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I. ALL (todo)
Se utiliza con un sustantivo contable o un sustantivo incontable
• All the tickets were sold
• All fruit is healthy

Tambien podemos utilizar all + of + pronombre

• All of us went to the park yesterday.
• All of the students in this classroom have a book


EVERYBODY / EVERYONE (for people), EVERYTHING (for things)
Se usa everything y everybody con un verbo en tercera persona.

Everybody significa todos - Everybody/everyone had a fantastic time at the party.

Everything significa todo - Everything in the shop is very cheap.

III. MOST (la mayoria)

Tenemos dos posibilidades del uso de most:
1. Utilizamos most seguido de un sustantivo: Most people like the beach (hablamos en general)
2. Utiliamos most con la palabra “of + the”: Most of the people who work in my office are English (la
mayoria de las personas en la oficina son inglesas)
3. Tambien Podemos decir: Most of pronom (it, us, you, them): Most of them said they would go

Se utiliza para negar y va seguido de un sustantivo plural contable o un sustantivo incontable. Para
ello el verbo de ir en positivo: I have no time es lo mismo que decir I don’t have any time.

V. NONE (nada, ninguno)

• Se utiliza en respuestas cortasen oraciones positivas: A: is there any milk in the fridge? – B: No, none
/ no, there’s none.
• Tambien Podemos utilizar none + of + pronoun o sustantivo: None of us wanted to go to the concert /
None of the children had done their homework.

• Se sabe que any se puede utilizar con oraciones negativas e interrogativas: I don’t have any money, I
don’t any time right now, do you have any money?
• Se puede usar any con una oración positiva para querer decir que no importa la manera de hacer
algo.: Come any weekend, Anyone can come.


A. We use both, neither, either, for two things. You can use these words with a NOUN: Both restaurants
are good / neither restaurant is expensive / we can go to either restaurant. I don’t care / do you want tea or
coffee? – either. It really doesn’t matter.

B. Both of, neither of, either of + the (this, that, these, those, the, my, Tom’s.)
Both of these restaurants are very good / neither of Tom’s parents is American / neither of the restaurants
we went to was expensive.
C. Both of, neither of, either of + us/you/them
Can either of you speak Spanish? / I asked two people the way to the station, but neither of them knew / I
bought two interesting books, but I didn’t read either of them
Both… and…: Both Ann and Tom were late / I was both tired and hungry / Both Jim and Carol are on
Neither …nor…: Neither Liz nor Tom came to the party / she said she would contact me, but she neither
wrote nor called
Either… or…:I’m not sure where he’s from. He’s either Spanish or Italian /


1. _______ children _______ creative

2. All _______ students in my class _______ Spanish
3. All _______ are beautiful
4. _______ the flowers in this garden _______ beautiful
5. All students _______ to learn English _______
6. Everybody _______ happy in the _______
7. I like ___________ in the party
8. Everything ____ expensive in this _______
9. __________ was fine in my trip to Peru last _______
10. Most _______ I get up _______ 7 o’clock
11. Most tourists _______ visit this part of town
12. Lima, like _______ large cities has a traffic ___________
13. _______ of this money is mine
14. I spent ________the day in bed
15. _______ problems have a solution
16. None _____ my classmates played well yesterday
17. _______my friends wanted to go out. They have a lot of homework
18. I asked some people for directions, but ____________ were able to help me.
19. Where did you go for your last vacation – Florida or Puerto Rico? – we went to _______
20. I tried to call George twice, but _______________ he was out.
21. _______my parents are from Michigan.
22. Neither _______has a key, therefore we can’t go into the room
23. _______ Jim and Carol _______ on vacation
24. I have _________ the time _______ the money to go on vacation
25. That man’s name is _______ Richards or Robert

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