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First Community Q&A Answers. Get Ready for the Second One!

Dwigt WG·Wednesday, 22 July 2020·

Hello Commanders,
First I want to thank everyone for participating in this first Q&A.
It took a while for me to prepare all the answers and try to make it presentable. Due to some
forum limitations I had to cut some questions that were a bit long to fit everything in a single
post. You can still find the full questions in the original post and in the next one, please consider
summarizing your question.
I see that you have a lot to say and this is a great chance to discuss it with us and I appreciate
that! This why I am continuing with this Q&A experiment.
So feel free to drop your questions for the next Q&A in the comments below!
Thank you, enjoy your day and I'm looking forward for the next round!

 Are any more multinational tanks planned?

Not for now, but in one of the previous dev talks, we previously said that we probably have plans
to add more multinational tanks.

 Wow,you sure did get a lot of positive feedback on this. We can see here how WoT is
growing. My question is why you guys don't start really listening to us players and
implementing the changes that we want before your servers look like this thread?

We’re doing it :) That’s why we have a dedicated community team gathering all the feedback
from different sources and channels, sandbox servers for our players to take part of the testing
and sharing their feedback. We want to involve the community in our decision making but keep
in mind that those changes need time to be implemented as they concern our entire base. Those
changes cannot be made lightly and need time to gather the data, feedback and take the
appropriate decision.

 Are there any plans to include a transparent set of camouflages (as is done on World of
Tanks Console)

Customization elements and camouflages received some changes recently and we’re always
adding styles and new sets of camouflage. It’s always nice to add more customization abilities to
the players. Maybe paints will be reworked soon too, we never know.

 We've seen a lot of 3D Styles being implemented, mostly at Tier X Or on Premium tanks.
Are there plans to try to expand this to more tech tree vehicles below Tier X?
 Are there any plans / could we please have more historical (historically inspired) 3D
skins for vehicles that saw actual combat?
 Could this possibly be used to expand the limited camouflages options for nations such as
Italy, Japan, Sweden, Poland and Czechoslovakia? Or perhaps simply add new
camouflages for these nations?
We are constantly adding more styles for all tiers and tanks. One of the most recent ones was the
KV2 Crimson style. The T30 Style from the 10 years anniversary events.

 Are WG Aware that some tanks have particularly dated textures, even since being
updated to HD, such as the T-55A, Obj. 260 Or the more recently available Obj. 777 II.
Are there any plans to potentially update the textures for such tanks?

As far as I know, all the tanks textures were updated by now. The Obj 777 II has the HD updated
texture with the tree branch on its side. Yes, you are right, at first, when the transitioned to HD
with patch 1.0, the most played tanks were first restyled and then every patch, other tanks were
reworked and updated. 3D styles are different that HD textures and I think I understand why you
would ask this question. On some tanks, the difference textures will not be very noticeable and
on others, specially new ones because of the advanced technical and artistic capabilities you will
see the difference.

 Since you mentioned that Japanese TDs won't be released in 2020, are they planned for
next year (2021)?

We’re currently working on the Polish Medium line which is now on the CT server. The Italian
Heavy line should be next in line but for now we don’t have any news on the Japanese TD line or
any dates.

 It's now been a year since the Type 5 Heavy (and other Japanese super-heavy tanks
alongside with it) was nerfed, how does it perform now a year after?
 Are there plans to change the armor layout of the Japanese super-heavies so that they are
more enjoyable to play and more enjoyable to play against?

Your 2 questions can be answered at the same time. Some heavy tanks are getting buffed in the
upcoming 1.10 update, but the Type 5 is not on that list so this maybe should mean that it’s
performing well.
Now regarding the Japanese heavies design it’s something that we cannot change easily. It
already has around 280 frontal armor which is not bad, but the box shaped design of the tanks is
their weak point.
Rebalancing tanks depends on their performance, players feedback and on different stats such as
pick rate, win rate… and apparently Japanese heavies are doing okay now. Should they be buffed
in the future, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

 Are there plans for a tier VIII Japanese premium heavy tank?

I’m not sure I completely understood your question. There are other nations like China and
Sweden that don’t have artillery branches too. All I can say about adding Heavy Premium Tanks
is that we’re adding new tanks, new branches and maybe someday new nations.

 Are there plans to introduce a vehicle branch with a multi-turret mechanism (ex. French
super-heavy tanks like FCM F1)?
We now have the double barrel tanks which is not very different than the multi-turret
mechanism. Gas turbine engines will be introduced with the Polish Medium tanks so, like you
said, we are always trying to add new mechanics and maybe multi-turret tanks will be one of
them someday.

 How are you going to tackle around the hugely growing toxidity in the in game chat?

Toxicity in games is something that we are always trying to limit in our games. It’s a problem in
online gaming and we should all face it together.
Best way to deal with a toxic player messaging you in private would be muting and blocking
them, then reporting them through our in game system. In some very serious cases such as
harassment and bullying in game we recommend reaching out to our CS team with proofs
(Screenshots, recordings, videos…) so we can act against these players.

 Are there any plans, any thoughts, about Italian TD line for the future. Stuff like all the
different Semoventi.

We don’t have any plans for now to add an Italian TD line. The heavy line was confirmed and is
being developed but who know’s what nation or tank or line will come next!

 Is there any hope WG could look at how bad/mediocre some of the tier X light tanks are
and think about some buffs?

Tank rebalancing is an ongoing thing. You buff a tank, another one becomes underpowered and
vice versa. As we already said in previous dev talks, we’re aiming to rework the shell system, a
general rebalancing for all tanks, and then we would be able to rebalance all the vehicles case by
case. Now in that particular case of Light tanks, we are working on nerfing the wheeled vehicles
which will make some other light tanks more reliable. Wheeled were overperforming in their
class and tiers but they never replaced other conventional light tanks simply because wheeled
tanks can not fit all roles.

 Why can't I sell or hide crew books/blueprints for nations I refuse to use ?
 I want to ask if WG will ever allow us to sell unwanted special skins/camo's.

I guess these 2 questions can be answered together. We don’t have any plans for selling crew
books, camos or blueprints, at least for now. You never know when they can come in handy! If
you decide to try a new tank or start a new tech tree line like the Polish Meds, it can save you a
lot of xp, time and credits!

 Are there any plans for a South Africa Tree? I have looked and there is enough for a full
line of lights and a offspring Medium

No plans for now! We’re working on expanding some existing nation’s tree for now. We always
have different suggestions from the community to add different nations but it takes a huge
amount of research and work to find and use accurate blueprints of the tanks to add them to the
game. You can start by suggesting these ideas on the forums and get other players feedback and
ideas and maybe who knows you’re a South African Commander in the game!

 Are there plans for Chieftain Mk 6 to come to the PC server?

No current plans for now but we will see what the future brings!

 Are there plans for nation v nation random battles to come back?

We have new and old events coming soon. Some of part of the 10 years celebration, Steelhunter
and many others!
Personally, nation v nation battles would be unbalanced since not all nations have the same types
and tiers of tanks but it would fun and honestly no one will stand a chance against the French

 When will bond shop tanks be updated?

We updated the tank selection with the new ranked season. These tanks will be added to the
current selection and will not be the only addition to the bond shop.

 Will you look at testing +1/-1 mm for all tiers? or perhaps have it a trial week like which
was done on WOT consol

If you think about it now the only tiers that have a -2/+2 MM are Tier 6 7 and 8.
It’s a very long discussion that will lead into different topics and other questions but for now I
can tell you that we do not have any plans to change the MM system.
Entering a battle in the bottom tier is not very amusing but tier isn’t the only factor that affects
the outcome in a battle. During the dev talk with Andrey Biletskiy, Creative Director for World
of Tanks and Circon,
With this MM system, not every battle is the same, sometimes you get the high roll and get
placed in top tier sometimes you have to manage how to survive in these situations where you
placed in bottom tiers.

 Please can you think about bringing back preferential mm for some premiums such as M4
improved , A45/fv201 and others which are severely underpowered in +2 mm

No, we are not planning to add new special MM tanks.

 Will you consider allowing us to block 3 maps instead of 2?

Why not 4 !

 Will you look at adding these British tanks: Churchil AVRE , FV4401 Contetious , Harry
Hopkins, Tetrarch , FV303, Vickers MBT , Crusader AT , Comres 75 and British
wheeled tanks
I understand that some players have favorite nations, tanks even classes :) We are always
working on new tanks. The last British tank that we added on our Supertest server was the A46
light tank. We also announced other British tanks that are still in ST last year.

 When will you add a time next to the date on the page?

This is not a bad idea, maybe a countdown. I’ll forward your suggestion to the team! Thank you!

 Will there ever be new game modes for Random Battles?

 Will we ever get multiple hangar options such as the ports in World of Warships?

There’s a lot of cool ideas that we can borrow from WoWs but for the moment we do not plan on
adding new permanent game modes or multiple hangars, as cool as they may look. However, we
have a lot of in game events coming. Steel Hunter is right around the corner! Are you ready?
As for the garages, I believe there are mods that will change it for you. You can find them on our
mod portal.

 Is there a possibility to add a "minimum queue time" of 5 seconds or so, or add it as an

option in the settings somehow?

It happens sometimes and it can be a bit annoying, but I guess adding this delay will increase the
overall queue time and especially if you’re using some boosters. It’s not a bad idea in my opinion
and can be forwarded to our devs. In the meantime remember to check your load-out before
queuing ;)

 Can someone please fix intro-clip on Russian double barrels and Italian autoloaders ?

I’m afraid I didn’t get your question. Can you please be more specific?

 Hello, can you consider reworking or add a new show/hide elite vehicle filter?

We are currently reworking the garage UI in the upcoming Equipment 2.0 changes. Although
I’m not sure there will be a special filter for the Elite Vehicles, it can be a good addition for the
garage. Thank you!

 Regarding Grand Battle, is it possible to do some digging and share with us the stats of
how many players (who can enable Grand Battle) actually do that, and how many Grand
Battle games are there out of all tier 10.

Sadly no, I can share this kind of stats. Regarding the map videos, it’s a new concept that we
tried with the Berlin map and I personally would love to see it for other maps. It can help new
and old players. I believe there are 3 map guides on our Youtube Channel but hopefully we’ll
have more of them soon. And don’t forget to check out our contributors channels. They always
have interesting map and tanks reviews.
 Reward tanks, so essentially what I am proposing is, limit these reward tanks so that they
cannot play in any competitive gaming mode of WoT.

I think the same question was asked during the dev talk and the answer was that these 2 or 3
reward tanks can be considered as overpowered but how often do you get them in randoms? And
in my opinion randoms should be free for all. When it comes to ranked battles, we’re trying to
make it fair and based on skills for everyone by limiting overperforming vehicles and removing
reward tanks. If there will be a new meta then at least everyone will be able to play it. As for CW
and other modes, we are not planning to apply the same rules from ranked battles, but you never
know what can change. CW can be exclusive but it’s a mode that requires a lot of team
coordination and strategy and for that top clans should be rewarded and be able to use these
rewards somewhere. Let’s wait for this Ranked Season’s feedback and see if this was a step in
the right direction!

 In-game toxicity

We all had a taste of the in game chat toxicity at some point. I, like you, believe in the game
support in general, not only for WoT. As far as I know we have moderators checking on the
general chat in game. We are always looking to reduce in game toxicity and thankfully our CS
team is doing an awesome job against toxic players but because of our policies and GDPR we do
not inform the players that we banned that other player they reported which sometimes let them
think that we don’t act against toxicity, but we do. And since we’re talking about in game
toxicity, I understand that loosing or having someone on your team is not doing well can be
frustrating, but you don’t have to insult one another. Keep in mind that it’s a game to enjoy and
to have fun. Instead of flaming that person in the chat and then sending him a PM full of “lovely
words” try sending him some advice maybe next time so he can improve his gameplay.

 And finally, one last question which is non-game related. Dwigt is so mysterious that
most players know so little about since you have started as CM for the EN community.
Will you tell us more about yourself like where you come from, and will we be seeing
you on the WoT EU stream anytime soon?

I wouldn’t say mysterious but with the confinement and working from home it was a bit weird,
especially when you’re starting a new job!
We discussed going on a stream with eekeeboo or other CMs and CCs but it’s still a bit early but
it will happen so be ready! Other than that, I’m French Lebanese, worked in other gaming/PC
components companies in PR, marketing and community management. I’m interested in esports
and competitive gaming. I’m also interested in WWII history and military stuff. (I almost applied
to the French Navy).
I’ll keep the rest for the stream!

 Can we get a definitive statement on nerfing overperforming premium vehicles?

We do not have definitive answers when it comes to upcoming changes and balancing. As you
can see on the forums there is a lot of different opinions. Take the Progetto or EBR changes for
example. We’re not nerfing specific vehicles but we’re nerfing a certain overperforming
mechanic that according to our different source of feedback and statistics was breaking the game.
Changes are not always welcomed (not only in games) but without changes, things become
obsolete and boring. You just need to make sure the changes are for the best and that is why we
have test servers and why your feedback counts!

Thank you,
Dwigt - EN Community Manager

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