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HRM Topic Opening Questions:

1. Think of a firm you do business with that is facing dramatic changes
in order to survive. How do you think the firm’s personnel can help it
adapt? What role will the company’s HR staff play in helping with that
The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has caught the
global economy and businesses largely off-guard. We now find
ourselves in a period of unprecedented uncertainty and volatility, the
long-term consequences of which, are very hard to accurately assess,
as we are not yet aware of its duration and possible outcome. Food
industry is an example of a firm that is facing dramatic changes I order
to survive. For that to happen, each company or the personnel must,
first and foremost, detect and understand potential risk-prone areas, and
set clear priorities that will be translated into a detailed and agile
response strategy. 
HR staff plays an important role in achieving goals by implementing
basic strategies. Ensuring a systematic, transparent and positive
communication with employees, clients, suppliers and all those that –
directly or indirectly – depend on or are affected by the company. This is
an essential step towards building the highest possible level of
confidence and trust between the company and its partners. Also
immediately addressing the need for the maximum protection of
employees. People are a company’s most important asset and their
protection should be priority number one.

2. Does the company’s HRM function need to be integral part of its

sustainability and corporate social responsibility effort? Why or why
Company’s HRM function need to be integral part of its social
responsibility because being a socially responsible company can boost a
company's image and build its brand. Also, corporate social
responsibility programs can boost employee morale and lead to greater
productivity in the workforce. Sustainability is also important because
that foster a conducive working environment and positive human and
social outcomes without focusing on financial strategies and results.

3. In what ways can be HR managers and employees of small firms

facilitate their competitiveness relative to the firms with superior
technology? Why are employees still key?

HR for small businesses and HR for large companies are primarily

different in terms of size, responsibilities, resources and recruiting.
These differences are routinely seen in the presentation and
implementation of policies and procedures throughout companies. How
the HR teams build that future is strikingly different for small businesses
and large companies. The two may share similar goals in recruitment,
problem solving, and planning and development, but their pathway to
achieving those goals is anything but the same. HR managers and their
teams are responsible for effectively planning and developing solutions
for their company to meet its objectives through the people it employs.
This is one of the primary roles of HR whether in a small business or a
large company.

4. Think about some of the teams you have been a member of. Which
of them perform better-those that were diverse or those were not?
What challenges and opportunities did the more diverse team
present? How do you think they translate to human resource
I wasn’t a member yet of a team in a company but my example of this
is during school activities. Of course, the better to perform is a diverse
team because it is a wide variety people with their skills and ideas that
helped achieve better goals in performing different activities. Diversity in
business, including the availability of talent, the enhancement of
interpersonal innovation, risk avoidance, and appealing to a global
customer base. The business case for diversity is driven by the view that
diversity brings substantial potential benefits, such as better decision
making, improved problem solving, and greater creativity and innovation,
which lead to enhanced product development and more successful
marketing to different types of customers.

5. Explain the dual role HR managers play in terms o serving

management and staff. Have you ever found yourself in a similar
situation at work or school? Were you able to keep both group
happy? How were the challenges you faced similar to those faced by
HR managers?
HR managers has an important role in an organization. They serve as
a vital link between employees and management. HR managers who
understand, acknowledge, and respond to these expectations help
create a culture of respect, trust, and engagement – all keys to reducing
turnover and fostering retention. Also, human resources department
shapes everything about employee's day-to-day life at work and should
strive to be a well-regarded part of a company.
I also found myself in the same situation in school and work because
I need to balance everything. Going through a lot of things and handled
it by myself. It is not easy because it is my responsibility to perform in
school and in work. I need to study well at the same time work to
support my studies. It satisfied me because I performed well by exerting
efforts in both responsibilities.
The challenges I faced are similar to HR managers because they also
have duties in the management and staff. They are executing strategies
and wide decision-making. They are also responsible for the employees
These day-to-day functions are obviously quite important.

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