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Ch11 Algebraic representations and formulae

1 A rocket is fired vertically upwards with an initial velocity of u metres per second. After t
seconds the rocket’s velocity, v metres per second, is given by the formula v = u + gt, where g is
a constant.
a Calculate v when u = 120, g = –9.8 and t = 6.
b Rearrange the formula to express t in terms of v, u, and g.
c Calculate t when u = 100, g = –9.8 and v = 17.8.
2 Where T = y(2x + 3y), find T when
a x = 4 and y = 3 b x = 5 and y = –3
3 Where m = w(t2 + w2), find m when
a t = 5 and w = 3 b t = 8 and w = 7
4 The formula for the cost of water used by a household each quarter is:
$32.40 + $0.003 per litre of water used.
A family uses 450 litres of water each day.
a How much is their total water bill per quarter? (Take a quarter to be 91 days.)
b The family pays $40 per month towards their water costs.
By how much will they be in credit or debit after the quarter?
5 Using x = 17.4, y = 28.2 and z = 0.6, work out the value of:
a x+ b c +y
6 a Laser printer cartridges cost $75 and print approximately 2500 pages. Approximately how
many cents per page does it cost to run, taking only ink consumption into consideration?
b A printing specialist uses a laser printer of this type. He charges a fixed rate of $4.50 to set
up the design and 5 cents for every page.
Explain why his profit on a print run of x pages is, in dollars, 4.5 + 0.02x.
c How much profit will the printing specialist make if he prints 2000 race entry forms for a
running club?
7 Make the stated term the subject of each formula.
a 4(x – 2y) = 3(2x – y) (x)
b p(a – b) = q(a + b) (a)
c A = 2ab2 + ac (a)
d s(t + 1) = 2r + 3 (r)
e st – r = 2r – 3t (t)
8 Make x the subject of these equations.
a ax = b – cx b x(a – b) = x + b
c a – bx = dx – a d x(c – d) = c(d – x)
Ext 9 Engineers often use the formulae C = πd and A = πd² for the circumference (C) and area (A)
of a circle, where d is the diameter.
a Make d the subject of each of these formulae.
b € that A = .
Use your answers to part a to show

Cambridge IGCSE® Maths Teacher Guide © HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd 2015

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