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BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 1

I. Introduction

Functional literacy, being the cornerstone in achieving the basic ability to meet

the reading and writing demands of the community, serves as a fundamental catalyst

to one’s universal development. It stresses the acquisition of cognitive, computational

and verbal skills enough for people to be able to fathom general literature for practical

pleasures. In order to achieve a functional literacy, essential reading and

comprehension skills must be developed by the students.

Reading is one of the five macro-skills that is taught from the stage when a

child is being prepared to enter the school as a learning place. Reading is an access for

further knowledge that is crucial for the future, principally when the medium of

instruction is English. However, it cannot be functional without comprehension as it is

the ultimate goal of reading.

Nevertheless, although reading and comprehension are assimilated in the K to

12 curriculum to develop the critical reading among students, National Achievement

Test results showed a mean percentage score of 54.42% in English Reading

Comprehension among Filipinos (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2015).

Considering that English is the second language learners in the Philippines, the

average score reveals an undeniably disturbing truth that the young Filipino learners

are poor in comprehending English texts.

To surpass this circumstance, there is a need to practice the prerequisites in

reading comprehension mentioned by the Committee on Learning Sciences:

Foundations and Applications to Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Division of

Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council (2011)
BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 2

specifically the ability of lexical decoding and the ability of drawing inferences from

a passage about its contexts.

Consequently, the ability to follow the organization of passage, ability to

recognize the literary devices used to determine the tone in a passage, ability to

understand the situational mood conveyed for assertions and commanding, and the

ability to determine the purpose of a writer, intent and point of view correspondingly

constitutes the fundamental skills to achieve an effective reading comprehension

(Jerome, 2018).

As has been noted, poor performance of learners in English Reading

Comprehension reflects a poor reading skill that manifests difficulties in

understanding reading texts. Therefore, in order to prosper the aforementioned skills,

proper intervention is necessarily needed to be administered. Hence, the researchers

would like to propose the BOOKlat program which aims to heighten reading

comprehension skills among the senior high school students of Jones Rural School.

This program will be a great step in producing more effective communicators which

is a vital tool in getting across towards the success of the students.

II. Purpose of the Project

The development of reading comprehension skills are crucial to achieve a

functional literacy. Thus, if one fails to build a solid foundation, then the future of the

students will tremendously suffer from academic difficulties.

Concerning these complications, the reading comprehension skills among the

senior high school students of Jones Rural School must be tremendously developed

otherwise it will result to meager vocabularies and failure to accurately assimilate

BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 3

which may serve as great disadvantages throughout the learning areas of the students

– which the BOOKlat program aims to address.

Among its purposes is to provide the senior high school students of Jones

Rural School who have poor performances in reading comprehension of English texts

with materials that may enhance the mentioned skills to which will implicate amusing

and engaging learning process, for the researchers believe that this approach will help

the students retain information better. The resources include books, newspapers,

magazines as well as National Achievement Test reviewers for English reading


Additionally, the program also aims to help increase the academic

performances of the students, specifically in learning areas where English is used as a

medium of instruction. This will also be beneficial in intensifying National

Achievement Test results among schools and will serve as preparation for college

aptitude and entrance exams for the senior high school students.

III. Project Description

Due to the poorly excellent reading comprehension skills among some of the

senior high school students of Jones Rural School, the BOOKlat program, a proposed

project by the researchers from the eleventh grade of Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand, will offer quality assistance to those

who are struggling in reading before their frustrations with it becomes intensified. The

program will provide one-on-one reading sessions whereby the researchers will be

matched to the mentees who possess poor reading comprehension skills.

The program is entitled BOOKlat for it denotes the program as the feat of

reading a wide array of reading materials that will serve as source of knowledge and
BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 4

as means of enhancing the reading comprehension skills among the senior high school

students of Jones Rural School who portrays poor performances in the indicated


With this program, it will equip the students to be able to become more

capable of integrating into the society and becoming members that are able to

comprehend effectively.

IV. Objectives

In every student lies a variation of great ideas which could be developed to

drive the mission of the program.

BOOKlat program aims to improve reading comprehension skills among the

senior high school students of Jones Rural School in a manner that will:

 Enrich the academic performance of students in English subjects;

 Support the Department of Education’s strive to enhance the reading skills of


 Increase National Achievement Test result rankings;

 Be a cost-effective investment.

V. Methodology

In order to achieve the objectives of the program, an authorization to fulfill the

program will be requested by the researchers from Mr. Bienvenido F. Valdez Jr.,

Assistant Secondary School Principal II of Jones Rural School.

Upon approval, the researchers will prepare the venue, project needs and

equipment requisite for the implementation of the program. Then after ensuring that
BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 5

everything is prepared, the announcement of the program will be piloted to summon

for participants.

The conduct of the program will start with assessing the initial knowledge of

the students with poor reading comprehension skills. This is primarily done for the

researchers to assess the attack to be made.

During the duration of the program, the researchers will be guiding the

students with poor reading comprehension skills in a way that the researchers will

teach them about the strategies to fully discern a text.

On observation that the students’ reading skills have improved, the researchers

will then introduce reading passages to develop their comprehension. Worksheets will

also be given to the participants to further practice their reading comprehension skills.

The program will start three days after the approval and will sustain until the

last half of the second semester of School Year 2019-2020.

VI. Project Needs

To effectively implement the program, the researchers from the Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) believe that the following

materials, personnel and venue are best for the BOOKlat program.

A. Equipment

To effectively implement the program, the researchers believe that the

following materials are essential to achieve the objectives of the program:

Quantity Unit Material Unit Cost Total Cost

1/2 Ream Short bond paper 260 130
1 Pad Intermediate pad 25 25
BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 6

Additionally, the BOOKlat program also needs the following reading

materials which will be provided by the researchers and by the target funders:

 BOOK. A written text that can be published in printed or electronic form that

contains information, stories, poetry, and others.

 MAGAZINE. A publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly,

usually every week or every month, and which contains articles, stories,

photographs, and advertisements.

 NEWSPAPER. A paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly

and that contains news, articles of opinion, features, and advertising

B. Personnel

Name Position Responsibility

Erika Jeigne R. Felipe Project A project manager oversees

Manager and supervises the overall

activities throughout the

program and is entitled to

coordinate with other personnel

to efficiently achieve the

objectives of the program.

Angel C. Delos Santos Assistant An assistant project manager is

Project responsible for performing

Manager executive tasks when the

project manager is unavailable.

She is also tasked to administer

back-office administrations.
Emerie Gean F. Reyes Project A project secretary is keeps

Secretary effective files and records of

BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 7

the program. She is also

responsible in providing the

reports for the monthly

progress of the program.

Jenierose C. Culang Project A project finance manager is

Finance responsible in organizing the

Manager partial and overall financial

audits needed for the

successful flow and to sustain

the needs of the program.

Kyle Andrei Marcelino Material A material executive is

James Mymar G. Hufalar Management responsible in the purchase,

Executives storage, documentation and

utility of the project materials

and equipment.
Ryle Joren F. Manuel Technical A technical lead is responsible

Lead for the execution of technical

courses such as printing of

reading texts and the

preparation of digital aids as

materials for the program.

Jenierose C. Culang Mentors The mentors are responsible in

Angel C. Delos Santos sharing vital information to the

Erika Jeigne R. Felipe mentees in a way that they will

James Mymar G. Hufalar guide the mentees on how to

Ryle Joren F. Manuel pronounce words properly,

Kyle Andrei C. accurately read a passage and

BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 8

Marcelino evaluate situational moods in a

Emerie Gean F. Reyes text in order to achieve

academic success. They also

keep performance records to

trace improvements.

C. Space

The venue for this program will be located at the posterior of the second senior

high school building of Jones Rural School specifically on the cabin of the Pearl

section of the grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

This space is ideal for the program as it will be easily accessible by the


D. Cost Estimate

The estimated cost to be used for the conduct of the BOOKlat program is

approximately Php 200.00 as Php155.00 will be utilized for the purchase of the

needed materials and Php 45.00 for the printing and photocopying of the other reading


E. Time table

The program will be held at the given venue from 11:45 A.M. to 12:45 P.M.

every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the week. The program will sustain until the

last week of August 2019.

Activities February

18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd

Proposal presentation
BOOKlat: An Investment to Honing Reading Comprehension Skills 9

Approval letter
Preparation for the venue and equipment
Seeking of the participants for the program
First day of the program

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