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1. Differentiate ‘organization’, ‘society’, and ‘state’.

Identify the unique

characteristics of these three terms. Give examples.
- The difference between ‘organization’, ‘society’, and ‘state’ is that an
organization is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or
to pursue collective goals, meanwhile, society is a large social grouping that shares the
same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and
dominant cultural expectations, lastly, state is an organized political community that acts
under a government, a state could be classified as sovereign if they are not
independent on, or subject to, any other power or state. A unique trait of ‘organization’
is that it has a continuing system, which means that an organization may outlast its
creator by century and although organizational members have their own individual
goals, but they also share common goal to be achieved. For example, universities like
Assam Central University, are expected to produce products. Members may join and
leave the organization. But organization continues and enjoys eternal entity. For
‘society’, its unique characteristic is that it has the ability to form a social structure
through social institutions; family, education economic, political and religious institutions.
These basic five institutions are found in all societies of the world, in addition society is
a self-sufficient social system which means that one’s own needs can be fulfilled without
help from others, example a member of the society growing his own food. Lastly,
‘society’, its unique characteristic is that it issues and enforces rules for the people living
within its territory; government must be recognized from within and by other nation
states in the international community, it must also have clearly defined and recognized
borders. Lastly, The State has four elements, population, territory, government, and
sovereignty. In the absence of even one element, a State cannot be really a State. A
state is always characterized by all these four elements.

2. Differentiate ‘intra-governmental organizations’ from ‘inter-governmental

organizations’. Give examples of issues tackled in both domains.
- Intra-governmental organization, base from my research is occurring or existing
between branches or departments of government, meanwhile, inter-government
organization is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other
intergovernmental organizations. Inter-governmental organizations’ are established by a
treaty that acts as a charter creating the group. The issues tackled in both domains are
governance issues, conflicts of interest, and poor leadership. These issues are very
common and is occurring even in our own country, for example, some actors, by virtue
of their background or past experience, do not have the credibility or incentives to
effectively perform regulatory roles. With such actors in leadership positions, the
legitimacy of the organization to pursue its goals probably is undermined. International
organizations can also suffer from these issues.

3. Differentiate ‘governmental organizations’ from ‘non-governmental

organizations;. Give examples of issues tacked in both domains
- The difference between governmental organization from non-governmental
organization is that, non- governmental organization is any non- profit, voluntary citizens
which is organized around specific goal. They perform variety of service and
humanitarian functions, they raise awareness and monitor issues all over the world,
bring citizen concerns to governments and encourage political participation. On the
other hand, governmental organization is sometimes an appointed commission, a
permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is
responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an
4. Differentiate the following terms: global, transnational, international,
multinational, and supranational. Use the table matrix.
Global Transnational International Multinational Supranational
Definition Global means Relations have An A multinational A multinational
concerning or been defined international state is a union or
including the as “contacts, organization is sovereign association in
whole world. coalitions, and an state that which member
Pursues a interactions organization comprises two countries cede
unified strategy across state established by or more authority and
to coordinate boundaries a treaty or nations or sovereignty on at
various that are not other states. This least some
international controlled by instrument contrasts a internal matters to
operations the central governed by nation state, the group, whose
foreign policy international where a single decisions are
organs of law and nation binding on its
governments. possessing its accounts for members. In
own the bulk of the short, member
international population. states share in
legal Depending on decision making
personality, the definition on matters that
of "nation" will affect each
(which country's citizens.
touches on
language, and
identity), a
state might
also be
multicultural or
Characteristi Centralized and Dispersed. We should usually have Supranationalism
cs/significant globally scaled independent mention the oligopolistic describes a
elements and following approach in system where
specialized characteristic acquiring nations come
features of economic together to create
international power through an agreement,
organizations: the process of organization, or
they are in mergers and treaty that has
permanent takeovers. greater powers
cooperation Furthermore, than an individual
with the MNCs have nation has
states, based the capabilities because its reach
on their of collective extends beyond
association; transfer of national
they are resources in boundaries.
established in international
accordance markets with
with professional
international management
law and based and multiple
on objectives.
cooperation in
specific fields
Scope Implementing Linked Broader Knowledge Involves a global
parent company between local, mandate; developed & integration of
strategies. state and more diffused retained within political,
Knowledge international direction each unit economic,
developed and states environmental,
retained at the and cultural
center. activities of a
Examples of P&G or Lever Armies & United Nations Unilever, United Nations &
organizations navies, (UN), WTO Philips the International
churches & Monetary Fund
joint stock

5. Identify one example of an organization from each of the above terms. Give at
least one example of a process, procedure, and/or protocols wherein we can we
distinguish them in the context of the organization that you identified. Use the
table matrix
Organizatio Type of Link to their Example of
n Organization official websites process,
(Governmental procedure, and/or
/Non- protocol
Global Organization Governmental https://www.oecd.o Supplementary Protocol No. 1 to
for organization rg the Convention on the OECD
Economic Representation in the
Cooperation Organisation for Economic Co-
and operation and Development of the
Developmen European Communities
t (OECD) established by the Treaties of
Paris and Rome of 18th April,
1951, and 25th March, 1957, shall
be determined in accordance with
the institutional provisions of those
Treaties. The Commissions of the
European Economic Community
and of the European Atomic
Energy Community as well as the
High Authority of the European
Coal and Steel Community shall
take part in the work of that
Transnation Coca-Cola Non- https://www.coca- Uses this process for optimization
al governmental of throughput using minimum
organization inventory. The production flow of
Coca Cola involves passing sub-
assemblies/parts from one stage
of production to another in a
regular flow. Each stage adds to
the products, this is typical among
bottling plants.
International International Non- https://www.imf.or Monitoring and discussing
Monetary governmental g/external/ countries' economic and financial
Fund organization m policies is known as bilateral
surveillance. Regularly monitors
global, regional, and national
economic developments. It also
seeks to assess the impact of the
policies of individual countries on
other economies.
Multinational Barclays Non- https://www.barcla - Barclays, along with other
governmental members of the British Bankers’
Association (BBA), consumer and
business groups, agreed a new
“Access to Banking Protocol”
which came into effect in May
2015. This set out best practice
guidelines for banks considering
closing branches or reducing
opening hours by more than 30%.
The Protocol required that a bank
must carry out a full assessment
of the impact of the closure or
significant opening hours
reduction on the community, after
consulting with affected customers
and their representatives (such as
local councils and residents’
groups). The bank was then
required to publish publish this
assessment – detailing the
reasons for the closure and the
outcome of the community
consultation – before the closure
or hours reduction took effect.
Supranation European Non- There procedure is known as
al Union governmental uropean- 'Ordinary Legislative Procedure'
organization union/index_en (ex "codecision"). This means that
the directly elected European
Parliament has to approve EU
legislation together with the
Council (the governments of the
27 EU countries). Has a clearly
present protocol and will be an
agent to aid in liquidity and crisis
prevention. The organization
recently announced a new
program that would "bolster the
flexibility and scope" of
emergency programs and is
effectively providing short term
assistance to countries through its'
Precautionary Credit Limit (PCL).

Non- governamental definition.
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