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Samuel Lizardo

1 Complete the sentences with can/can't or the correct form of be able to.

I've got a friend who (1) can play the flute really well. He's studying music at college and when
he finishes he (2) 'II be able to get a job in an orchestra. I'd like to be a professional musician
too. l'd like to (3) be able to play a musical instrument well, but I(4) can't I've got a guitar, but I
(5) can't play it very well. You need to practise for hours every day, but for the last six months I
(6)haven't been able to because I've had too much work to do. I dream that one day in the
future I (7) 'II be able to practise much play like Eric Clapton, but it's only a dream and I'm sure
I (8) won't be able to play like him.

2 Jack Brice is 80. There are a lot of things he cannot do now. He is talking about the things
he used to be able to do. Complete the sentences with could or couldn't.

My eyes aren't very good now. Five years ago I (1) could read the newspaper without wearing
glasses. A few years ago I (2) could walk to the shops and back in half an hour, but I prefer to
get the bus now. When I was a child we . 3 couldn't watch television or a video in the evening.
They didn't exist. My mother used to tell us stories. She (4) could keep us amused for hours.
When I was younger, I (5) could play tennis very well. No-one 6. Could beat me. I tried to play
tennis again the other day. I (7) could see my opponent, but I (8) couldn't My memory's not
brilliant either. I (9) couldn't see the ball! remember my telephone number this morning!

1 Complete the following short dialogues in a Maths class, Use Can I?/Would you?, etc.

Student A: (1) Can I open the window, please? It's very hot in here.

Teacher: Yes, can (2)


Student B: (3) Can I give you my homework next week? I haven't quite finished it.

Teacher: No, you can't I want it (4) before then.

Student B: (5) Can I give it to you tomorrow?

Teacher: Yes, you can (6)

Student C: (7). Can I go outside for a moment ? I'm not feeling very well.

Teacher: Yes, (8) you can


Teacher: You still don't understand, do you?

9 would you like me to explain it again?

Student D: Yes, I would (10).


Student E: (11). Can I borrow your calculator?

Student F: No, I'm sorry, (12) you can't. I'm using it myself.

Student G: (13)would you like to borrow mine? Student E: Yes, thanks.

1 Match a sentence on the left with a sentence on the right.

1 I've got terrible toothache.

2 My teeth aren't very good.

3 I must phone my boss.

4 I've got to go to work this afternoon.

a I'm seeing an important client at three o'clock.

b I must tell her l'm not coming to work this morning.

c I have to go to the dentist's quite often.

d Imust make an appointment at the dentist's.

1D 2C 3B 4A

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