are shown in the middle and lower diagrams of
Fig. 2. 5, respectively.


Figure 2.4 The Bessel functions Jo ('r), h ('r) and J2 (t).

where p is an arbitrary integer. Since we are solving a

linear equation, a still more general solution is a linear
combination of all these solutions, that is

u/t) = ~ ap ~_p (t), (2.14)

where ap are arbitrary constants. Now, for t = 0 all of
the functions Jk are equal to zero, except J o, for which
Jo (0) = 1. Hence, substituting t = 0 into (2.14) we
(2.15) -15 -10 -5 o 5 10 15

Therefore the constants in (2.14) can be chosen so as to

satisfy arbitrary initial conditions Uj = Uj (0). Since it Figure 2.5 The analytic solution of (2.4), for the initial conditions
shown in the uppermost of the three diagrams, for
can satisfy arbitrary initial conditions, (2.14) is seen to two subsequent values of the non-dimensional time t
represent the general solution of (2.12), or (2.4). (Matsuno, 1966c).

The three diagrams present an example of the computa- physical reasons to have one of these points as the
tional dispersion of the second-order centered space central point and the second located on the side from
differencing. We note that if we expand a single pulse- which the fluid is being advected toward the centre.
like disturbance as a cosine Fourier integral Therefore we approximate (2.1) by

U (x) = J~ a (k) cos kx dk, aUj + c Uj - Uj-I = 0 for c > 0, (3.1a)

at Ax '

a (k) = ~Joo U (x) cos kx dx,

1t 0 ~:j + c Ui+~; Uj = 0, for c < o. (3.1 b)
and a (k) is calculated numerically using the grid point
values only, we obtain a constant value
2 These equations are again differential-difference equa-
a (k) = -Ax.
tions. ( employs the backward and ( the for-
ward difference quotient for the approximation to the
Therefore, all the harmonic components have equal space derivative. However, in both cases the differences
amplitude. By analogy with the light spectrum, such a are calculated on the side from which the advection
function is called white noise if it does not appear for velocity reaches the centre; hence, these differences are
physical reasons. Its Fourier components are advected called upstream differences. Calculated on the opposite
with different phase speeds, as summarized in Fig. 2.2, side the differences would be called downstream differ-
bringing about a dispersion of the disturbance. With the ences.
non-dimensional time chosen here we see from (2.12)
that the physical advection velocity should keep the pulse Eqs. (3.1) can be used to construct schemes for the
located at the pointj = 'to Because of the space difference advection equation, by approximating the time derivative
approximation, however, all the phase speeds are less by one of the many possible consistent methods. The
than the physical advection velocity. The main distur- resulting schemes will only be of the first order of accuracy.
bance, as seen in Fig. 2.5, is advected at a speed only However, they have a particular advantage over centered
slightly less than the physical one; obviously it mostly schemes in space when applied to the advection of a
consists of the longer wave components, which have an disturbance similar to the one considered in the preceding
advection speed not much different from the physical section. This is that, with upstream differences, a dis-
advection velocity. However, it is seen to be diffusing turbance cannot propagate in the direction opposite to
away with time, which is again a result of the dispersion. the physical advection. Thus, no parasitic waves will
We also observe propagation of a group of short waves contaminate the numerical solution.
in the direction opposite to that of the physical advection.
Since the appearance of these waves contradicts the If, specifically, a forward difference is used for the time
physical properties of the advection equation, such waves derivative in (3.1), We obtain, for c> 0,
are called parasitic waves.
n+I n n n
The solution of the differential-difference equation is, Uj - Uj + Uj - Uj-I = 0
obviously, quite unsatisfactory as an approximation to At c Ax .
the true solution. However, this example, with the initial
disturbance located at one point only, is completely
unsuitable for a good solution by a difference approxima- This is the scheme that was used for the examples of the
tion. This is exactly the reason why it provides an in- introductory chapter. It was found that this scheme
structive illustration of the difficulties involved. was damping, with the amount of damping depending on
the wave length, with a maximum for the shortest resolv-
Analytic solutions for a more general case, when a able wave length of 2Ax. The analytic solution of the
centered difference approximation is made to the time difference equation (3. 2a) has been discussed by Wurtele
derivative also have been considered by Egger (1971). (1961).

The advantae:e that is accomolished. at least in r----

3. Schemes with uncentered space differencing v - ~ J --- ------ ---

ciple, by using upstream differencing as compared with

The space derivative in (2. 1) can also be approximated centered or downstream differencing, can be illustrated
using uncentered differencing. Still using values at by considering the domain of influence of a grid point
two points for this approximation it is attractive for in different schemes. We still consider the case c> O.

x-et = const

with centered differencing'

" with downstream
';;"-== differencing

Figure 3.1 Domains of influence of a grid point, for the scheme (3.2a) with upstream differencing, for corresponding schemes with centered
and intersect downstream differencing, and for the true solution.

In the true solution, a grid point value can be said to from the difference schemes. As in Section 2 we introduce
propagate along the characteristic x-et = const. the non-dimensional time 't = et/Ax. Eq. (3.1a) can
Fig. 3. I shows a grid point marked by a circle with the then be written as
associated characteristic passing through it. With
upstream differencing as in (3. 2a), the value at that grid d
d't Uj ('t) + Uj ('t) - Uj_l ('t) = O. (3.3)
point will influence the values at points within the domain
shaded by vertical lines. The figure also shows the
domains of influence with centred and downstream A solution of this equation IS the Poisson frequency
differencing. Of the three domains of influence, that function
given by upstream differencing is clearly the best approxi-
mation to the characteristic line representing the domain for F>p,
of influence in the true solution. (3.4)

This discussion suggests constructing a scheme for for j<p,

(2. 1) by tracing a characteristic back from the point as can easily be checked by substitution. Here p is again
(jAx, (n +
1) At) to intersect the previous time level an arbitrary integer, that is, we have already taken into
t = nA t and calculating the value u* at the point of inter- account the fact that the location of the point j = 0 is
section by interpolation. We then set u;+l = u*. Choosing
a linear interpolation procedure, that employs values
at two neighbouring points at the time nAt, we obtain x-et = const
n n
n+I n + Uj -Uj-l (Ax-eAt). n+l
Uj = Uj-l Ax LJ LJ

This can be identical to the scheme (3. 2a), with up-

stream differencing. If, on the other hand, a quadratic
interpolation procedure is chosen, using three neighbour-
ing points, one obtains the Lax-Wendroff scheme, as the n x
rea_der can readily verify.
For further insight into the properties of schemes that
j-l j j +I
can be obtained from ( we consider the analytic
Figure 3.2 Sketch for construction of schemes by calculation of a
solution of this differential-difference equation. For small previous value on a characteristic passing through
values of At this will approximate the solution obtained the point (j.dx, (n + 1) .dt).

As in section 2 we can form a solution more general

than (3.4), as a linear combination of all possible solu-
tions (3.4), that is
j -~ j-p
uj ('t) = ~ ap e 't , (3.6)
p=-oo (j-p)!
where ap are arbitrary constants. Substituting't = 0 into
(3.6) we obtain
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 j-p Thus, the constants ap can again be chosen so as to
satisfy arbitrary initial conditions Uj = Uj (0), and so
Figure 3.3 The Poisson frequency function (3.4), for the case (3.6) represents the general solution of (3.3), or (3. la).
't=4. Considering the behaviour of the simple solution (3.4),
and the summation limits in (3.6), we see that in general
the value Uj ('t) at a point j can be considered as a result
arbitrary. An example of the Poisson frequency function of superposition of the effect of the initial values at that
is shown in Fig. 3.3 ; the graph in the figure represents point and of the initial values at all the points located
the shape of this function for 't = 4. There is no need to upstream of it.
include a vertical scale, since the area enclosed by the An example of the solutions (2.14), for centered
graph of a frequency function has to be equal to unity, so differencing, and (3.6), for upstream differencing, for
00 e
't j-p an initial disturbance of a somewhat larger space scale
~ (. )I ::::0 1. (3 . 5) 1 for j = -1,0,1
j.fdo J-p.
Uj (0) =[
Thus, for 't = 0, when, as shown by (3.4), the histogram o for j~-l,O,l
consists of a single rectangle, its ordinate is equal to
unity. is shown in Fig. 3.4. If the grid distance is of the order
Consider now the change in shape of the histogram of 300 km, and c is about 15 msec-1 we can see that
(3.4) as the non-dimensional time 't increases from
zero. The initial shape of this histogram, that of a
parallelogram having a base Ax and erected at a single 1.0
grid point, is, of course, equivalent to the shape of the
pulse-like disturbance (2.16) used for the example of 0.5
the previous section. As 't increases beyond zero (3.4) n ,. ,
o .-.....--..-:. 11 ,.' ,
transforms into.a skewed bell-shaped histogram of the -15 -10 -5" 0, 5 10 15 20 25
• I
type as shown in the figure, with its mean position on
1.0 't = 10
the x axis
, I \

0.5 I

e-~ 't j-p



~ (j-p) (._ )1 ='t, 0

I, ,'....
I, S:'
j-p=o Jp. '11,1 ~ 0 '5
tI " • \'
10 15 20
\ I
moving at a constant speed. Thus, the mean position 1.0 't = 15 "
propagates with a speed equal to the physical advection
velocity. The maximum point of the histogram, however, 0.5 ,.
lags behind as is shown by the skewed shape of the histo- I'

gram. Physically unjustified negative values of Uj 0 ''\~,\

\ r .. ,
\,1 0 \ '5
I \

\ 15 20 25 j
never occur and no parasitic waves appear on the \' \
.... I

opposite side of zero from the direction of the physical Figure 3.4 ..A.. nalytic solutions of the exact advection equation
advection. Furthermore, as follows from (3.5), the' total (heavy solid line), of the equation using centered
amount of the advected quantity is exactly conserved. differencing (dashed line), and of the equation using
upstream differencing (thin solid line), for three
However, the disturbance is damped out during the different values of the non-dimensional time 't
advection process at quite a high rate. (Wurtele, 1961).

5 units of non-dimensional time approximately corres- Ax away from the centre. A simple calculation shows
pond to the physical time of one day. Thus, the damping that the approximation (4.3) is obtained by extrapolation
effect of the upstream differencing is seen to be quite for the value d = 2Ax/3. Of course, there is no reason
severe. The figure also illustrates the properties of the to expect that the accuracy of such an approximation
two methods described, but to a lesser extent than the should decrease monotonically as d decreases.
examples with the initial disturbance limited to a single We now want to look at the effect on the phase speed
grid point only. Thus we can hardly claim that the use of using the approximation (4.3) for the space derivative
of upstream differencing instead of centered second- in the advection equation. Replacing the space derivative
order differencing has, generally speaking, improved the in (2.1) by (4.3) we obtain the differential-difference
solution. equation

4. Schemes with centered fourth-order space differencing

aUj +c
Uj+1 - Uj_I_.!. Uj + 2-Uj _2) =0 (44)
2Ax 3 4Ax ..

Most of the difficulties that have been discussed in As in Section 2, we investigate the behaviour of a
this chapter, in particular the phase speed error and the tentative solution in form of a harmonic component
computational dispersion, have been due to the approxi-
mations used for space differencing. Thus, consideration
should be given to other possibilities; one is to employ
approximations of a higher order of accuracy. We shall' With second-order space differencing, we obtain the phase
first construct such an approximation. speed
When the approximate value Uj are expanded into
Taylor series about the central point, and substituted • sin kAx
into the finite difference quotient, we obtain c = c k4x

Uj+~-;xUj-1 = ~~ + ~ ~x~ (Ax)2 + 0 [(Ax)4 J• (4.1) Now, in the same way, with fourth-order differencing we
find the phase speed
Thus, this quotient is of the second order of accuracy.
It is formed by taking differences of values of Uj at points
•• _(.±. .sinkAxkAx _.!.3 sin2kAx
c - c 3
one grid distance away from the central point. Similarly
a quotient can be formed by taking differences of values We shall compare these two results. For second order
two grid distance away. We then obtain, replacing Ax differencing, we obtain by series expansion for small
in (4.1) by 2Ax, values of k
Uj+~-;xUj-2 = ~~ + ~ ~x~ (Ax)2 + 0 [(L1x)4J. (4.2)

This quotient IS still second order accurate, but the On the other hand, with fourth order differencing we have
coefficients are larger. Other consistent approximations
to dU/ dX can be formed as linear combinations of the
quotients (4.1) and (4.2). The combination for the
c·· = c (1 - ~ (kAx)4 + ...).
second order terms in the truncation errors of (4.1) and
(4.2) cancel is particularly important. This is Thus, even though the decelerating effect is still present,
the phase speed error has been much reduced for small
values of k.
These phase speeds are shown in Fig. 4.1 as functions
of kAx, for all admissible values of k. The figure illus-
and represents a fourth-order accurate approximation
trates the very significant increase in accuracy of the
to dU/dX.
phase speed for large-scale and medium-scale waves.
We can also think of the approximation (4.3) as repre- However, as the wave length approaches its minimum
senting a linear extrapolation of the quotients (4.2) and value of 2Ax, the increase in phase speed obtained
(4. 1) so as to simulate an approximation corresponding to by fourth order differencing diminishes, until, finally,
differences taken between points at a distance d less than the wave with wave length 2Ax is again stationary.

Phase For small scale disturbances, of a scale close to two

speed grid intervals in space, no finite difference method is
really satisfactory. Additional ways of constructing

--- --......
Cf-_-====----------=C----- difference schemes for the advection equation are discussed
in the paper by Anderson and Fattahi (1974) where further
................... references are given. If it is felt that, in a particular
,, C**
, situation, the improvement of the advection of scales
" , close to two grid intervals is necessary, the obvious
C* " ' - method is to find a way of making the computation with
a reduced grid size. As can be inferred from Fig. 4.1.,
'-.... halving the grid size with simple second-order differencing
oI - - - - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - - - . . l - - - - - . : " ' : s - - kAx makes the stationary two-grid-interval wave move at a
speed of almost 2/3 of its physical advection speed.
But this, of course, is not easily attainable: in two-
Figure 4.1 Phase speed for the linear advection equation, c, and dimensional problems, halving the grid size increases the
for the corresponding differential-difference equations
with second order (c*) and with fourth or-der (c**) computational time requirements by a factor of four,
centered space differencing. and, with the usual time difference schemes by an addi-
tional factor of tWQ in order to maintain computational
stability. Still, a steady increase in the capabilities of
Moreover, for short waves the slope of the phase speed commercially available computers enables constant
curve is greater than with second order differencing, and, improvements of this kind, so that it is expected that in a
therefore, the computational dispersion of these waves few years the resolution of atmospheric models may be
is greater. Thus, although a short wave-length disturb- such that advection errors will not be a major problem.
ance will now be advected at a somewhat greater speed At present it is estimated that the horizontal truncation
its false- deformation, due to computational dispersion, errors in the advection terms are the largest single source
will be faster. of errors in short range numerical forecasting, accounting
for almost 40 per cent of the total error (Robert, 1974).
Because of the decrease in the phase speed error of the
longer waves, the use of fourth order schemes for advec- Another way of improving the advection of small
tion has brought about significant improvements in scale systems may be to develop a computational method _
operational numerical forecasting in both the D.S.A. more in spirit of the Lagrangian system of equations.
and Japan, in barotropic and quasi-geostrophic baroclinic As yet, such methods have not been very much explored
models. With primitive equation models, now in use in meteorology.
in all advanced forecasting centres, fourth order advection
schemes are not yet quite so widespread. Still, it is gener-
ally believed that fourth-order advection schemes should
5. The two-dimensional advection equation
be used in operational forecasting. However, the use of
advection schemes of a high-order of accuracy in general We now consider the two-dimensional linear advection
circulation models may not be so important. The choice equation
is between increasing the accuracy of space differencing au au au
or spending an equivalent amount of extra computation at + Cx ax + cy ay = 0, c"" cy = const (5.1)
time in reducing the grid size of the model. A straight- where u = u (x, y, t) is a function oftwo space variables,
forward calculation (e.g. Thompson, 1961, p. 157) and c""cy are the components of the advection velocity.
shows that the first alternative should be advantageous. Thus, the advection speed is given by
The use of the additional grid points needed for higher
order differencing does create some side difficulties. (5.2)
In much the same way as using more than two levels for
time differencing resulted in the appearance of computa- We shall test the stability of schemes for the numerical
tional modes in time, so the use of additional grid points solution of (5.1) by the procedure of Section 1. Thus,
for soace differencine:v results in the aooearance of comou-
~ .J...l. .J.
space derivatives are approximated by standard second-
tational modes in space. Furthermore, formulation of order difference quotients, giving
boundary conditions becomes more complicated. Simply
formulated boundary conditions may be a source of -au.. = - C U'+
I .l }
.-u·I -l, j'- C u··
- ui,j-l (5.3)
serious problems. at I,} x 2Ax y 2Ay

Here, as is usual for two-dimensional problems, we have (5.7)

changed the choice of subscript denoting the grid points
along x axis, so that the coordinates of the grid points
are now x = iAx, Y = jAy, and approximate values Therefore, in the two-dimensional case we have to choose
u (iAx, jAy) are denoted by ui,i' As a tentative solution a time step that is Y2 times less than that permitted in
of (5.3) we substitute the one-dimensional case.
Ui,i = Re [U (t) ei(k"'Hy)], (5.4) We note that the minimum stability is associated with
wave lengths in both the x and y directions twice as long
giving the oscillation equation as the shortest resolvable wave length of 2d*, exactly as
in the one-dimensional case. The two-dimensional wave
dU = i (- Cx sin kAx -
dt Ax Ay
sin lAY) U. ~ (5.5) number of this wave

If the leapfrog scheme is used for the time derivative,

we obtain as the stability criterion

\ (:; sin kAx + * sin lAY) At 1-< 1.

This has to be satisfied for all admissible values of the

is, however, greater by a factor ofY2than wave numbers
along the axes, and its wave length is therefore shorter
by the same factor. This applies to all waves with k = I.

wave numbers k, I.
For simplicity, we shall consider only the cases where 6. Aliasing error and nonlinear instability
Ax = Ay; we denote this grid size by d*. In the wave
number plane, that is, a diagram with co-ordinates k,l, Another generalization of the simple one-dimensional
the admissible wave numbers are contained within the linear advection equation is to consider the nonlinear
square region shown in Fig. 5. 1. Inside that region the advection equation
maximum value of the left-hand side of (5.6) is obtained
at the centre of the square, marked by a circle. The wave (6.1)
represented by that point has wave lengths 4d* in both
the x and y directions so that sin kAx = sin lAy = 1.
We have returned to dimension, so that U = U (x, t).
ld* Shuman (1974) calls (6.1) the shock equation. Its
general solution (e.g. Platzman, 1964) is
U = f(x-ut),

as can readily be verified. Herefis an arbitrary function.

Here we consider only the effect of the multiplication
in (6.1). When performed in finite differences, it results
in an error related to the inability of the discrete grid to
resolve wave lengths shorter than 2Ax, that is, wave
numbers greater than k max = 1tJAx. Thus, consider a
o function u (x) which can be represented by values at
o 1t kd* grid points, for example
Figure 5.1 Admissible region of wave numbers for a square two-
dimensional grid, with grid length Ax = ily = d"'. u = sin kx, (6.2)

where k < k max . However, substituting (6.2) into the

For a given value of the advection speed the left-hand nonlinear term of (6.1) gives
side of (5.6) has a maximum value at this point if the
advection velocity makes an angle of 1tJ4 with the x axis, u ~~ = k sin kx cos kx = ~ k sin 2kx.
in this case Cx = Cy = ~2 c. Thus we obtain the stability Hence, if the wave number in (6.2) is in the interval
criterion Yzk max < k ~ k max , the nonlinear term will give a wave

number that is beyond the range that can be resolved by

the grid. It cannot, therefore, be properly reproduced Slll
X Slll
21t x cos ( Ax
Ax 21t - k) x -
in a finite difference calculation.
To gain some insight into what happens in such a - cos -21t .
X Slll (21t
- - k ) x.
situation, consider a wave for which k > K max . For Ax Ax
example, let L = 4Ax/3. A wave of that wave length is
shown by the full line in Fig. 6.1. Knowing only the However, at the grid points x = jAx, and
values at grid points we will not be able to distinguish . 21t ,.
this wave from the one shown by the dashed line. Thus, Sin Ax jLJX = 0, 21t ,.
cos Ax jLJX = 1.
with the convention adopted earlier which assumes that
the longest waves are present, we will make an error.
This is called aliasing error. Therefore, we find

sin kjAx = -sin (2kmax -k) jAx. (6.3)

In this way, we see that, knowing only the grid point

values, we cannot distinguish the wave numbers k from
2kmax -k. Thus, if k> k max , using the convention
x mentioned earlier, we can say that the wave number k
is misrepresented as the wave number

k* = 2kmax -k. (6.4)

Hence, as shown in Fig. 6.2, the resulting wave has a

Figure 6.1 A wave" of wave length 4L1x/3, misrepresented by the
finite difference grid as a wave of wave length 4L1x. wave number k* which is less than k max by an amount
equal to that by which -k was greater than k max ' We
can think of the wave number k* as being an image
obtained by the reflection of k across the value k max into
In a more general case, suppose that the function u
the admissible range of wave numbers.
consists of a number of harmonic components

The nonlinear term will then contain products of harmo-
Figure 6.2 Misrepresentation of a wave number k > k max , in
nics of different wave lengths, such as accordance with (6.4).

As an example consider the case L = 4Ax/3, illustrated

in Fig. 6.1. Then k = 3rt/2Ax, and (6.4) gives k* =
= 1t/2Ax as the wave number "seen" by the finite differ-
ence grid. This, of course, is the same wave, of wave
length 4Ax, as the one found graphically and shown
Thus, even if a finite difference calculation is started with by the dashed line.
waves which all have k ~ k max , very soon through this Now consider the consequences of aliasing errors in a
process of nonlinear interaction waves will be formed numerical integration. An atmospheric variable, as a
with k > k max , and a misrepresentation of waves will function of space co-ordinates, can be thought of as
occur. consisting of a series of harmonic components. It is
In general we can write useful to consider the "energy" of these components,
that is., their contribution to the mean
- sauare
-.I. - -- - value
-- - - of
- the-
sin kx = sin [2kmax-(2kmax-k)] x. variable considered as a function of wave number.
This is the spectrum of the "energy". For example,
Substituting here k max = 1t/Ax and using the formula if the variables are velocity components, this function
for the sine of a difference, we obtain is the kinetic energy spectrum. This spectrum describes

the relative importance of features of different scales in experiment, but after every two hours of simulated time
the field of the variable. Now, experience shows that he performed a harmonic analysis of the vorticity fields,
the spectrum of atmospheric variables does not change and eliminated all components with k> Y2k max ' If
much with time. On synoptic maps we do not have there are no components with k > Y2kmax the advection
situations where small scale features are dominant on one term cannot produce waves with k> k max ' We expect
day, and absent on the next. Accordingly, spectra of that it will be some time before the amplitudes of the
atmospheric variables also do not change much in their eliminated waves are built up again to an appreciable
general shape. The energy of a particular component can, extent. This filtering procedure eliminated the appear-
of course, change, but the characteristic shape of the spec- ance of the spurious increase in energy, thereby confirm-
trum as a whole is fairly constant. For example, a zonal ing this explanation of the instability.
spectrum of the eastward velocity component in middle
latitudes typically has a maximum for wave numbers 4
to 7, that is, 4 to 7 wave lengths along a latitude circle, 7. Suppression and prevention of nonlinear instability
with the energy tapering off rather rapidly as the wave
number increases beyond about 10. Thus, there is very If an integration is to be performed for an extended
little energy in wave numbers of the order of the maximum period of time, it is necessary to suppress or prevent
wave numbers that can be resolved by finite difference nonlinear instability. For short range integrations it is
grids used in atmospheric models. not necessary to do this, though such a procedure might
still have a beneficial effect on the model.
In a finite difference integration, in addition to these
relatively small physical changes, the shape of a spectrum It has been pointed out by Orszag (1971) that to
is subject to changes due to aliasingerrors. If we have a eliminate aliasing errors it is not necessary to filter the
spectrum of the shape just described, and consider the top half of the admissible wave numbers. It is sufficient
representation of various combinations k 1 + k 2 that to eliminate the top one-third, because, if waves with
are greater than k max , we see that most of the energy of k> 2 13 kmax are filtered out, all the aliases satisfy k>2/3kmax
such combinations will belong to components with wave and will thus be eliminated.
numbers not much greater than k max ' Thus, due to If, however, we consider that such a suppression of
aliasing errors a spurious energy inflow is expected at the shortest waves is a satisfactory method of dealing
wave numbers that are not much less than k max , and, in with the problem, it would be simpler to use a differencing
time, the energy of these components can be expected to scheme that has a built-in damping of the shortest
grow beyond physically acceptable limits. Experience waves. This idea is due to Richtmyer (1963), who sug-
shows that, if no precautionary measures are taken, this gested use of the Lax-Wendroff scheme for this purpose.
can indeed happen, and even cause a catastrophic end to It was found by experience that such a practice does
the integration. The phenomenon is due to the nonlinear suppress the nonlinear instability, and that to do this
terms of the equations, and, therefore, is called the it is sufficient to use an intermittent Lax-Wendroff step
nonlinear instability. Nonlinear instability was first en- at quite long intervals (Kasahara, 1969). Kreiss and
countered by Norman Phillips (1956) in his famous work Oliger (1973), on the other hand, recommend adding a
that laid the foundation for the numerical modelling of the dissipative term to a scheme which is not dissipative, so
atmospheric general circulation. Starting from an atmo- that the amount of dissipation can be controlled in: a
sphere at rest, he integrated the vorticity equation for a more practical way.
simulated time ofthe order ono days. The calculation then Another way of nonlinear instability is to
came to an end due to an explosive increase in the total use a Lagrangian formulation of the advection terms
energy of the system, associated with an appearance of instead ofa Eulerian formulation. We calculate the position
elongated shapes in the vorticity field. Phillips initially of the parcel that should be advected to the grid point
believed that the breakdown was due to excessive trunca- considered in step ilt. A value of the dependent variable
tion errors, and he later repeated the experiment using can be found corresponding to that position by interpola-
space and time steps both reduced to about half of their tion in space. The change due to advection is set equal
previous values. This must have greatly reduced the trun- to the difference between the value obtained by interpola-
cation errors, but the catastrophic increase in total energy tion and that at the grid point. In some cases, these sche-
still happened at about the same time. mes turn out to be identical to schemes obtained using the
In a later paper Phillips (1959) gave the interpretation Eulerian formulation, but other schemes can also be
of nonlinear instability similar to what has been presented obtained. A procedure of this type was first used by
here, but for the nondivergent vorticity equation. For Leith (1965); an example of its use more recently is
a test of this explanation Phillips again repeated his given in the paper by Krishnamurti et al. (1973).

A conceptually elegant approach for dealing with the large scale atmospheric processes. Thus, for more than
nonlinear instability problem has been suggested and a decade it has been used as a basic prognostic equation
developed by Arakawa (1966, I972). His idea is that for the numerical weather prediction, eventually supple-
it is better, if possible, to use schemes for the advection mented by some additional terms of a smaller order of
terms that are not only free of the nonlinear computa- magnitude.
tional instability but also free of the spurious inflow of
energy to these short waves, instead ofartificially suppress- To illustrate the Arakawa procedure for the vorticity
ing their amplitudes. The amplitudes of the shortest equation (7.3), we need some knowledge of its integral
waves in atmospheric models are small initially, and they properties in wave number space. We want to study the
will remain small if a false generation of these short energy exchanges between different harmonics that are
waves is avoided. Arakawa has shown that it is possible permitted by that equation.
to construct such schemes, and that they are obtained
when care is taken to conserve in the finite difference form Consider first the kinetic energy spectrum when the
some integral properties of the original differential equa- velocity is two-dimensional and nondivergent, so that
tions. it can be given by (7.2). We can almost always assume
that in the region considered A, the stream function can
When the Arakawa conservation schemes are used be expressed as a series of orthogonal functions
there is no need for an artificial dissipation in the advec-
tion process. This enables the statistical properties of the '!' = ~'lfn, (e.g. Courant and Hilbert, 1953, p. 369) (7.4)
schemes to be maintained under advection, a feature n
especially useful in general circulation studies. where the functions 'lfn are eigenfunctions of the Helm-
hoItz equation
It has sometimes been argued that, because the phase
error of the short waves is very large, they should be (7.5)
eliminated before they erroneously affect the longer
The parameters An are known as the generalized wave
waves through nonlinear interactions .. This argument does
numbers of the components '!'n.
not take account of several factors. If the phase speeds of
the short waves are wrong, the situation will not necessar- As an example, let A be a rectangular region with
ily improve if their amplitudes are also made wrong. sides Lx, L y. For boundary conditions assume that the
They may still be performing a useful function of a stream function is periodic in x with period Lx and is
statistical nature. Also damping or elimination of the zero along the lower and upper boundary. Then we can
shortest waves will also remove some energy from the write the stream function
longer waves that we are interested in. If we wish to
dissipate energy, it is obviously better to do so for
physical and not for computational reasons.
'If = L(an, n,
ni' nz
cos 2~:, x+
We shall introduce the procedure of Arakawa by (7.6)
. 21tn, ) . 1tn2
considering the vorticity equation + bn n I'
SIn - -
x sm -L y.

(7.1) Differentiating this we obtain

where the velocity v is assumed to be nondivergent,

that is
v = k X I7'1f. (7.2) that is,
Substituting this into (7.1) we obtain

ata 172'If 2)
= J (J7 'If. 'If. (7.3)
If the region A had different geometry, another set of
This equation gives the local change in vorticity as a orthogonal functions would satisfy (7.5) and the bound-
result of advection by a two-dimensional nondivergent ary conditions, and could be used for the expansion (7.4).
velocity. It is also a nonlinear advection equation. These functions will be solutions of the Helmholtz
However, in contrast with the one-dimensional equation equation (7. 5).
(6.1), (7.3) gives a good approximate description of Define the average of a variable a by

the coefficients of these components; in (7.4), these

coefficients have been absorbed into the functions \jIn'
Since the values of An are already known, for commonly
We are interested in the average value of the kinetic used geometries, we can calculate the kinetic energy
energy per unit mass spectra using (7.9). Such a calculation, as well as the
calculation of the spectra of other variables, has been
K ="21(2 2) 1
u + v ="2 V\jI • V\jI· (7.7) used for numerous studies of the behaviour and structure
of both the observed and numerically simulated fields of
atmospheric variables.
Substituting (7.4), and assuming that this series can be
differentiated and integrated term by term, we obtain
The mean square vorticity

can be expressed as a sum of contributions of different

harmonics in a similar way. Substituting (7.4), using
(7. 5), and the orthogonality ofthe functions \jIn, we obtain
We note that

Assume that no mass transport occurs through the bound- Substituting the expression (7.9) for the kinetic energy of
aries of A, that is, a component \jIn; we find for the average value of the
enstrophy half the vorticity squared,

Using (7. 5), we then obtain
Comparing this with (7.8) we see that the average wave
2l~~ \jIm 21~~2
- 2
V \jIn -
-- An 'If m \jI n • number is related to average values of enstrophy and
m n m n kinetic energy. Define the average wave number as
Since the functions \jIn are orthogonal, that is,
\jIm \jIn = 0 for m -=F n,
Substituting (7.11) and (7.8) we find
the double sum reduces to a sum over only a single

V~ o/K.
subscript, namely,
A= (7.13)

We have therefore expressed the average kinetic energy Thus, when the velocity is two-dimensional and nondiver·
in the region A as a sum of contributions of different gent, the average wave number is determined by the
harmonics ratio of the average values of enstrophy and kinetic
We originally wished to study the time dependence of
where the energy of spectral components permitted by the
vorticity equation (7.3). It will suffice to look at the time
1 22" (7 . 9) dependence of (7. 13). (7. 3) gives
Kn == 2" An \jI n •

The contributions K n , considered as a function of n, (7.14)

represent the kinetic energy spectrum. As seen from
(7.9), they are never negative. When the stream func·
tion \jI is known, the functions \jIn can be computed by Again assuming no mass transport through the bound·
standard series expansion methods. In fact, we calculate aries of A, we find

.!!- K = !.- 1 (V'If )2 = V'If . aa V'If =

at at 2 t (7.15) --------l-r--r------r----

= - 'If ;t v 'if 2
= - 'If J (~, 'If), •••
However, for any two scalar quantities p, q, we have
Figure 7.1 A mechanical analogy of the interchange of energy
J (P. q) = k . V X (PVq) = -k· V X (qVp). between harmonic components.

Using Stokes' theorem, we see that

We now return to the numerical solution of (7. 3) and
J(p, q) = 0, (7.16) the associated nonlinear instability problem. Obviously,
if a finite difference scheme could be constructed so as to
if either p or q is constant along the boundary of A. conserve the average values of enstrophy and the kinetic
Under the same conditions, we have energy, the average wave number would not change, and,
therefore, a systematic transport of energy toward the
pJ(p, q) = 0, qJ(p, q) = O. (7.17) highest wave numbers would not be possi~le. ~rakawa
has pointed this out, and showed that. fimte dlff~ren~e
Therefore, if we assume that 'If is constant along the
approximations can be constructe~ that, m.deed, mamtam
boundary of A, (7.14) and (7.15) give
the properties (7.17) of the analytIc Jacobmn. Therefore,
1- - average enstrophy and kinetic energy are conserved
- ~2 = const, and K = const. (7. 18)
2 within the advection terms, and so is the average wave
number. Nonlinear instability is therefore prevented.
In this way, we find that the average wave number does His approximations, in addition, maintain the property
not change with time with two-dimensional nondivergent (7.16), and thus also conserve the average vorticity.
flow. In other words, a systematic energy cascade Thus the gross characteristics of the frequency distribution
toward higher wave numbers is not possible. Furthermore,
of the vorticity field are also conserved. The true non-
since to obtain the enstrophy the contributions K n are divergent vorticity equation conserves all moments of the
multiplied by the wave number squared, the fraction of frequency distribution of the vorticity since the area
the energy that can flow to high wave numbers is clearly and the vorticity of individual fluid parcels are both
limited, and the higher the wave number, the more it is conserved. Maintaining properties (7. 16) and (7. 17h
limited (Fj0rtoft, 1953). in a finite difference calculation will guarantee the conser-
As pointed out by Charney (I966) this situation can vation of the first two moments of this distribution.
be illustrated by a simple mechanical analogy. The We illustrate Arakawa's method by considering how
foregoing relations show that to satisfy (7. 17)1' In our finite difference calculation it

= 1: K n A.~ = const,
2 takes the form
K A.
On the left hand side here each of the two factors is C J.. (~,'If) = ~ i,j
1:~.J.(~,'If)=O, (7.19)
constant, as the first one is equal to the average energy.
Thus, as shown in Fig. 7.1, we can imagine a semi-infi- where J denotes a finite difference approximation to the
nite weightless rod on which a weight K is suspended at Jacobian, and N the total number of grid points.
a distance ')..,.2 to the left of the point at which the rod
There are many ways of constructing finite difference
itself is suspended, and weights Kl l K 2 , ••• are sus-
approximations to the Jacobian. We can use any of the
pended at distances ",~, "': ... right of that point. The
three equivalent analytic expressions
rod, as defined, would be in mechanical equilibrium.
Its left side, moreover, cannot change, while on the right ap aq ap!!J..._
hand side an interchange of mass between weights is per- J (p,q) = ax ay - ay ax -
mitted, but only so as not to disturb the equilibrium,
that is, the total moment of forces. Thus, at least three rJ I anI rl I anI
components must always take part in an energy transfer. ay~qa:)- ax~qa~) = (7.20)
In particular very little energy can be expected to accu-
mulate at the highest wave numbers through a cascade
of energy from the lower wave numbers.
= :x (p ~~) - ~ (p ~;) .

We shall consider only approximations of the second This approximation is also of the second order of accur-
order of accuracy. With the simplest centered space acy.
differencing, we require values of p, q from a box of
When evaluating the sum in (7.19) using (7.22) we
nine adjacent grid points to evaluate (7.20), as shown
obtain 24 terms from each grid point in the computa-
in Fig. 7.2. Write d for the grid size, and pk, qk for the
tional region. All of these terms will be of the form
values of p, q at the point denoted by k. We then obtain
const . Sk Sz 'I'm· By choosing the constants d,~, y
the following approximations to the expressions (7.20)
appropriately we can make all of these terms cancel out
in the summation process, thereby fulfilling (7.19). For
example, the point 0 will contribute terms to (7.19) of
6 2 5 the form

3 o A term containing So SI '1'2 will also appear in the expres-

sion for SI J1 (S, '1'). Because of the form of the Jacobian
approximations (7.21) it will have to come from the
7 4 8 product P3 qa. Thus, one contribution from the point 1
will be
Figure 7.2 Stencil used to define approximations to Jacobian. I

These two terms wifI cancel if a = ~. Arakawa has

shown that, when


not only do all the terms in the sum (7. ] 9) cancel, but
also all the terms in the expression for the conservation of
1 [ q (p - p ) - the average kinetic energy, and the average vorticity
J x+ (p q) = - 2 X
, 4d 256 (Arakawa, ]966; Lilly, ]965). Thus, the approximation

- q4 (ps - P7) - q\ (ps - ps) + q3 (P6 - P7)] , J == ~ (J++ + JX+ + J+X) (7: 23)
A 3 '

will conserve average vorticity, enstrophy and kinetic

energy when used for the numerical solution of (7.3).
This is more than sufficient for the prevention of nonlinear
instability. The approximation (7.23) is usually called
the Arakawa Jacobian. Arakawa has also shown how
to construct an approximation of fourth order accuracy
to the Jacobian, conserving these three quantities.
The superscripts + and X denote the positions of the It has recently been demonstrated (Jespersen, 1974)
points from which values of p and q, respectively, are used that the Arakawa Jacobian can be derived as a special
to form the approximation. Each of the approximations case of the so called "finite element method", a relatively
(7.2) is consistent and of the second order of accuracy. new and promising development in the field of the
A more general approximation can now be formed as numerical solution of partial differential equations.
a linear combination of these three, that is Instead of approximating the space derivatives by finite
differences, the finite element method consists of using
J(p,q) = aJ++ + ~JX+ + yJ+x, (7.22)
an interpolation procedure to convert a set of values
with the consistency requirement given at grid points into a field given everywhere. This
is done using a variational formulation, minimizing the
a+~+y=l. error of the approximation (e.g. Cullen, 1974).

Arakawa has constructed an analogue of the scheme Thus, it is not only a conservation of energy, as has
(7.23) for the vorticity equation to approximate the sometimes incorrectly been implied. For example, an
advection terms in the primitive equations in the case approximation can easily be constructed for the non-
when the wind is nondivergent. This scheme is then linear term of the one-dimensional advection equation
generalized to allow for divergence (Arakawa, 1972; (6.1) which would conserve the kinetic energy. Using
Arakawa and Lamb, 1976). such an approximation, however, would not prevent
nonlinears instability in the way that the Arakawa
In conclusion, we stress that the essence of the Arakawa scheme does. The Arakawa procedure does not have a
method is to control the computational energy cascade, one-dimensional analogue, as the nondivergent vorticity
by conservation of the average wave number within the equation (7.3) is not nonlinear when applied to a one-
advection terms due to the nondivergent part of the flow. dimensional problem.


In this chapter we consider the equations describing exclusively in atmospheric models today. They are
the horizontal propagation of gravity and gravity-inertia generally considered superior for both research and
waves. Mathematically, this means that we will be dealing operational applications (e.g. Sawyer, 1972). The speed
with a system of two or three partial differential equa- of propagation of the gravity and gravity-inertia waves,
tions of the first order. Thus, we will now have two or and their sensitivity to various numerical errors mean that
three dependent variables. The system of equations will their treatment requires especially careful consideration.
always be equivalent to a single differential equation
of a higher order. This equation can be obtained from
the system by elimination of dependent variables.
1. One-dimensional gravity waves: centered space
We first put this problem in perspective. Arakawa, differencing
(Arakawa, 1970), has stated that there are two main
problems in finite difference integrations of the atmo- We shall first consider the simplest case 'of gravity
spheric governing equations. One is a proper simulation waves where the dependent variables are funCtions of one
of the geostrophic adjustment process. Through this space variable. They are governed by the linearized
process the atmosphere establishes a characteristic quasi- equations
nondivergent state, mostly as a result of the dispersion
of the gravity-inertia waves. The associated computa- ou oh oh = _ H ou . H =
tional considerations will be discussed in this chapter.
at = - g ax' at ax' g, const. (1.1)
The second problem is the prediction or simulation of the
Thus, we have a system with two dependent and two
large-scale quasi-nondivergent flow after it has been
independent variables.
established. Here the horizontal advection is the dominat-
ing mechanism. The associated computational consi- We seek wave solutions of (1. 1) in the form
derations were discussed in the preceding chapter. U
A .
(x, t) = Re [u e' (kx-vt)],
h (x, t) = Re [h ei(kx-vt) ],(1.2)
Extensive study of the problems in integrations of the
gravity-inertia wave equations began in atmospheric and obtain the homogeneous system
modelling much later than studies of the advection A A A A
problem. After Richardson's (1922) first unsuccessful vu =gkh, vh=Hku,
numerical integration of the complete primitive equa-
tions, the successful result of Charney, Fj0rtoft and von giving the frequency equation
Neumann (1950) was largely due to the exclusion of v2 = gHk2 • (1.3)
gravity-inertia waves from their equations by using
the geostrophic approximation in the vorticity equation. Thus,
The governing equations with the gravity-inertia waves
excluded, are customarily called the filtered equations. c
±~, (l.4)
They bypass the geostrophic adjustment problem. The
filtered equations were used almost exclusively in the
first decade of numerical forecasting research. showing that the gravity waves can propagate along
Efforts to improve the performance of numerical the x axis in both directions at a speed vigH. This
models led to a desire to include the non-geostrophic speed is not a function of wave number so that there is no
effects. This is very difficult to do within the modified dispersion of the waves.
system of equations. Thus, starting with the first success- Consider now the differential-difference equations
ful experiments by Hinkelmann (1959), modellers came
back to using the primitive equations. Except for special
purposes, the primitive equations are used almost

that we obtain when the space derivatives in (1.1) are in the figure contains two elementary "subgrids", with
approximated by centered finite difference quotients the solution on one of these subgrids being completely
using values at the two nearest points. The solutions decoupled from the other. Thus, it would be better to
(1.2) now take the form calculate only one of these solutions, that is, to use a
grid as shown in Fig. 1.2. Such a grid, with variables
carried at alternate points in space, is called a staggered
grid. The computation time needed to solve (1.5) on
this grid is reduced by a factor of two, and the truncation'
Substitution of these solutions into (1.5) leads to
error is the same. Furthermore, the waves with kLix>
> re/2 have been eliminated, and these are just the waves
A _ sin kLix hA A _ H sin kLi x A
vu - g Lix ' Vh - Lix u, .associated with large phase speed errors and negative

giving the frequency equation

2 = H (sin kLiX)2 (1.7) Figure 1.2 A grid with two dependent variables that are carried
v g Lix . at alternate grid points.

Thus, instead of a constant phase speed, the gravity

waves now propagate with the phase speed group velocities. Thus, when using such a staggered
grid, the phase speed and group velocity diagram shown
sin kLix
c* = ± yfii kLix (1.8) in Fig. 2.2 of the preceding chapter is reduced to its
left half, covering waves with wave lengths of up to
4Lix only. This is a tremendous improvement.
If we wish to have waves with wave lengths between
sin kLix 4Lix and 2Lix in our calculation we can reduce the grid
c* = c (1.9) length by a factor of two and perform a much more
accurate integration, using the same amount of compu-
This phase speed is a function of wave number, and, thus, tation time than with a grid that is not staggered.
we see that the space differencing again results in compu-
tational dispersion. The formula (1.9) is the same as 2. Two-dimensional gravity waves
the one obtained in the preceding chapter when consider-
ing the advection equation. Therefore, both the phase We now consider two-dimensional gravity waves. Thus,
speed and the group velocity depend on the wave number we consider the system of linearized equations
as shown in Fig. 2.2 of the preceding chapter. The
phase speed decreases as the wave length decreases, and au ah av
=-g-' -=-g-'
the wave with wave length 2Lix is stationary. at ax at ay
There is, however, an important difference between ah
this problem and the advection problem because we
now have two dependent variables. We have assumed
that they are both carried at every grid point, as shown Substituting the wave solutions
in Fig. 1.1.
u = Re [Oe i (lcX+!y-vt)], v = Re [~ei(lcX+!y-vt)],

Figure 1. 1 A grid with two dependent variables that are both we now obtain
carried at every grid point.

Thus, in the two-dimensional case, the gravity waves

As far as the system (1.5) is concerned, however,
the underlined variables in the figure depend only on propagate with the same constant phase speed vgH.
other underlined variables. The same statement holds Because of the results obtained in the preceding
for the variables that are not underlined. Thus, the grid section, we first consider the spatial distribution of the

variables. With two dimensions and three dependent of the area of the admissible region of the wave number
variables, a large number of spatial arrangements of the plane.
variables are possible. For the present we consider the The same standard finite difference approximations
three rectangular arrangements shown in Fig. 2. 1. The can be used for the space derivatives in (2.1) for all three
identifying letters (A), (E) and (C) are chosen so as to lattices. We write these approximations using the
conform with the symbols used by Winninghoff and difference operators 'Ox and by, defined by, for example,

(A) (E) (C)

Figure 2. 1 Three types of lattice considered for the finite difference solution of 2. 1.

Arakawa (Arakawa, 1972). We shall denote the shortest

distance between the grid points by d*. With the same ox h == 2~* [h (x+d*, y) - h (x-d*, y)l·
value of d* the lattice (E) will have twice, and the lattice
(C) four times less variables per unit area than the Thus, (2.1) can be approximated by
lattice (A), as in Fig. 2.1. The lattice (E) can be obtained
by a superposition of two (C) lattices, and the lattice (A)
by a superposition of two (E) lattices, or of four (C)
7ft = - H ('ox U + by v) .
The admissible regions of wave numbers in the wave
number plane can be found by considering the shortest
resolvable wave lengths. Note that with lattice (E) the Substituting wave solutions analogous as III (2.2), we
lines joining the nearest points with the same variable obtain
make an angle of re/4 with the grid lines while with the 2 H sin kd* + sin ld*
2 2
other two lattices these lines are along the grid lines. v = g d*2
Fig. 2.2 shows the admissible wave numbers. A halving we define
of the number of variables is associated with a _halving X=kd*, y= ld*,
(A) (E) (C)



o o re o re

Figure 2.2 Admissible regions of wave numbers for the three types of lattice shown in Figure 2.1.

the ratio of the phase speed given by (2.5), c*, to the are constant, they will be a stationary solution on that
true phase speed VgH, can be written as lattice, no matter what the values of the variables on the
other (C) lattice are. Two stationary solutions, with

~ _V
J.fJl -
Sin2 X
+ sin 2 y
+ y2 .
different constant values on each of these complementary
lattices, will give a stationary wave represented by the right-
hand corner of the triangular region in Fig. 2.3, with a
This formula reduces to the previous formula, (1.8) or zero phase speed. This wave is usually referred to as the
(1.9), when applied to the one-dimensional case. two-grid-interval wave. In the same way, the (A) lattice
admits four independent stationary solutions, with
The values of the relative phase speed (2.6) on the different constant values on each of its four type (C)
wave number region admitted by lattice (E) are shown subgrids.
in Fig. 2.3. By symmetry about the line I = k only half
of the region needs to be shown. Fig. (2.2) shows that The two-grid-interval wave can easily be generated
lattice (C) admits only the left half of the triangular region when boundary conditions are artificially described, and,
with more complete equations, in cases when gravity
waves are generated inside the computational region.
These can be caused by heating, for example through the
0.8 release of latent heat, and by the influence of mountains.
When gravity waves are excited involving variables of
ld* one of the (C) subgrids only, for example by forcing at
individual grid points or lines of points, the gravity wave
will propagate through the variables of this subgrid only.
The variables of the other (C) subgrid will be influenced
I"----L.-----'-----'-r'-----'--L.-...l...---'-------'----'l 0 .0
only through the Coriolis and advection terms on a
much larger time-scale. Thus physical effects which may
o re 12 re
excite relatively long waves in the atmosphere may excite
kd* spurious waves with wave lengths of approximately
Figure 2.3 Relative phase speed of gravity waves when the space two grid intervals in a computation. When these reach
derivatives in (2.1) are approximated by straightfor- an excessive amplitude, some remedial measures have to
ward space-centered finite difference analogues. be taken. These will be discussed in a later section.
shown in the diagram. Clearly lattice (C) gives a more
accurate phase speed for gravity waves than the other 3. Gravity-inertia waves and space distribution of
lattices considered here. Unfortunately, because it does
not carry the two velocity components at the same points, In this section we discuss the effect of centered space
there is some difficulty with the Coriolis force term. differencing on gravity-inertia waves. Thus, we consider
Of the other lattices, the staggered lattice (E) is much the system of linearized equations
superior to the non-staggered lattice (A). A result with
the same truncation error can be achieved in about half au = - gah- + fv
of the computation time, (exactly half if the equations at ax '
are linear), and a sizable fraction of wave numbers that (3.1)
are associated with large phase speed errors and compu- ah =-HV.v.
tational dispersion are eliminated. The additional time at
needed for a calculation on an (A) lattice is spent on
waves that can hardly be expected to improve the inte- These equations differ from those of section 2 in the
gration. appearance of the two Coriolis terms. The Coriolis
terms contain no derivatives. However, they are difficult
As we can see from the phase speed diagram, lattice
to calculate on the (C) lattice, which was ideal for pure
(E) is not free of computational problems. As with the
gravity waves.
non-staggered one-dimensional grid discussed in the
preceding section, the solutions of (2.4) on each of the Thus, we reconsider the problem of the distribution of
two type (C) subgrids forming the (E) lattice are inde- the variables.
pendent and can diverge from each other. This can be a It is not obvious how we should analyse various arran-
source of serious problems. For example, if the values gements of variables. Our primary concern here is to
of the dependent variables on one of these (C) lattices consider (3.1) as part of the complete system of primitive

equations. We are interested in large-scale motions, derivatives, leaving the time derivatives in their differen-
.otherwise we would not be including the Coriolis terms. tial form .
On the large scale, the primitive equations admit two The discussion is based on that by Winninghoff and
district types of motion: low-frequency, quasi-geostrophic Arakawa, as presented by Arakawa (Arakawa, 1972;
and quasi-nondivergent flow; and high-frequency gravity- Arakawa et al. 1974).
inertia waves. Gravity-inertia waves are continually. We consider five ways of distributing the dependent
excited in the atmosphere; however, as they are dispersive, variables in space, shown in Fig. 3. 1. We denote by d the
a local accumulation of wave energy disperses with time. shortest distance between neighbouring points carrying
This process is known as geostrophic adjustment; the the same dependent variable. In the figure d is the same
remaining motion is in approximate geostrophic balance for each of the five lattices; thus, all the lattices have the
and changes only slowly in time. In this chapter we are same number of dependent variables per unit area. The
concerned with the correct simulation of this process, computation time needed for an integration on each
which is essentially governed by the gravity-inertia wave of the lattices will be about the same; the properties of
equations (3.1). the solution obtained, though, will differ because of the
We are interested both in waves ·caused by physical effect of the space arrangement of variables.
effects, and in those caused by inadequacies of the Using the subscripts shown in the figure, we define
initial data and of the numerical procedures. the centered space differencing operator by
However, the details of the adjustment process do not
matter as much as the correctness of the resulting quasi- . . == -d' la,+.!.
(ox a )I,} . - a._.!. .),
12'] 1 1,)
geostrophic flow.
We shall therefore investigate the effect of the space this rotation is applicable to all the lattices. Here d'is the
distribution of dependent variables on the dispersive distance between the points between which the finite
properties of the gravity-inertia waves. This will be done difference is taken. Thus, for lattices (A) through (D) d'
using the simplest centered approximations for the space is equal to the grid size d, and for the lattice (E) it is

(A) (B)
u, v, h u, v, h u, v, h. I h h h
j+1 J+ 3-

U, V U, v
• •
u, v, h u, v, h u, v,h h h h
j j
u,v u, v
• • (E)
. I u, v, h u, v, h u, v, h h h h . I u, v h u, v
J- i-I i i +I i +I 2
.-d--. h u,v h
(C) (D) j •
U h U h v h v h 1
j-- u, v\th u, v
2, 1 . I
v v v U U U 1-- 1+-
2 2
h U h U h h v h v h
j j
v v v U U U

h v v h
j-I h h j-I h h

i-I i i +I i-I i i +I
.-d-. .-d----+

Figure 3. 1 Five types of lattice considered for the finite difference solution of (3.1).

equal to V2d. We also define an average taken over the Substituting the wave solutions (1.2), we obtain the
same two points by frequency equation which can be written as

. . ==
(,t) II} 2 (a. I • + a.
+ 2J} V)2 gH 2
(]_ = 1 + yz k •
1 .).
. I l-~'J (3.4)

(oyak1 and (aYk1 are defined in the same way, but

with respect to the y axis. Finally, Thus, as the radius of deformation
(iiXY)i,1 = (ii x k1'
is never equal to zero, the frequency of the gravity-
For each of the five lattices we use the simplest centered
inertia waves is a monotonically increasing function of k.
approximations for the space derivatives and Coriolis
terms (3.1). We obtain the difference systems Therefore, the group velocity Jv/ Jk is never equal to
zero. This is very important for the geostrophic adjust-
au --x av --y ment process, as it precludes a local accumulation of
at =-goxh+fv, ih=-goyh-fu ,
(3.2)A wave energy.
ah (~x -Y) We now look at the effect of the finite differencing in
at = - H 0x U + Oy v ;
space in this case. As the variables are assumed not to
depend on y, the systems (3.2) reduce to
au --y av
at = - g 0x h + fV, ~
at = -gO-yx
h -fu , au --x av
at = - g 0x h + fV, at = - fu,
at = - H o;it,
au -xy av -xy
at = - g °x h + fV , at = - g oyh - fU ,
at = - fu,

aU -xy -xy av -xy -xy

at = - g °x h + fV , at = - gOyh - fu ,
(3.2)D au -x av -x
ah = _ H (o::tf + y
OyP) "
at = - g uxh + fV ,

at = - fu,
at x

at = - gOyh - fU,
au --x_x av -x
at = - g 0x h + fv , at = - fu,
We shall first analyze a one-dimensional case, that in (3.5)D
which the variables u, v and h do not vary withy. Thus,
we have U , v, h = U " v h (x ,t)
The system (3.1) then reduces to
au ah . _ av _ dV
- =-g- -j-- fV at = - fU,
at ax ' at ::::; - ju,
ah = _ H au .
at ax

Substitution of wave solutions into these systems gives associated with a zero group velocity. For A/d = 1/2 the
the frequency equations group velocity is equal to zero for all k.'
Lattice (D): The frequency reaches a maximum at
V)2 (A)2 . 2
(1 = I + d sm kd, . (A/d) 2 cos kd = 1/4. The two-grid-interval wave at
kd = 1t is stationary.
Lattice (E): The frequency reaches a maximum !t
V)2 (A)2 . 2 kd kd = 1t/Y2. The shortest resolvable wave with kd =y21t
(7 = 1+ 4 d sm 2' behaves like a pure inertia oscillation, and its group
velocity is again zero.
A summary of these results is shown in Fig. 3.2. It
(3.6)c shows the functions I v 11.f, in the case y/d = 2.

(3.6)n 6

V)2 (A)2 . 2 kd l"l 4

(7 = 1 + 2 d sm V2' f
The non-dimensional frequency v/fis now seen to depend
on two parameters, kd and A/d.
We shall analyze the dispersion properties revealed
by these expressions for each of the five lattices. The
wave length of the shortest resolvable wave along the x kd/1t
axis is 2d for lattices (A) through (D), and y2d for the
lattice (E). Thus, we have to consider the range 0 < kd:(; 1t
Figure 3.2 The functions I v I1f given by (3.4) and (3.6), with
for lattices (A) through (D), and the range 0 < kd :(; '}."Id= 2.
:(; V21t for the lattice (E).
Lattice (A): The frequency reaches a maximum at
kd = 1t/2. Thus, the group velocity is zero for k equal The figure vividly illustrates the inade,!uacy.of the latti~es
to 1t/(2 d). If gravity-inertia waves of approximately that (D) and (A). The phase speed and dIsperSIOn propertIes
wave number are excited near a point inside the computa- of the remaining three lattices are much better: however,
tional region, for example by nonlinear effects or forcing zero group velocities occur with every ~attice. Thus, wi~h
through heating or ground topography, the wave energy any lattice there will be difficulties III the geostrophlc
stays near that point. Beyond this maximum value, adjustment process.
for 1t/2 < kd < 1t, the frequency decreases as the wave
number increases. Thus, for these waves the group The difference between the results for lattices (B) and
velocity has the wrong sign. Finally, the two-grid-interval (E) is interesting because these two lattices can be obtained
wave with kd = 1t behaves like a pure inertia oscillation, from one another by a rotation through an angle of 1t/4.
and its group velocity is again zero. If we consider the one-dimensional case in which the
dependent variables are constant along t~e lines
Lattice (B): The frequency increases monotonically
throughout the range 0 < kd < 1t. However, it reaches
y = x +
c, we obtain results for these two lattIces that
are exactly opposite to th()se in Fig. 3.2. In general,
a maximum at the end of the range, so that the group we define the coordinate system x' ,y' by rotating the system
velocity is zero for the two-grid-interval wave with x,y in the positive direction through an angle of 1t/4,
kd = 1t. and then, using the relations
Lattice (C): The frequency increases monotonically
with kd if A/ d > 1/2 and decreases monotonically with kd if Vi
A/d < 1/2. It again reaches an extreme value at kd = 1t, u'=V:(u+v), 2

change from variables u, v, h to new dependent variables The (B) or (E) lattices have a problem with false low
u',v',h. We find that this transforms the system (3.2)B frequencies of the shortest waves. The two-grid-interval
into (3. 2)E, and, conversely, (3. 2)B into (3. 2)E' Thus, wave, that was stationary as a pure gravity wave, now
the dispersion properties of the lattices (B) and (E) can behaves like a pure inertia oscillation. The difficulty
be considered equivalent. A gravity-inertia wave in one arises from decoupling of the gravity wave solutions on
of these lattices has phase speed and dispersion properties the two complementary (C) type subgrids. Methods of
identical to those of the same wave with its front rotated dealing with this will be discussed later.
through an angle of 1t/4 in the other lattice.
Obviously, we should also consider the two-dimensional
case. The values of I v IIf that are obtained in the two- 4. Time differencing; the leapfrog scheme and the
Eliassen grid
dimensional case for the true solution and those using
lattices (B) and (C) are shown in Fig. 3.3 with Aid' = 2. Properties of time differencing schemes applied to the
The diagram for lattice (E) can be obtained by a counter- gravity wave equations can be deduced from the analysis
clockwise rotation of the (B) lattice diagram. of Chapter 2, as was done for the advection equation.

(A) (B) (C)

1.0 1.0 1.0

'4~'.,,) \ \}s I
0.8 0.8 0.8
3.5 '\ -2
\ 2.5 ~
0.6 Oe 6 \ ~0.6
Z ~
--.. .'3... . --..
~ :::l "-
- 0.4 0.4 0.4
" ''''-----
3.5 ' \
0.2 0.2 0.2
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
kd/1t M~ M~
Figure 3.3 The functions Iv I/f, for the true solution and for solutions of systems (3. 2)B and (3. 2)c, with ')../d = 2.

The diagram for lattice (C) in the two-dimensional case We shall demonstrate' this for the one-dimensional
is seen to be a much better approximation to the exact equations
solution than the (B) or (E) lattice diagram. In the (B)
lattice diagram the dot-dashed line shows the maximum
I v I/ffor a given ratio I/k; note that there is no such line
in the (C) lattice diagram and the exact solution. Such (4.1)
a maximum occurs at only two corner points of the (C) ah + ah + H au = 0
lattice diagram. Thus, with the (C) lattice, no waves at c ax ax .
have a group velocity with the wrong sign. The situation,
though, does depend on the parameter A/d. With a stra-
We first multiply the second of these equations by an
tified atmosphere the radius of deformation A depends
arbitrary parameter A, and add the result to the first
on the stability; if the stability is so weak as to make A/d
equation. We obtain
of the order of 1 or less, the (C) lattice loses the advantages
shown in Fig. (3.3). However, for typical grid sizes used
in atmospheric models this is not the case and therefore a
at (u+Ah)+(C+AH) ax + (g+Ac) ax =0. (4.2)
~ ~
Arakawa (Arakawa and Lamb, 1976) concludes that the
lattice (C) is the best lattice to simulate the geostrophi~
adjustment· process. Accordingly, it is at present being
used in the general circulation model at the University We wish to choose A so that
of California at Los Angeles, and also in the British g + AC =A (4.3)
operational model. c+AH '

to obtain an equation with only one dependent variable,

u ')..,h. The two solutions of (4.3) are V(ff + yRT,

where 'Y = cp/cv ' If we neglect the first term and recall
(4.4) that the scale height of an isothermal atmosphere is

H* = RT/g,
we see that the phase speed of the Lamb waves is of the
Substituting these into (4.2) we obtain
same order of magnitude as that of the external gravity

[:C + (c+ Wf):x] (u + Wh)=O' waves. Thus, in view of the relation between stability
and the phase speed, we see that (4.7) should also repre-
sent an approximately correct stability requirement in

(u - Wh ) = 0.
the three-dimensional case. With the highest phase
[:C + (c - vgIi) :x] speeds of the order of 300 m sec-I, an~ a grid size of
about 100 km, this requirement does not permit time
steps longer than about 5 minutes. This time will be smal-
This is the normalform of the system (4. 1). It shows that
(4.1) is equivalent to a system of two advection equations. ler by a factor of Y2 with two horizontal coordinates.
The CFL stability condition thus means that a large
The quantity u + Y g / Hh is seen to be advected at a
amount of computer time is required for integration of
velocity c+ y gH in the direction of the x axis, while, the primitive equations, especially when the grid size is
at the same time, the quantity U-yg/Hh is advected in small to reduce errors in space differencing. For this
the same direction at a velocity c-ygH. reason some investigators prefer using implicit time dif-
Suppose now we choose a grid that carries both u and h ferencing schemes, so that the choice of time step can be
at every grid point. The systems obtained by using based solely on accuracy and not on stability.
centered space differencing in (4. 1) and (4. 5) are then We can also study the stability and other properties of
equivalent. We can therefore use the same procedure time differencing methods applied to the gravity wave
as in Section 1 of Chapter 3 to analyse time differencing equations by direct substitution of wave solutions. For
schemes. We obtain the same results as before, except example, consider the leapfrog scheme with centered
that in place of the advection velocity c we now have space differencing applied to the two-dimensional system
c + y gH. Thus, if the leapfrog scheme is used for the
time differencing, and c is considered positive, we obtain at + g ah
ax = ° av
at +g
ay = 0,
the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy stability criterion for this
case as ah
at + HV·v = 0.
(c + v'iH) Llx <; 1. (4.6)
Using one of the lattices of Fig. 2.1 as well as the notation
of Section 2, we obtain
The advection velocity in the atmosphere is normally
about an order of magnitude less than the phase speed
of external gravity waves. Accordingly, in the foregoing (4.9)
criterion c is often neglected compared with y
giving the stability requirement
Substituting the wave solutions
Llt un = Re [')..,nDei(kXHY)], vn = Re [')..,n ~ei(kXHY)],
v'iH Llx < 1. (4.7)

When using the three-dimensional primitive equations,

external gravity waves are normally eliminated by per- we obtain the homogeneous system
mitting no vertical velocity at the upper boundary. The
highest phase speed admitted by the system is then that
of the Lamb waves, which for an isothermal atmosphere
(')..,2-1) ~ + iA2Y2gll sin Xh = °
IS (')..,2-1) ~+ iA2Y2gllsin Yh = 0, (4.11)

iA2V2HJ.l (sin xD+ sin y~) + (A 2 -1)h = O. (4.15)

Here X and Yare defined as in Section 2, while or
<1. (4.16)

that is, J.l = Atld when the lattice (E) is chosen.

The properties of the numerical solution can now be This is in agreement with the previous results. The
studied by analyzing (4.11). The requirement that its nondimensional constant on the left side is sometimes
determinant be equal to zero gives six solutions for A. called the Courant number.
Two of these are With solutions like (4.10), the frequency V is given by

11.=1 (4.12) I I
A = A e- ivJ1t •
Thus, the expressions obtained for A can be used to calcu-
11.=-1. (4.13)
late the relative phase speed c* Iv
gH using the relation
The remaining four are given by ~ 1 -~m (
J1iH = At j/gH (k 2 + 12) arc tan Are' 4.17)
11.2 = 1-4A ±2V2A (2A-l) (4.14)
If we are given 11.2 rather than A, as here, we can express
where the relative phase speed as a function of (A2)im and
(A2 )r.' Thus, using (4.14), we find for 2A ~ 1 :

We can now analyze the solutions (4.10) associated c· 1

with the values found for A. The first of these values, Vfll = 2J.l j/2 gH (X2 + Y2) x
(4.12), gives a neutral and stationary solution. If either (4.18)
sin X or sin Y is non-zero in this neutral and stationary
A x arc tan ('f
2 j/2A (I - 2A
1- 4A
») .
case then, according to (4.11), we have h = 0, and the
solution represents a physically acceptable translatory
motion. If, however, sin X and sin Yare both equal to
zero, the amplitudes of all three dependent variables can This expression, of course, approaches (2.6) as At
take arbitrary values. In addition to the physically approaches zero.
acceptable solution where all the dependent variables For a more explicit illustration of the effect of time
are constant (k = 1= 0), there is a solution with one or differencing, we can perform a series expansion of (4. 18).
both of the wave numbers k and I equal to rtld*. This One obtains, for V2A < I/V2,
is the two-grid-interval wave, discussed already in Section
2. It again appears as a false computational solution; c· sin X + sin22 Y (1 + ! A + l A2 + ...)
since it is stationary, it is not affected by the introduction ViH X2 +y 3 10 .
of time differencing.
The second value, A = -1, represents a false compu- The factor multiplying the series in parenthesis describes
tational mode in time, with a period of 2At. This com- the decelerating effect of space differencing, as given
putational mode results from using a three time level by (2.6). The acceleration resulting from the leapfrog
scheme. time differencing is beneficial, as it reduces the phase
error due to space differencing.
To prove stability of the scheme the behaviour of the
remaining solutions given by (4.14) has to be investigated. The values of the relative phase speed (4. 18) are shown
They will all also be neutral for 2A < 1. To obtain the in Fig. 4.1, for the physical mode with 2VgHJ.l=0.5.
condition in the form BAt ~ 1 we write The wave number region shown here is the same as in
Fig. 2.3, where the effect of space differencing alone was
considered. Comparison of these figures shows little
difference between the two families of isolines. The
Since this has to be satisfied for all the admissible waves, relative acceleration due to the time differencing has a
we find that the CFL criterion in the two-dimensional maximum at the upper corner of the diagram, but the
case is now relative phase speed here is still poor.

grid the Richardson grid. A single Richardson grid is

considered as a time-staggered version of the (C) lattice
and suffices for the solution of the pure gravity wave
system (4.9); thus, on an Eliassen grid the system (4.9)
has two independent solutions. Using the difference
ld* system considered above to approximate the differential
system (4.19), these solutions are coupled only through
the two Coriolis terms.

U u
o n/2 n
Figure 4.1 Relative phase speed of gravity waves, with centered (n + 1) At~---_---~---_ h
time and space differencing, and Courant number v
equal to 0.5.

Finally, we point out that time differencing suggests

new ways of distributing the variables, as the grid can
now also be time-staggered. A good example is given by
the linearized system
OU oh OV oh
7ft + g ox - fv = O. ot + g oy + fu = 0,
(n-l) At ~--~--_..£..-_--
ot + ov)= 0 ,
ox + oy

approximated using lattice (E), the leapfrog scheme and
centered space differencing. If all the variables were Figure 4.2 A space-time grid· staggered both in space and time,
convenient for the leapfrog scheme associated with
calculated at every time level, there would be two inde- centered space differencing.
pendent solutions. The solution involving the variables
of the space-time grid shown in Fig. 4.2 would be indepen-
dent of that involving the variables that are left out in this 5. Economical explicit schemes
figure. The second grid can be obtained by shifting the The fact that we are now solving two equations, the
grid a distance V2d* along the line y = x. Thus, as equation of motion and the continuity equation, sug-
with the space grids discussed in Section 2, the space- gests new ways of constructing time differencing sche-
time grid formed by using the (E) lattice at every time mes. Some of these have recently attracted the attention
level can be considered as a superposition of two element- of atmospheric modellers.
ary subgrids of the type shown in Fig. 4.2. Solving the As seen in the section 4, an inconvenient feature of
system (4.19) on only one of these saves half the computa- gravity waves is the high computer time required for
tion time, with no change in the truncation error. In a solution using explicit schemes for the time differencing.
addition the computational mode in time, given by The time step imposed by the CFL stability criterion is
(4.13), is eliminated, as the variables at alternate time generally considered to be much less than that required
levels are missing. Thus, with a more complete system for an accurate integration of the slower quasi-geostro-
of equations, the gradual separation of solutions at phic motions. With these steps, the errors due to space
alternate time levels is not possible. The advantages of differencing are much greater than those due to time
the space-time grid shown in the figure were pointed out differencing. Robert (1974), for example, estimates
by Eliassen (1956) at an early stage in the study of the that the typical errors due to space differencing in present
primitive equations, and it is called the Eliassen grid. atmospheric models amount to nearly 40 per cent, and
However, as pointed out by Platzman (1958; 1963) tho~e due to time differencing only to about 1 per cent
the grid in Fig. 4.2 can again be considered as formed by a of the total error. Thus, any economy that can be made
superposition of two subgrids, where in each of these in time differencing is welcome, as the time that is saved
subgrids only the height is kept atone time level and the can usefully be used to increase the accuracy of the space
velocity components at the next. Platzman calls this sub- differencing.

Two explicit schemes that are more economical than backward scheme, with (4.14), for the leapfrog scheme.
the standard leapfrog scheme will be given here. They The right-hand side of (5.3), with A replaced by 4A,
both achieve economy by using a different integration is equal to the right-hand side of (4.14). Because of the
procedure for the height gradient terms of the equation definition of A, this means that')... for the forward-back-
of motion and for the divergence term of the continuity ward scheme is identical to ')...2 for the leapfrog scheme
equation. For brevity, we call these terms the gravity when time steps are used for the forward-backward
wave terms of the governing equations. scheme twice as long as those for the leapfrog scheme!
We shall discuss the properties of one of these "econo- Thus, the forward-backward scheme gives the same
mical" schemes in some detail. It is <?btained by first result using only half the computation time needed for
integrating the gravity wave terms of either the equation the leapfrog scheme. In addition, as a two level scheme,
of motion or of the continuity equation forward, and it has no computational mode in time.
then those of the other equation backward in time. Thus, To understand this advantage of the forward-back-
this scheme could be called the forward-backward scheme. ward over the leapfrog scheme we compare the finite
With centered space differencing, (4. 8) is approximated difference analogues that these two schemes give for the
by wave equation, since the system of gravity wave equa-
tions is equivalent to a single wave equation. Consider
the one-dimensional version of this system:
au iJh ah H iJu =0
or by an analogous system in which the order of integra-
at + g iJx = 0, at + ax . (5.5)

tion is reversed.
Eliminating one of the variables u, h we obtain a wave
Substituting the wave solutions (4,10) we find three
solutions for ').... One of these,
')... = I, (5.2) (5.6)
gives again a neutral and stationary solution. The
remaining two are We can perform the same elimination for each of the
finite difference schemes.
'). . = I-A ± YA (A-2), (5.3)
The forward-backward and space-centered approxi-
where the quantity A is defined as in the preceding mation to (5.5) is
section. Solutions (5.2) and (5.3) are obtained for both
hl+ 1 - h}'-l - 0
versions of the scheme, that is, no matter which of the +g 2Ax -,
two equations - the equation of motion or the co~ti­
nuity equation - is first integrated forward. (5.7)
h jn+1 - hn
+ HUj+I n+l
-Uj 1 =0
Examination of the amplification fac~ors given by At 2Ax'
(5.3) shows that the scheme is stable and neutral for
A ~ 2, that is, for
We now substract from the second of these equations
y2A ~2. an analogous equation for time level n-I instead of n,
divide the resulting equation by At, and, finally, eliminate
To satisfy this for all the admissible waves, we must have all U values from it using the first of Eqs. (5.7), written
for space points j + I and j-I instead of j. We obtain
n+l n n-l n n n
hj - 2hj + hj _ H hj+2-2hj + hj-2 = 0 (5 8)
Thus, the forward-backward scheme is stable and neutral (At)2 g (2Ax)2 ..
with time steps twice those allowed by the CFL criterion
for the leapfrog scheme (Ames, 1969). This is a finite difference analogue of the \vave equation
The amplification factors of the forward-backward and (5.6). Note that although each of the two equations
of the leapfrog scheme are equal within their regions of (5.7) is only of the first order of accuracy in time, the
stability. We now compare their effect on the phase wave equation analogue equivalent to (5.7) is seen to be
speed by comparing the expression (5.3), for the forward- of the second order of accuracy.

If we use a leapfrog and space-centered approximation in meteorology, by Gadd (1974) in experiments with the
to (5.5), and follow an elimination procedure like that British operational model.
used in deriving C5. 8), we obtain Another way of constructing an economical explicit
scheme was pointed out by Shuman, Brown and Campana
h ,!+I- 2h ,!-I + h ,!-3
J J. J (1974), and it is now used in an operational model at
(2At}2 the National Meteorological Center. For the shallow
n-I n-I n-I (5.9) water equations with this scheme, the height values at
H hj+2- 2 hj + hj-2 - 0 time level n + 1 are first calculated using the leapfrog
- g (2Ax )2 -.
scheme, and then the equation of motion is integrated
using the height field averaged over the time interval
This also is an analogue to the wave equation (5.6) of 2At by the bi-trapezoidal rule:
second-order accuracy. However, in (5.8) the second
time derivative was approximated using values at three lh n - I + .!.h n + lh n+1
4 2 4 .
consecutive time levels; in (5.9) it is approximated by
values at every second time level only, that is, at time Substitution of wave solutions into the equations of this
intervals 2At. Thus, while the time step required for scheme gives the value (5.3) for A, in addition to the
linear stability with the leapfrog scheme was half that neutral values. Thus, the stability criterion and, the pro-
with the forward-backward scheme, (5.9) shows that perties of the physical solution are the same as with the
we can omit the variables at every second time step, and forward-backward scheme. Even though this Shuman-
thus achieve the same computation time as using the Brown-Campana (SBC) scheme is a three level scheme,
forward-backward scheme with double the time step. time staggering of the grid is not possible because of the
This method was discussed in the previous section for averaging of the height values. Thus, the economy
the two-dimensional case, it is the Eliassen grid. Thus, accomplished by the SBC scheme is again equivalent
comparing (5.8) and (5.9) shows that the economy to that accomplished with leapfrog time differencing by
accomplished by the forward-backward scheme is equivalent the Eliassen grid. The SBC scheme has somewhat larger
to that accomplished with leapfrog time dijJerencing by the storage requirements than the forward-backward scheme.
Eliassen grid. Both of these methods avoid calculating However, it does permit the use of the leapfrog scheme
the false time computational mode, and thus save half for the advection terms.
of the computation time with no effect on the physical
mode of the solution. 6. Implicit and semi-implicit schemes
Comparing these two methods, the forward-backward The time step permitted by the economical explicit
scheme has some advantages. With the forward-back- schemes, twice that prescribed by the CFL criterion, is
ward scheme all the variables are defined at all grid still considerably shorter than that required for accurate
points at every time step; this facilitates the programming integration of the quasi-geostrophic motions. Even with
work. In addition, the forward-backward scheme can these schemes the time differencing error is still much less
be modified to allow propagation of gravity waves than the space differencing error for typical current
between all points of the grid preventing two-grid-interval atmospheric models. Thus, we consider implicit schemes
noise. This modification will be described in Section 8. which are stable for any choice of time step. We shall
No analogous method, however, has so far been proposed consider here only the simplest of the implicit schemes,
for the leapfrog scheme with the Eliassen grid. the trapezoidal rule. For brevity it will simply be called
A disadvantage of the forward-backward scheme is the implicit scheme.
that it is not possible to use the leapfrog sche!lle for the We shall first discuss the properties of the implicit
advection terms. However, the second-order accurate scheme applied to the system (4.8) in some detail, that
Adams-Bashforth scheme can be used for these terms. is, the case of pure gravity waves. Thus, we consider the
Its weak instability should cause no trouble because of finite difference system
the relatively slow speed of the advection processes.
For example, in experiments of Mesinger and Janjic
n 1 n
u + = u _ gAt ~ (ox h n+ Ox hn + I).
(1974), where a multi-level model was used for simulation
of the growth of a baroc1inic wave, a forward scheme
was used for the advection terms, and no signs of insta-
vn + l = Vn_gAt~(oyhn+ Oyh n + I). (6.1)
bility were noticed for about a two week period. The
forward-backward scheme has been used for the storm . h n+ 1 = h n-HAt H(ox u + oyv)/I + (Ox u + Oyv)n+I].
surge problem by Fischer (1959) and Sielecki (1968), and,

Substituting the wave solutions (4.10) we find three With an ordinary oscillation equation, (2.7) in Chap-
solutions for A. One of these, ter n, this can be done very simply. For the system (6.1)
it is more complex. The quantities O",Un+l and OyV n +1 can
A = 1, (6.2) be eliminated from the third equation by applying
operators 0", and Oy to the first and second of these equa-
is again that associated with a neutral and stationary solu- tions and substituting the results into the third equation.
tion. The remaining, two are This gives an equation for the height which can be solved
using a number of standard methods: the most popular
~ (1- 1.2 A ± V-ZA).
A= l+-A (6.3) of these is the relaxation method which is discussed
2 later in this section.
Examination of (6.3) shows that it always gives ampli- Two methods are used to deal with the advection,
fication factors satisfying Coriolis, and other terms of the governing equations,
in atmospheric models. One of these, the splitting method,
I AI = 1, (6.4) will be discussed in the next section. The other is the
semi-implicit method. There is no advantage in using
and so the scheme is unconditioIJ,ally stable and neutral. an implicit method for these additional terms of the
Using (6.3) and (4.17), we find for the relative phase governing equations. They' are associated with slower
speed of the nonstationary solutions, _ phase speeds, and should not require excessively small
time steps for linear stability when calculated explicitly.

Jfll I
= ~V2gH (X z + yZ)
( VU" )
arc tan =F 1- ~ A (6.5)
Thus, they can be calculated by an explicit scheme. Since
the trapezoidal implicit scheme is a two level scheme
like the forward-backward scheme, it is convenient to
The numerical values given by (6.5) for the physical mode use the Adams-Bashforth scheme for this purpose.
with 2V
gH ~ = 5 are shown in Fig. 6.1. The time step Robert (1969) In a spectral model, and subsequently
is chosen to be of the same order of magnitude as the Kwizak and Robert (1971) in a grid point model, chose,
time steps that are currently used with implicit s?hemes however, to use the leapfrog scheme. We then need
variables at the middle of the time step used for the
implicit differencing, and, therefore, it has to be performed
\ over a time interval of 2A t. However, the scheme is
\I now less economical for gravity waves since these steps
I have to be made separately for each of the two time
ld* levels stored in the leapfrog scheme. In return, we have
'I a differencing for the advection and other additional
terms that is neutral and more accurate than Adams-
Bashforth's. Kwizak and Robert call this combined
scheme the semi-implicit scheme. It has been used for a
o nl2 number of years in the Canadian operational model,
kd* and is. becoming increasingly popular in some other
Figure 6.1 Relative phase sp,eed of gravity wavt;s, with implicit
operational numerical prediction centres.
time and cente,red space differencing, and Courant The usual procedure used for solving the semi-implicit
difference system for variables at time level n + I will
number equal to 5.

be illustrateq for the shallow water equations. These

in atmospheric models. The wave number region in equations can be written in a compact form
the figure is the same as in the earlier diagrams, Figs. 2.3
and 4. 1. Comparing the isolines of the present figure au ah av ah
with those of Fig. 2.3, where the effect of space differenc- at = -g ax + A u' at = - g ay + Av,
ing alone was considered, shows that the effect of time (6.6)
differencing on phase speed is now not negligible. Implicit ah
time differencing is seen to result in a considerable retarda- at '
tion of gravity waves of the same order of magnitude as
that due to centered space differencing. where An' Av and An denote the terms that were omitted
To apply an implicit ~I';thod it is necessary to solve in the system (4.8) describing the propagation of pure
the difference system for variables at level n + 1. gravity waves. When we use ieapfrog differencing for

these additional terms, and implicit differencing over a y

time interval 2At for the gravity wave terms and centered
space differencing, (6.6) is replaced by

un+1 = + o",hn+1) + 2At A:,

un-I_gAt (o",hn - I

vn+1 = vn- I -gAt(Oyhn- + Oyhn+ + 2At A;,

1 l
) (6.7)
hn+ 1 = hn-I-HAt [(o",u + Oyv)n-I + (o",u + Oyv)n+l] + x

+ 2At A~.
We now apply the operator 0", to the first, and Oy to the
second of these equations, respectively, and add the
results. We introduce the notation

Figure 6.2 Stencil used to calculate the approximation 'l'2 /z.

We obtain
+ Oy v)n+1 = (o",u + Oy v)n-I_
-gAt [(0",,,, + Oyy) hn- I + (0",,,, + Oyy) hn+ +
+ 2A t (0", A u + Oy A,,)n.
Substituting the right-hand side into the third of Eqs. Thus, (6.8) is a finite difference approximation to an
(6.7), and defining the "finite difference Laplacian" by elliptic equation

V2h + ah + b (x,y) = O.

To solve such an equation, it is necessary to know the

we find values of h (x, y) at the bqundaries of the computation
region. For a numerical solution we write (6.8) at each
hn+1 = hn- I -2HAt (o",u+ Oyv)n-I + of the interior grid points where the variable h is carried.
+ gH{At)2 (r 2hn- 1 + r 2hn +1) + In this way we obtain a system with one equation for
each interior grid point. There is one unknown for each
+ 2At [An-HAt (o",A u + OyA,,)]U. grid point. In each ofthe equations, except the equations
for points adjacent to the boundary, there are five of
Using, in addition, the definitions these unknowns. There are no difficulties in principle
in solving such a system of linear equations, but, since
Fn-I =. hn- I -2HAt (o",u + Oyv)n-I + gH (At)2 r 2 hn-\ the number of equations is normally exceedingly large,
of the prder of 1000 or more, it is not obvious how to
Gn = 2At [An-HAt (0", A,. + OyA,,)]U, set about it.
this can be written as The method usually used is the relaxation method.
This consists of the following steps.
a) An arbitrary guess is made for the field hn +!.
Usually the field of the preceding time step, hn , is taken
The terms have been arranged to show that at time level n as this first guess.
the right-hand side is known at all space grid points. b) At each of the grid points the value hn +1 is changed
Once this equation has been solved for the values hn +1, so as to satisfy the difference equation, in our case (6.8).
un+! and Vn+1 can be obtained directly from the first and These changes can be made simultaneously at all grid
second of Eqs. (6.7). We now consider ways of solving points (simultaneous or Richardson relaxation), or sequen-
(6.8). tially, point by point (sequential or Liebmann relaxation).
The quantity r2h on the left side of (6.8) is an approxi- c) The preceding step is repeated as many times as
mation to V2h. Using the notation of Fig. 6.2, it can needed to make the change at every point less than some
be written as preassigned small value.

The relaxation method always converges. Experience forecasts made with explicit differencing and time steps
shows that the convergence is faster for sequential relaxa- of 10 min are almost identical to those made with semi-
tion, and also if the changes calculated to satisfy the implicit differencing and time steps of 60 min. Later
equation exactly are multiplied by a factor having a value Robert et al. (1972) have calculated the differences be-
between 1 and 2 (overrelaxation factor) before being added tween 5-day forecasts obtained using 30 and 60 min time
on. For a particular problem the optimum value of this steps for a baroclinic 5-level semi-implicit model. These
overrelaxation factor can easily be found by numerical differences were found to be insignificant compared to
experiments, in which the number of iterations required other sources of error normally present in numerical
is plotted as a function of the value of the overrelaxation models. However, the model used for these experiments
factor. This optimum value can be shown to be not much did not include topography, surface friction, and other
less than 2. More details on the relaxation method can physical processes; one might expect the deceleration
be found in textbooks by Thompson (1961) and by of gravity waves to have a more noticeable effect when
Haltiner (1971). these physical processes (e.g. the release of latent heat)
are present, since then the gravity waves should be more
The algebraic system given by equations of the type significant. On the other hand, the computation time
(6.8) can also be solved by direct methods (e.g. Kreiss saved by the implicit differencing can be used to reduce
and Oliger, 1973, p. 54). Direct method can be more the grid size on the computation. This would decrease
efficient than the relaxation procedure; thus, they are the phase speed error for all the waves, including the
typically used when relaxation requires very large compu- gravity waves.
tation time, as may happen, for example, in convection
studies. When implicit schemes are used for simulation
or prediction of large scale atmospheric motions, the
time needed for relaxation is several times less than the 7. The splitting or Marchuk method
time needed for other steps of the integration procedure,
The complexity of the system of hydrodynamic equa-
so that only a small fraction of the total computer time tions, that is, the simultaneous presence of a number of
can be saved by using a faster direct method. For that
physical factors, may cause some difficulties. One
reason the use of direct methods, requiring a larger difficulty was mentioned in the preceding section: if we
programming effort, is not popular in these models. wanted to approximate (6.6) using a fully implicit scheme
Generalization to the three-dimensional case of the we would obtain a system for the variables at level n + 1
procedure for solving the semi-implicit system for that is practically impossible to solve. Also since different
variables at level n + 1 outlined here is not quite trivial. physical factors are present in this system we will nor-
The reader is referred to the paper by Robert et al. (1972). mally wish to use different schemes for terms associated
with them. Thus, considering the linearized system with
Implicit schemes were first used extensively in atmo- advection and gravity wave terms,
spheric models by Marchuk (MapqyR, 1967). With
the semi-implicit scheme it is also possible to construct
an economical grid analogous to the Eliassen grid for
the leapfrog scheme; the appropriate space-time stagger- (7.1)
ing of the variables was pointed out by Gerrity and
,ah + c ah +H au = 0,
McPherson (1971). A semi-implicit scheme somewhat at ax ax
different from the one outlined here has been developed
by Burridge, and is now used in the British operational we might wish to use one scheme for the advection terms,
model (Burridge and Hayes, 1974). Implicit and semi- and another for the gravity wave terms - in much the
implicit schemes are undoubtedly the most efficient same way as was done within the semi-implicit scheme.
schemes used in atmospheric models. To achieve this In such a situation, even though both of the schemes
economy we have to put additional effort into solving to be used are stable considered one at a time, we cannot
an elliptic equation. Furthermore they are associated be certain that the scheme obtained as a combination of
with an appreciable deceleration of gravity waves. Thus, the two will also be stable. An example where it is not
the implicit schemes do not seem suitable for the study was given by Kasahara (1965).
of details of the geostrophic adjustement process. How- These problems can be avoided by using the splitting
ever, this deceleration does not appear particularly method. The idea of this method is to construct schemes
harmful for the simulation and prediction of the large- for a complex system of equations so that within each
scale quasi-geostrophic motions. For example, Kwizak time step this system is split into a number of simpler
and Robert (1971) have found that barotropic 5-day subsystems, which are then solved consecutively one at

a time. In the case of (7.1), within a given time step, we splitting method: we can choose a relatively long time
could first solve the system of advection equations step for the subsystem governing a slow process, advection
in the present example, and then use a number of smaller
au + au
c-= 0,
steps to calculate the faster process. Since the advection
at ax process is the most expensive in computation time
(7.2) within the primitive equations, significant economies can
ah + ah
c - = 0. be accomplished in this way. A disadvantage of the
at ax method is that calculation of the effects of different
Denote the provisional values un +1 , hn +1 obtained in this physical factors one at a time usually leads to an increase in
way by u*, h*. Use these values at the beginning of the the truncation error. For example, Burridge and Hayes
(1974) suggest that the technique of splitting the governing
time step for solving the remaining subsystem
equations into advection and adjustment stages does not
allow time steps longer than 12 to 15 min if the time-
au + ah_ truncation is not to become significant.
at g ax - 0,
(7.3) The splitting method was first used in atmospheric
ah +H au = 0. models by Marchuk (MapqYH, 1967); thus, in mete-
at ax orology it is also known as the Marchuk method. It
would appear that the splitting method is used for most
The values un +1 , hn +1, obtained after solving also this atmospheric models in the Soviet Union. The splitIing'
other subsystem, are now taken as actual approximate technique is used also in the British operational model
values of these variables at the level n + 1. The procedure (Burridge and Hayes, 1974), and in a limited area model
is repeated in each following time step. by Lepas and his collaborators (Lepas et al., 1974).
A solution obtained by the splitting method will repre-
sent a consistent approximation to the true solution.
This can be proved easily for a particular choice of
schemes for solving the subsystems. The approximate 8. Two-grid-interval noise
values of the dependent variables then have to approach
the true values as the time step approaches zero. Unless we are using the lattice (C) shown in Fig. 2.1
To study the stability of schemes constructed by the we will always have a problem with two-grid-interval
splitting method, we consider the example above. Denote waves. These are false stationary waves appearing as
by Aa and Ab the values of A of the schemes chosen for the neutral solutions of the difference equations for gravity
numerical solution of subsystems (7.2) and (7.3), waves. When the Coriolis terms are also present, as
respectively. Then, we have seen in Section 3, the two-grid-interval waves appear
with false low frequencies as pure inertia waves, or, with
u* = Re (Aa An u eilcX) , lattice (D), as stationary waves.
A number of methods have been used to cope with this.
In many models dissipative schemes are used to give
maximum damping for the two-grid-interval wave, or
lateral diffusion is added with relatively large diffusion
Therefore, we find, coefficients. The appearance of excessive two-grid-
interval noise is thereby suppressed. However, instead
of attacking the consequences of inadequacies in a simula-
and tion of a physical process, it is generally better to look
for a method that would achieve a physically correct
simulation of that process, and thus eliminate the cause
Thus, if both of the schemes chosen for the solution of of the difficulty, One method this kind for dealing with
subsystems (7.2) and (7.3) are stable, the combined the two-grid-interval wave problem has been suggested
scheme constructed by the splitting method will also be and used by Arakawa (1972). It consists of an intermittent
stable. This conclusion can be generalized for an arbi- use of uncentered space differencing within the gravity
trary system of equations and number of subsystems. wave terms, performed alternately on opposite sides of
When applying the splitting method, we do not neces- the central point.
sarily have to use equal time steps for each of the subsys- Mesinger (1973) showed how two-grid-interval wave
tems. This may well be the main advantage of the noise could be prevented in some cases even by usingcen-

tered differencing; this method will be outlined briefly y

here. We consider the system of linearized gravity
wave equations

au + ah_ av + ah = 0
at g ax - 0, at g ay ,
(8.,1 )
at + Hf7· v = o.

Consider any two neighbouring height points for example

within the lattice (E). A height perturbation at one of
these points cannot affect the other point because there Figure 8. 1 Stencil used to denote the height and velocity grid-
is no velocity point in between; this velocity is needed point values surrounding a height point.
to cause a height change at the other point through the
divergence term in the continuity equation. To circum-
vent this difficulty we can introduce auxiliary velocity
points midway between the height points. Velocity space-averaging, that is
components at these auxiliary points can be assumed equal
to an average of velocities at the two neighbouring velocity , V2 (-y'
u n = - u +v
_ V2 ( -x'+ -x')n
v 'n ~2 -u v .
points at the beginning of a time step, and the acceleration 2
contributions can then be evaluated and added to these
initial values to obtain components at the middle or at An overbar denotes a two-point average taken along the
the end of the time step. Only the velocity components direction indicated following the bar sign. Acceleration
and accelerations along directions joining the two height contributions are added to these initial values to obtain
points are needed, and these accelerations can be calcu- values at the end of the time step,
lated using the height values at the two points. The
resulting velocity components can then be used for a more
u'n+1 = u'n_gL1t~ (8 x ,h n + 8x ,h n + IJ,
accurate calculation of the divergence term in the conti-
nuity equation. In this way schemes are obtained in
which a height perturbation at a single grid point is v'n+1 = v'n_gL1t~ (8y ,h n + 8y ,h n + 1j,
propagated by gravity waves to all the other height grid
points. Therefore there can be no grid-splitting and two The velocity divergence in the continuity equation can
grid-interval noise in the height field. Since a velocity now be approximated by
perturbation can propagate as a gravity wave only by
exciting height perturbations, the procedure will prevent
false two-grid-interval noise in all the variables.
We shall illustrate this procedure using the implicit
giving equal weight to all eight directions of the lattice.
scheme, (6. 1). The velocity components at regular
In this way the implicit approximation to the continuity
velocity points are computed in the same way as before, so
equation may be obtained as
the first two equations of that system remain unchanged.
To calculate the velocity divergence in the continuity
equation we define auxiliary velocity points midway
between the neighbouring height points, as shown by the (8.2)
circled numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Fig. 8.1. Using the
system x', y' shown in this figure, components ut are
needed at points 5 and 7, and components v' at points 6
and 8. At the beginning of the time step L1 t these compo- Here the velocity components at level n + 1 have already
nents are obtained by been eliminated using the first two of Eqs. (6.1), and

9. Time noise and time filtering

(8.3) In addition to the appearance of spurious short-wave
noise in space, spurious short-wave noise in time, that is,
X [hI + h 2 + h3 + h4 + 2 (h s + h6 + h7 + hg) -12 ha]. high frequency noise can appear in numerical models.
This is again a finite difference approximation to V2h, but One mechanism causing this when the leapfrog scheme
now it is calculated using the height values of nine neigh- is used for nonlinear equations is the separation of
bouring height points. solutions at alternate time steps, generating two-grid-
Comparing this scheme with the standard implicit interval noise in time. Such separation is illustrated
scheme of Section 6, the only modification is that this in a paper by Lilly (1965, p. 23).
nine-point Laplacian has replaced the five-point Lapla-
High frequency noise appears in atmospheric models
cian (6.9) in the continuity equation. This allows
also as a result of difficulties in initial condi-
propagation of gravity waves between all height points
tions representative of the large scale atmospheric
of the grid, thus admitting no false space noise in the
motions. The observed initial conditions contain instru-
height field. A more detailed analysis of the properties
mental errors, are influenced by meso and small scale
of the scheme can be found in Mesinger (1973). The
motions, are not known at grid points of the model, and,
modification, for example, has no effect on the uncondi-
finally, are completely absent over relatively large areas
tional stability of the implicit scheme; however, instead
of the globe. As a result of all of these factors, if initial
of being neutral for all waves, the scheme now damps
grid point values are' interpolated directly from the
shorter waves to some extent. The modified scheme
observed data the numerical forecasts will contain
has a smaller truncation error than the unmodified
spurious gravity waves of unrealistically large amplitudes.
. Analogous modifications of some other schemes have In the early successful integrations of the primitive
been discussed in papers by Janjic (1974) and Mesinger equations these problems were partially by-passed by
(1974). All of these papers show that the modified obtaining the initial winds from the initial geopotential
schemes are strikingly superior in the case of a stationary fields as a solution of the balance equation - the equation
circular vortex, forced at a single height grid point. A obtained by assuming the initial velocity divergence and
note by Mesinger and Janjic (1974) provides, further- its time derivative to be equal to zero. Initial conditions
more, a dramatic illustration of the advantages of the prepared in this way (e.g. Haltiner, 1971) prevent exces-
proposed method in the case of a limited area model, sive high-frequency gravity wave noise.
requiring lateral boundary conditions to be prescribed.
In a 5-level model using the unmodified forward-back- It is now generally accepted that this is not the best
ward scheme, intense short-wave noise was generated way of preparing the initial conditions. First, the wind
at the boundaries of the region, a problem noticed also data are not used when solving the balance equation, and
by earlier investigators (e.g. Miller et al., 1972; Krishna- some information is lost. It has also been shown (e.g.
murti et al., 1973). With the scheme modified along Phillips, 1960b; Winninghoff, 1968) that the presence
these lines, however, there were no difficulties due to the of a realistic initial divergent wind field should have a
prescribed boundary conditions, even with no lateral beneficial effect on the forecast. Finally, an increasing
diffusion in the model. fraction of the observations are now continuous, and in
time not obtained at specific times. The methods being
It is important to be aware that this method is not
used to extract the maximum information from this
attempting to improve the calculation of short gravity
type of data rely more on running a prediction model
waves of wave lengths close to two grid intervals. At
to adjust the data in space and time (e.g. Bengtsson,
this scale the finite difference representation is very poor,
1975). In such an integration relatively intense high
and significant improvements in accuracy can hardly
frequency noise is generated.
be expected. The problem is that gravity waves, with
longer wave lengths can propagate independently on The first of the mechanisms mentioned here, separation
individual (C) type subgrids, and thus erroneously of solutions at alternate time steps, has to be suppressed
appear to have wave lengths close to two grid intervals. in some way - otherwise it may lead to a complete
Thus, we are confronted with a kind of aliasing error. breakdown of the integration. One method that is used
The proposed method enables these waves to appear for this purpose is an intermittent step made with a
with wave lengths close to their physicai value instead two level scheme. A weakness of such a procedure is
in the noise region with wave lengths close to two grid that the choice of the solution that is eliminated is arbi-
intervals. trary.

Experience shows that the noise generated by assi- been changed prior to changing U (t). It is then appro-
milation of the observed data typically dies out to an priate to consider the filter
acceptable level in about 24 hours of simulated time
due to geostrophic adjustment. However, it may be +~S x
(J (t) = U ( t)
desirable to accelerate this adjustment by appropriate x [V' (t-At)-2U(t) + U(t+ At)],
numerical techniques. The Matsuno scheme can be
used for this purpose. Asselin (1972) calls this the basic time filter. A procedure
like the one used in deriving (9.4) now gives
Another method that can be used to increase the
damping of high frequency noise in atmospheric models R - (2-S)2+ 2 S2(I-cos roAt) e iwL11 (9.6)
is time filtering originally proposed by Roberts (1966). - (2- S)2 + 4S (1- cos roAt)
To apply this at least three consecutive values of the
function to be filtered are needed. We shall consider the Thus, there is now a phase change that is different from
simplest case where this minimum number of three zero; however, it is small for small values of roAt. The
values is used. It suffices to consider one function only, amplitude factor is not much different from that of the
which we assume to be a solution of the oscillation centered filter for small values of S. More details can
equation. Thus, we consider the function be found in the paper by Asselin.
An analysis of the effect of the time filter for some
U(t) = U(O) e icot , (9.1) particular choices of time differencing schemes - the
leapfrog, implicit and semi-implicit schemes - can also
where the values U (t-At), U (t) and U (t + At) are be found in the paper by Asselin. We find, for example,
known. that the time filter in conjunction with the leapfrog
We shall first examine the effect of changing only the scheme can give a procedure damping the high frequencies
middle of these three values using the relation in a more selective way than the Matsuno scheme-
less for low frequencies and more for high frequencies.
(J (t) = U ( t)+ .!. S x Since the computer time needed for application of the
2 (9.2)
x [U et-At) - 2U(t) + U(t + At)], filter is relatively small, this means that one obtains a
better result with only about half of the computer time.
known as the centered filter. The overbar now denotes However, the application of the filter does require the
the filtered value of a function, and S is the filter parameter. storage of the time dependent variables at three time
The expression within the square bracket in (9.2) is pro- levels, that is, at one level more than with the standard
portional to the simplest approximation to the second leapfrog scheme.
derivative in time; thus, for sufficiently small positive
Using an analogous approach one can analyze the
values of S application of the filter (9.2) will decrease the
effect of smoothing and filtering in space. The reader is
curvature in a graph of the three values of U (t).
referred to a review article by Shapiro (1970) or the
For a quantitative analysis of the effect of the filter textbook by Haltiner (1971). It is, however, not obvious
we define that there are physical or computational reasons for
using two-dimensional space filtering in atmospheric
U(t) - R U(t), (9.3) models. .
where the complex factor R is called the response of the
10. Dissipation in numerical schemes
filter. When this is substituted into (9.2) and we use
(9.1), we obtain In concluding this chapter we add, following Arakawa
(1970), a few remarks regarding the role of dissipation
R= I-S(I-cosroAt). (9.4) that may be inherent in numerical schemes. The discus-
sion of the preceding chapter shows that the use of
It is convenient to define R == IR I eia .
dissipative schemes for the advection process should be
avoided - provided care is taken to avoid a false cascade
We can then say that the phase change 0 resulting from of energy to short waves. However, such short waves
the centered filter is zero, and that within the CFL can still be generated as a result of false reflections at
stability criterion and for small positive values of S the boundaries on the down-stream side of the region (Mat-
amplitude factor IR I exerts a damping effect increasing suno, 1966c), or false reflections at sudden jumps in the
with increasing frequencies. grid size, or at places where coefficients change rapidly.
When, however, a filter is continually applied during a The use of dissipative advection schemes at those places,
numerical integration, the value U (t-At) has already .and only at those places, is justified.

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GARP Publications Series No. 15, 76 pp.
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vom Standpunkte der Mechanik und der Physik. Meteor. Zeit- dynamics. Mon. Wea. Rev., 93, 27-31.
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Burridge, D. M. and Hayes, F. R., 1974. Development of the Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., NCAR Manuscript
British operational model. The GARP Programme on Numerical 69-27,42 pp.
Experimentation, Rept. 4, 102-104. Kreiss, H. and "Oliger J., 1973. Methods for the approximate solution
Charney, 1. G., 1966. Some remaining problems in numerical of time dependent problems. WMOjICSU Joint Organizing
weather prediction. Advances in Numerical Weather Predic- ~ommittee, GARP Publications Series No. 10, 107 pp.
tion, Hartford, Conn., Travelers Research Center, Inc., 61-70.
Krishnamurti, T. N., Kanamitsu, M., Ceselski, B. and Mathur,
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Courant, R., Friedrichs, K. and Lewy, H., 1928. Uber die partiellen Kurihara, Y., 1965. On the use of implicit and iterative methods
Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik. Math. for the time integration of the wave equation. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
Annalen, 100, 32-74. 93, 33-46.

Kwizak, M. and Robert, A. J., 1971. A semi-implicit scheme for 1963. The dynamical prediction of wind tides on Lake Erie.
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1964. An exact integral of complete spectral equations for un-
Lax, P. D. and Wendroff, B., 1960. Systems of conservation laws. steady one-dimensional flow. Dynamical Prediction Group,
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Leith, C., 1965. Lagrangian advection in an atmospheric model. Rept. 16, 28 pp.
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Aspects of Long Range Forecasting, Boulder, Colo., 1964. London, Cambridge University Press/reprinted: Dover,
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Numerical Experimentation, Rept. 4, 65.
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LilIy, D. K., 1965. On the computational stability of numerical Problems. New York, Interscience. 406 pp.
solutions of time-dependent non-linear geophysical fluid dynamics
problems. Mon. Wea. Rev., 93, Il-26. Robert, A. J., 1966. The illtegration of a low order spectral form
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tions by a simulated backward difference method. J. Meteor. Ser. 2, 44, 237-245.
Soc. Japan, Ser. 2, 44, 76-84.
1969. The integration ofa spectral model of the atmosphere by the
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tory equations with second order accuracy and sharp cut-off for Numerical Weather Prediction in Tokyo, 1968. Meteor. Soc.
high frequencies. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, Ser. 2, 44, 85-88. Japan. VII-19"VII-24.

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finite differences. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, Ser. 2, 44, 145-157. tion scheme for baroclinic models of the atmosphere. Mon. Wea.
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Mesinger, F., 1971. Numerical illtegration of the primitive equations
with a floating set of computation points: Experiments with a 1974. Computational resolution requirements for accurate medium-
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1973. A method for construction of second-order accuracy differ- Novosibirsk, 1973, Part I, 82-102.
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1974. An economical explicit scheme which inherently prevellts of the World Weather Watch, Geneva, WMO Pub!. No. 342,
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Problems, Proc. Symp., Novosibirsk, 1973, Part II, 18-34. Shapiro, R., 1970. Smoothing, filtering, and boundary effects. Rev.
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a numerical experiment. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 82, New York, Macmillan. 170 pp.
1959. An example of non"linear computational instability. The Winninghoff, F. J.,. 1968. On the adjustment toward a geostrophic
Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion, Rossby Memorial Volume, balance in a simple primitive equation model with application to
New York, RockefeIIer Institute Press, 501-504. the problems of initialization and objective analysis. Ph. D.
thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, Univ. of California, Los Angeles,
1960a. Numerical weather prediction. Advances in Computers, 161 pp.
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Wurtele, M. G., 1961. On the problem of truncation error. Tellus,
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primitive and vorticity equations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 86, 285-292. 96, 357-364.
No. 1 An Introduction to GARP
No. 2 COSPAR Working Group VI Report to JOC - Systems Possibilities for an Early GARP Experiment
(out of print)
No. 3 The Planning of the First GARP Global Experiment (out of print)
No. 4 The Planning of GARP Tropical Experiments (out of print)
No. 5 Problems of Atmospheric Radiation in GARP
No. 6 Numerical Experimentation Related to GARP
No. 7 The GARP Programme on Numerical Experimentation
No. 8 Parameterization of Sub-Grid Scale Processes
No. 9 The Basic Data Set Project
No. 10 Methods for the Approximate Solution of Time-Dependent Problems
No. 11 The First GARP Global Experiment - Objectives and Plans
No. 12 The Complete Atmospheric Energetics Experiment (CAENEX)
No. 13 The Air Mass Transformation Experiment (AMTEX)
No. 14 Modelling for the First GARP Global Experiment
No. 15 Four-Dimensional Assimilation of Meteorological Observations
No. 16 The Physical Basis of Climate and Climate Modelling
No. 17 Numerical Methods Used in Atmospheric Models
No. 18 The Monsoon Experiment (MONEX)


No. 1 Report of Planning Conference on GARP - Brussels, March 1970
No. 2 Report of Interim Planning Group on GARP Tropical Experiment in the Atlantic - London, July 1970
No. 3 Report of the First Session of the Tropical Experiment Council- Geneva, February 1971
No. 4 Report of the First Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, February 1971
No. 5 Report of the Second Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, December 1971
No. 6 Report of the Third Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, April 1972 (out of print)
No. 7 Report of the Second Session of the Tropical Experiment Council- Geneva, September 1972
No. 8 Report of the Planning Conference on the First GARP Global Experiment - Geneva, September 1972
No. 9 Report of the Fourth Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, March 1973 (out of print)
No. 10 Report on Special Observing Systems for the First GARP Global Experiment - Geneva, February 1973
No. 11 Report of the Fifth Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, December 1973
No. 12 Report of the Sixth Session of the TroPical Experiment Board - Geneva, April 1974
No. 13 Report of the Meeting on Drifting Buoys for the First GARP Global Experiment-Geneva, March 1974
No. 14 Report of the First Session ofWMO Executive Committee Inter-Governmental Panel on the First GARP
Global Experiment - Geneva, October 1974
No. 15 Report of the Seventh Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, February 1975
No. 16 Report of the Meeting of Experts for the Development of a Data Management Plan for the FGGE-
Washington, April 1975
No. 17 Report of the Second Session of WMO Executive Committee Inter-Governmental Panel on the First
GARP Global Experiment - Geneva, September 1975 (in preparation)
No. 18 Report of the Inter-Governmental Planning Meeting for the First GARP Global Experiment - Geneva,
February 1976
No. 19 Report of the Extraordinary Session of WMO Executive Committee Inter-Governmental Panel on the
First GARP Global Experiment - Geneva, February 1976
No. 20 Report of the Eighth Session of the Tropical Experiment Board - Geneva, May 1976
No. 21 Report of the Planning Meeting for the Monsoon-77 Experiment - Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 1976
No. 22 Report of the Third Session ofWMO Executive Committee Inter-Governmental Panel on the First GARP
Global Experiment - Geneva, July 1976

By arrangement between ICSU and WMO, these

publications are on sale and copies can be obtained
from the Secretariat of the World Meteorological
Organization, Case postale No. 5, CH-1211 Geneva 20,

No. 1 Experiment Design Proposal for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 2 Pre-GATE Tests and Studies
No. 3 The Central Programme for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 4 The Radiation Sub-programme for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 5 The Boundary-layer Sub-programme for the GARB Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 6 The Synoptic-scale Sub-programme for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 7 The Convection Sub-programme for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 8 The Oceanographic Sub-programme for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 9 International Operations Plan, Parts I, IV, VI, VII, for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 10 Ship Operations for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment. International Operations Plan, Part II
No. 11 Aircraft Plan for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment. International Operations Plan, Part III
No. 12 Telecommunications for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment. International Operations Plan, Part V
No. 13 The International Data Management Plan for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 14 Preliminary Scientific Results (Vols. I and II) of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
No. 15 Report on the Field Phase of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment - Operations
No. 16 Report on the Field Phase of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment - Scientific Programme
No. 17 Report on the Field Phase of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment - Meteorological Atlas
No. 18 Report on the Field Phase of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment ~ Aircraft Mission Summary
No. 19 Report on the Field Phase of the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment - Summary of Data Collected
No. 20 The Final Plan for the GATE Sub-programme Data Centres

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