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Patient Education and Counseling xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Smartphone apps and the nutrition care process: Current perspectives

and future considerations
Juliana Chena,* , Luke Gemminga , Rhona Hanningb , Margaret Allman-Farinellia
School of Life and Environmental Sciences and Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia
School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada


Article history: Objective: To provide dietitians with practical guidance on incorporating smartphone applications (apps)
Received 9 September 2017 in the nutrition care process (NCP) to optimize patient education and counseling.
Received in revised form 2 November 2017 Methods: The current evidence-base for mobile health (mHealth) apps was searched using PubMed and
Accepted 16 November 2017
Google Scholar. Where and how apps could be implemented by dietitians across the four steps of the NCP
is discussed.
Keywords: Results: With functionality to automatically convert patient dietary records into nutrient components,
nutrition assessment can be streamlined using nutrition apps, allowing more time for dietitians to deliver
education and nutrition counseling. Dietitians could prescribe apps to provide patients with education on
Education nutrition skills and in counseling for better adherence to behavior change. Improved patient-provider
mHealth communication is also made possible through the opportunity for real-time monitoring and evaluation
Nutrition care process of patient progress via apps. A practical framework termed the ‘Mobile Nutrition Care Process Grid’
provides dietitians with best-practice guidance on how to use apps.
Conclusions: Including apps into dietetic practice could enhance the efficiency and quality of nutrition
care and counseling delivered by dietitians.
Practice implications: Apps should be considered an adjunct to enable dietetic counseling and care, rather
than to replace the expertise, social support and accountability provided by dietitians.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Furthermore, having a standardized NCP framework facilitates

outcomes for research to evaluate the impact of nutrition care
Nutrition care delivered by registered dietitians (RDs) is a on patient health outcomes. Subsequently, the efficacy of
fundamental component of health promotion, and chronic disease nutrition care can be demonstrated, enabling advocacy for
prevention and management [1], particularly given the high the role of RDs in obesity and chronic disease treatment and
prevalence of obesity, diabetes and other non-communicable prevention [7,9]. Moreover, productivity and communication
diseases [2–4]. In 2012, the Dietetic Workforce Demand Study Task between RDs and other members of the health care team have
Force predicted only 75% of demand for RDs in the US would be met improved through diagnosis-focused documentation of the NCP
in 2020 [5]. The study also identified technology as having [9]. There is now the opportunity for advocating the NCP
potential to transform how RDs deliver nutrition counseling and further with technology.
personalized nutrition [6]. The public market for and acceptance of mobile health
For the delivery of more consistent and effective quality (mHealth) technologies, such as smartphone applications (apps)
nutrition care by RDs, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has experienced dramatic growth, with over 259,000 mHealth
(the Academy) recommends their nutrition care process (NCP) apps available [10]. Fifty-eight percent of US smartphone owners
[7,8]. The systematic method allows RDs to diagnose and have downloaded a health-related app [11], with fitness and
develop treatment plans for nutrition-related problems [7]. nutrition apps most frequently downloaded [12]. The proliferation
and low-cost of many nutrition apps may appear a threat to RDs
services. However, if implemented appropriately, apps could
support dietetic practice by increasing accuracy, efficiency and
* Corresponding author at: The University of Sydney, Level 4 East, Charles Perkins
Centre (D17), John Hopkins Drive, Camperdown 2006, NSW Australia.
quality of clinical decision-making when applying the NCP [13], as
E-mail address: (J. Chen). well as improving patient access to point-of-care services and
0738-3991/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: J. Chen, et al., Smartphone apps and the nutrition care process: Current perspectives and future
considerations, Patient Educ Couns (2017),
G Model
PEC 5832 No. of Pages 8

2 J. Chen et al. / Patient Education and Counseling xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

patient-provider communication, to ultimately improve patient ‘all-in-one’ apps are convenient for patients, and allow RDs to
outcomes [14]. pinpoint certain foods, carbohydrate intake patterns or physical
Recent reports indicate the dietetic profession has adopted activity sessions influencing patients’ blood glucose. Some
health apps into their practice. Eighty-three percent of US RDs diabetes apps also allow patients to synchronize blood glucose
were found to recommend apps [15]. In Canada, 57% of dietitians measurements from glucometers for simplified recording and
used apps in practice, and a three country study of Australian, New visualization of trends [34–36]. Certain diabetes apps have been
Zealand and British dietitians found 62% used apps in patient care approved by the US Food and Drug Administration [33,37].
and 84% recommended apps [16].
Despite the rates of app adoption by dietitians, the profession 3. Nutrition diagnosis
has expressed their desire for more education and training around
incorporating apps into dietetic practice, especially private From data gathered in nutrition assessment, RDs can identify
practice [15,16]. To support app use among RDs, the Academy the etiology, signs and symptoms of nutrition problems, which can
has undertaken science-based reviews of nutrition apps, which are then be targeted through a treatment or nutrition intervention [8].
included in their Food & Nutrition magazine [17]. However, there With many complex terminology references in this step, the
has been no systematic process proposed of how to incorporate former IDNT app, now integrated into the Kalix software [38,39], is a
apps into the NCP. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was first to useful tool for guiding RDs on the selection of relevant and
identify the areas in which an RD could practically implement appropriate nutrition diagnoses. Nutrition diagnostic domains
health apps across the four steps of the NCP (i.e. nutrition most likely to be established by health apps include the intake
assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention and nutri- domain for energy, nutrients and fluids; clinical domain diagnoses,
tion monitoring and evaluation). Secondly, the medical nutrition such as weight loss or weight gain and behavioral-environmental
literature (PubMed) and more general sources (Google Scholar) aspects, such as knowledge and beliefs and physical activity [8].
were searched for research on implementation of health apps to Identifying the etiology of a nutrition problem is necessary for
support weight loss, diabetes, healthy lifestyles, nutrition care, and subsequent implementation of nutrition interventions. Etiologies
dietetic practice. Finally, a framework to guide the use of apps in related to the behavior category of the Nutrition Diagnosis Etiology
the NCP was constructed. matrix (e.g. disordered eating pattern, excessive or inadequate
energy intake, excessive physical activity) [8] are readily identified
2. Nutrition assessment by health apps. With continued recording, dietary patterns and
anomalies can be detected, albeit dependent on patient input of
During patient assessment, RDs will obtain, verify and interpret the data. Therefore, examining patient-generated health data
anthropometric, biochemical, medical, social and client history, as (PGHD) via app records may also allow RDs to uncover additional
well as dietary information [8]. RDs usually conduct a diet history information about other etiological categories, such as beliefs-
to estimate nutritional adequacy and meal patterns but sometimes attitudes, cultural or knowledge, that may be contributing to the
ask patients to keep a diet record in advance of their consultation. nutrition problem.
However, paper-based dietary records are burdensome for patients
and labor-intensive for RDs to analyze, thereby reducing counsel- 4. Nutrition intervention
ing time available [18].
Ninety-three percent of US adults use their smartphone while To address the etiology or signs and symptoms of the nutrition
eating [19]. Apps provide a convenient means to record data in diagnosis, RDs plan individualized interventions and provide
near real-time during eating occasions and have demonstrated nutrition education and counseling [8]. Dietitian-specific tools,
greater acceptability than paper-based food diaries [20–22]. such as NutriGuides, an app developed by the Academy, contains an
Dietitians and health care providers also show acceptance towards accessible compilation of the Evidence Analysis Library to help RDs
technology-assisted dietary assessment [16,23]. Most nutrition determine best-practice treatment [40].
apps convert the food intakes into nutrients and provide valid Emerging evidence provides some support for using apps in
estimates of energy and nutrient intake comparable to traditional lifestyle change [41,42], and weight [42,43] and chronic disease
dietary assessments [24–26]. An evaluation of variance across 23 management [44–46]. However, apps appear to be more effective
commercial weight loss apps revealed that 17 of 23 apps assessed when complemented with counseling sessions, education or other
were within 100 kcal of weighed food records [27]. mHealth technologies (e.g. text messaging) in multi-component
Some commercial apps also include image logs to complement interventions rather than with standalone use [41,47,48]. The
the digital dietary record and assist with prompting memory when importance of dietitians in providing coaching [48,49] is affirmed
reviewing records or by dietitians for qualitative assessment by the lack of success when nurses or physicians provided such
[27,28]. Sole image-based dietary record apps show promise in care [50–52]. It should be noted, most effective interventions
lowering the burden of logging, though challenges remain for involved younger adults, who typically engage with apps more
automated computer vision approaches to reliably assess the vast successfully than older participants. Thus, RDs must assess the
array of foods [29]. appropriateness of prescribing apps in nutrition interventions
Collection of anthropometric measurements and monitoring based on individual patient demographics and motivations.
could also be enhanced. Apps and wireless scales provide a popular Nutrition education is a NCP intervention strategy [8], and using
and simple method to assess, monitor and visualize weight history apps to deliver information is likely to be acceptable to patients,
[27]. The Academy’s NutriCare Tools app contains a compilation of given 63% of US smartphone users access information about health
evidence-based tools, including calculators that assess energy and conditions via smartphones [53]. Calorie or nutrient information
fluid requirements and a range of anthropometric tools [30]. provided by apps are reported to be a useful resource in patient
Fitness and exercise wearables, such as Fitbit or smart watches, can nutrition care [16]. Educational information on diabetes, including
also support the passive assessment of physical activity, including managing blood glucose and diabetes-related treatments are also
valid estimates of step counts and energy expenditure [31,32]. accessible in some diabetes apps [33,54]. However, there is
Apps for diabetes management enable patients to log blood opportunity for more personalized patient education, particularly
glucose levels, track insulin injections and oral medication and apps centered around dietary and clinical guidelines [27,33,54–56].
record exercise, carbohydrate and other dietary intake [33]. These Nutricare Tools app provides education on reading food labels [30].

Please cite this article in press as: J. Chen, et al., Smartphone apps and the nutrition care process: Current perspectives and future
considerations, Patient Educ Couns (2017),
G Model
PEC 5832 No. of Pages 8

J. Chen et al. / Patient Education and Counseling xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Fooducate provides interpretations of nutrients and ingredients of predicted by consistent dietary monitoring through an app,
food labels from scanned product barcodes [57,58], and ShopWell irrespective of the actual app used to track diet [75]. Long-term
scores foods based on individual dietary preferences, with content sustained use of apps for dietary self-monitoring is challenging to
that has been reviewed and developed by RDs [59,60]. FoodSwitch maintain, and adherence to app use rapidly declines over time
is a commercial-research partnership app that utilizes a traffic [22,50,80]. Patient engagement with apps can be increased
light system for identifying healthier packaged foods [61]. through human support and accountability [81]. Retention rates
Researchers have also developed the MyNutriCart app based on for mHealth apps are higher when health care professionals
the Dietary Guidelines for Americans [62]. prescribe mHealth apps to patients rather than making general
An important strategy RDs use to enable behavior change is recommendations [12]. Thus, RDs should define a realistic
setting mutually acceptable and tailored goals with patients. frequency and pattern of tracking tailored to patients’ individual
Generic goal setting is a common feature in apps [27,33,63–69]. capacities for self-monitoring and lifestyles when they prescribe
However, personalized goal setting is often only available in apps. Self-monitoring consistently over consecutive days may be
premium subscription versions of commercial apps. Dietitians of unnecessary, with evidence highlighting that long-term intermit-
Canada developed eaTracker, an app allowing users to choose from tent self-monitoring over 6 months was more successful and
87 ‘ready-made’ SMART goals, covering 13 different categories, or associated with greater weight loss compared to short-term self-
to write their own goals [70,71]. Data mining of health app data monitoring [77]. Where patients are less compliant with self-
revealed greater odds of weight loss success with the more monitoring, encouraging frequent logging of only specific meal
customization features users implemented, such as customized occasions, such as dinner, can assist in the maintenance of weight
goals, recipes, foods as some examples [72]. loss [77]. Logging physical activity for sustained periods using
Regular and frequent self-monitoring is a foundational compo- wearables presents fewer challenges due to their passive nature
nent of weight loss [73] and improved glycemic control in diabetes and ability to sync automatically with apps.
management [74]. Adherence to self-monitoring is superior with Finally, the time and frequency of conventional nutrition care
apps compared to traditional pen and paper-based records are generally limited to face-to-face encounters at fortnightly or
[22,43,55,75,76], making apps a good choice for increasing patient monthly consultations. While immediately after the consultation,
compliance with self-monitoring and achieving positive weight patients may be motivated to implement discussed strategies,
and dietary outcomes [72,76–79]. Self-monitoring increases motivation and adherence to dietary plans between consultations
patient awareness of behaviors, giving them confidence to self- may decline. Stein has previously discussed a range of apps that
manage their health, for example adjusting insulin based on self- enable remote nutrition counseling and could enhance dietetic
monitored blood glucose readings [46]. practice models [82]. The ability of apps to allow remote near real-
When RDs are considering what apps to recommend for self- time monitoring of weight, nutrition and physical activity can
monitoring, it has been demonstrated that weight loss success is increase the frequency of patient-dietitian interactions, and allow

Fig. 1. A hypothetical patient case outlining how smartphone applications (apps) could be implemented into each step of the nutrition care process to support patient weight

Please cite this article in press as: J. Chen, et al., Smartphone apps and the nutrition care process: Current perspectives and future
considerations, Patient Educ Couns (2017),
G Model
PEC 5832 No. of Pages 8

4 J. Chen et al. / Patient Education and Counseling xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

monitoring and adjustment to the nutrition intervention to occur Apps with data sharing functionalities that innately integrate
in a timelier manner, even between consultations [82]. into dietitian-designed health record platforms (e.g. Healthie, Easy
Diet Diary Connect and MyPace) [86–89] present opportunities to
5. Nutrition monitoring and evaluation increase the convenience of accessing and reviewing app records
[90]. In turn, the quality of patient-provider communication and
Given the ultimate aim of the NCP is to help patients better degree of support between consultations from remote nutrition
meet their nutrition and health goals [7], monitoring, measuring care is enhanced through the greater connectivity of apps
and evaluating the effectiveness and overall impact of medical [33,82,90]. Many diabetes apps have capabilities to export data
nutrition therapy intervention is essential [8]. These processes via email, unlike most weight loss apps [27,36,65]. Through such
allow RDs to judge when to continue, modify or cease inter- platforms, timely feedback from an RD at the point of patient
ventions. lapses occurring can increase patient autonomy and empower
If patients are compliant with self-monitoring via apps, them to respond to triggers and self-regulate their own health
patterns in patient’s dietary intake may be revealed and factors behaviors [88].
assisting or hindering goal attainment identified. Examples include While it may not be feasible or financially viable for RDs to
frequency of meals or snacking, eating out, physical inactivity, monitor all their patients in real-time to provide instant feedback,
sourcing of foods or even highlighting emotional eating episodes adjustments in work task schedules or care delivery models can
for eating disorder patients [83], which would allow RDs to discuss allow more timely responses [91]. Advances in software and data
tailored strategies with patients to overcome barriers and lapses. mining will assist this in the future [92,93]. Health apps often
The literature affirms that patient self-management and behav- include standardized criteria for weight, glycemic control, or
ioral regulation is more effective when self-monitoring is recommended physical activity, calorie and nutrient intake making
combined with other components of control theory, such as the automatic comparisons possible. Alerts could be integrated into
provision of feedback on performance and reviewing of goals the platforms for review on a daily basis [90]. However, the validity
[84,85]. To promote patient accountability after app prescription, and country-specificity of the reference standards in algorithms
review of app records of PGHD should be routine in nutrition care. should be ensured [27,90]. Provision of RD fees that allow
In current practice, reviewing of app data as part of every follow-up monitoring of PGHD from apps would facilitate the suggested
consultation is infrequent among dietitians [16]. More commonly model of care [82].
patient progress made with apps is only reviewed in some A hypothetical case study is presented in Fig. 1, with sample
consultations via patient reporting without direct reference to the practice data outlining how apps could be included across the NCP.
app data [16].

Energy and nutrient intake informaƟon

Physical acƟvity NI-5.8.2 NB-2.1 Physical acƟvity

FH-7.3 NI-1.1 NI-5.2
informaƟon NI-5.8.3 NB-2.2 informaƟon
NI-1.2 NI-5.3
FH-1.1.1 NI-1.3 NI-5.4
FH-1.5.3 NI-5.8.5
FH-1.2.1 NI-1.4 NI-5.6.1
Anthropometric FH-1.2.2
NI-2.1 NI-5.6.2
AD-1.1 FH-1.6.1 NI-5.9.1
measures FH-1.4.1 NI-2.2 NI-5.6.3 NC-3.1
FH-1.6.2 NI-5.9.2
NI-2.9 NI-5.7.1
NI-5.10.1 NC-3.2 Anthropometric
FH-1.5.2 NI-3.1 NI-5.7.2 NC-3.3 measures
Daily NI-3.2 NI-5.7.3
NI-5.11.1 NC-3.4
blood glucose BD-1.5 NI-5.1 NI-5.8.1

NB-1.4 Behavioural
NutriƟon NutriƟon NB-1.5
knowledge and
Comparison to CS-2.3 Assessment Diagnosis NB-1.7 beliefs
standards CS-3.1
CS-4.1 mNCP
CS-4.2 E-1
NutriƟon educaƟon
CS-5.1 NutriƟon NutriƟon

Monitoring & IntervenƟon

PaƟent-provider C-1
FH-5.5 EvaluaƟon C-2
Social support

PaƟent compliance to C-1 C-1 PaƟent self-

FH-5.1 FH-5.1
recommendaƟons C-2 C-2 monitoring

monitoring of Feedback on performance Goal-seƫng
paƟent progress
NutriƟon Care Process Terminology terms
NutriƟon Care Process elements that are supported by smartphone applicaƟons

Fig. 2. The mobile Nutrition Care Process (mNCP) grid to support Medical Nutrition Therapy.

Please cite this article in press as: J. Chen, et al., Smartphone apps and the nutrition care process: Current perspectives and future
considerations, Patient Educ Couns (2017),
G Model
PEC 5832 No. of Pages 8

J. Chen et al. / Patient Education and Counseling xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

6. Mobile nutrition care process grid the dietitian to devote more practice time to nutrition behavioral
Fig. 2 outlines a framework termed the mobile Nutrition Care RDs have reported that video conference apps and smartphones
Process (mNCP) grid that has been developed to support RDs in their are among the technologies they were currently or expecting to use
use of apps throughout the steps of the NCP. Under each of these for telehealth within the next five years [94]. Nutrition and dietetic
steps, the uses of apps have been matched to Nutrition Care Process services delivered via telehealth in the US is reimbursable by third-
terminology. Features related to the uses of apps and their party payers, but not in most other countries [94]. However, RDs
contributions to nutrition care are outlined in Table 1. still identified barriers to existing payer coverage. Revisions to
reimbursement schemes to accommodate incorporation of apps
7. The future of apps and wearables for dietetic practice into telehealth and remote nutrition care may be necessary to
provide monetary incentive for private practice dietitians to
As competition increases to meet consumer expectations for review patient app records and provide feedback within and
high quality, convenient and accessible health services, and between patient consultations.
simultaneously ensure that health care costs are minimized, apps As in all aspects of dietetic practice, RDs need to apply critical
and other mHealth technologies present an opportunity to support thinking skills to determine the suitability of prescribing or using
dietitians. Dietitians would like continuing education and training technology with their patients in the NCP. Considerations should
from their professional associations to improve their capacity and be given to patient familiarity with technology, ability to adopt
motivations for using apps, such as understanding how apps could technology, motivation and readiness to change and their ability to
be used as supportive tools that add value rather than threaten sustain use and interest in these technologies [95]. Generally,
their practice [6,16]. Incorporating apps into the NCP could permit however, greater engagement and willingness to adopt mHealth

Table 1
The functions of smartphone applications (apps) that contribute to the Nutrition Care Process (NCP).

NCP element App functions Contribution to NCP

Energy or nutrient Automatic quantitative calculations of energy and macro- (including Electronic food record. Reduces the time required to conduct diet history
intake alcohol) and micronutrient intake values based on foods inputted. and with basic dietary information gathered, additional probing of
information dietary habits could be conducted.
Physical activity Automatic tracking of physical activity intensity and duration when Passive collection of physical activity data can provide more objective
information linked to wearable devices and apps. Steps can also be tracked. Manual evidence about a patient’s physical activity.
logging of activities in some apps.
Anthropometric Record weight measures through manual input or via Bluetooth scales. Track weight against goals.
Anthropometry calculators (e.g. BMI calculators). Convenient access to calculators used in anthropometry.
Data in graphical forms. Easy visualization of progress through weight graphs.
Blood glucose Record blood glucose, HbA1C. Allows patients to track blood glucose and identify food and lifestyle
measures triggers for elevated blood glucose levels.
Connectivity to glucometer. Additional source of data for RD.
Comparison to Automatic comparison of intake to Dietary Reference Intakes values for Time-saving and removes manual analysis by RD.
standards energy, macro- and micronutrients.
Behavioral Regular app records of dietary intake. Detecting deficits in self-monitoring. Providing evidence to support
knowledge and limited adherence to nutrition-related recommendations or undesirable
beliefs food choices as well as disordered eating.
Nutrition Information about foods available for therapeutic diets, calorie and Increasing knowledge and skills about food choices for therapeutic diets,
education nutrient content of foods. food choices and energy balance.
Nutrition information to enable healthy choices in the supermarket.
Social support Messaging and coaching functions from within the app. Enabling the delivery of motivational support from a dietitian between
from dietitian consultations.
Newsfeeds. Enhance patient confidence with making changes to behavior from
collaborative relationship.
Patient self- Tracking of diet, weight and other health behaviours e.g. physical activity, Increasing patient awareness of behavior and outcomes. Empowering
monitoring blood glucose. patients to self-regulate behaviors. Enhanced compliance to self-
monitoring when using an app. Pinpointing and presenting fine-grained
real-time data.
Goal-setting Setting goals for diet, weight, physical activity, blood glucose. Tracking of progress against goals promotes dietary behavior change.
Goals negotiated in the consultation can be entered into the app for Patients are able to see the goals negotiated with their dietitian to enable
patients to track. greater awareness of what to achieve before the next consultation.
Graphs/visuals to show progress against goals. Building confidence through stepwise improvement and achievable
Feedback on Immediate feedback on data logged. Algorithms can allow for Near real-time feedback compared with standards allows patients to
performance personalised feedback for individuals. adjust their behaviors as they occur, or guiding patients towards better
food choices, rather than waiting for the next consultation before they are
Remote Remote monitoring of progress and performance between consultations. Adjustments to nutrition intervention occur in timely manner.
monitoring of
Patient App records provide information to determine patient adherence to Opportunity to discuss episodes of non-compliance and lapses and to
compliance to dietary prescriptions. address barriers and new enabling strategies with RD. Increases
recommendations accountability of patients.
Patient-provider Exporting of patient-generated health data collected by apps via email or Enhancing patient-provider communication can increase patient
communication into a platform for dietitians to view. satisfaction and greater perceived value of dietetic services.

Please cite this article in press as: J. Chen, et al., Smartphone apps and the nutrition care process: Current perspectives and future
considerations, Patient Educ Couns (2017),
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PEC 5832 No. of Pages 8

6 J. Chen et al. / Patient Education and Counseling xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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