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Research Project - 2020

How to write a research proposal? (500- 600 words)…(One page only!)

Topic: State the topic you have in mind
Refining the question: (explain how you arrived at the RQ below) ……(Very important!!!)
Research question: Write the question you wish to research. (This will be further refined during your
 Say why this is an important area of study.
 Say how you will benefit from it?
 Say how others could also benefit?

Research Processes:
Discuss which Primary sources you will use e.g. Interview/s, Survey, Email…etc.
Discuss which Secondary sources you will use. e.g. Internet, Books, Magazines, Journals…etc.
Try to be specific with your primary sources. Say WHO you will be interviewing, surveying and emailing
and why they are experts in the field of your research.

List 3 to 4 sub-questions that will provide relevant / data / statistics / evidence / facts / figures etc. for
your Research Question.


When conducting research you must be honest and ethical. You may like to mention some
of the following.

E.g. I will …………….

 Be sensitive to other people’s feelings.
 Make sure that people who give me information understand how the information I
get from them will be used
 Make sure that I get their permission to use the information that I gather.
 Keep confidential any personal, identifying information.
 Acknowledge other people’s words and ideas, and make sure that the work I
produce is my own. (Harvard Style Referencing)

 Make sure that I feel safe at all times. I will not put myself at risk.

Choose a capability and mention that you would like to develop this throughout your
research processes.

Use the bullet points provided on the capabilities sheet to suggest why this capability is
relevant to you and your research project.

Time line:

Suggestions for your timeline (What to do each week?)

Brainstorming topics Conduct survey
Mind mapping / lotus diagram Collate data from interviews
Writing a draft proposal Collate data from survey
Begin my journal (discussions with teacher) Collate data from secondary sources
Send emails to participants Refine research question/ sub-questions
Write a letter of introduction / set interview date Draft answers to focus questions
Internet research Represent data in graph form
Book research Annotate collected data for folio
Update bibliography/ reference list Draft outcomes
Write questions for interview participants Complete outcomes
Write questions for survey participants Draft Evaluation
Conduct interview Complete Evaluation

Time line suggestions may vary depending on your Research Project.

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