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1 Make the questions to complete the dialogue.

Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, I do.

1 (you/ever see/a ghost)?

1 Have you ever seen a ghost?

Yes, I have. I saw one on the stairs in my house.

2 (you/be/afraid)?

2 Were you afraid?

Yes, I was. I was very frightened.

3 (you/can/describe/it)?

3 Can you describe it?

Yes, I can. It was a woman with long grey hair.

4 (you/know/her)?

4 Did you know her?

No, I didn't.

5 (the ghost/speak/to you)?

5 Did the ghost speak to you?

No, it didn't. It just looked, at me.

6 (you see/it again)?

6 Have you seen it again?

No, I haven't. I only saw it once.

7 (you/would like/to see it again)?

7 Would you like to see it again?

No, I wouldn't.

2 Make the questions to complete the dialogue.

1 1 Where do you come from?.

I come from Tokyo.

2 Why have you come to England?

I've come to learn English

3 When did you arrive?

I arrived last week. i

4 What do you do in Tokyo? I'm an engineering student.

5 How long are you staying in England? I'm staying for three months.

6 Who do you know in England? I don't know anyone

3 Make negative questions to show your surprise.

1 I didn’t enjoy my holiday in the USA! (the weather/not be/very good?)

1 Wasn't the weather very good?

2 No. The weather was fine, but I didn't have enough money. (you/not take/your credit card?)

2 Didn't you take your credit card?

3 Yes, I did, but it was stolen on the first day. (you/not get/a new one?)

3 Didn't you get a new one?

Yes, but it arrived too late.

1 Add the correct question tag to the following statements.

1 It's cold, isn't it?

2 But it isn't as cold as yesterday, is it ?

3 It was very cold yesterday, wasn't it ?

4 It hasn't been so cold for a long time, has it?

5 It's snowing in the north, isn't it ?

6 It often snows there, doesn't it?

7 There was over 10 centimetres of snow last week, wasn't there ?

8 They haven't had that much snow for a long time, have they ?

9 They didn't have much snow last winter, did they ?

10 But it'll be spring soon, won't it ?

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